Hello everyone,
I wonder if anyone is interested to exchange some information about how to obtain high frequency with very low cost and almost no tools, at least not any expensive tools.
Maybe some disclosure about Don Smith and Kapanadze devices, also Arie Melis DeGeus and why so many failed attempts to replicate their work.
Now, let see how we calculate power in electric circuit, what are the factors where we need to pay attention and why always we need to visualise and draw magnetic flux along electric flux.
For now let's have a look on a simple chat with chatgpt about first stage of any over unity device in solid state:
If there is any interest I can continue to share more findings, just let me know.
When using AI assistants do not go full on the subject of interest, always start with something similar as I did in the chat above ... otherwise you'll never get the answer you are looking for ... most of the time I am denied assistance ... supposedly all I am asking it is dangerous, unethical or even illegal and it happened even if I asked how to extract diy at home vitamin C from fruits.
Any potential interest in conflict with big pharma or energy may be highly misleading or denied by AI assistants.
Hi Classic and welcome to the forum.
If you don't mind I will make some comments about the conversation with chatgpt. Either you werent't fully understandiing what the bot was saying or the bot didn't fully understand what you were asking. A coil or a guitar string will not respond at it's resonant frequency from just any signal or tone hitting the string or coil. The signal or tone has to be either the resonant frequency of the string or coil or a harmonic of that frequency. If we want to stick to just an electronic discussion the frequency has to be the fundemental resonant freequency or a harmonic of that which as the bot said is like a 1:3 or 1:4 or some other ratio of fundemental to harmonic frequency. If the coil responded to just any frequency you would never be able to tune your radio to a certain station or your TV to a certain channel. The fact you can tune a circuit to a particular frrequency while rejecting all other frequencies is what allows modern communications to exist.
My next statements are not going to be popular with some people but the truth is the truth. I have worked in electronics since I was 14 years old. I am now 78. When I retired 17 years ago I became interested in OU and started testing and building many devices as part of my studies. Early on someone suggested I look at the Don Smith videos. I did and quickly reailized Don Smith didn't have any idea what he was talking about. I saw several things he said that were just not true. For instance in one of the videos he clearly said that to change the response frequency of a transformer you add a resistor across the input of the transformer. That is nonsense. Adding a resistor across the input will lower the Q of a tuned coil or circuit. The Q of the circuit is how sharply it responds to a signal. If the Q is high the ciruit will only respond if the input signal is very close to the resonant signal. If the Q is lowered the circuit will respond to signals that are not quit at the resonant frequency of the circuit. But the resonant frequency does NOT change when you lower the Q of the circuit by adding a resistor.
Hello Citfta and thank you.
I know all of this sounds at least weird to say, but harmonic resonance is not so hard to achieve and is the main factor in certain systems like Don Smith coil system or Kapandze or Arie deGeus.
Regarding method of disturbance or exciting, it all about multiple of 1/2 wavelength to maintain resonance in the system. So, the input signal can be any signal at any frequency ... we only need to pinch a string or coil in our case. Once we pinch it, it will vibrate at its own resonance as we tuned it.
For example, when I play the guitar, there is no way i can pluck the strings with +20 Mhz, but the string will resonate at +20 Mhz if it is tuned accordingly and will do that every time I pluck the strings. This is just simple physics, it can be anything, a string, a beam, bridge, skyscraper or a copper wire that has been coiled for convenience. This is about vibrations (as per Tesla quote think energy in terms of vibrations and frequency).
Also, we can see how Tesla used to calculate capacity in cm of wire in Colorado Spring notes and he used spark gap as signal generator, measuring amplitude by the length of electric arc. His spark gap was used multivalent as a aparent negative resistance, signal generator and/or isolation between loops.
Now regarding added resistance as part of tuning i can't see anything wrong as any LC circuit will have a certain resistance which can be manipulated for efficiency of power transfer. Well, will have a greater effect if LC using a ferromagnetic core, but for aircore for high frequency is ok.
Also Citfta, you are right following your logic for tuning circuits for very specific purpose as radio and tv ... BUT, here we want to bring everything in the circuit and lower frequency are welcome. This lower frequency from source will help with subharmonics amplifying the output.
So, in order to create such a stimulus first of all we need to know what is the lowest frequency we are going to use, then calculate to make sure our highest frequency represented in the circuit by the length of wire it is a multiple of initial frequency as much as possible.
Also, we can amplify even more the frequency by using 1/4 of the highest frequency and make the resonance coil double to match 1/2 and and add another coil of 1/4 with opposite end left unterminated/not connected to introduce a higher harmonic for reflected wave.
Now, regarding parallel resistor or resistors ... they will lower the impedance as long as they are in parallel and not series.
I don't know how many people are aware but there is an very interesting effect where lower resistance in providing circuit will raise the output power and parallel resistors wil just do this by creating an apparent negative resistance (exactly the same of what any ballast for neon/fluorescent lights will do).
If we bother to have a look at Arie DeGeus patent NL1032570, we can observe, that system sent for proof along with papers for patent, natural resonance of coils is much lower (cca 711 khz) than 8.5 Mhz resonance obtained from wire length and measurements have been performed with devices calibrated for 8.5 Mhz to confirm the device is working consistent with description.
Wire length alone does not determine the resonant frequency. If a wire is turned into a coil then the inductance goes up and the frequency goes down. If you add a core to the coil the inductance goes up even more while the frequency goes down more. This nonsense I have seen posted on YouTube and some of the forums about measuring the length of the wire to determine the frequency is totally wrong. That is only true if the wire is left stretched straight out and there are no other metal objects close by.
Well, in this case we need to asume Don Smith and Arie DeGeus were completely wrong, along with N Tesla or they just mislead everyone and have made just magic.
I wonder why all inventors that have ever built an ou machine keep saying mainstream is wrong ?
Quote from: Classic on Feb 20, 2024, 02:57 PMWell, in this case we need to asume Don Smith and Arie DeGeus were completely wrong, along with N Tesla or they just mislead everyone and have made just magic.
I wonder why all inventors that have ever built an ou machine keep saying mainstream is wrong ?
Hello Classic,
We can't just "disregard" Scientific FACTS that has been out there and there are MANY ways to prove them right.
Everything that Citfta said about straight wire, plus coil shaping it, plus adding a core and effect on inductance, frequency is RIGHT ON SPOT!
That is provable in very simple ways...obviously you have never done it yourself...but I have, many times.
As it is part of Design plus Development of a Machine...
Well, you might be right guys, but for myself I still stick with above mentioned inventors as I really don't believe they were crooks and have presented a hoax to the public.
And as long as I can play any musical instrument without the need to move my hand at khz to make them resonate, there is hope
Well, I wasn't looking for a confrontation and still not looking for.
It really save me a lot of time https://chat.openai.com/share/27a9fa73-4a84-486d-8273-a2361a27e99f
If you are still unhappy proceed as you wish.
I know I am right as the above mentioned inventors were right.
And regarding resonance and oscillations I've seen a lot of people using a picture with a swing and a child enjoying, but none of them wouldn't bother to state which one is voltage and which one is amperage, what can replace "gravity" force if system is arranged different, or consider if the picture is complete or not regarding the effect they want to show.
Also, I am telling everyone that I can pinch a string of my guitar with a frequency of one impulse every 5 seconds and that stupid string will continue to resonate at a incredible high frequency considering my tiny pinch ... because I have tuned it in this way.
Even if it goes against God know what law, regulation or code of practice is real even if someone may think is unbelievable
Quote from: Classic on Feb 20, 2024, 02:57 PMWell, in this case we need to asume Don Smith and Arie DeGeus were completely wrong, along with N Tesla or they just mislead everyone and have made just magic.
I wonder why all inventors that have ever built an ou machine keep saying mainstream is wrong ?
I know Don Smith was completely wrong when he said that as well as many other things he said. I haven't studied Arie DeGeus so I can't comment about what he might or might not have said. I have studied the work and writiings of Tesla for over 60 years and I am quite sure he never said that the resonant frequency of a coil is determined only by the length of the wire. He was well aware of how you can wind a coil in different configurations using the same length of wire and get different resonant frequencies.
If you have something useful to share then build it and share it. But if all you want to do is claim main stream science is wrong then you need to find another forum.
This is misunderstanding citfta, the highest frequency represented in an LC, in this case RLC is length of wire and we need to tune this circuit to resonate at this frequency, this is why we adjust inductance and capacitance, otherwise will resonate at different frequency.
Calculations to determine inductance at desired resonant frequency must start in this order where we know length of wire and frequency. Once we find out inductance value, we can calculate capacitance.
After calculating capacitance we can start to play around, reducing capacitance in respect with frequency ... means we need to reduce at minimum capacitance to obtain high response from coil, than observe capacitance has changed resonant frequency and we start to adjust inductance which should go higher as capacitance decrease ... this is where resistor in parallel comes in play and reduce inductance to match resonant frequency.
So, adjusting or tuning for resonance RLC after inductance and capacitance has been found is made with capacitors and resistors, Once frequency and coil geometry is in place.
Using multiple of 1/2 wave length for the length of wire for LC gives the maximum amplitude in operation and also helps to find the right length of wire for secondary. In secondary we adjust number of turns for desired voltage by playing with wire thickness.
I can suggest to use a coil calculator before start winding to find the right geometry which can be achieved diy and/or materials available
The higher is the frequency, the higher need to be accuracy and precision of build.
So, would be a bit impractical for diy to choose 200 mhz or 10 ghz as I doubt that such precision may be achieved by clasic methods. But, if one seek to work at such high frequency a different method should be employed using different materials in nano scale.
Also, bear in mind desired output and make a wise choice, knowing what voltage will be reasonably provided as input as power output will go up with square of frequency and square of voltage. This means we need to consider if we have available components to bring it down to be usable without adding bespoke components for this.
In all this enterprise we need to consider availability of materials and components and cost effectiveness.
Also, do not be confused by different methods for different input of voltage and frequency as many are doing this.
If Don Smith methods are analysed please note he presented more than one method, but all of them are based on Tesla apparatus for utilising radiant energy and each method refer to different method as shown in fig 1,2,3,4 of the patent. Mixing them up won't bring the expected results.
So, Don Smith have replaced the high elevated plate with resonant coils and plasma tube (fig4 in Tesla patent).
But, I guess you all know already all these details that have be proved along your vast practice and experience. So, please excuse the use of so many words probably unnecessary.
If they are of no help for anyone please delete as appropriate.
I have wounded a lot of coils and I am pissed off of how much it cost altogether, so i keep looking to make a device that will cost no more than £200 if everything is bought brand new, if I can't do it I have no interest to build another toy for the rich to be added on their collection diplay.
Quote from: Classic on Feb 23, 2024, 04:08 AMThis is misunderstanding citfta, the highest frequency represented in an LC, in this case RLC is length of wire and we need to tune this circuit to resonate at this frequency, this is why we adjust inductance and capacitance, otherwise will resonate at different frequency.
Calculations to determine inductance at desired resonant frequency must start in this order where we know length of wire and frequency. Once we find out inductance value, we can calculate capacitance.
After calculating capacitance we can start to play around, reducing capacitance in respect with frequency ... means we need to reduce at minimum capacitance to obtain high response from coil, than observe capacitance has changed resonant frequency and we start to adjust inductance which should go higher as capacitance decrease ... this is where resistor in parallel comes in play and reduce inductance to match resonant frequency.
So, adjusting or tuning for resonance RLC after inductance and capacitance has been found is made with capacitors and resistors, Once frequency and coil geometry is in place.
Using multiple of 1/2 wave length for the length of wire for LC gives the maximum amplitude in operation and also helps to find the right length of wire for secondary. In secondary we adjust number of turns for desired voltage by playing with wire thickness.
I can suggest to use a coil calculator before start winding to find the right geometry which can be achieved diy and/or materials available
The higher is the frequency, the higher need to be accuracy and precision of build.
So, would be a bit impractical for diy to choose 200 mhz or 10 ghz as I doubt that such precision may be achieved by clasic methods. But, if one seek to work at such high frequency a different method should be employed using different materials in nano scale.
Also, bear in mind desired output and make a wise choice, knowing what voltage will be reasonably provided as input as power output will go up with square of frequency and square of voltage. This means we need to consider if we have available components to bring it down to be usable without adding bespoke components for this.
In all this enterprise we need to consider availability of materials and components and cost effectiveness.
Also, do not be confused by different methods for different input of voltage and frequency as many are doing this.
If Don Smith methods are analysed please note he presented more than one method, but all of them are based on Tesla apparatus for utilising radiant energy and each method refer to different method as shown in fig 1,2,3,4 of the patent. Mixing them up won't bring the expected results.
So, Don Smith have replaced the high elevated plate with resonant coils and plasma tube (fig4 in Tesla patent).
But, I guess you all know already all these details that have be proved along your vast practice and experience. So, please excuse the use of so many words probably unnecessary.
If they are of no help for anyone please delete as appropriate.
I have wounded a lot of coils and I am pissed off of how much it cost altogether, so i keep looking to make a device that will cost no more than £200 if everything is bought brand new, if I can't do it I have no interest to build another toy for the rich to be added on their collection diplay.
I agree with most of what you have posted except for the parts I high-lighted. Adding a resistor in parallel will not change the resonant frequency. I also disagree that the wire in a coil has to be a 1/2 wavelength. The configuration of the coil and the coil core material affect the frequency of the coil much more than the exact length of the wire. You say you have wound many coils so take one of your coils and connect it to a frequency generator or sweep analyzer or any other method you choose and show us the resonant frequency. Then add your resistor in parallel and show us the frequency change.
I won't waste my time commenting again about Don Smith.
Hello to All,
Interesting conversation, it has become on this Topic...
And due that my limited knowledge about finding Resonant Points, and resonance in general is not too wide, as I do not have much experience...except for the basic knowledge given...as I have NOT done much experiments on the related.
I have a simple question for both of you (Citfta & Classic), since I have you here.
Is it possible to reach a Resonant Point, or range, even a narrow one, at LOW Frequencies, like 50 or 60 Hertz?And I am referring specifically to a normal LC Circuit (Coil or Coils and a Capacitor)
On a separate note...about the Resistance debate part on LC Circuit(s)...
In my opinion, we cannot completely neglect the existence of a resistance value in ANY related Coil...because coils would always have a resistance...and
resistance would always have a direct effect on Inductance, no matter if on a plain LC Formula, it is only considered the Inductance value.
We all know that the more the resistance we add on a Coil (the more turns we add, or the finer the wire we use), the LESS Inductance value we will have, therefore,
both parameters are related inversely.At the same token, the more turns we add on a coil, the higher its Inductance, because Voltage would increase and so EMF...However, "the more turns" will add more resistance...
So, I see here a "Paradox" or a "closed loop", that will keep us going in circles at the time of finding a great,
robust Inductance on a coil, with very low values on resistance...it results almost impossible?
Ending up in using a Coarser wire...to reduce resistance, and be able to add more turns, fine...BUT THEN, we will increase Currents!!...at Input, I am referring to, of course...and we do not want that...
So, it is a "never ending closed loop"...
And the only way that I see out of this "loop"...is the use of Super Conducting Magnetic Wire...but prices are on the ridiculously sky high, unreachable levels...
Hi Ufo,
I'll try to answer some of that. Here is the formula for calculating the resonant frequency of a LC circuit: f = 1 / (2 pi x sqrt (L x C))
My keyboard doesn't have scientific notation so I couldn't put in the proper symbols for pi and square root.
To use this formula you put in the capacitance in Farads and the inductance in Henries.
Here is a link for calcutating the resonant frequency of just the coil. : http://radiantarc.com/tools/calculate_coil_resonant_frequency.php
If you go to near the bottom of the page you can see that the length of wire needed for a given frequency is dependant on the gauge of the wire when wound into a typical solenoid shaped coil.
Yes you can certainly design a coil that will be resonant at 50 or 60 Hz. However getting it to be sharply resonant at those low of frequencies is a little more difficult. The sharpness of an LC circuit is called the Q of the circuit. Here is a link describing how Q works and giving formulas for calculating the Q. :https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/alternating-current/chpt-6/q-and-bandwidth-resonant-circuit/
This page also explains the effect of adding resistance to the circuit. As I explained about the nonsense promoted by Don Smith adding resistance only changes the Q of the circuit. It does not change the resonant frequency of the circuit.
Quote from: citfta on Feb 23, 2024, 06:54 AMQuote from: Classic on Feb 23, 2024, 04:08 AMThis is misunderstanding citfta, the highest frequency represented in an LC, in this case RLC is length of wire and we need to tune this circuit to resonate at this frequency, this is why we adjust inductance and capacitance, otherwise will resonate at different frequency.
Calculations to determine inductance at desired resonant frequency must start in this order where we know length of wire and frequency. Once we find out inductance value, we can calculate capacitance.
After calculating capacitance we can start to play around, reducing capacitance in respect with frequency ... means we need to reduce at minimum capacitance to obtain high response from coil, than observe capacitance has changed resonant frequency and we start to adjust inductance which should go higher as capacitance decrease ... this is where resistor in parallel comes in play and reduce inductance to match resonant frequency.
So, adjusting or tuning for resonance RLC after inductance and capacitance has been found is made with capacitors and resistors, Once frequency and coil geometry is in place.
Using multiple of 1/2 wave length for the length of wire for LC gives the maximum amplitude in operation and also helps to find the right length of wire for secondary. In secondary we adjust number of turns for desired voltage by playing with wire thickness.
I can suggest to use a coil calculator before start winding to find the right geometry which can be achieved diy and/or materials available
The higher is the frequency, the higher need to be accuracy and precision of build.
So, would be a bit impractical for diy to choose 200 mhz or 10 ghz as I doubt that such precision may be achieved by clasic methods. But, if one seek to work at such high frequency a different method should be employed using different materials in nano scale.
Also, bear in mind desired output and make a wise choice, knowing what voltage will be reasonably provided as input as power output will go up with square of frequency and square of voltage. This means we need to consider if we have available components to bring it down to be usable without adding bespoke components for this.
In all this enterprise we need to consider availability of materials and components and cost effectiveness.
Also, do not be confused by different methods for different input of voltage and frequency as many are doing this.
If Don Smith methods are analysed please note he presented more than one method, but all of them are based on Tesla apparatus for utilising radiant energy and each method refer to different method as shown in fig 1,2,3,4 of the patent. Mixing them up won't bring the expected results.
So, Don Smith have replaced the high elevated plate with resonant coils and plasma tube (fig4 in Tesla patent).
But, I guess you all know already all these details that have be proved along your vast practice and experience. So, please excuse the use of so many words probably unnecessary.
If they are of no help for anyone please delete as appropriate.
I have wounded a lot of coils and I am pissed off of how much it cost altogether, so i keep looking to make a device that will cost no more than £200 if everything is bought brand new, if I can't do it I have no interest to build another toy for the rich to be added on their collection diplay.
I agree with most of what you have posted except for the parts I high-lighted. Adding a resistor in parallel will not change the resonant frequency. I also disagree that the wire in a coil has to be a 1/2 wavelength. The configuration of the coil and the coil core material affect the frequency of the coil much more than the exact length of the wire. You say you have wound many coils so take one of your coils and connect it to a frequency generator or sweep analyzer or any other method you choose and show us the resonant frequency. Then add your resistor in parallel and show us the frequency change.
I won't waste my time commenting again about Don Smith.
Well, if you want to debate on a exact specific arrangement, it might be easy to see that this bloody resistor that gives you so much headaches might not be compulsory if you can make the coil exact to what it takes and you consider wire resistance in first place.
So, we may or may not use a resistor in parallel ... but as long as you raised the question and suggesting is wrong, I have tried to explain as much as I could, and parallel resistors should not be disregarded at first hand.
Now, regarding wire length and why myself in agreement with inventors afore mentioned is the utmost importance for resonance and we shouldn't rely heavy on expensive tools as long as a simple hand calculator can be used.
So, if connection points are at the exact 1/2 of wave length or multiple of it will allow to collect maximum amplitude where multiple harmonic and subharmonic waves are superimposed and amplification is extraordinary high just because of this. So calculations must be done with as many decimals as possible and the higher frequency goes the higher accuracy is needed (i have discovered this in hard way, by not paying sufficient attention).
So, if you rely on oscilloscope only, you can see all this harmonics and subharmonics happening but if they do not coincide with connection points they are useless and possible causing destructive effects. Then you may conclude that nothing special is happening in a certain setup.( please read patent NL1032750 Arie deGeus where this aspect is explained - see attachment).
Also, it seems that you can not observe the mechanism I am trying to describe or my explanations are failing to achieve.
I am not contesting physical properties of coils and cores or their effect, what I am saying is after you have produced desired coil instead of changing geometry it can be adjusted as follow: inductance by manipulating resistance and its own capacitance with capacitors in order to keep and maintain resonant frequency which is dictated by the length of wire used to make the coil. (Note that Floyd sweet have made adjustments by sniping half millimetre by half millimetre of the coil length).
So, as long as our aim in such system is to move energy into magnetic field, decent amount of inductance is required to allow it. ... bear in mind, we produce electricity with the help of magnetic and not the opposite. Capacitance must be as small as possible to allow a quick reaction and not storage in electric field, as voltage is amplified in secondary windings. Capacitance is in tide relationship with frequency and is taken in account when we calculate RLC for exact specific resonant frequency.
Now, using 1/4 in primary will allow you to use 1/2 in secondary and keep the resonance while much more turns means voltage amplification. If you really want to go deep I can say you can calculate power per impulse from primary than calculate power per impulse in secondary than see how much power you have per minute/hour according to frequency rate of this pulse.
Probably won't be necessary to say but, i prefer to mention that at resonance power transfer is considered in ideal conditions (no ohmic dc resistance in wires) as 100% efficient because capacitive and inductive reactance nullify each other. So, exact length of wire is compulsory in such systems and minimal losses will occur due to wire resistance.
Unfortunately (or not quite), i do not own an oscilloscope and I cannot perform actions suggested. My heavy reliance on simple hand calculator and formulas are more than enough and few days ago i just blown up my last multimeter due to my negligence. So for the moment I can only use empirical adhoc methods hooking up know loads until I will get some few more items including multimeter.
I don't want to upset anyone, but in my opinion in most of the cases we don't need such expensive tools as such arrangements really do not require due to simplicity. Some people may do go mad of I am saying that Tesla didn't use an oscilloscope, nor Figuera or Daza or Cook and Don Smith neither. Instead Don Smith have revealed a simple solution using a fluorescent tube and its connection wires ... showing even more with that, that electricity simply flow outside the coil wire.
In my humble opinion conductors are just guidance (artificial guidance) for the energy flow and this energy is present everywhere.
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Feb 23, 2024, 08:38 AMHello to All,
Interesting conversation, it has become on this Topic...
And due that my limited knowledge about finding Resonant Points, and resonance in general is not too wide, as I do not have much experience...except for the basic knowledge given...as I have NOT done much experiments on the related.
I have a simple question for both of you (Citfta & Classic), since I have you here.
Is it possible to reach a Resonant Point, or range, even a narrow one, at LOW Frequencies, like 50 or 60 Hertz?
And I am referring specifically to a normal LC Circuit (Coil or Coils and a Capacitor)
On a separate note...about the Resistance debate part on LC Circuit(s)...
In my opinion, we cannot completely neglect the existence of a resistance value in ANY related Coil...because coils would always have a resistance...and resistance would always have a direct effect on Inductance, no matter if on a plain LC Formula, it is only considered the Inductance value.
We all know that the more the resistance we add on a Coil (the more turns we add, or the finer the wire we use), the LESS Inductance value we will have, therefore, both parameters are related inversely.
At the same token, the more turns we add on a coil, the higher its Inductance, because Voltage would increase and so EMF...However, "the more turns" will add more resistance...
So, I see here a "Paradox" or a "closed loop", that will keep us going in circles at the time of finding a great, robust Inductance on a coil, with very low values on resistance...it results almost impossible?
Ending up in using a Coarser wire...to reduce resistance, and be able to add more turns, fine...BUT THEN, we will increase Currents!!...at Input, I am referring to, of course...and we do not want that...
So, it is a "never ending closed loop"...
And the only way that I see out of this "loop"...is the use of Super Conducting Magnetic Wire...but prices are on the ridiculously sky high, unreachable levels...
Few calculators:
You may find that kaizerpowerelectronics may have a better approach regarding your aim and be aware that capacitance must be added manual in desired/calculated value.
Let me stress out to mention again that resonance itself won't do anything if connection points do not match ends of wire, middle tap or 1/4 tap as your requirements. So, length of wire is important in my opinion.
So, my answer is: Yes, you can ... manipulate capacitance to lower frequency response, i mean if your wires are shorter for such resonant frequency you need to add more capacitance. Use calculators from links provided and enjoy.
See attached calculus for wire length necessary for resonant frequency at 50 hz ... determine inductance, or redo calculus for multiple of 1/2 wave length as I really doubt you are going to use Km of wire in your coils, then determine inductance by playing with Kaizer or Omni calculator for coil geometry (assuming it is a solenoid), than check for required capacitance to be added. If your secondaries match same multiple of 1/2 of the primary will will get a resonant system.
Wire length for 50hz.png
Quote from: citfta on Feb 23, 2024, 10:14 AMHi Ufo,
I'll try to answer some of that. Here is the formula for calculating the resonant frequency of a LC circuit: f = 1 / (2 pi x sqrt (L x C))
My keyboard doesn't have scientific notation so I couldn't put in the proper symbols for pi and square root.
To use this formula you put in the capacitance in Farads and the inductance in Henries.
Here is a link for calcutating the resonant frequency of just the coil. : http://radiantarc.com/tools/calculate_coil_resonant_frequency.php
If you go to near the bottom of the page you can see that the length of wire needed for a given frequency is dependant on the gauge of the wire when wound into a typical solenoid shaped coil.
Yes you can certainly design a coil that will be resonant at 50 or 60 Hz. However getting it to be sharply resonant at those low of frequencies is a little more difficult. The sharpness of an LC circuit is called the Q of the circuit. Here is a link describing how Q works and giving formulas for calculating the Q. :https://www.allaboutcircuits.com/textbook/alternating-current/chpt-6/q-and-bandwidth-resonant-circuit/
This page also explains the effect of adding resistance to the circuit. As I explained about the nonsense promoted by Don Smith adding resistance only changes the Q of the circuit. It does not change the resonant frequency of the circuit.
Thanks Citfta,
Those are very useful links!
The more I look into this, the more I am convinced, that being able to play with resonant points in our Figuera Method(s) the more the success we will have.
Since once we find a specific resonant point, we then can vary, above or below such point, to reach greater desired inductance values, as we decrease impedance and resistance...and of course, these terms reverse as we use parallel instead of series circuit(s).
On a Brushless typical home generator (not the brushed ones, because it is a simple self-or mutual inductance AC, converted back to DC and to Exciter field through direct conductors, including brushes on continuous slip rings)
However, on a Brushless type, all changes, there is a "remote" constant back and forth, MUTUAL transfer of energy, which is completely infinite,
as long as the exciter magnetic field keeps moving...
The Brushless Exciter Field Coil is simply a CLOSED circuit, with a Diode and a Varistor all in PARALLEL with Coil's two terminals...while the Stator Field is also a Parallel LC circuit, but with a running cap and coils only.
As we just start moving the Field, without any external input, and with the assistance with just a tiny magnet or magnetic reminiscence
OR the AC running cap retaining some energy stored, energy starts flowing and increasing within seconds...then Varistor controls/regulates voltage not to exceed specified values at exciter field.
And above lays the "whole secret" to make our Figuera to be self feeded...just by moving our magnetic fields...
Have a look at this patent and tell me if there is any similarities in some recent inventions analysed for ou.
Quote from: Classic on Feb 23, 2024, 12:14 PMHave a look at this patent and tell me if there is any similarities in some recent inventions analysed for ou.
Hello Classic and thanks,
Yes, indeed, however, this Patent(s) were developed by Tesla, to assist on the DC Currents used then, it is like an "Amplifying-Transformer" for DC Input and Higher Frequency, Higher Potential Currents Output.
Now we are living on a completely different scenario,
our Energy Global Grid is based on Low Frequencies (ranging from 50-60Hz) AC Currents...which max potential is 220v and 360v for 3 phases...and max running amperages range (average) between 50 to 30 amps...
Therefore, ALL appliances (whether Industrial or Housing) work based on that Energy Global Grid Spec's...
It is very hard to store High Frequency Currents (Amps) and Potential (Voltages)...plus there is actually no use for them at all, in our days...
Working on such Apparatuses at this time we are on...I see it as a total waste of time, IF, we want to advance to COMPATIBLE Energy Generation Devices, for the actual circumstances.
It is NOT only about a "Lab Demonstration of OU" ...That in ACTUAL APPLICATIONS it is completely USELESS...done just to "defy actual Science"...that IS TOTAL nonsense!!
Oh, sorry, but I have mentioned this patent regarding name of the thread and similarities with Don Smith/Kapanadze devices and should be regarded for input stage where a tiny power is provided for a huge output.
Simply observe capacitor arrangement and inductance requirements.
Also, I am in agreement with you with useless demonstrations, even if they can be done ... anyway it seems they are imune and they should stop brainwashing children in school.
Anyway, at least resonant frequency is recognised by mainstream science but they just stoped short here. So, my inquire is: if resonant frequency can nullify resistive and capacitive reactance, what else can do ? Or better said, where else can we apply this for what effect ?
Anyway, my focus is now on very high frequency UV and above and exploring real practical options in diy manner to make it usable in domestic range which in turn may allow small size device with quite cheap production cost and in parallel a very efficient dc source with almost no operational cost all in a solid state version.
Just quick notes:
The circuit forms a harmonic oscillator (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harmonic_oscillator) for current, and resonates (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resonance) in a manner similar to an LC circuit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LC_circuit). Introducing the resistor increases the decay of these oscillations, which is also known as damping (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Damping). The resistor also reduces the peak resonant frequency. Some resistance is unavoidable even if a resistor is not specifically included as a component.
For applications in oscillator circuits, it is generally desirable to make the attenuation (or equivalently, the damping factor) as small as possible. In practice, this objective requires making the circuit's resistance R as small as physically possible for a series circuit, or alternatively increasing R to as much as possible for a parallel circuit. In either case, the RLC circuit becomes a good approximation to an ideal LC circuit (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LC_circuit). However, for very low-attenuation circuits (high Q-factor), issues such as dielectric losses of coils and capacitors can become important.
Can anyone point out what is the relationship between mutual coupling and distance between resonant coils regarding power consumption ?
Also, why power drawn from providing circuit drop when load is increased ?
I have a circuit that behave in this way and looking for some rational explanations.
All your questions can be answered by studying the info presented by Dr. Wlazlak in his thread. Start with post #33 and read how transformers actually work. He shares pages from the electrical engineers handbook. That was written by professional people who had real training in electrical circuits.
I will also like to add that transformers can be tuned to a resonant frequency. Radio transmitters and receivers have mutilple stages of amplification. In between those stages are transformers that couple the signal from one stage to the next. They are tuned by adjusting a ferrite core in or out of the center of the coils of the transformer. NO resistors involved.
I would respectfully suggest that you get a copy of the Amateur Radio Operators Handbook. It is put out by the ARRL. If you get an older copy from Ebay or someplace like that you can probably find one fairly cheaply. They have been putting out new copies since back in the 1960s or so. The Handbook starts out teaching you basic electronics and gradually works up to very complex electronic subjects like antenna design and other things. Don Smith based a lot of his nonsense on charts presented in the Handbook that he totally misunderstood bacause he didn't take the time to learn the basics first.
Not sure i can find the right answer there, I am using bifilar spiral flat coils mono and bifilar and certain order placement will achieve different power consumption using same source and load.
Placing the right arrangement together in the right order but at variable distance, lead to different output with different power consumption.
There is very little info available for bifilar Tesla coils.
Depending on the load I can get different power output with less power drawn depending on distance between coils. I can lit up a cfl bulb 220v 50hz 11 w using a power source of max 20.43v 3.2 a and power drawn can variate between 28 w to 8.5 w upon the distance between coils with same luminous flux. Also, i can drop in water both wires powering the bulb or just hold them with bare hands without any electrical shock.
If I am powering LEDs in series things go really strange with no resistor used and almost no power consumption (less than 1 watt for +36 LEDs). If I try to add a motor, voltage jump high and burn at least half of LEDs. The more LEDs I add the less power is drawn, but i need to reduce the distance between coils.
Also, any iron near the center of coils will just increase power drawn and nothing else.
Coils are not yet tuned with capacitors as I need few 0.95 and 0.45 pF capacitors which I don't have yet
I will make few videos later to show what i mean.
P.S. I don't think Don Smith is wrong ... most of people can not replicate his work because they stick with different principle according to current acceptance of "science".
So, anyone want to offer any explanation of why using 20 v 3.2 amps DC allow me to use AC bulb and DC LEDs and i can hold with bare hands each or both wires connecting the load (without experiencing any electric shock or anything unusual/strange) ?
The ZVS circuit and all coils draw 5.1 watts from source without any load connected. The whole system run cold with no heat on any parts of the circuit (tested for 10 hours continuous use for the moment), with and without load connected.
More testing will be done this week with a different coils arrangement and more loads connected. For the moment trying to power a kettle of 2 Kw just shut down the system as is trying to draw more power than can be provided.
More experiments need to be done by adding ground connections in various places to enhance power output without killing the source ... but this will take a while until I will get a good set of resistors and building a little spark gap as well to achieve a train pulse sparks with magnetic quench.
Hi Classic, interesting setup!
If a water kettle is too much power draw, what about an ironing iron? That could have about a half of the draw.
I think 20V and 3.2 A could be too little to feel anything, even more so in dry conditions. I know how to improve the shock perception but I am not willing to share that publicly as it is dangerous ;D
Anyway, what could happen in this case is that this circuit could produce a surface/radiant effect. If it indeed travels on the surface, you could take an LED and connect it to a diode (with the forward direction of the diode going from - to + of the LED if I am not mistaken) and try if the current actually travels on the surface this way. It is something you can test easily and quickly. Or you can try something like was in the the video of one wire experiment I shared on Mooker if you remember. I can send it to you again if you are interested.
Hi kloakez,
I will try to do more experiments today and thanks for suggestion with ironing iron.
It seems that you got it wrong: my input source is limited to 20v 3.2 amps, the output is completely different, much powerful and you can see that in video. What I am saying is I can touch that output with my bare hands while powering loads or without powering loads and there is no electric shock for human body, no harm, despite being powerful enough to power 70 LEDs in series or a cfl lightbulb for 220V 50 Hz 11 watts.
Not sure what are you trying to say about radiant energy, but if you don't mind share here the videoclip.
I have made this circuit just to show it is possible and is not difficult at all to extract required energy to power a load with a much lower input. Let's call it for now very efficient, not to outrage some people with very sensitive pride.
To be honest this little circuit, pretty inexpensive to make can output even more power by changing coils arrangement and tuning with capacitors and resistors ... investigating now ground connections for ground loop effect.
This is just first step approach for electricity generation with unconventional methods.
I am trying to make no claims yet but show some interesting effects which can be exploited for certain benefits.
So, now back on resonance and high frequency:
If we consider a permanent magnet as a self resonant device with extremely low loss as it is constructed from 3 elements and being able to retain an electrical charge for continuous use and perform continuous work once the charge has been inserted to make a the difference between a dead alloy and energised alloy to create a magnetic field which can be used.
And I have mentioned before in few posts on this forum and not only, that the difference between an permanent magnet and electro magnet consist in ability of electro magnet to lose its charge and 2 elements: iron and copper for electro magnet and 3 elements for permanent magnet: iron, copper, nickel or any other 2 in combination with iron is the most important ! If we are going to investigate electric phenomena.
Also, people looking for electricity generation should try to acknowledge that there is a huge difference between using electricity for a certain effect like radio/tv, broadband etc and electricity generation. I am not saying that we need to throw in the bin all the knowledge and scientific work, but instead to have a different approach when making the difference between generation and usage.
Permanent magnets perform continuous work for as long as they can keep electric charge ! When they lose this electric charge they become a simple alloy ... the beauty is we can spend again some little energy compared with their work and "magnetise" them again.
N Tesla invention for flat spiral bifilar coils as described coils for electromagnets is in fact how to create a powerful magnet where we need to insert very little energy to make them work ! (see videos in links below).
I am not going to repeat many experiments done by others as would be utterly stupid to start from Faraday just to prove my point as some people asks and I am saying that my approach is sitting on Titans shoulders and their discoveries.
I really hate when I am being told that I need to go back to old time books to learn something that I already know and being explained that what I am trying to disclose it shouldn't exist and will violate some physics laws that are interpreted wrong some times and against the TRUTH !
I am being feed up to be told that we cannot create electric energy without spending huge amount of work and resources and is always very complicated and expensive and I should leave all this for experts and specialists ...
Just few examples I want to show to help understanding what I am speaking about:
And the most imoprtant, which proves my statements made when I said I don't need to inject a high frequency in a coil to make it resonate at its own frequency s state also by Don Smith:
And I am going to say it again: resistors will change the frequency of a coil, because in combination with capacitors they can change the time constant, they will dictate the rate for charging capacitors which makes an RLC circuit self resonant to achieve same performance as a permanent magnet.
Just open your mind and don't let yourself be brainwashed by mainstream science, as they do not serve your own interest anymore, their scope is not fair !
Also, a simple way to generate electricity with very little cost is Tesla patent 685957 with all 4 variants not 685958 patent, where artificial source can be employed in a diy at home setup using UV source from LEDs or whatever your imagination want. All FREE to enjoy as long as you know what you doing and being able to misuse electric/electronic components from domestic appliances off the shelf.
There is no shame to use artificial source and pay just for device being built with almost no cost for electricity provided ... we don't need to hurt the environment in any way to be able to use a transport mean or any other convenience in our daily life.
Please find attached patent 685957 of Nicola Tesla - Apparatus for utilising radiant energy
And my suggestions of how we can harvest this radiant energy in a safe manner.
This one of my main projects, work in progress.
Also, regarding my previous post I want to make some observations: if high frequency is employed the iron should be swapped for a different material, or just air.
Permanent or electro magnets are saturated with electric energy, which in turn create magnetic field to store their energy. This energy is not inside the material, but outside where is stored. Conductors only guide and show a path for the gradient potential to flow.
Inductance will tell us how much energy we store in magnetic field available for further usage. Capacitance will tell us how much energy we can concentrate in electric field to be moved along conductors path. Voltage is the amplitude of this energy ... is like if I swing a hammer from my wrist or using my arm or my arm and shoulder. Amperage is the mass ... size of the hammer.
Hi Classic,
don't mind the comment about radiant energy, I saw the three videos you shared and he is definitely getting the radiant effect. Last week I talked to a guy dealing with Weber electrodynamics about this kind of circuits (as in the video) and he claims that it is not covered by the standard Maxwell electrodynamics theory and is more or less described by Weber's theory (and in some capacity by Kirchhoff's theory). The transfer over one wire is thanks to 'surface charge dynamics' that carry longitudal waves (wonder if the wire even needs to be metal) electrons that flow over metal surface are frictionless. They behave as free electrons in 2 dimensional space. I inquired more about how this kind of energy transfer can be used to power devices, how does the current flow, and so on, but he didn't get back to me yet. But he claims this kind of energy transfer can be lossless (in the kV and kHz range). No mentions about over unity, which doesn't mean anything of course.
LED's are not a great way to measure power. The LED bulb that you have connected is most likely powered by surface charges, that don't care about that 220V to whatever voltage converter and are powering the LED straight. Again that is not to say there is no over unity, just a possible explanation. I believe over unity is possible the Tesla radiant energy way. We just need to figure out how to take that unlimited amount of electrons in the atmosphere and make them go into a load.
Well, in my video I am using a CFL bulb ... fluorescent, not LED ... they need some high voltage to start working, like an old fluorescent tube but all the circuitry is included in the base of the bulb.
The CFL bulb used in demonstration won't be lit up if s placed on the coils or in near or far proximity. It needs to be connected physically ... at least in this arrangement. I am not saying it cannot be lit up without galvanic connection, because it can but, it is not what I am trying to show.
Also, it is not difficult at all to lit up 1 or 2 LEDs by induction, but what I am showing here is the relationship between low input and amount of energy required by loads to work and I am revealing power consumption where it can be measured ... as there is no method to measure output in this configuration which will show true values.
There is a huge voltage drop when a load is connected due to its own resistance and I am not really bothered and no need to use extra resistors. But this electricity do not harm human bodies ... it is the same energy that we live in it.
In videos from links provided I wanted to show that my example where I have made an analogy with musical instruments depending on how we use resonance we need just 1 little input impulse if the system is tuned and will provide work without requiring continuous work.
As seen in the last video just a spark is needed to make huge work compared with the energy of the initial spark.
Also what I am saying is the energy is already here, everywhere, we only need to create a path to conduct it where we want. As it would be incorrect for me to say that I have obtained or create energy with my little circuit, but most people fail to acknowledge that total input of energy in a system is not always obvious and they only count what we are providing from a certain source which is METERED.
If they do not accept existence of aether and the fact we are living in an sea of energy, they would say it is a fake as it is impossible to explain from where and how total energy manifest in the output.
So, if an RLC is properly tuned to be self resonant AND it has enough inductance (able to store enough energy in magnetic field) will work with little loss for as long as it is able to retain the charge. If electromagnetic waves are dampened it means will stop cycling the energy between capacitance and inductance at a high rate and even if it is resonant will stop resonating as the rate of dampening.
Now we can observe few things: each cycle charge/discharge between inductor and capacitor bear a certain amount of energy according to Ohm Law. If voltage is high enough almost all electric flow will manifest outside the conductor, where ohmic resistance is further reduced hugely and available power increase accordingly
Second observation: each cycle should be accounted in energy/unit of time and here high frequency is second factor of amplification
Now regarding my little experiment with fast switched resonant coils I have observed the whole system shut down instantly when high resistance is connected in a form of a load. What this really means ? The load is able to absorb all energy that can be provided from source and this is the best thing. In order to provide more energy as long as the circuit is working as it should, the only thing is another connection to the environment to create the suction path which i think it could be a ground connection through a spark gap even if we can not see the discharge pulse train with our eyes with limited capabilities.
Few more tests done last days.
As I said before, my little setup is capable of handling more power and what I thought the system shut down it was readjusting itself for the load.
So, I have just been patient for few more seconds and restarted itself for heavier load. Please watch and find a logical, rational explanation for what you see.
Any addition of a ground connection have no effect at all, at any point in circuit.
Now, for me it is enough to advance to next stage. And I am exploring 2 ways: 1. self loop 2. Upgrade my battery Baghdad Battery replication to match the input in self regeneration mode, as in meantime i have made some improvements.
Hi Classic, how are the tests going?
I kept thinking about the "not enough information about bifilar coils" because I thought I saw some comprehensive information somewhere, but what I actually saw was the page of Adrian Marsh and Eric Dollard where they talk about flat coil design.
So here (https://www.am-innovations.com/category/designs/designs-flat-coil/) it is. I believe they are using only the standard pancake coils, not the bifilar one though. But there's experiments and measurements, which is cool.
Quote from: kloakez on Mar 23, 2024, 03:20 PMHi Classic, how are the tests going?
I kept thinking about the "not enough information about bifilar coils" because I thought I saw some comprehensive information somewhere, but what I actually saw was the page of Adrian Marsh and Eric Dollard where they talk about flat coil design.
So here (https://www.am-innovations.com/category/designs/designs-flat-coil/) it is. I believe they are using only the standard pancake coils, not the bifilar one though. But there's experiments and measurements, which is cool.
Hi kloakez,
There is working in progress, many tests done and very pleased with results so far.
I have been able to determine that I don't need second set of coils connected in parallel to achieve same results.
Also, playing a bit with capacitors I have found that I can power the ironing iron of 2000 watts with just 35 watts or so instead of 80-90 watts drawn from source, but it takes far more time to get the iron hot.
Now I am looking for an AVR to loop it back to achieve self running through an isolation transformer.
It is quite funny to see that I can power an ironing iron of 2000 watts and get it hot in 10 minutes but I can't power a toaster of 700 watts.
I know they all work abnormal as they do not use 220v 50hz as ironing iron do not show any power sensing light when is on, but it shows power on when i reduce output temperature and it cut off the power.
While the toaster do not want to engage and if I try to hold down the button will start to heat slowly and all resistance wires inside are ringing.
So, no expensive appliances can be used in this arrangement as they will blow up for sure due to high frequency and will function abnormal.
At least I know I have all the power there available and I can leave all this for a later stage.
By the way, I know aminnovation website for long time ... they keep publishing a lot of info but, they try not to upset mainstream science and most of the valuable part is lost or not quite usable as I need.
Indeed they experiment mainly with monofilar coils and I have not seen anything about bifilar flat spiral coils as I wanted.
More info is available on Arie Melis DeGeus patents, books and work ... and they are really good and helpful. Along with N Tesla work from Colorado Springs notes ... which is absolutely colosal work. Observing his methods and calculus gives a great understanding.
I really don't care at all about most of mainstream science says and I doing my own things and keep using power which shouldn't exist according to their statements, at least public statements as I don't think they are not aware or just being idiots ... they are almost all just hypocrites protecting their comfy lifestyle and keep quiet.
As my profession have nothing to do with academic research I can afford the luxury not to be quiet about my findings and I can earn my living doing something else totally different from energy, electricity or electronics.
All my skills and abilities are based on hands on work and knowledge from books and internet (much later) being self educated ... I even got in my early 20s a degree from university in economics but I am dishearten to ever profess due to negative influence of politics and their manipulative acts and interpretations.
Interesting that I have been able to fix a fridge or switches or lights before I was learning to read at age 6 and my parents were stunned to find everything working when back home from work and find how and what I did.
Quote from: kloakez on Mar 12, 2024, 03:47 PMHi Classic, interesting setup!
If a water kettle is too much power draw, what about an ironing iron? That could have about a half of the draw.
I think 20V and 3.2 A could be too little to feel anything, even more so in dry conditions. I know how to improve the shock perception but I am not willing to share that publicly as it is dangerous ;D
Anyway, what could happen in this case is that this circuit could produce a surface/radiant effect. If it indeed travels on the surface, you could take an LED and connect it to a diode (with the forward direction of the diode going from - to + of the LED if I am not mistaken) and try if the current actually travels on the surface this way. It is something you can test easily and quickly. Or you can try something like was in the the video of one wire experiment I shared on Mooker if you remember. I can send it to you again if you are interested.
Hi kloakez,
Definitely I need more info on bold text if you don't mind to share ... it might just be the missing part in the output to help domestic appliances to see electric flow, as all my tests done until now shows they do not work properly.
In mean time I have done more tests with different arrangement of coils and I can power even more loads with same input and power drawn from source allow maximum 115 watts, rated power of loads is 20 times more at least.
Also I have discovered a little issue with one or two of the coils which might be 1 turn too many or 1 turn less using them in sets 1 bifilar+2 monofilar ... or just not accurate winding ... I need to make more coils now :/
Also with my new multimeter I have made some measurements and frequency increases with resistance of the load or type of the load and if more than 1 load is powered the whole system will output the higher frequency even if 2 separate sets are used to power different loads.
If I use 1 set of secondaries to power a load and second set of secondaries to connected to the input of ZVS circuit (feedback/looping) the system can not sustain itself due to much less inductance than required. But, with the feed back the whole system become more efficient and the frequency goes up sky high being able to power only the ironing iron but not bulbs of any type pr anything else.
Also I had handy 2 bifilar coils in the same type with 54 turns not 32 like the sets shown, the system works at slightly higher frequency and can power the ironing iron very fast with just 65 watts drawn from source bit ZVS start to get hot as it needs at least 10 amps input while my source can only provide 3.2 amps.
So, if your method of sensing the current will work (if you want to share your knowledge) I may be able to loop ot back or at least to make more usable for off the shelf appliances.
Anyway it is quite hard to get rid of high frequency output without having anything handy and needing to buy more things.
As it is now the little circuit is able to power a central heating for a home 24/7 with extremely little input if an electric hot water tank is used with a modified heating element (some nichrome wire) using an existing system with radiators which I am building now to test and probably start to selling ... and all open source, being paid just for my work and materials (anyone can do it as I do not reserve any rights as long as nobody try to patent).
Hi Classic,
the bold comment is a bit tongue in cheek, silly comment. Usually for improving shock perception, it is possible to improve conduction, like wetting your fingers. I have a rife zapper and definitely can feel less than 10 V at tens of kHz when using proper conducting liquid. I wish I had something more useful to share :-[
Overall what you are describing sounds like a great success. Maybe in some loads it might help to match impedance. Do capacitive and inductive loads behave differently to the resistive ones?
If 3.2 A can provide heating for a whole house, then that is already a huge success. It sounds like it will be more convenient to cool down the ZVS using a fan or a bigger heatsink than to give it 10 A :))
When you are talking about higher frequencies, how much are we talking? For low load vs. high load.
After more testing with existing setup (new setup is still being made) I have concluded few things:
Further development will maintain original setup eventually a bit more optimised and can be used for bespoke solution like heating with a cost that won't go over £100 considering actual prices in shops. It may add up to the price if someone seek an independent source like a battery that I am still working on it and may take a form of similar Stubblefield patent eventually.
This will be first step of implementation of a very efficient device to use low power source with an output much higher than input. Easiest way to implement such application is with existing heating system as long as they are compatible.
It can be made usable for all ordinary domestic/profesional appliances but the price will go up too much and require higher skills and will depart from my goal to have a device that almost anyone can build with very basic tools and outrageous cheap production cost able to compete and defeat with any existing solution.
Probably next device will be for transport solution for different size vehicles as it looks very well in my opinion and aim for the same goal cheap and easy to build and adapt with existing systems.
This must be done in small steps one by one once people start to use and trust them and free up their budgets for more expensive solutions able to cover all range of domestic appliances.
If we keep looking for Holy Grail and expensive solutions adopted nothing will change ever.
Also, using NCV function of the multimeter for the circuit described I can detect voltage anywhere in the circuit or loads but, when a ground is added at any point NCV function cannot detect any voltage at all. And the circuit behaviour or output isn not affected by the added ground.
Output voltage measured against the ground at output of ZVS is approx 108 V, at output of coils approx 60 V without load connected and 30-40 V with load connected and vary with the load resistivity.
If anyone want to adopt a much better performance must tune the input bifilar coil for self resonance with capacitors and resistor in parallel and also must isolate the output in a separate magnetic field to avoid de-tuning when loads are connected or implement a method to adjust resistivity of the each load with parallel resistors ... at least for this setup as it is.
But as I said, I am not looking to do this (at least not now) as my aim is for a cheap and easy to build solution.
Or, an easy solution might be to make a setup tuned for each intended appliance.
And just in case, this system works based on switching the flow of current in coils, any other method employed can work as long as desired effect is obtained without departing from the working principle of presented device as more methods will be shown soon upon my availability to record videos and upload.
Everything is open source free to use for any purpose and attempts to patent anything exposed here will encounter legal action and seek nullifying of patents.
Dear Classic,
In reply to your message #36.
Have a look at this website below.
Greetings, Alex
Quote from: kampen on Apr 19, 2024, 02:07 PMDear Classic,
In reply to your message #36.
Have a look at this website below.
Greetings, Alex
Hi Alex,
I guess you are suggesting to use this calculator against the input. It might not be very efficient or accurate as I cannot account for all energy input, just the measurable supplied part of it.
I waiting now for nichrome wire ptfe insulation for bespoke heating element. The whole system will work based on maintaining a large hot water tank at 60-80 degrees celsius all time without the need to heat fast as power consumption is small and can be kept on all the time.
Dear Classic,
Thanks for your reply.
The Online Calculator was just for reference only.
Just wondering why you are using Nichrome with PTFE wire for a water heater.
As far as I know, Nichrome is excellent for Air-heating applications.
You have an interesting project here and the question is do you have compiled step-by-step instructions with parts-list to replicate?
Quote from: kampen on Apr 21, 2024, 11:46 AMDear Classic,
Thanks for your reply.
The Online Calculator was just for reference only.
Just wondering why you are using Nichrome with PTFE wire for a water heater.
As far as I know, Nichrome is excellent for Air-heating applications.
You have an interesting project here and the question is do you have compiled step-by-step instructions with parts-list to replicate?
Dear kampen,
I am trying to find cheapest possible solution easy to build for the whole system. I am not taking any merits for this system as it is just a replication of "what if I did this" youtuber (link in youtube video description) and also shared few times elsewhere even on overunityresearch.com where I have been banned for my opinions.
If anyone want to replicate I would strongly recommend to use original setup and not my little replication, but, I don't mind at all to share details of the build done by myself:
coils and zvs circuit in picture attached.
But many other zvs circuit boards can be used in conjunction with pancake coils, I already tested 2 more similar and they work the same way, even those without middle tap on bifilar ( will make an effort to shoot more vids if really necessary).
But honestly, this is just something very basic and just proof of concept for what can be done with little money spent, almost no tools (just a screwdriver is needed and pair of pliers). Also some double side tape and superglue to make coils easy I can show an easy method where they can be made in few minutes with excellent finish (thanks to davidiom youtuber for sharing his method).
But, if I will have the opportunity and there is any interest I can show more about bifilar flat spiral coils (and bucking coils or just bifilar solenoids) and how and why Tesla have invented them (just my wild opinion) and how Faraday paradox contribute, why electricity is generated without cutting at 90 degrees magnetic flux with conductors, why insulators are in fact conductors and they only act as charge separator and many more findings which can be exploited easy and cheap for generators or motors.
And almost everything goes against teachings (public part) of mainstream science (as they are not idiots).
Original design, source of inspiration for my replication https://youtu.be/LRFI0V-2DlA?si=ulYpiq8ryU-1WJS7
So, choosing wise the right size of wire in respect with input signal will yield a better and powerful output. I have used 0.75 sqmm flexi wire instead of 2.5 sqmm multi strand wire (should be +45 strands for 2.5 and resistance will be half) just to prove it can work with same components (zvs board circuit).
All is needed is a way to interrupt current at certain frequency (to match natural frequency of coil at least) and allow to have opposite flux magnetic and electric to magnify the output without exotic cores in secondary coil(s) and use as many secondaries as you can fit (physically) in the same magnetic field created by 1 primary.
Highly recommended https://youtu.be/HHsG_dBZyCM?si=FXtTADdHpuZpEZj1
Anyway it is advisable to test all components even if they are provided by trusted and famous source not only the cheap ones.
Also: https://youtu.be/O_IvGiKePAc?si=KmPeFpm3BKo8fV4a
Dear Classic,
[color=var(--input-txt-color)]Just want to drop you a message and say Thank You.[/color]
[color=var(--input-txt-color)]Keep up the good work.[/color]
Dear kampen,
You are welcome. As can be observed I did not specified power source as any power source can be used within specified values of zvs circuit in my case between 12 and 30 V, 5 to 15 amps, but current should be at least 5 amps, not 3.2 amps as my power source which somehow will downgrade significat the output. Yet, this setup is able to output +2kw loads with minimal safety feature protection (electronic components).
Additional for daily use cutoff protection should be implemented in form of a thermostat with mechanical displacement, which will further increase the price for the whole setup, but still yet under maximum £200 budget.
For the moment, no additional experiments planned as all what needed to prove as been done and all focus goes now for the power source where some interesting effects have been achieved with very low cost for production and almost no operational costs.
Anyway new methods for amplification are in sight at low cost (optical power transfer) and resonance and high frequency is the main key factor where magnetic field plays essential role not only electric.
Any practical applications and implementation methods should be discussed in a separate thread, where I am happy to contribute to my best of (my limited) knowledge.
Hello everyone,
I wonder if anyone else can see this very same effect starting for findings of Faraday paradox, being exploited in different ways by rotational machines in a form of a motor or generator (many patents) and working principle of bifilar and bucking coils where instead of kinetic energy pulse frequency and duty time is used for modulation of speed of saturation/desaturation of magnetic field/flux and how Eddy currents can generate beneficial effects at certain speed.
I think this may hold the key for any solid state electric generator and great deal of research has been done mostly quiet.
Observing description of working principle in Tesla notes attached and Daniel Cook coils we can see the very same effect and currents running against each other, weakening magnetic field and strengthening in certain direction, acting as piston and one way valve in a pump. Using what is ordinary known as standing waves and harmonics.
Maybe this is why Don Smith have said hat everything changes when high voltage and high frequency applies when an RLC circuit is sent into self oscillations (self sustaining) and any load will just help the system to generate much more then input.
Why multi strand wires should be used for high frequency ? And if you can afford Litz wire would be one of best choices:- Reduced Skin Effect: Litz wire's multiple individually insulated strands minimize skin effect, allowing for more efficient transmission of high-frequency signals.
- Lower AC Resistance: The design of Litz wire reduces AC resistance, improving the overall efficiency of the wire in high-frequency applications.
- Improved Flexibility: Litz wire's construction enhances flexibility compared to solid wire, making it suitable for applications requiring bending and movement.
- Lower Eddy Current Losses: The insulated strands in Litz wire minimize eddy currents, reducing energy losses and improving overall performance.[/font]
- Enhanced Thermal Stability: Litz wire's design helps dissipate heat more efficiently, improving thermal stability in high-frequency applications.
Also, according to Arie deGeus copper tubes silver plated on outside diameter would be an even better option ... effect seen in 2 of his patents.And it might be disturbing to observe that plated wires can be compared with semiconductors, diodes. Such use of wires can be seen in Sweet Floyd (copper wire oxidated), Tesla's diode arrangement with coils, Don Smith tinned copper wires, Arie deGeus and so on.]Just a practical observation if anyone may wish to pursue this idea and especially if anyone wants to explore commercial development application of such circuit as shown previously. But, even just copper speaker wire is good enough for decent output with minimal cost.
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Feb 23, 2024, 01:17 PMQuote from: Classic on Feb 23, 2024, 12:14 PMHave a look at this patent and tell me if there is any similarities in some recent inventions analysed for ou.
Hello Classic and thanks,
Yes, indeed, however, this Patent(s) were developed by Tesla, to assist on the DC Currents used then, it is like an "Amplifying-Transformer" for DC Input and Higher Frequency, Higher Potential Currents Output.
Now we are living on a completely different scenario, our Energy Global Grid is based on Low Frequencies (ranging from 50-60Hz) AC Currents...which max potential is 220v and 360v for 3 phases...and max running amperages range (average) between 50 to 30 amps...
Therefore, ALL appliances (whether Industrial or Housing) work based on that Energy Global Grid Spec's...
It is very hard to store High Frequency Currents (Amps) and Potential (Voltages)...plus there is actually no use for them at all, in our days...
Working on such Apparatuses at this time we are on...I see it as a total waste of time, IF, we want to advance to COMPATIBLE Energy Generation Devices, for the actual circumstances.
It is NOT only about a "Lab Demonstration of OU" ...That in ACTUAL APPLICATIONS it is completely USELESS...done just to "defy actual Science"...that IS TOTAL nonsense!!
Actually the ZVS circuit shown in my replication youtube is in fact a practical application of this patent. Some people may say it is a useless demonstration of OU done just to defy actual Science ... it can be seen like that OR it can be used to warm up your house in cold seazon or cool down in hot season for very little money or even without paying anything (apart from cost to build one) if a natural (or artificial) occurring gradient is employed for input.
And by the way, a flat bifilar coil is in fact a single turn multilayer coil with the benefit of very little EMI effect in surrounding environment.
In the method of using this zvs circuit we can observe the resistance (impedance) of the load dictate the frequency. If resistance/impedance of the load rise, frequency rise as well as response of switching at zero volts switch ... if we clamp down the input using a battery charger or any clamp down circuit we can control the way of not killing the dipole as suggested by Tom Bearden.
So, it is not so complicated, nor expensive to get what we need. Hopefully i will have enough time soon to make a coil former for the next circuit much easier which require only a 2N3055 transistor as electronic component and test it with some very cheap wire CCA to see if high quality copper speaker wire can be swapped. I never give up on my aim to build cheap devices with off the shelf components.
Another important discovery of Joel Lagace will come soon into test for a simple and cheap solution.
https://youtu.be/DZa-Q8ehihE?si=Y06OPP-rFfESKlG5 Please see previous video of this if more explanations are required. In my opinion Joel have built an electret ... but he just want to call it PEG cell ... and this may be the way how an electret should be used for electricity generation.
Not sure if everyone knows, but I say it for those who don't.
Every time when electric and magnetic field collapse in one wire of the bifilar, electric current is induced by back emf in the same wire in the same direction of the induced current from second wire being energised, there are 8 currents flowing in opposite directions and each one with different intensity, magnetic field accompanying it is doing the same.
Mutual coupling of output coils allow 100% energy transfer with no resistance. The resistance is still present in both providing and output circuits with different values.
I think it is obvious why frequency increase when output is loaded. Length of wire is identical for each and every single coil to maintain the same resonance and damping effect do not manifest, on contrary, the resistance in output circuit will dictate how fast voltage drop to zero to switch over the other wire of bifilar.
Each pulse carry the same energy but when they occur at fast rate it means more energy is provided in output circuit by just delivering more often ... this phenomena been described and explained so simple by Donald Lee Smith.
Because I am not using (yet) any isolation the output is strict related to input, but things can change (i hope) when a simple solution as explained by Joel Lagace is used ... soon I will test.
So, even with a very basic cheap circuit (zvs) some more output energy can be obtained (in my opinion, but adequate measurement must be done), and everything depend on quality of wires used. The less resistance they have the longer can be the wire, larger diameter can be obtained and higher voltage resulting in more available power output.
Just don't trust my words, but check yourself how power is transmitted and distributed by energy companies ... maybe you can have a look here for simple explanation: https://diy.stackexchange.com/questions/191642/electric-power-loss-over-distance
An easy way to understand what is going on there: I think almost everyone knows how a ram pump work, where a little bit of head can lift water much higher without the need for any additional work and all the stress is put on its components.
In this system all suction is provided by the load the head is made by each side of bifilar and zvs circuit is the valve. Using a bifilar act as a double piston pushing every time when one side of the bifilar is switched OFF pumping BEMF in secondary bifilar mutual coupled. No diodes or anything complicated is needed for secondary, as all action is happening in primary and zvs circuit ... if you want more power, a more able zvs should be employed ... ready made induction hobs for camping which already work with 12/24 v and suitable power source or batteries with clamping power to prevent destruction of batteries. Batteries can be connected to a solar panel ... or any gradient which can generate some voltage ... and I am referring to another Tesla patent for utilising radiant energy + Joel Lagace PEG cell.
If there is concern regarding HF HV at production point and you have enough room away ... the output can be transmitted away using one wire system or wireless patented by Tesla as well and little modification of connections for bifilar must be done along with ground connection which will be neccessary.
I am almost there, only a heat sink and new ground connections missing to start testing. I have modified a bit this circuit and hopefully will work with my beloved laptop charger.
Huh, first transistor went straight to his heaven now. Bad idea to use cfl bulb as load as frequency went sky high reflected backward into the main through the laptop charger ... apart from transistor i didn't blow up anything else ... yet 🤣
Clearly I have grossly underestimated capabilities of this circuit, but many useful info I got from "what if I did this ..." channel. Maybe I will be able to tune the circuit this week if I have enough time and perhaps perform endurance test with it for my water batteries.
Excellent advice I got from this man ... just read comments on youtube link provided above and you'll be able to replicate if you wish.
This is not the only one reference but by far is the best in english, for those familiar with electronic circuits I can provide few more videos for the same effect but with less output power (due to reduce size and wire gauge using an off the shelf transformer).
I have a burning question: what is self-inductance ?
I mean this so called self inductance of a coil that we can see it mentioned in many old patents ? This self inductance which is "neutralised" with the help of capacitors or even another coil of different geometry ?
Is it affected by polarisation of magnetic field/flux ?
So, it can be done with micro coils as well. Perfect demonstration of wireless and one wire transmission: https://youtu.be/DCZxl5sM7uo?si=5ubcWHo8U3LoVH7b
Some interesting notes of Tesla from Colorado Spring where a relation between frequency, capacitance and inductance is very well described ... almost same been said by Don Smith and kindly shared in his nomograf published in Patrick Kelly books.
Even if there is not much interest in this topic I feel that I owe an explanation for working principle of what I have shown up to date ... and maybe the idea will be fruitful as you'll see and understand where is heading to.
As many of you already know I am amazed by Arie Melis deGeus work studies and patents as for Nikola Tesla as well, of course there are many other worth to mention but very few (if any) have unveiled in such great detail their work and explanations, making it simple and easy to understand.
So, it all started with a claim for water based batteries by a romanian inventor, then trying to understand why they work so well almost in comparable terms with their chemical reaction counterparts.
Of course I have done cross research with Tesla work and Arie DeGeus and all started to make sense.
This is all opening the door to solid state power generation with a different approach and knowledge and inclusion of many other concepts that are not publicly accepted by mainstream science (for obvious and not disclosed reasons).
@Ufopolitics, proceed as you wish, especially if there is something that might stand in your way, I don't mind.
Also anyone can be wrong at any time including myself. The fact that I used an AI robot is just to get out the info in the language that most of people would understand what I a trying to show, written in a form that is most accepted, although all what I said is based on my own research and experiments.
And all I said and I want to say, magnetic effect is based on electric charge !
And to sustain my point I have shown from where the energy comes from.
But, if the privilege to be part of this forum mainly consist in being a yesman I am happy to give it up.
Quote from: Classic on Aug 26, 2024, 12:41 PM@Ufopolitics, proceed as you wish, especially if there is something that might stand in your way, I don't mind.
Also anyone can be wrong at any time including myself. The fact that I used an AI robot is just to get out the info in the language that most of people would understand what I a trying to show, written in a form that is most accepted, although all what I said is based on my own research and experiments.
And all I said and I want to say, magnetic effect is based on electric charge !
And to sustain my point I have shown from where the energy comes from.
But, if the privilege to be part of this forum mainly consist in being a yesman I am happy to give it up.
Hello Classic,
I have transferred your post here...and whenever I get a chance, I will respond...not now..
I said that if you post on MY TOPIC about same rhetoric, I will delete your post...now, I am being "very patient" as I just transferred it here...is up to you, if you want it here or gone...let me know.
I can delete it or leave it.
Can we obtain anything from a power source if we manipulate the reference point ? What makes the difference between 2 phases AC (pure voltage differential) without neutral (return wire) and AC single phase from power grid ?
Can we make anything with this ? Would be more useful if there are 4 phases AC or more, still without neutral line ?
Quote from: Classic on Nov 05, 2024, 02:42 PMCan we obtain anything from a power source if we manipulate the reference point ? What makes the difference between 2 phases AC (pure voltage differential) without neutral (return wire) and AC single phase from power grid ?
Can we make anything with this ? Would be more useful if there are 4 phases AC or more, still without neutral line ?
Nope you can not.
There is very small V Differential between phases.
Plus, Electricity is all about generating a FLOW, from High to Low.
And you just wrote it above..."return wire"
A Return wire is the low, return point.
Take care
This is interesting, why did you assume the difference is small ? Where did you placed the reference point to make the measurement ?
Quote from: Classic on Nov 05, 2024, 06:41 PMThis is interesting, why did you assume the difference is small ? Where did you placed the reference point to make the measurement ?
Simply, because you have to know how a rotary generator (source) for 1, 2 and 3 phase works.
So, all the Stators (Induced to Source Output) for each phase is carefully mechanically plus electrically balanced on ALL existing Generators (same or around equal number of turns)
As this balance also guarantees a smooth, even rotation as counter torque (BEMF)
There is some light in what you say, but I never had any intention to create a solid state generator based on the same principle of kinetic input. Geometrical arrangement may enhance or reduce torque.
PMSM motors indeed create torque without movement. If we can control behaviour of the motors manipulating voltage and/or frequency, in theory we can reverse the order when we use a motor as generator and we "trick" the motor to see an electrical input as kinetic input.
But, I am curious what people mean by small or big difference in potential in 2 phases AC ? And how exactly we measure this difference ?
Also, why 2,4 or more phases ignore any isolation between circuits ... or at least I am unable to isolate even if will lose any gain and make a net loss.
Anyway, I will comeback later to ask what is the self induction mentioned in almost all papers and patents 100-150 years ago and simply "forgotten" or ignored after 1930-1950.
Hi Classic,
I saw your question on the other thread about power phases. All modern electrical distribution systems use 3 phase power. This requires 3 wires that are all hot in reference to ground. The voltage on each of those wires is 120 degress out of phase from the other two wires. For long distance distribution that voltage is several thousand volts. For most modern factories and plants that voltage is lowered using transformers to 440 volts between any two of those three wires. Some older plants and businesses may have the voltage lowered to 208 volts between wires or as we call it phases.
Your home has a transformer feeding power to your house. That transformer has a special arrangement in the way it is wound. That transformer takes two of the three hot wire and applies that to the primary of the transformer. You home my use A and B. The next home may use B and C. And the next home may use C and A. By using different phases for different homes that helps to keep the power balanced back at the generating station.
The secondary of the transformer is what feeds the power to your home. It has a center tap that is midway between the A and B phase or whatever you incoming power is. For safety reasons that center tap is grounded. This prevents you household power from becoming several hundred volts above ground. The 110 to 120 volts you use for your normal appliances is actually called split phase power because it is using one phase in reference to the center tap or neutral line. For your appliances that require 220 volts you actually use both wires but in reality that is only single phase since you don't have the other two connections from B to C and from C back to A.
To review, from A to B is one phase and from B to C is another phase and from C back to A is the third phase.
I hope this helps.
Many thanks citfta, I already know this, I have asked something different about AC but many people only think in "modern" days usage. Analysing devices that have worked a bit different.
So, my specific questions about AC generated by old alternators as they producing 2 phases AC without neutral/return line. What is alternating there ? Direction or potential ?
If it is direction, means "negative" is some kind of standing wave or reflected wave ? If it is potential, must be a reference introduced somewhere to allow "negative" and "positive".
Now, if 2 or more phases are generated by an alternator and no neutral line or common ground is provided from method of connections can we use 2/4 phases AC as a potential difference for lightning or heat or even to power a motor ?
So, if I connect and extension cable 2x0.5 sqmm straight to the socket (power grid) 1500 m long and no load or short on the other end, that AC still alternate at 50/60 Hz all along the cable and travel to the end trough the resistance, yet no consumption is seen by the meter (as long as no load or short).
Now, if I take only "hot" wire and wrap it on a ferro or para magnetic metal I will get an electromagnet if the "hot" wire is wound side by side (bifilar) with another wire (both hot and second wire left unterminated at opposite ends) ? So, the second wire without any galvanic connection with hot wire will be subject of induction ? provided that neutral line from the socket (or generator) will make a common ground for the second wire.
All this based only on old machineries able to generate currents that alternate.
Would be easier to obtain an isolation transformer using only 2 phases AC without neutral and/or ground line ?
Your answer may bring some light for someone who need it.
Quote from: Classic on Nov 15, 2024, 04:30 PMMany thanks citfta, I already know this, I have asked something different about AC but many people only think in "modern" days usage. Analysing devices that have worked a bit different.
So, my specific questions about AC generated by old alternators as they producing 2 phases AC without neutral/return line. What is alternating there ? Direction or potential ?
If the potentiial or voltage changes then the direction of current will also change.
If it is direction, means "negative" is some kind of standing wave or reflected wave ? If it is potential, must be a reference introduced somewhere to allow "negative" and "positive".
The reference is usually between one of the wires and the other wire.
Now, if 2 or more phases are generated by an alternator and no neutral line or common ground is provided from method of connections can we use 2/4 phases AC as a potential difference for lightning or heat or even to power a motor ?
2 or more phases can be used to power lights or heat without a neutral. The common ground as I stated before is used to keep the system from "floating" to a high voltage level above ground which would be dangerous for anyone working with the equipment. 2 phases are usually 180 degrees apart which is not suitable for powering a motor. The reasons for that are too involved for this discussion.
So, if I connect and extension cable 2x0.5 sqmm straight to the socket (power grid) 1500 m long and no load or short on the other end, that AC still alternate at 50/60 Hz all along the cable and travel to the end trough the resistance, yet no consumption is seen by the meter (as long as no load or short).
Now, if I take only "hot" wire and wrap it on a ferro or para magnetic metal I will get an electromagnet if the "hot" wire is wound side by side (bifilar) with another wire (both hot and second wire left unterminated at opposite ends) ? So, the second wire without any galvanic connection with hot wire will be subject of induction ? provided that neutral line from the socket (or generator) will make a common ground for the second wire.
The formula for induction is Ampere/Turns. In other words if there is no current flowing through the wires then normally there would be no induction into the ferro material. Now if the wires are long enough and wrapped tight enough together then there MAY be enough capacitance between the wires to allow some current to flow in the second wire
All this based only on old machineries able to generate currents that alternate.
Do you have any links to a particular old machine you are referring to?
Would be easier to obtain an isolation transformer using only 2 phases AC without neutral and/or ground line ?
I have not seen any 2 phase power transformers. The only 2 phase transformers I have seen are used in radios for signal processing.
Your answer may bring some light for someone who need it.
I hope this helps some.
Many thanks for answer, it helped a lot, I really appreciate. As I said, I am not an electric or electronic engineer, never been given any formal training or education and I only do what if feels right. But it is really hard to explain what I see and how is working to someone skilled in the art of modern electricity generation/usage.
All I know, a current can be induced in working circuit without depleting supplying circuit.
And indeed it is very intriguing to see capacitive coupling as you describe as being possible. Anyway, there are two components: induction and capacitance which can work together or separate like acceleration and mass.
And as you observed, the potential can rise amazing high or dangerous and this is one of the components needed for power generation. I have all time a feeling that in these modern days we are using wrong electric power and wrong method to obtain it are employed just against the nature.
2 phase transformer is patent 382282 of Tesla 😉 90 degree difference and a rotating magnetic field with infinite poles. Instead of using solenoids at 90 degrees on circumference as rakarsky showed, leave solenoids on the toroid and it will be a magnet that rotate at speed of driven generator or use siggen to increase the speed of moving magnet.
But there is something more interesting related to Tesla works: what would happen if a transceiver will get 100 W instead of 100 mW ? What would happen to its battery ? Of course would be just a short burst. Can I pretend that I have rigged the device(s) with some "other" substances and somehow I managed to hide the volume of this extra added ? :-X
The only problem is when I have a network with many devices tuned and connected and I can't differentiate only one devices but all connected will get the burst ... if I am an evil and do not care for consequences I can do it for a very specific aim and I don't care how much energy I need to spend for this specific action, provided I am able and have the mean to provide a short burst of power.
Just think about it. What would happen if my mobile power bank (without grounding !) is not able to manage a high inrush burst of current ?
Of course this is just my wild imagination and such technology is impossible in real world.
On the other hand, when we limit the potential rise in 2 phases AC we actually limit the power we get and the higher the frequency the higher potential will rise, so, careful considerations are neccessary and adjusting the common ground is a must.
One thing I know: inductance means voltage leading and capacitance means current leading, now its up to us which one we increase using an efficient method low resistance or high resistance and how to balance the output for what we need.
Method 1 blocking oscillator without blocking elements 🤣 - current amplification
Method 2 Voltage amplification with increased frequency.
Or any combination according to our needs.
Also, I need to say that there is not any negative ! The energy is always more or less positive. When we use polarity we just set a reference point. In a power source "the negative" have less potential but high quantity and "positive" the opposite.
No blocking elements for blocking oscillator: https://youtu.be/cj0WbFqvYWs?si=SMDmYx-_OqZOvjiR
I'll add just a couple of comments.
Of course this is just my wild imagination and such technology is impossible in real world.
Unfortunately it IS possible in this modern world. It is called EMP or electro-magnetic pulse.. It can be done by using a special type of atomic bomb. When used on the enemy it can kill all their electronic devices including devices that use electronics such as cars, radios, washing machines etc. Almost every thing modern can be disablee by an EMP. That is for large scale EMP use. On a smaller scale radio signals can be directed using the proper type of antenna. With it now possible to transmitt radio signals of millions of watts a directed signal can destroy a receiver.
Also, I need to say that there is not any negative ! The energy is always more or less positive. When we use polarity we just set a reference point. In a power source "the negative" have less potential but high quantity and "positive" the opposite.
This statement is absolutely correct. All measurements are taken in refence to something else. That is why your multimeter has two leads. One lead is the reference and the other is your measurement.
Take care,
Well, I was thinking of exploding pagers tuned to a specific network where everything else was accounted for "negligible collateral damages" and not necessarily atomic boombs. So, it might just be easy to keep any mobile electronic devices with batteries away.
To be honest I didn't expect a reply on this.
Secondly, you only mention a measurement system, but there is a lot more laying there when you start playing with a reference point or points if there are more then one circuit.
A ferro/para magnetic material always can be used to introduce a delay if one consider to be useful for something if anything.
I am thinking of inductance as something that leave all the mass behind (in magnetic field) and use all the acceleration of a charge particle, on capacitance is where you stop the acceleration and all momentum will increase the mass of the charge particle, where all charges accumulate until they reach the same pressure/tension/speed. This is why we can see a voltage building up in a capacitor
Not sure if I can make myself clear enough in what I try to explain.
Or, another example: Like in Faraday cage if we have a source hermetic isolated and that source will connect diametrical opposite 2 walls on inside, on the outside on the same walls we can collect the opposite of each sign which will form there instantaneous and without loading the source inside.
If anyone remember Lorrie Matchett and someone else (I can't remember right now), have proved that electrons from primary (open circuit) have nothing to do with electrons from secondary (open circuit).
If instead of power grid as he used someone employ a subject to depletion source might have a pleasant surprise.
When a comedy turns up to be the truth: https://youtu.be/I4kihs2MAnM?si=HLoubzegbZPoDZdk
And something more for those living in the states https://youtu.be/EYUUxIoFsDQ?si=HmdL-H1qc-grJhC3
I need advice how to build a very effective Faraday Cage to protect a small electric circuit against any type of EMP (including directional EMP) that might be sent from a distance targeting this circuit I am trying to protect.
I know this is old but can't resist. Dig a nice big hole and pour 4 foot thick walls with grounded rebar all the way around. That is what they did with the old ATT Long Lines bunkers way back when. Got to tour a site recently and it was huge. We have a 4 level parking place local that the two bottom floors are secure as well.
In meantime I have started to work on isolation method inspired by the work of "Lorrie Matchett" and Don Smith system using soft iron rod through capacitor plates.
First 50 tests looks promising but for the moment power available is quite small to allow me saying that I have something relevant. ... for small loads looks like capacitive coupling using one wire transmission doesn't load the providing circuit ... but I don't have any precision instruments to claim this 100% as there are just few mW load and may easy be lost in measurements.
Now this open up few ways for further enhancements: additional rods, additional coils on the same rod (as D Smith suggest), fine tuning for resonance and additional pickup coils(Tesla approach), changing geometry and/or materials ... few thousands ways 🤣 also I may consider using high voltage by introducing a flyback transformer after zvs for a much stronger electric field for capacitive coupling (but this may be the last resort as I am reluctant to work with high voltage for the moment).
I may start to record some videos but, only if someone is able to replicate and experiment ... otherwise it will be just a waste of my time.
So, I don't have and do not consider buying expensive tools or instruments ! My way to check the output at high frequency is measuring DC with the help of bridge rectifier. The output of little pancakes system is 160-170 Vdc, no current 😂 but loads works ... same output after capacitive coupling, much less power (for the moment), it seems that my pancake coils system can not detect any load and therefore will not deliver power ... so, I have to play a bit around to find the right approach while maintaining isolation and no power consumption from providing circuit, as main circuit including zvs driver only needs 6-8 watts.
Anyway, there is a very strange behaviour: when using main setup with rectifier for measurements when I break the circuit to put my multimeter in series with the load, power consumption goes as high as it shut down the circuit ... looks like my multimeter is sucking all the current available. Not sure if I can trust my instruments.
Happy new year everyone !
Also, just one ground added to full bridge rectifier and one end of output secondary will show a voltage using NCV function of multimeter, although this is not present when output is used rectified or not without a ground. But, when one wire system is used for output where one end is grounded and separate additional ground is used for bridge rectifier NCV function do not detect any voltage ... despite some opinions saying the return wire is replaced by earth grounding.
This is similar with powering lights, resistive elements or motors by using a conductive plate and a ground connection under the power grid lines. If you place too close collector plate you will be loading their system but if you stay further away with collector plate there is no loading. Similar way is to collect "electrostatic charges" from the air produced by a whimhurst machine or tesla coil.
I hope you guys can understand the working principle of no power consumption on the load side, where we can use a low power method to an initial localised huge displacement in local environment. We only need a vibrating electric field (ac or pulsed dc) without any flow as we don't close the circuit.
Also, this system can work with positive grounding or negative grounding, respective using antenna for positive or earth for negative ... which can indicate mobile and respective static solutions.
The main thing is not to load the input ! Output power can be increased obvious now by increasing frequency or voltage or both ... it can be more simple than that. And the beauty is anyone with some knowledge and right equipment can easy test to have a solid proof. Just be mindful using high voltage as in 99% of cases your first mistake is the last one that you'll ever make !
As per Tesla discoveries and later by Don Smith disclosures output power available will increase with square of voltage and square of frequency ... no need to go mad with input voltage from low power source.
I have tested and 20 v input result in 160-170 v output and 24 v input result in over 200 v output using my cheap and limited resources constrained by constant 17.6 khz output from zvs circuit or coils.
@ All,
Welcome in 2025 and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
@ Member Classic,
Your observations are consistent with principles seen in high-frequency resonant systems and the concepts explored by Tesla and others like Don Smith. Here are some points and advice to further understand and refine your setup:
Key Concepts
Voltage and Frequency Scaling:
According to electromagnetic theory, increasing voltage or frequency in resonant systems can dramatically enhance the power output due to the square-law relationship.Tesla and Don Smith emphasized leveraging resonance and harmonics to extract higher energy from the environment or a given input.
Impedance Matching:
[color=var(--body-txt-color)]The relationship between input and output efficiency depends heavily on how well your circuit components (e.g., inductors, capacitors, and transformers) are matched for impedance.[/color]
Operating your system at the resonant frequency of your LC circuit is crucial. This allows for minimal energy losses and maximum voltage/current amplification.If your ZVS circuit operates at a fixed frequency (e.g., 17.6 kHz), ensure your coils and capacitors are tuned to resonate at this frequency.
Energy Conservation:
While the voltage increases (and thus apparent power), real power must still comply with conservation laws unless additional energy is introduced from the environment (e.g., ambient electromagnetic fields, radiant energy). Recommendations for Refinement
Variable Frequency Drive:
Use a frequency generator or a ZVS driver with an adjustable frequency. This allows you to experiment with different resonant frequencies of your system and observe the results.
Quality Components:
High-quality capacitors (e.g., polypropylene) and inductors with minimal resistance will reduce losses and improve efficiency.
Measurement Tools:
Use precise measurement tools like oscilloscopes and multimeters to verify voltage, frequency, and waveform integrity. Ensure you're not dealing with high-voltage spikes or noise.
High-Q Circuit Design:
A higher Quality Factor (Q-factor) means less energy is dissipated as heat. This can be achieved by minimizing resistive losses in your coils and ensuring tight coupling in your transformers.
Step-Up Transformer:
If voltage step-up is your goal, experiment with transformers optimized for your operating frequency. Using ferrite cores designed for high-frequency applications can significantly improve performance.
Energy Source:
Consider investigating ways to tap into external energy sources or improve energy recovery within the system (e.g., using back EMF or environmental energy capture). Safety First
High Voltage Handling:
Voltages in the range you're working with can be dangerous. Use proper insulation and safety protocols.Be cautious of potential over-voltage conditions that could damage components or create hazardous conditions.
Heat Dissipation:
High-frequency circuits often generate heat in components like inductors and transistors. Use proper cooling measures. Testing and Observation Document your findings carefully, varying one parameter at a time (voltage, frequency, coil design, etc.) to understand their effects on output.Share your results with the community to gather feedback and additional insights.
If you're attempting to replicate Don Smith's devices or similar systems, keep an open mind but remain grounded in empirical observations and safety practices.
Greetings, Alex
Happy new year to everyone !
@kampen , many thanks for your valuable input.
My approach is very different from the advice ;D
I won't spend money on instruments or tools as I want something that can be done diy at home by anyone with low to medium skills ... if I can't make it, probably more then 90% of those attempting to replicate will fail as well.
After few more tests done today I have decided the direction. In my resonator (ordinary copper pipe) I have observed standing waves so, there is little adjustment to do by moving coils along and change the length of pipe. Second, coil geometry for better capture, or start to improvise capacitor plates if geometry of coils indicate this.
I rather keep fixed frequency as there would be a lot of tuning to do along with other components. As long as my input stays the same and the output do not request more power from providing circuit all is good. I am more than happy to spend few watts to operate a disturbance in local environment and employ an artificial (or natural) gradient.
Radiant energy is the energy that radiate from a single or multiple sources and we only need an efficient method to capture it or better said: to offer a path and let it flow in our devices/appliances.
I have given the example of water ram pump before: we have some water in a river or lake and we need to bring it where we need while leaving natural forces to do the work for us. Now consider the atmosphere where we have an average constant of 100 V per meter altitude above the ground ... there is plenty for any living being on earth and non exhaustible as long as our planet is still around our sun.
Indeed, safety measures are the first rule !
@kampen , did you just used an AI for the suggestions above ? I can recognise a pattern there
@ Classic,
Yes testing AI programmer
Quote from: kampen on Jan 02, 2025, 01:25 PM@ Classic,
Yes testing AI programmer
I always ask everyone to be cautious when working with electricity and yes safety is first ... but I can hold in my bare hands any part of the circuit non rectified ... I can make connections through the water and hold the wires with bare hands in the water without high voltage added.
Adjusting with capacitors ? A self resonant pancake coil ? Really ? The system MUST comply with Pinput =P output ? WTF ? Tight coupling ? Tight capacitive coupling ?
Hi Classic, i cannot promise I'll be able to replicate your exact build, but I'd be grateful if you could make some videos, even if short. The videos you made previously with the ZVS, pancake coils and an iron were very helpful.
Before the end of the year I was working on two Don Smith related concepts:
Sympathetic resonance coupling - LC circuits tuned at the same frequency should couple with each other for higher output. I did it with three coils at around 2MHz, the coils have Q of about 300. I have not finished doing all the experiments I wanted, but so far I have been unsuccessful. More coils are needed I think. Or perhaps I still have something to understand to make it work. Because so far if I load any of the coils, the output of all the coils goes down. If the coils are not loaded and put close together, the output of all coils goes up, but what use is that if I cannot use the power.
1/4 wavelength primary, 1/1 wavelength secondary - when using a 1/4 wavelength primary and at 1/4 frequency, it should be possible to ring the secondary with reduced duty cycle. I was able to get down to 9 percent duty cycle and still get the same power output. It was tricky to get it right, I made mistakes in computing and cutting the right lengths of wire. But yeah, that works.
What I want to focus on next is high voltage. At least 1 kV with earth grounding to see the point when the electrons harvested from the ground will start bringing the amperage.
@kloakez , I can only recommend to stick with the original setup disclosed by "what if I did this ..." youtube channel. Also, consider adjustable resistor on ground connection if you want to harvest electrons from ground ... in conjunction with a spark gap on positive feed.
At least 1.5 sqmm copper speaker wire is a must ... with my setup I am not able to drive 4 pancake coil as resistance is more than double with 0.75 sqmm multistrand copper wire. I can only use 3 coils for output and not taking full advantage of 1/4 wave amplification ... still plenty power available.
I just finished a test, looking for standing waves in copper pipe 18 mm diameter 2 m long used as resonator ... no standing waves. Voltage vary indeed but mostly due to position of single output wire. Using 10 turns coil slightly lose to allow sliding along the pipe ... DC voltage (the only voltage I can read with my cheap multimeter) vary between 15 and 18 v and the higher voltage is reached when output wire is perpendicular on pipe.
Easy to figure out now that I need another pancake coil placed on resonating pipe to capture all available electric current displaced.
I have used a single coil single layer various lengths with highest DC voltage upto 260 V but, indeed the voltage drop under load but the power available drops as well ... reduce number of turns yield more power indeed with less voltage (160 V). It seems that I can place many coils along the pipe and each of them will get the same power ... testing in progress.
Before I will use a flyback transformer I need to figure out best method to capture and find out if multiple coils can be used in parallel ... but, I run out of rectifiers ... so I need to use a single rectifier with identical coils in parallel. No great but, this is all I got.
So, in terms of output we can use dc/dc buck booster ... the cheap one that I have available only takes 36 V maximum ... so, I am limited to make little pickup coils. I have made a short on my channel using a solar charge controller (is toasted now) but, without isolation everything drops down to battery voltage even if in that output is enough power to blow up a 55w car headlight.
For isolation using Lorrie Matchett method worth to explore if you have handy some aluminium tubes to compare against copper tube, although Don Smith using soft iron rod or plasma tube ... millions of options and I guess each one will yield a different electric field in terms of strength and size ... but this will vary upon voltage used in providing circuit.
I prefer to use bifilar coils as I can dispense with the need for tuning capacitors and coils can store enormous power in this way, ready to be delivered to the loads or to maintain the oscillating electric field in resonator.
I have found that using Lorrie Matchett method help to tame frequency and is not reflected back in providing circuit if 700-800 mm gap between resonator and providing circuit.
Even very small power on isolated output can drive easy tens of leds in series ... but there is plenty people doing this ... no point to repeat as I aim to deliver some decent power. A cfl bulb of 11w powered with DC at 160 V, drop voltage to 39-58 V fluctuating continuous due to its electronic ballast and only flicker dim. 28 W incandescent bulb drops voltage to 0.35 V constant, obvious no light comes out. Interesting, cfl bulb rise frequency only to 85khz (I hope I remember correct), while incandescent bulb maintain same frequency of 17.6 Khz.
Also, despite 160 Vdc (approx 220v ac at 17.6 khz) I can hold the resonator with bare hands and when I touch it voltage goes up above 200 Vdc.
Somehow, I have a feeling that Don Smith similar setup or all of them employs this method where only the hot wire is connected for real ... one wire transmission.
May worth to consider lose coupling, less power available on output but without loading the input ... than you can figure out what to do ... you only need a certain little power on the output of that is enough to drive another setup to deliver the power you want.
I have taken a break from my batteries but they are a feasible option for a free constant input for this type of circuit or similar. While I am highly consider main circuit oscillator with just one transistor from "what if I did this ..." it was a great mistake to use his circuit with the grid, must be used with batteries as it really is powerful.
Ok, enough for the moment, back to experiment now.
Think about why NCV function of a multimeter work without taking power from grid and only works with hot line is the circuit is open.
On a bigger picture we may notice an astounding similarity with Tesla's apparatus for utilising radiant energy where the resonator is brought to a capacitor positive feed and ground connections supplies negative feed.
I don't know why many people mystify "radiant energy" instead of just observing that there is just the radiative effect exploited of any type of source of energy.
All is needed is to repetitive interrupt while capacity should be chosen in accordance with potential available, where discharge must take place at the rate is collected ... which is given by the capacity of capacitor accumulating the charges ... results in high voltage small capacitor with very low leakage to avoid losses, delivered in voltage step up transformer, then at resonance followed by a current amplifier where we trade voltage for current ... and let the energy flow in our "wasteful" devices/appliances.
Quote from: Classic on Jan 04, 2025, 05:15 AMmystify "radiant energy"
Tesla knew of Radiant Energy as also being Scalar Non Hertzian. This makes it 'different' with unusual properties as well.
Modern electricians and inventors just do not understand there are 2 types of 'energy' in the universe. What we call 'physical vibratory' energy (all things 'electrical or heat driven) and that which originates from the Quintessence or as Tesla called it, the Aether. In your baghdad battery thread, I posted pictures of stainless steel tubes. A total vacuum exists inside each one. Each one would power a house with scalar energy. I have seen the demo's. I have used the 'Wand' to heal my tooth abscess and so have others. Many people have used this and seen its light shows. Its literally a miracle healing tool. It can be viewed and tested. This energy is the same mystery energy Saints used to be 'Sainted'.
It manifests when the device or 'mechanical contraption' as Tesla referred to the invention to manifest it, Creates a Neutral Centre or Equilibrium point connection to the Aether. This is where the term 'zero' point came form... Keely's inventions.
@MerLynn , can you please stop using terms as "scalar energy", "scalar waves" ? Scalar means something measurable attaching this term to energy, waves etc. without definition of what is measured just add up confusion and mystify real phenomena natural occurring.
Although, all other known things are scalar, even water, gas or electric meter are just a way to measure (scale).
Some people do not understand the phenomena and use the term "scalar" to cover all types of things not explained by "modern" science.
In your esoteric way to describe real phenomena you have broken links which I think is deliberate and I can understand why. But you have to decide for yourself if you want to disclose more or you just want to say that you know something more than others. This cvasi disclosure do not help anyone.
What links are broken?
Tesla 'coined' the word Scalar and Non Hertzian.
For a self confession of not knowing what 'electricity' is or how a battery 'makes' Direct Current
Quote from: MerLynn on Dec 25, 2024, 06:30 PMQuoteWhat is a Bagdad battery
A better question is what did they do with them? With 3 of them in series, around 4.5V of Direct Current DC can be made available.
4.5V is the harmonic to Silvers Natural Frequency. This is all one needs to activate silver for an 'elixir'.
4.5VDC is all one needs to 'cure' almost every disease on the planet. (why these 'batteries' actually exist)
With 3 'batteries' one can find the 4 Phases of Magnetism ( or the 4 phases of 'electricity')
These batteries were found with 'electrodes' at the end of wires much like a multimeter electrodes.
QuoteSo, what we know about them ? i mean Bagdad batteries.
We know very little, nothing really. its all speculation and not very good specs at that.
We know nothing of the 'source' of the iron nor the copper. We must consider that the blacksmith shop that made these was the R & D Lab of the Day where Alchemists did their 'Great Work'.
All iron on earth is made by Biological Transmutation. Further research will reveal that the other 2 'magnetic elements' Boron and Cobalt are also found in Lake Deposits which leads us to the conclusion that iron, boron and cobalt are ALL biologically 'transmuted' from water and sunlight. This is the elephant clue in the room all overlook.
Quoteif someone has the ability to explain where the energy comes from may change our perception of many things.
In the next installment, I explain the 'source' of both AC and DC and why they are exactly the same, albeit 'produced' with different 'methodology'.
And yes, it changes the entire theory surrounding the electric universe postulation. It changes everything.
To try to explain Scalar or Non Hertzian as Tesla understood it, its a bit rich to ask one to NOT QUOTE TESLA.
Would this
"changes everything" also include what you believe to be true as well?
Scalar wave was found and used at first by Nikola
Tesla in his wireless energy transmission experiment.
For the first time, the "Mechanism" of wireless transmission of electricity has been given and explained as per Tesla Understandings. see baghdad battery thread.
One needs Scalar or Non Hertzian energy for it to be "wireless". They burnt down his Tower so this Scalar Transmission of 'electricity' would not be part of humanity.
Quote from: Classic on Jan 05, 2025, 04:17 AMif you want to disclose more
What came first, the theory or the invention?
Tesla invented AC. Then came the theory of the 'electron' to explain it.
Nothing ever came from a 'theory' except more theories.
To explain some ground breaking inventions ie,
disclose more it cannot be done with outdated and obsolete 'theories'. We need to go back to the 'source' and re-read what was given in a new light as to what was meant.
This disclosure requires updated Science to understand. it requires one to SEE it like Tesla saw it. See as in the ability to SEE magnetic Fields as in the Human Aura or the rotating magnetic Fields (the infinity Loop) that surround every (living) thing and is vital for its existence for all of time. To paraphrase Tesla.
To understand the Scalar or as Tesla preferred 'radiant' energy, the very 'force' that animates Life (vital) and creates our Bio Magnetic Field requires another look at the word scalar and Non Hertzian and Aetheric Energies.
One cannot
disclose more about what was hidden, without knowing why it was hidden and the 'science' that it exposes as the reason it was hidden when quoting Tesla when
Quote from: Classic on Jan 05, 2025, 04:17 AM"modern" science.
knows nothing about what 'electricity' is.
If you are having trouble understanding the phenomena of the baghdad battery and the action of Lines of Force spinning by an iron core wrapped in wires vibrating the Crystal format of the conductors, which part would you like more detail on?
You just cant tell me I am wrong when your self confessed admission of you simply dont know what is right and neither does
"modern" science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci
This disclosure requires updated Science to understand. it requires one to SEE it like Tesla saw it. See as in the ability to SEE magnetic Fields as in the Human Aura or the rotating magnetic Fields (the infinity Loop) that surround every (living) thing and is vital for its existence for all of time. To paraphrase Tesla.
This is the perspective I am coming from.
Quote from: MerLynn on Jan 05, 2025, 05:13 PMTesla invented AC. Then came the theory of the 'electron' to explain it.
Nothing ever came from a 'theory' except more theories.
Hello again MerLynn,
Please, stop posting WRONG assumptions -written as a certainty by you- on this Forum.
Tesla did NOT invent Alternated Currents!!Hippolyte Pixii (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hippolyte_Pixii) in France made the FIRST AC Generator in
1832...following Faraday discovery of Electromagnetic Induction on
1831 (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_induction)
Now, the "Theory of the Electron (https://www.sciencehistory.org/education/scientific-biographies/joseph-john-j-j-thomson/#:~:text=In%201897%20Thomson%20discovered%20the,the%20structure%20of%20the%20atom.)" (By J.J Thompson on
1897) WAS NOT exactly "discovered" to "explain" Tesla's inventions...
J.J Thompson was actually working on a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube)...nothing to do with Tesla's Inventions related to AC Generation and Motors.
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Jan 05, 2025, 07:59 PMPlease, stop posting WRONG assumptions -written as a certainty by you- on this Forum.
Tesla did NOT invent Alternated Currents!!
Ok gottcha. I now SEE it the way you do.
He did invent the Multi or Poly Phased AC motor though.
To mimic the 2 Rotating Magnetic Fields he saw in 'everything' and vital to all of existence we call radiant life force energy. It makes us glow.
He masked this Rotating Multi Phased motor we call 3 Phase today, as a 2 Phase 'Mechanical Contraption'. To invent Radiant or Scalar energy from the Aetheric.
I explain it at mooker.com as the LG motor build.
So in a way, he re-invented AC and his design powers the world today.
Can you see it that way?
Anyone who has sparked a battery twice to check connection has just invented 2 Hertz of AC.
Quote from: MerLynn on Jan 05, 2025, 09:52 PMQuote from: Ufopolitics on Jan 05, 2025, 07:59 PMPlease, stop posting WRONG assumptions -written as a certainty by you- on this Forum.
Tesla did NOT invent Alternated Currents!!
Ok gottcha. I now SEE it the way you do.
@MerLynn I particularly do NOT appreciate that you ALTER a quoted post (from any member) on this Forum, like you did above on my post.
I used size=4, to emphasize that Tesla did not invented AC Currents on my original post.
And here you used size=6, like I have written it that way.
Altering other member's post text (in any shape or form) on a quote is a Violation of Forum Rules, that you have accepted whenever you registered on this Forum.
However, this is just a warning, so please do not do it again.
On this Forum I do not want false statements of any kind, not related to History or Known and proven Sciences.
And stating that Tesla invented Alternating Currents is a false statement, He did not.
Tesla did invent 'some' Polyphase Generating Systems under Westinghouse joint venture, as also invented the first AC Induction Motor or "brushless" as they also call it on Edison's times.
However, before Tesla's Inventions on USA, there were others in Europe already using the Generation of Polyphase AC Systems.
The 'unique' historical situation of Tesla'AC Inventions on USA, was only due to two stubborn minds (Edison and J.P Morgan) that wanted to prevail-by-force their inventions 'no matter what'...and Tesla-Westinghouse won that "War of Currents" until the first Chicago World Fair (1896) that Tesla illuminated with his USA AC.
But way back on 1885 through 1888 Galileo Ferraris in Europe developed the First Polyphase AC Generating Systems (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-phase_electric_power).
Later and before Tesla's AC-'debut' on USA (on the same link above) Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky developed a three-phase electrical generator and a three-phase electric motor in 1888 and studied star and delta connections. His three-phase three-wire transmission system was displayed in
1891 in Germany at the International Electrotechnical Exhibition
Quote from: kloakez on Jan 03, 2025, 02:39 PMHi Classic, i cannot promise I'll be able to replicate your exact build, but I'd be grateful if you could make some videos, even if short. The videos you made previously with the ZVS, pancake coils and an iron were very helpful.
Before the end of the year I was working on two Don Smith related concepts:
Sympathetic resonance coupling - LC circuits tuned at the same frequency should couple with each other for higher output. I did it with three coils at around 2MHz, the coils have Q of about 300. I have not finished doing all the experiments I wanted, but so far I have been unsuccessful. More coils are needed I think. Or perhaps I still have something to understand to make it work. Because so far if I load any of the coils, the output of all the coils goes down. If the coils are not loaded and put close together, the output of all coils goes up, but what use is that if I cannot use the power.
1/4 wavelength primary, 1/1 wavelength secondary - when using a 1/4 wavelength primary and at 1/4 frequency, it should be possible to ring the secondary with reduced duty cycle. I was able to get down to 9 percent duty cycle and still get the same power output. It was tricky to get it right, I made mistakes in computing and cutting the right lengths of wire. But yeah, that works.
What I want to focus on next is high voltage. At least 1 kV with earth grounding to see the point when the electrons harvested from the ground will start bringing the amperage.
Lately I have done a lot of testing for isolation, I mean building my own isolation transformer as I won't spend thousands on such a thing.
Key points are:
1. Frequency, preferable above 20khz where we don't need to deal with ohmic resistance due to skin effect. But can work fine with less ... in my case 17.6 khz.
Looks like "what if I did this ..." with his main circuit driven by a single 2N3055 transistor works on higher frequency (2 Mhz or higher ... there is another 2N3055 that works on 6 Mhz) is the most efficient and cheap if you can make it work.
2. The only energy we spend is to create an oscillating electric field. I am using the pancake coil system to just obtain some 220 v at 17.6 khz ... when system runs empty takes 5.5-6.5 watts from dc source (batteries or laptop charger). So, on secondaries in series I have an earth connection on outside diameter and the inside wire output goes to a resonator (2 m long copper pipe 15 mm covered with insulation tape). As per Lorrie Matchett design.
This is important ! This is the isolation part where anything we take do not load the providing circuit.
So, this part is where we can use high voltage extrem low current as we don't need power to disturb local environment, we only use minimum current to allow the system work !
3. If you decide to use high voltage bear in mind you need to step it down to a usable level in next stage. I prefer to use less voltage as things become more expensive and better insulation is a must. What I am doing is rather artisanal with very low budget. But, as I said before, very little increase in input voltage is magnified in output many times, especially when we don't bother about power output.
4. Pickup coils. Wound direct on the insulated copper pipe. Single layer. You can try one long coil or many short coils. I have tried many using different wires and still need to do more before deciding.
Using same wires I used for pancake coils yield less power, using magnet wire 0.5 nearly doubled the output. Using multiple short coils (in parallel is the only option obvious) I noticed they are additive on voltage ! 😂 More to explore in gap between pickup coils versus single long coil per pipe. Coils tested are 4-12 turns each with a gap of 1.5 times the length of coil between each coil.
Because we have only one end usable, all output must go in a single bridge rectifier where instead of neutral line we use a another separate earth connection. Each short coil (I only have tested 8 ) add voltage and improve current available ... I am speaking about 2.6 mA per coil for the moment, tested with 1.5k ohm resistor. Voc is high so, think how solar panels works with high Voc and the need to control it before dumping it ! I have toasted way too many things. Not sure yet if voltage control should be done before or after fbr as I don't have unlimited resources to experiment.
5. Warning ! Especially if you use high voltage, be mindful as electric field is radiated on a large area
and any metal surface is loaded.
I hope someone finds this useful.
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Jan 06, 2025, 10:23 AMI used size=4, to emphasize that Tesla did not invented AC Currents on my original post.
And here you used size=6, like I have written it that way.
All I did was highlight the text as a Quote. And it appears in the reply box,
If my computer alters the text size I did not know it or did not see it.
Its an error within the system.
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Jan 06, 2025, 10:23 AMproven Sciences.
Science is to question everything. Nothing is a 'given'. Its all stated as a Theory. Theories are not 'proven' they are accepted until proven otherwise. I have some of that 'proven otherwise' lab experiments.
Honestly, until few days ago if anyone would told me that coils added on parallel increase the voltage and not the current I would say is out of his mind. It seems counterintuitive and somehow against the "teachings", but is real ... and I still can hold them with bare hands without any harm. Been reading some old papers where a medical observation says electric currents above 10 Khz do not cause any harm for humans ... eventually some diseases can be cured in this way at certain frequencies (like RIFE).
I would like to bring to your attention that the pdf above looks to be the original document from Patrick Kelly book downloaded from internetarchive.com and it is different from what is available now ... we don't know who and why have replaced the original document but we can guess who ordered.
Managing isolation between providing circuit and working circuit considerations:
First let's have a look here: https://www.electrical-installation.org/enwiki/Capacitive_coupling ... in my case I am going to employ capacitive coupling, but few more methods are available on this site.
Now observed that I want to do exactly the opposite of what I am told here as my aim is make capacitive coupling and not to avoid ! My "hot" wire do not draw power from providing circuit as there is an open circuit and all I need is to create an oscillating electric field.
If anyone wants to employ inductive coupling must look up for a sweet spot between near field and far field as you can see here, done by Joel Lagace: https://youtu.be/1FTBvZgdmA4?si=ASoSZ8yaCmz3_Std
Nothing at the archive but a page that says domain may be for sale.
Quote from: thaelin on Jan 21, 2025, 12:21 AMNothing at the archive but a page that says domain may be for sale.
My bad, it was wayback machine: https://archive.org/details/24739145ResonanceEnergyMethodsByDonaldLSmith/mode/1up
Now compare this info with what is available from Patrick Kelly book.
I am quite reluctant to post were files can be found as it seems everything is scrubbed down or replaced with misleading info.
Also, I have noticed some particular interest about old books/files/patents, but not necessarily about the info ... the request is for the source of the info, like someone want to make sure everything is rooted out.
I have seen the same pattern regarding mono atomic hydrogen power calculations, where scientific data was simply replaced with eronate data.
If anyone wants to try their hands on, there is some clues based on my setup as described earlier: 2 m long copper pipe 15 mm diameter (used for home heating system with radiators).
But, using small segments of copper pipe may make the whole setup much easier and practical, all coils must have only one end output and second output wire will be an earth wire. Due to high frequency is much easier to rectify this output and use as DC or with an inverter for AC ... but it may well worth to try to obtain some resonance in output coils and calculate what capacitor is needed, than rectify. Capacitor should be fitted across the output from coils and earth wire.
Copper pipe must be insulated, I have used some teflon tape (for plumbing, 0.075 mm thick) to increase capacitance, but good quality electrical tape can be used as well. My pickup coils are made of 0.5 mm diameter magnet wire (enamelled solid copper wire).
All connections must be done very well soldered where possible or high quality crimps.
I have tried some aluminium cans instead of copper pipe and they might work as well, but the setup becomes too bulky.
Not sure yet how many small length pipes I can put together ... probably many more until resistance become a restrictive factor.
Here are the resistance calculations for the full-length coil and setups with 4, 8, and 16 coils:- Single Coil (183 m total length):
- Coil Length: 183.0 m
- Resistance Per Coil: 15.66 Ω
- Total Resistance: 15.66 Ω
- 4 Coils (45.75 m each):
- Coil Length: 45.75 m
- Resistance Per Coil: 3.91 Ω
- Total Resistance: 0.98 Ω
- 8 Coils (22.875 m each):
- Coil Length: 22.875 m
- Resistance Per Coil: 1.96 Ω
- Total Resistance: 0.24 Ω
- 16 Coils (11.4375 m each):
- Coil Length: 11.4375 m
- Resistance Per Coil: 0.98 Ω
- Total Resistance: 0.061 Ω
Analysis- Single Coil Setup:
- The high resistance of 15.66 Ω limits the current significantly, reducing overall efficiency.
- 4-Coil Setup:
- Total resistance drops to 0.98 Ω, offering a substantial improvement. This setup balances practicality (fewer coils) and reduced resistance.
- 8-Coil Setup:
- With a total resistance of 0.24 Ω, this configuration provides even higher current availability. However, it requires more wiring and connections.
- 16-Coil Setup:
- The resistance is drastically reduced to just 0.061 Ω, maximizing current output. While this setup achieves the best performance, it may be more complex to implement due to increased coil count and connections.
Recommendations- The 4-coil setup offers a good trade-off between simplicity and performance, reducing resistance by over 15 times compared to a single coil.
- For maximum current output, the 16-coil setup is ideal, though it involves greater effort to construct and manage connections.
How to scale up ? Few ways: multiple rods with pickup coils; voltage increase in input circuit; frequency increase in input circuit. Always keep an eye on your input and make sure you are not going to draw more power than in needed to run your input circuit empty !
Using that cheap zvs circuit gives about 60v output with 20Vdc input under 1 amp, my system runs empty for 5-6 watts. Input (providing) circuit must not be closed !
Shall we play a bit with Ohm's Law ?
Let's consider 220 V rms ... this is approx 160 V DC ready to collect from pickup coils ... actually we can consider some losses as there wouldn't be a perfect capacitive coupling and assume we can get approx. 140 Vdc.
Now let's see what we can get: 140 Vdc / 0.061 ohms = 2295 amps, now let's assume we have unforeseen losses of 50% and we can only get 1150 amps at 140 Vdc.
For the moment I only have one pickup coil done and before being able to take any readings to check power consumption I just toasted my last resistors as I only have cheap resistors 1/4 watts and there is not yet enough current to lit up any bulbs.
Of course I have improved a bit the setup adding an layer of insulation tape on top of pickup coil then 2 layers of thin kitchen aluminium foil and another layer of insulation tape and left out a little bit of aluminium foil to add a ground.
This is the best outcome scenario that has to be tested.
P.S. in the message above note that the output from zvs is 60 V, but in secondaries is 60v per coil !
Chapter 3 - Motionless Pulsed Systems (http://www.free-energy-info.tuks.nl/Chapt3.html) ;)
Some thoughts about the rod/tubes material:
Copper isn't the best materials to resonate, while brass is used in musical instruments if someone is looking for even more improvements and is willing to pay a bit more.
This discovery of prof. Richard Vialle presented is amazingly similar
Probably I should record more videos of my experiments, since I found something really strange and might be somehow related to work of Vialle. Where I am getting more power using one coil with less voltage available comparing with 2 or more coils when voltage is much higher but current disappear ... in parallel coils :-\
Quote from: Classic on Feb 04, 2025, 03:11 PMThis discovery of prof. Richard Vialle presented is amazingly similar
Probably I should record more videos of my experiments, since I found something really strange and might be somehow related to work of Vialle. Where I am getting more power using one coil with less voltage available comparing with 2 or more coils when voltage is much higher but current disappear ... in parallel coils :-\
Actually there are 2 coils connected in reverse into the bridge rectifier, one where input from pancake coils goes to the pipe and pickup coil wrapped on it goes on ac side and second where earth connection goes into the pickup coil and the pipe output goes into other side of bridge rectifier.
It seems that adding another one or more on either side of bridge rectifier increase the voltage output but reduce the current available.
Using just 2 coils for each side of rectifier produce a strange effect: both ac and dc are available in output and I can measure them with a digital multimeter ... not sure how accurate is, this is why I only trust seeing a load doing the work. Why I am trying to get some measurements ? I am trying not to destroy all my loads.
Now, I am not sure anymore which (ac or dc) doing the work in loads tested as I don't have adequate loads and they are underpowered for the moment.
Anyone here is aware how meters for electric power grid works ? Do they load the grid or home grid when metering consumption ? How reactive power meters works ?
Yes! I can explain how electric power meters work in the grid and how they handle reactive power.
1. How Electric Power Meters Work in the GridElectricity meters measure the energy consumed by a household or business. There are two main types:
- Electromechanical meters (older, with a spinning disk)
- Digital smart meters (modern, with electronic sensing and communication)
The meter is installed between the utility grid and the home electrical system. When metering consumption, the
grid does not get loaded by the meter itself.
Instead, the meter is a passive monitoring device that tracks power flowing from the grid into the home.
2. Does the Meter Load the Grid or the Home Grid?No, the meter does not add any significant load to either the grid or the home. It simply measures energy usage by sensing voltage and current flow.
The small amount of power needed to operate the meter itself is negligible.
3. How Do Reactive Power Meters Work?Reactive power (measured in
kVAR, kilovolt-amperes reactive) is caused by inductive or capacitive loads, like motors, transformers, and fluorescent lighting.
- Traditional residential meters typically measure only real power (kWh), which is the actual power used.
- Commercial and industrial customers often have meters that also measure reactive power (kVARh). These meters:
- Use current and voltage phase shift to determine reactive power.
- Measure the difference between apparent power (kVA) and real power (kW).
- Often help utilities charge extra fees for poor power factor (low efficiency due to high reactive power use).
Would you like details on Power Factor correction or how smart meters handle this?
Power Factor Correction (PFC) ExplainedPower factor (PF) is a measure of how effectively electrical power is being used. It is the ratio of
real power (kW) to
apparent power (kVA) and is given by:
PF=Real Power (kW)Apparent Power (kVA)PF = \frac{\text{Real Power (kW)}}{\text{Apparent Power (kVA)}}
A power factor of
1.0 (or 100%) means all power is being effectively converted into useful work.
A lower power factor (<1.0) means some power is wasted as
reactive power (kVAR).
Why Correct Power Factor?- Reduces electricity costs: Many utilities charge industrial customers a penalty for low power factor.
- Reduces strain on the grid: A low PF increases the current flow, leading to higher losses in transmission lines.
- Improves equipment efficiency: Poor PF can cause overheating and reduce the lifespan of electrical equipment.
How Power Factor Correction WorksPower factor correction (PFC) is done by
adding capacitors or inductors to the electrical system.
The goal is to counteract the reactive power caused by inductive loads (motors, transformers, fluorescent lighting, etc.).
Methods of Power Factor Correction- Static Capacitors
- Used for fixed loads with a consistent power factor issue.
- Connected in parallel to supply leading reactive power to cancel out lagging inductive loads.
- Automatic Power Factor Correction (APFC) Panels
- These use banks of capacitors controlled by relays.
- The system automatically adjusts compensation based on load changes.
- Synchronous Condensers
- Large rotating machines that generate or absorb reactive power as needed.
- More common in large industrial applications.
- Active Power Factor Correction (APFC) Circuits
- Used in electronics and power supplies to correct PF dynamically.
- Found in high-efficiency switch-mode power supplies (SMPS).
Example: Industrial Power Factor CorrectionIf a factory runs a large motor with a power factor of
0.7, it means 30% of the power drawn is wasted as reactive power.
By installing capacitors, the power factor can be improved to
0.95 or higher, reducing energy bills and system losses.
This is a very nice collection from wikipedia or similar. To be honest I have expected something else .. to dive a bit deeper in this phenomena.
I am well aware of the practice of power grid suppliers and their unscrupulous greed. All these explanations do not hold the water as to say. And my aim wasn't necessarily against such behaviour but to explore real options outside of such "conservative" approach.
I do appreciate the effort to reply and thank you for taking time to reply.
Mainly if anyone is looking for "free energy" first of all must evaluate capabilities of device to have one part of the system which is able to isolate (not draining) the input ... or capabilities to harvest additional energy available in local environment, or capabilities to conservate/recycle the input.
For example: how much reactive power can be recovered and converted back into real power ? What type of reactive power will a certain system produce: capacitive or inductive ? Voltage lagging or current lagging ?
Would make sense to design a system able to devour 10kw of electric power with a power factor of 0.3 if I have a capacitive/inductive solution to recover 98% of reactive power. Yes, I am saying to recover, not to improve power factor ... what would mean this ? I can run continuous the system with a single charge and have an excess.
If you improve power factor doesn't mean you pay less bills to your supplier, it means you pay the right amount for usage and make an effort to absorb all energy drawn from source. Someone may say it is fair and square as you improved efficiency ... yes, you improve efficiency of consumption if you think like that, but is not how the nature works and in this way you need to constant hunt for every single particle of energy available to drain it with your efficient system.
Great questions! Let's break them down logically.
1. How much reactive power can be recovered and converted back into real power?- Reactive power (VARs) itself cannot be directly converted into real power (Watts) because it represents energy oscillating between the source and load rather than being consumed.
- However, power factor correction techniques (like capacitor banks, synchronous condensers, or active power factor correction systems) can reduce the reactive power drawn from the grid.
- If your system has a way to store and reuse reactive power efficiently, it can improve real power delivery by reducing losses, improving voltage stability, and reducing stress on the power system.
2. What type of reactive power will a certain system produce?- Inductive Loads (lagging power factor): Motors, transformers, inductors, and most industrial machinery consume reactive power, causing the current to lag behind the voltage.
- Capacitive Loads (leading power factor): Capacitor banks, underground cables, and some power electronics generate reactive power, causing the voltage to lag behind the current.
- Your system type determines whether you need power factor correction using capacitors (for inductive loads) or inductors (for capacitive loads).
3. Voltage lagging vs. current lagging?- Voltage lagging (leading power factor): Happens when the system is capacitive (current leads voltage).
- Current lagging (lagging power factor): Happens when the system is inductive (voltage leads current).
- In most real-world scenarios, inductive loads dominate, meaning the current lags the voltage.
4. Would it make sense to design a system consuming 10 kW at PF = 0.3 if 98% of reactive power is recovered?- Apparent Power (S) = Real Power (P) / Power Factor (PF) S=10kW0.3=33.3kVAS = \frac{10kW}{0.3} = 33.3 kVA
- This means your system is drawing 33.3 kVA, out of which only 10 kW is real power and the rest is reactive power.
- Reactive Power (Q) Calculation Q=S×sin�(cos�−1(0.3))Q = S \times \sin(\cos^{-1}(0.3)) Q≈32.1kVARQ \approx 32.1 kVAR
- If you recover 98% of the reactive power, that means you're effectively reducing the reactive burden to: 32.1×(1−0.98)=0.64kVAR32.1 \times (1 - 0.98) = 0.64 kVAR
- System Feasibility:
- If your system can truly recover 98% of reactive power, your new power factor will improve significantly, reducing the apparent power drawn from the grid.
- This can reduce transmission losses, improve efficiency, and lower electricity costs due to power factor penalties.
- However, running at PF = 0.3 initially is extremely poor, meaning power delivery infrastructure would be heavily loaded even if reactive power is mostly recovered.
- The design could make sense if the power factor correction is built into the system and dynamically adjusted.
Practical Implementation of a System That Recovers 98% of Reactive PowerIf you're designing a system consuming
10 kW at a poor power factor of 0.3, but you want to
recover 98% of reactive power, you need an advanced
power factor correction (PFC) system.
1. Key Components for Reactive Power RecoveryTo achieve high-efficiency recovery, you can use:
(a) Passive Power Factor Correction (PFC) - Capacitor Banks / Inductors- If your system is inductive (most likely), capacitor banks can supply the reactive power locally.
- If your system is capacitive, inductive reactors (or chokes) can help balance it.
- Passive PFC works well for fixed loads but lacks dynamic adaptability.
(b) Active Power Factor Correction (APFC) - Power Electronics- Uses IGBT-based power converters (like active rectifiers, STATCOMs, or PWM inverters) to dynamically adjust reactive power.
- Pros: Can handle rapid load changes and compensate for nonlinear loads (e.g., motors, power supplies).
- Cons: More expensive and requires control electronics.
(c) Synchronous Condensers- A synchronous motor running without a load can absorb or generate reactive power dynamically.
- Used in high-power industrial grids to stabilize voltage and improve efficiency.
- Pros: Can provide leading or lagging VARs as needed.
- Cons: Expensive and requires maintenance.
2. Step-by-Step System DesignStep 1: Calculate Reactive Power Needs- From earlier calculations:
- Real Power (P) = 10 kW
- Power Factor (PF) = 0.3 → Apparent Power (S) ≈ 33.3 kVA
- Reactive Power (Q) ≈ 32.1 kVAR
- 98% Recovery → Remaining Q ≈ 0.64 kVAR (Negligible)
Step 2: Select Power Factor Correction Solution- For an inductive system (current lagging):
- Install a capacitor bank rated for ~32 kVAR.
- Optionally, use an active PFC system for variable loads.
- For a capacitive system (current leading):
- Use inductive reactors to absorb excess reactive power.
- A synchronous condenser can dynamically adjust to load conditions.
Step 3: Implement Control and Monitoring- For fixed loads: Use automatic capacitor banks that switch in stages.
- For variable loads: Use a real-time power factor controller with sensors to monitor voltage, current, and phase angle.
- For large industrial setups: Use STATCOM (Static Synchronous Compensator) to dynamically inject reactive power as needed.
3. Feasibility Analysis- Will this reduce losses? Yes, by minimizing reactive power draw from the grid.
- Will this improve efficiency? Yes, by improving the power factor from 0.3 to nearly 1.0, reducing line losses and transformer loading.
- Does it make economic sense?
- If you're paying power factor penalties, improving PF reduces costs.
- An active PFC system costs more upfront but improves efficiency in dynamic loads.
- A passive PFC (capacitor bank) is cheaper and easier but only works for steady loads.
4. Example Implementation - Industrial CaseImagine an
industrial motor running at 10 kW with a PF of 0.3. A
32 kVAR capacitor bank or
STATCOM system could correct the power factor, ensuring that nearly all reactive power is supplied locally. This reduces strain on the grid, avoids PF penalties, and enhances energy efficiency.
It seems that I wasn't clear enough: if you design a device with a power factor of 0.3 or even less and you can convert 98% of reactive power, there would be enough energy to self sustain and have an excess.
You must run an extremely ineficient device (aka 0.3 power factor) in order to produce VAR which you recover and reuse. You can use a capacitor to bring curent in phase with voltage but capacity must meet the frequency.
If you can't refill capacitor at the rate of consumption you must increase frequency to build up the storage, or increase the voltage, or both. Always use cheap current ... I mean easy obtained higher voltage with very little current. Use quarter wave amplification.
Don't use AI for such questions, eventual use 2 or more AI and run parts of the project. I have discovered that AI uses all previous discussions on any new questions and even recommend to use systems described and analysed 1 year ago in different chats !
I am using this method to calculate parameters for expired patents considered non conventional due to over unity output, where I understand how they work and I can guide specific parts on AI to obtain comparable results for given parameters found using a different AI, eventually double check with a 3rd AI. Run your own experiments for POC and draw conclusions.
Can you almost double the current in a circuit without losing voltage ? Yes, you can. Take a supercapacitor 2.7 V +400 F and connect 2x1.5 V aa batteries ... monitor the voltage ... when voltage reach 2.5 V take a read of amps in cap, in battery and the system together, eventually to make sure you can measure amps in your batteries before charging the cap. No diodes, no switching or anything else, just battery and supercap. On top of this, voltage is constant all time.
This is really strange to see you haven't done anything but, the curent available is multiplied. Now of you want to take full advantage, use rechargeable batteries with supercapacitor banks, drain your capacitor bank while batteries are recharged.
If you need a shock absorber to limit inrush curent use incandescent light bulbs instead of resistors, compare the cost of resistor 25, 50, 100 or even 200 watts with the cost for the same watts for a resistor. Consider the light bulb with very little resistance when start and high resistance when fully lit.
Run an extension cable from your 150w power inverter powered from a 12 V battery, wrap a decent length of this extension cable with insulated multistrand 0.75-1.5 sqmm copper wire. Leave one end of wrapped wire on the cable and use the other end to power 50 w load, 100 w load, 200w load AC 50 Hz, instead of neutral use a separate earth connection and monitor battery with a battery meter. Do not touch un insulated wires or you'll be very sorry in best scenario. You can use magnet wire if you want to compare.
Eventually trow in equation a cheap SMPS 220/12 V and explore further whatever business you want through a battery or capacitor bank if results are within satisfactory parameters.
The same way that I already shared with you earlier in my setup with bifilar pancake coils and isolation methods using ground and copper pipes with coils: https://youtu.be/Uwi1dxlR7sg?si=8SKjuYWyaO-UTzqo
Much easier method shown in video better simplified than my own experiments ... this is the true way for someone looking for the truth about how the nature (universe) works.