Open Source Free Energy & Over Unity Forums...and If You think none of these terms are real, they do not exist, or is just fiction, then PLEASE>>DO NOT ENTER!!

Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change-Free Energy will give us hope,
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Words from Stefan Hartmann/Owner/Admin of Overunity Forum
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The Search for the Daza Gomez Toroidal Electrical Generator 1882 Madrid, Spain

Started by Ufopolitics, Feb 17, 2024, 09:41 AM

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"If you want to uncover the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration."


There is on thing that I can't understand: some people seek "free energy machines" and in their path do not follow the inventor work/discoveries but instead apply all the opposite teachings coming from mainstream science, electrical engineering etc. THAT DENY ANY POSSIBLITY OF EXISTENCE OF SUCH MACHINES ... why ?

Yes worldcup, it is true ! If you analyse many similar patents you'll find out that there is a pattern and every single such invention appear again and again after a certain period of time in a new form and the patent is never applied in real world.

Have a look how many radiant energy patents exist and how any possible way is explored and patented to leave nothing out that someone may ever benefit from it.


Hi Classic,

Actually a lot of the Scientists and Engineers I've had the opportunity of meeting, and getting to know,
do not "deny any possibility of the existance of excess energy machines." Quite the contrary.

Admittedly, they are not obsessed with the possibilities, either. For the most part they have well paying
jobs that keep them plenty busy. Their bills are paid on time and they can afford a nice vacation or
two with the wife and kids. They experience a happy and normal life for the most part as they slug along.

Having sat down with many of them, one on one, or in groups; they are all quite receptive to new and
sometimes even disruptive concepts and ideas. Most will even add their experiences and knowledge
to the discussion, if it fits.

However they hesitate to spew foolishness and nonsense - it seems to be their nature, although some
do like to speculate "outside the box" on occassion, given the chance.

But, by-and-large, most of these fellows are pragmatic and practical. So don't be too judgemental
about the group as a whole, nor judge Science and Engineering folks as the enemy - they're not.

They keep things progressing, maybe too slowly for some at times, but Progressing non the less! It
takes a lot of work and effort just to keep the wheels turning and the papers written.

Plus, it's 1% inspiration and 99% perspiration to take an idea from a simple thought or idea through
to a functional device; and sometimes a lot of money and sacrifice! Also, the outcome is unknown...

Talk is cheap so a great number of people seem to do that instead. Hey, the details ARE rather BORING!
[so is waiting around for your laminations to be delivered :) ]

Just my 2 cents worth of course...



Well, dirty cops only helps to keep the crime going, should i bother what would be the equivalent for scientists ?

It is quite obvious and easy to prove what I have wrote above.
And if someone still in doubt I can reformulate: if I am sitting outside in the night in heavy rain and such an individual comes to me and tells me that actually I am on the beach midday at 40 celsius and all the wet surrounding me is because i am sweating ... i will let you imagine my answer.

So an inventor is saying they all doing wrong and he is describing where is the "misunderstanding" he draws up theory, formula for calculus and on top of that he builds a working device to prove ... than a mainstream science lover is coming to investigate, measure with same instruments like the inventor (or anyone else) did, than instead try to explain that is nothing there because he can't find out any possible cause for such unexplainable phenomena and all known theories won't help either.

But I have to be gentle not to disturb their harmony as they needs few nice holidays with family and bills paid.

This sounds like we are investigating but not really any overunitymachines. I can agree it might be quite dangerous enterprise such endeavour, but when we deny real facts, already proven and twist the truth is something else.
In the chatgpt from resonance and high frequency thread and I have tried to ask anything even most silly questions to make sure we can cover plenty of the phenomena and make easy to understand even for those not familiar at all mostly useless.

Actually despite high and mighty scientists spending billions just to find a new toy for some more fortunate people, never bother to say what is the difference between a permanent magnet and electromagnet, or explain magnetic field, or energy ... they can saying electrons flow which is ...

What the heck is an electron ? Part of an atom ? What is an atom ? A particle of matter ? What is matter ?
They are telling me that this naughty thing called electron flows from somewhere to another somewhere, really ? So, one of my old house have a lot of wires which are provided with electricity for more than 100 years the those naughty electrons didn't went anywhere and all the wires are still the same, despite copper having a lot of such things in it free to flow.

Yeah, I lack a lot of knowledge and have limited understanding of science, yet I can light an incandescent bulb without any source as defined by these mighty scientists. But i will never say the energy comes from nowhere ... because it is everywhere and I can do it in few ways.

Ok, I am somehow disrespectful with mainstream science, but in no way more disrespectful then them, but look what is happening around the world and how laughable stock has become this so called mainstream science.
Tariel Kapanadze architect, Don Smith geologist, Arie Melis DeGeus carpet manufacturer and many, many others will come in numbers that will bring to ruin whatever someone think can hold so dear.


Quote from: Classic on Feb 20, 2024, 09:06 PMThis sounds like we are investigating but not really any overunitymachines. I can agree it might be quite dangerous enterprise such endeavour, but when we deny real facts, already proven and twist the truth is something else.

Hello everyone...Hello Classic,

By reading this last post from classic...I been thinking on making a new Topic, just like we had on overunity...called:


It was fun ;D ...sometimes  >:( ...

So, you can go there and speak your mind freely, ranting back and forth...without disrupting other's members Topics...having your own to write there.

Or I could transfer these type of posts...instead of deleting them.

Let me say something, and I wanna be VERY CLEAR,

For those that have followed my work, not exactly from OU...but beyond, EF...since the earlier 2000, knows exactly well what is my position with Science versus Over Unity Machines.

Over my time, I have read MANY, but many books, from many famous on the Free Energy Tom Bearden, John Bedini. Peter Lindemann, Eric Dollard...Ken Wheeler, etc. and a VERY LONG etcetera.

Related to "OU Inventions"...HA!!...That is EXACTLY my last name...and I probably know more about Arie De Geus than you say you the pancake battery He invented...and How He died?...

You have an idea what is the Venus Shooter?...I bet you have no F. Idea...

And I could go on and on like the Energizer Bunny...but I will NOT.

I just follow and respect the great FATHERS of Science, like Faraday, Maxwell, Lenz, Ohm, Volta...etc,etc

I do not have same respect for Lorentz...though.

Related to the BASIC SCIENCE behind ANY OU Machine, is MAGNETISM...and YES, ALL knowledge about Magnetism is being deliberately set "on a standby" that have lasted more than 200 years...

All my work about Magnetism is on my YT Channel and here...

Anyways...I ended up ranting as well... ;D

So, I will see you the Rant Cafe Asylum.

Or maybe not.


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci

Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions