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EEG_EM_New_Technique_TRANSVERSE_FLUX (TF) (Provisional Patent Applied for)

Started by solarlab, Dec 20, 2023, 09:51 PM

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Hi ggx9,

The following post I hope will help answer your questions.

The Resistor in Series with the Coils

The resistor is explained in some of the attached literature but it's primarily a design
function - a variable, so to speak, that sets the coil current for further analysis. 



Two Windings Versus A Single Winding for the Pole Structure

Several thoughts:

Performance Monitoring (BITE) and Operation

- First, consider the "Lamination Cut Pattern" lends itself to minimal waste. See the
previous diagram for details. The result was having "one leg" longer than "the other
leg." This also provides a degree of versatility, both functional and during design.

- It can also serve as a System "BITE" (Built In Test Equipment) scheme. Periodically
look at each Pole Coil as an insitu test {BITE} for nominal performance. This can
further test the System Performance.

- The "Loop Coil" will also pass information to the "BITE" Coil. Valuable during both
design development as well as operationally. The more status LEDs/Indicators, the
better. Might be very handy to internally monitor the system during the design phase.

- Redundancy, that is, if one Coil Leg should fail the second Coil Leg will still function,
all be it at a reduced performance, but your still not "dead in the water." Half power
is better than no power!

Design and Development

- During development one coil can serve as a "Test Port," that is, one coil Leg is driven
while the other Leg is monitored. This might provide insitu measurements without
requiring other additional modifications; simply a quick, wire re-arrangement.

- This scheme allows testing and measuring "series" and "parallel" coil configurations,
timing schemes, amongst other things that might be of interest, without modification.

- The design itself allows easily adding or removing Leg Coils as required - "slide on,
slide off!" Power both, power one, alternate, etc. Check the temperature rise, and so

Hope this answers your question, at least to some extent.



Windings - Inductance - Resistance

Precision Microdrives (Technical Resources) AB-022
[Reference Information - PWM Frequency For Linear Motion Control]

Keep in mind we are not concerned with motor control; however we just want to keep the
current in our coils "moving," therefore the goal is not maximum torque, etc.. Just keep the
current "moving" in the coils and only use as much current as we need to achieve ~ 1 Tesla
in the Pole structures. A non-linear current slope is perfectly acceptable.


- Input voltage is equal to the sum of the voltage drop across the inductor and the
voltage drop across the resistor [ VL(t) - Ve - tRLVR(t) = V(1-e-tRL) ]. VL moves toward 0 over
time and VR moves towards +V; until about 5 Tau. See the chart. Note that 1 Tau or 2 Tau
achieves the greatest slope of idt/t or vdt/t. This is good and wastes less.

See the charts for 50% at 2 Tau (4 tau) versus 50% at 1 Tau (2 Tau).

- Have a look at the Calculations paragraph, (in this case it's for a DC motor but still

- Note the Motor Current vs PWM duty curve for 31.5 kHz, 2kHz and 200Hz. But keep
in mind we are not that interested in linear behavour, plus we will likely use a 50% wave.

Motor inertia, etc. are not a part of our equation. Neither is the linear/non-linear
response, or vibration, and so forth. We just need the "Current to Slope."
  " di/dt "

Finding the Balance will be, in the end, part of the physical analysis and test.



The Target Design is a "Stand Alone Device"

EE_TFG is meant to be an independant unit. The intent is to serve many applications
including a Battery Booster, enhance a Solar Panel output, and so forth.

Also, with the proper internal loop-back it may even provide a "stand alone" function.

This means it can be tied to an external AC supply feed to form an additional power
source but that's not a requirement. It would be one of the applications however.



Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions