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Free Energy will change the World - Free Energy will stop Climate Change-Free Energy will give us hope,
and we will not surrender until free energy will be enabled all over the world, to power planes, cars, ships and trains.
Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
So all in all Free energy will bring far more peace to the world than any other invention has already brought to the world.
Words from Stefan Hartmann/Owner/Admin of Overunity Forum
I really love those words from Stefan, reason why they are here.. Forum is online at Archives

Clemente Figuera Patente Original en ESPAÑOL

Started by Ufopolitics, Nov 19, 2023, 03:10 PM

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The controller based on Figuera's patent had already been built, using a modern switching system. Unfortunately, the power part was not studied, how the generator works, how the transformer works and many other issues.

Устройство Клементе Фигуера (патент 1908 года) Clemente Figuera's device (patent 1908) - Google Фото



Hello Guys!!

Hello rakarskiy and Floodrod!!

Thanks for all your posts/comments.
They are ALL very Interesting/Important!!


I have just created a New Board: Figuera Discussion  (and that is a link to it, so you click it and it will take you to it)

There, ONLY Members who are on the Identified Members and Builders Group can instantly create a "New Topic" where they can post any development, any subject, any new disclosures, any new technologies, meaning all related to ALL Patents from Figuera and Buforn...

Please, let's not start "scattering Posts" all over the site!!...Let's keep them organized, so, whenever you need to go back and check it out, or add any new, the owner of each topic, can do so.

At the same token, guests and only readers here, can enjoy each Topic as they like...or simply can ignore it...whatever they decide.

So, please @rakarskiy make your own topic there, name it as you like!!...and I will help you to transfer ALL your scattered post there...

@floodrod, please do the same, make your own Topic, where you can share all your great findings plus your new developments...

If You can help me by Copying and Pasting your Text Posts plus images, videos, etc, here, to your New anything else you wish to add with will save me a great deal of time!!

Many Thanks  again!!

Also, it is easier to cite someone's post or Topic, and reference it on another Board/Topic. if You include your name on "Floodrod's New Figuera Development" it would be easier to identify/access it.

Thanks very much for your help.


EDIT 1: If a Regular Member, who is NOT IDENTIFIED, wants to open a New Topic on the Board created above, they can do so, but it requires APPROVAL by Administrators, after reviewing it.

Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci


Hola, hace más de diez años que comencé mi andadura sobre el dispositivo de Clemente Figuera junto con otros amigos españoles cuando el Sr. Polanco (periodista e investigador) sacó a la luz la patente de nuestro paisano, desde entonces hemos estado haciendo un montón de experimentos que si bien no han dado el resultado esperado si nos han ayudado a conocer como debía funcionar... es muy simple, solo se trata de: CON CORRIENTE CONTINUA MOVER LA PARED DE BLOCH DONDE CHOCAN DOS POLOS DEL MISMO SIGNO (o eso creo )... el problema ha sido siempre como hacerlo, jajajaja... ahora después de diez u once años, viene Ufo y dice ASÍ... que Dios te ilumine Ufo!... tengo 83 años y mis neuronas me están diciendo que basta, pero espero que ahora pueda ver de verdad este invento maravilloso funcionando... ¡adelante vamos a lograrlo!


Quote from: hipermotor on Jan 03, 2024, 12:43 PMHola, hace más de diez años que comencé mi andadura sobre el dispositivo de Clemente Figuera junto con otros amigos españoles cuando el Sr. Polanco (periodista e investigador) sacó a la luz la patente de nuestro paisano, desde entonces hemos estado haciendo un montón de experimentos que si bien no han dado el resultado esperado si nos han ayudado a conocer como debía funcionar... es muy simple, solo se trata de: CON CORRIENTE CONTINUA MOVER LA PARED DE BLOCH DONDE CHOCAN DOS POLOS DEL MISMO SIGNO (o eso creo )... el problema ha sido siempre como hacerlo, jajajaja... ahora después de diez u once años, viene Ufo y dice ASÍ... que Dios te ilumine Ufo!... tengo 83 años y mis neuronas me están diciendo que basta, pero espero que ahora pueda ver de verdad este invento maravilloso funcionando... ¡adelante vamos a lograrlo!

Muy Bienvenido seas, Hipermotor!!

Encantados de tenerte por acá!!

Muy detallada tu descripción, exactamente, son dos polos del mismo signo, que entrelazan virtualmente su Espectro, dentro de casi idénticos, Espacio-Tiempo...



Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci

Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions