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Magnetism and Science

Started by Ufopolitics, Feb 24, 2024, 12:02 PM

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Hello to All,

On this Topic I want to deeply discuss about Magnetism and actual development so far, on this branch of science...

What the Science Academy recognizes about the given Magnetic Field Architecture Model, versus other facts proven in Labs...which differ from the official model. 

I will be showing video experiments that I have conducted in the past...

Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci




About eight years ago, I did the following video clearly demonstrates that there is a DIVIDING INTERNAL PLANE inside every electromagnet generating a Magnetic Field.

It is a very simple demonstration, based on a Hollow-Air Core, where I wound a coil, and connected to a PSU...

And I built a tool, that anyone of you can is so simple!...

This Dividing Internal Plane, it is EXACTLY located at the very dead center of the INNER coil...and it is very clear to observe, how our tool FLIPS when passing center plane down...and to FLIP BACK again as we go above that invisible plane...

I still have the same coil on a plexiglass tube...and I will repeat a more detailed view of this same experiment.

Point here is that Science, still does not recognizes that there is a BLOCH WALL at center of every magnetic field, discovered by Scientist Felix Bloch...

Ken Wheeler goes further on his analysis about this plane, calling it a Dielectric Plane or Counter spatial Field.


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci


Hello ufopolitics,

Many thanks for this topic. You have done an amazing work.

So, if a single layer solenoid would be used, maybe we could observe some more interesting effects apart from convergence point of all force lines into the blochwall .. however this point is called zpe by different people.

And I am referring to polarisation upon electromotive force is applied. Positive sign of electric indicate north and negative south ? Am I correct ?

Now if we analyse magnetic force can we observe the opposite reaction ? Expulsion on north pole of magnetic field and suction at south pole ?

If this is true, then this means a permanent magnet can be used as an accelerator as cost free in terms of energy spent, when correct polarity is used. Any thoughts ?


Quote from: Classic on Feb 24, 2024, 02:25 PMHello ufopolitics,

Many thanks for this topic. You have done an amazing work.

So, if a single layer solenoid would be used, maybe we could observe some more interesting effects apart from convergence point of all force lines into the blochwall .. however this point is called zpe by different people.

And I am referring to polarisation upon electromotive force is applied. Positive sign of electric indicate north and negative south ? Am I correct ?

Now if we analyse magnetic force can we observe the opposite reaction ? Expulsion on north pole of magnetic field and suction at south pole ?

If this is true, then this means a permanent magnet can be used as an accelerator as cost free in terms of energy spent, when correct polarity is used. Any thoughts ?

Thanks Classic,

Yes, Bloch wall is called in different ways...a single layer coil would be great, it must be done with very fine wire though...

Now the Positive electrical sign is relative, as it is also relative how the coil is wound, CW or CCW related to which is the + or -, start or end of coil...on Video the coil North is specified with an "N" in blue.

There is no difference between north and south, it is like a mirror on the center of Field, and from there, polarization emanates circulating around a perpendicular axis, projecting spatially to both opposed ends.

Magnetic Field is a Vortex of Force, looking at it as a whole.

Maybe the video below help you visualize it better:


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci


So, if I understand correct and using +/- for convenience, convergence at midpoint of all forces would be + and divergence where magnetic strength decrease would be - ? 

I may miss something here, but the way is described and visualised create expulsion at both ends and suction in midpoint ... is this related to action of electric force or permanent magnet ? How this can explain attraction of iron or attraction/repulsion between ends ?

Otherwise makes perfect sense for blockwall where all convergence and divergence lines meet together.
Although I wouldn't say the science does not recognise .. it is too obvious its existence, but they prefer to ignore it and even avoid touching this subject, at least in public exposure.

What is the difference between permanent magnet and electromagnet ?

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