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Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change-Free Energy will give us hope,
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Words from Stefan Hartmann/Owner/Admin of Overunity Forum
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The Search for the Daza Gomez Toroidal Electrical Generator 1882 Madrid, Spain

Started by Ufopolitics, Feb 17, 2024, 09:41 AM

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Well, like I said - "Talk is cheap so a great number of people seem to do that instead. Hey, the details ARE rather BORING!"

I refuse to engage in banter. It serves no "value added" IMHO. Just passing along my experiences with literally thousands
of Science, Engineering and Technical aquaintances - that's all. Not challenging your opinions or beliefs in the least.

But, when I read a post; then walk away and feel like it was a total waist of time - no technically useful information, no credible
references, nothing, not even a good story - I feel cheated - that's all!

If you have nothing of "value" to contribute; then don't - it's pretty simple, right?

Rant Asylum -- ? --  Do as you wish!   But be aware, I didn't join this Forum to repeat the "OU or OUR" sherade...

And, I do have a great deal of respect and admiration for Lorentz, and all the others, who dedicated their careers in an attempt to
understand science be it in a professional capacity or otherwise... 



You can always speak up, and if you have an opinion, that's great, as long as it's based on knowledge and experience and not herd mentality. An old free energy seeker once said a wonderful truth: everyone has the sovereign right to step on the rake (that's when you step on it and the stalk hits you in the face). Therefore, we should not get in the way. We are all adults and should learn for ourselves, and learn for life (a fool is always sure he knows everything, and a smart person always doubts). No one will take you by the hand and lead you to the trough with golden sovereigns. There will be more people willing to step on your toes than you expect.

About  physical phenomena and the metres that studied and discovered them. To this day physicists do not know the nature of electricity and magnetism, all we know are concepts.
By the way Ohm's Law is not fundamental in physicists, but it is derived empirically (by fact).

About Faraday, only an idiot could doubt his contribution to the breakthrough discoveries of electromagnetism. Maxwell was ahead of his time, and even in the distant future our descendants will appreciate his role.

Talk of my investigation into the nature of electromagnetic induction.


Hi all, sorry for the rant.

I simply cannot agree that someone is just defending the wrong, because they deserve a good life which in turn negatively affects the many ... at least this is what I was trying to say.

This pattern where the very same invention is presented as new is in fact the very same old one with different clothes. But why this is happening ? To prevent the very old one being available at large scale for everyone and anyone in a legal manner ... and sometimes by ilegal means if all legal means have been exhausted.

I wasn't trying to contest the Titans in their discoveries and disclosures, but how the mainstream science is manipulating concepts and twisting the truth.

Start with Daniel Macfarland Cook "permanent battery" we can see the very same mechanism applied and used in all similar inventions.

In very simple terms there is a resistance gradient artificial created to be exploited for the benefit of powering by electric mean.

But I will start a new thread for D. Cook coils system and leave this alone.



I do believe it may be possible to build an OU device.  If I didn't believe that I wouldn't be here.  But I also have over 60 years of experience actually working in electronics.  I am always open to learning new things.  But when someone with very little real knowledge tries to tell me that facts that have been firmly established for many many years are not correct then I will speak up.  As I posted before, when I first started looking at OU seriously  17 years ago I looked at some of the videos by Don Smith.  He either didn't know what he was talking about or was a deliberate con artist.  Because a lot of what he said just is not true.  And you keep repeating the same things.  We have to build on what we actually know, not on a bunch of unproven  claims.  You have claimed that the resonance of a coil can be changed by using a resistor.  So you need to actually build a circuit that can do that and show us the video of that happening or you need to stop posting things that go against well established known laws of physics.  Are you an actual builder or do you just come to these type forums to add confusion?

Just because it is on YouTube does NOT make it real!


@citfta, I am not trying to confused anyone and Don Smith was never been a con artist, nor Kapanadze or Arie DeGeus or N Tesla. And i have made such reference and state those names together in a certain context.

I am assuming they all had a different approach and being able to see things different or at least in a very different way than what mainstream science is telling us.

They way out is not by following by certain path which tells you what to do or not to do. While I am perfectly aware of all what ufopolitics have mentioned. We only can play the drums out load if we have the numbers, otherwise the fate will be the same.

Probably my new thread will shine some faded light we seek together.

Kind regards,

P.S. have a look here if you wish:
Also, please note that AISEG didn't make the titles when COP28 have taken place and when same questions have arisen sultan Al Jabeer have thrown in disarray everything with flame declarations as there is no proof for climate change and use of fossil fuel, apart from "leaks" of documents showing how OPEC trying to take advantage of the meetings to make more and new deals ... all is just smoke and mirrors !
3 billion dollars investment from UAE in AISEG tech is the price paid to keep the silence and you'll never see any product coming out, that was the price paid to get total control, despite the patent dated from 2017.

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