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Resonance and high frequency

Started by Classic, Feb 12, 2024, 01:59 PM

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Quote from: kloakez on Mar 23, 2024, 03:20 PMHi Classic, how are the tests going?

I kept thinking about the "not enough information about bifilar coils" because I thought I saw some comprehensive information somewhere, but what I actually saw was the page of Adrian Marsh and Eric Dollard where they talk about flat coil design.

So here it is. I believe they are using only the standard pancake coils, not the bifilar one though. But there's experiments and measurements, which is cool.
Hi kloakez,

There is working in progress, many tests done and very pleased with results so far.

I have been able to determine that I don't need second set of coils connected in parallel to achieve same results.

Also, playing a bit with capacitors I have found that I can power the ironing iron of 2000 watts with just 35 watts or so instead of 80-90 watts drawn from source, but it takes far more time to get the iron hot.

Now I am looking for an AVR to loop it back to achieve self running through an isolation transformer.

It is quite funny to see that I can power an ironing iron of 2000 watts and get it hot in 10 minutes but I can't power a toaster of 700 watts.
I know they all work abnormal as they do not use 220v 50hz as ironing iron do not show any power sensing light when is on, but it shows power on when i reduce output temperature and it cut off the power.
While the toaster do not want to engage and if I try to hold down the button will start to heat slowly and all resistance wires inside are ringing.

So, no expensive appliances can be used in this arrangement as they will blow up for sure due to high frequency and will function abnormal.

At least I know I have all the power there available and I can leave all this for a later stage.

By the way, I know aminnovation website for long time ... they keep publishing a lot of info but, they try not to upset mainstream science and most of the valuable part is lost or not quite usable as I need.

Indeed they experiment mainly with monofilar coils and I have not seen anything about bifilar flat spiral coils as I wanted.

More info is available on Arie Melis DeGeus patents, books and work ... and they are really good and helpful. Along with N Tesla work from Colorado Springs notes ... which is absolutely colosal work. Observing his methods and calculus gives a great understanding.

I really don't care at all about most of mainstream science says and I doing my own things and keep using power which shouldn't exist according to their statements, at least public statements as I don't think they are not aware or just being idiots ... they are almost all just hypocrites protecting their comfy lifestyle and keep quiet.
As my profession have nothing to do with academic research I can afford the luxury not to be quiet about my findings and I can earn my living doing something else totally different from energy, electricity or electronics.

All my skills and abilities are based on hands on work and knowledge from books and internet (much later) being self educated ... I even got in my early 20s a degree from university in economics but I am dishearten to ever profess due to negative influence of politics and their manipulative acts and interpretations.

Interesting that I have been able to fix a fridge or switches or lights before I was learning to read at age 6 and my parents were stunned to find everything working when back home from work and find how and what I did.


Quote from: kloakez on Mar 12, 2024, 03:47 PMHi Classic, interesting setup!

If a water kettle is too much power draw, what about an ironing iron? That could have about a half of the draw.

I think 20V and 3.2 A could be too little to feel anything, even more so in dry conditions. I know how to improve the shock perception but I am not willing to share that publicly as it is dangerous ;D

Anyway, what could happen in this case is that this circuit could produce a surface/radiant effect. If it indeed travels on the surface, you could take an LED and connect it to a diode (with the forward direction of the diode going from - to + of the LED if I am not mistaken) and try if the current actually travels on the surface this way. It is something you can test easily and quickly. Or you can try something like was in the the video of one wire experiment I shared on Mooker if you remember. I can send it to you again if you are interested.
Hi kloakez,

Definitely I need more info on bold text if you don't mind to share ... it might just be the missing part in the output to help domestic appliances to see electric flow, as all my tests done until now shows they do not work properly.

In mean time I have done more tests with different arrangement of coils and I can power even more loads with same input and power drawn from source allow maximum 115 watts, rated power of loads is 20 times more at least.

Also I have discovered a little issue with one or two of the coils which might be 1 turn too many or 1 turn less using them in sets 1 bifilar+2 monofilar ... or just not accurate winding ... I need to make more coils now :/

Also with my new multimeter I have made some measurements and frequency increases with resistance of the load or type of the load and if more than 1 load is powered the whole system will output the higher frequency even if 2 separate sets are used to power different loads.

If I use 1 set of secondaries to power a load and second set of secondaries to connected to the input of ZVS circuit (feedback/looping) the system can not sustain itself due to much less inductance than required. But, with the feed back the whole system become more efficient and the frequency goes up sky high being able to power only the ironing iron but not bulbs of any type pr anything else.

Also I had handy 2 bifilar coils in the same type with 54 turns not 32 like the sets shown, the system works at slightly higher frequency and can power the ironing iron very fast with just 65 watts drawn from source bit ZVS start to get hot as it needs at least 10 amps input while my source can only provide 3.2 amps.

So, if your method of sensing the current will work (if you want to share your knowledge) I may be able to loop ot back or at least to make more usable for off the shelf appliances.

Anyway it is quite hard to get rid of high frequency output without having anything handy and needing to buy more things.

As it is now the little circuit is able to power a central heating for a home 24/7 with extremely little input if an electric hot water tank is used with a modified heating element (some nichrome wire) using an existing system with radiators which I am building now to test and probably start to selling ... and all open source, being paid just for my work and materials (anyone can do it as I do not reserve any rights as long as nobody try to patent).


Hi Classic,

the bold comment is a bit tongue in cheek, silly comment. Usually for improving shock perception, it is possible to improve conduction, like wetting your fingers. I have a rife zapper and definitely can feel less than 10 V at tens of kHz when using proper conducting liquid. I wish I had something more useful to share  :-[

Overall what you are describing sounds like a great success. Maybe in some loads it might help to match impedance. Do capacitive and inductive loads behave differently to the resistive ones?

If 3.2 A can provide heating for a whole house, then that is already a huge success. It sounds like it will be more convenient to cool down the ZVS using a fan or a bigger heatsink than to give it 10 A  :))

When you are talking about higher frequencies, how much are we talking? For low load vs. high load.


After more testing with existing setup (new setup is still being made) I have concluded few things:

Further development will maintain original setup eventually a bit more optimised and can be used for bespoke solution like heating with a cost that won't go over £100 considering actual prices in shops. It may add up to the price if someone seek an independent source like a battery that I am still working on it and may take a form of similar Stubblefield patent eventually.

This will be first step of implementation of a very efficient device to use low power source with an output much higher than input. Easiest way to implement such application is with existing heating system as long as they are compatible.

It can be made usable for all ordinary domestic/profesional appliances but the price will go up too much and require higher skills and will depart from my goal to have a device that almost anyone can build with very basic tools and outrageous cheap production cost able to compete and defeat with any existing solution.

Probably next device will be for transport solution for different size vehicles as it looks very well in my opinion and aim for the same goal cheap and easy to build and adapt with existing systems.

This must be done in small steps one by one once people start to use and trust them and free up their budgets for more expensive solutions able to cover all range of domestic appliances.

If we keep looking for Holy Grail and expensive solutions adopted nothing will change ever.


Also, using NCV function of the multimeter for the circuit described I can detect voltage anywhere in the circuit or loads but, when a ground is added at any point NCV function cannot detect any voltage at all. And the circuit behaviour or output isn not affected by the added ground.

Output voltage measured against the ground at output of ZVS is approx 108 V, at output of coils approx 60 V without load connected and 30-40 V with load connected and vary with the load resistivity.

If anyone want to adopt a much better performance must tune the input bifilar coil for self resonance with capacitors and resistor in parallel and also must isolate the output in a separate magnetic field to avoid de-tuning when loads are connected or implement a method to adjust resistivity of the each load with parallel resistors ... at least for this setup as it is.

But as I said, I am not looking to do this (at least not now) as my aim is for a cheap and easy to build solution.
Or, an easy solution might be to make a setup tuned for each intended appliance.

Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions