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Free energy will help the poor to become independent of needing expensive fuels.
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Words from Stefan Hartmann/Owner/Admin of Overunity Forum
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EEG_EM_New_Technique_TRANSVERSE_FLUX (TF) (Provisional Patent Applied for)

Started by solarlab, Dec 20, 2023, 09:51 PM

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Quote from: Classic on Apr 06, 2024, 07:22 AM@solarlab, I guess we are not going to get any updates anymore on this setup ?

Or maybe not yet decided what path to choose, free public open source or patent ?

Hello Classic,

I do not think Solarlab will try to get a patent on this...

The USPTO have already created a specific "Class #" for "Perpetua Mobilia" Status, on any Application proposal where Output is larger than Input...or any "Magnet Motor" which does not require any energy as input.

This "Perpetua Mobilia Status" will render any patent USELESS for trading, assignation to a Third Party or, other than have a nice "Patent Certificate" framed and hanged in your office or is not good for anything else.

But apart from the above, there is a type of "Syndrome" that tend to attack Inventors, once they achieve a proven Overunity Device...I have seen it is a kind of "limbo" la la land state, where inventor no longer want to keep disclosing his invention in the open, but does not want to apply for a Patent either.

The Invention that Solarlab have shown here, does not comply with stated physics related to the Laws of Induction, as a matter of fact, it defies them completely.

And those Laws applies from Maxwell, Faraday all the way up to Lorentz.

Simply because Induction takes place on a PERPENDICULAR (90º) Basis, related to 1- Magnetic B-Field versus 2- Induced Wire(s) Conductor(s).

Solarlab proposal, have both Components completely IN PARALLEL.

And that fact alone, is going to be literally a "war" trying to "legalize" this concept against Magnetism Laws, apart from the OU Factor.

I believe Solarlab is just rechecking again his system, making sure that all parameters are correct first, before keep adding here more material.

So, give him a "brake", please!!... ;D


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci


My, how time flies when you're having fun!
Geez, Ten Days since my last post...


1.  The Carp49 Laminations are now a week overdue, called the supplier but still no firm shipping

2. M19 Testing is still ongoing - haven't checked the progress lately but there is a lot to it; many
coils to be wound, 20 coils with different number of turns (done by hand) per each sequenced
test run (1-pole, then 2-poles, etc. up to 10); then Loop Coils for each sequence (1-Loop turns,
4-Loop turns, etc. up to 100 Loop turns). A huge number of combinations and permutations.

3. Loop Coils are still done by hand around a Tupper Ware oval bowl. Pole Coils have a what I
call a "Coil Former and Dressing" - might attach a detailed preliminary desgn file (?).
Note: The M19 and Carp49 laminations are the same size so the Pole Coils and Loop Coils will
be used on both in the same configuration. 

This is used primarily as a comparison between the M19 and Carp49 materials.

4. Automated Coil Winder using a pseudo-orthocyclic wind pattern on a square bobbin is a bit
tricky to design. Target design uses a rotary table with independant jaw chuck mounted on an
X-Axis. Briefly; one turn then step 1 wire diameter for the base layer, then step back 1/2 wire
diameter, then one turn and step back 1 wire diameter for n number of turns, etc.. This Winder
is needed for small production runs once the optimum # of turns is determined.

4a. An adhesive dispensing needle of appropriate gauge is used as a wire guide to direct the
coil wire very close to the square coil form in an effort to keep the windings neat and tidy.
Needle uses a Leur type attachment so it can be quickly replaced.

4b. A modified 3D Printer stepper motor based Filament feeder (dual gear direct extruder)
with Heat Shrink over the feeder drive serations (keeps from cutting into the wire insulation
and also provides some slippage for the coil wire). The feeder stepper is synchronized closely
with the rotary table to ensure a good tension on the wound coil.  Might attach a detailed
preliminary "Orthocyclic Coil_Winder Build Info" desgn file (?).

This Winder approach should also work on a 4-Axis Mill.

5. Flowcode's App Developer is used to drive the Automated Coil Winder using a Modbus
format scheme on  the slave modbus stepper controller which also includes the travel stop
switches and so forth. App Developer resides on a PC and the modbus Slave is a micro
controller. All the required stepper motor steps and such are calculated on the PC then sent
to the Slave. This makes it easier to fine-tume the Coil Winder as required. A bit more work
and a learning curve figuring out how it works up-front but more veratile in the end.

6. A lot of study and analysis is still being done on the "EE_TFG" theory-of-operation so it's
still very much a work-in-progress.

AND we still don't know if the EE_TFG concept will perform as the CAE simulation and analysis

Also; here's a post I did a while back in another forum somewhat related to the "direction:"

Conceiving a new technology, or a unique twist to existing technology, can be huge; but its only a
small step in the journey - a viable proof-of-concept based upon many iterative tests and analysis
must follow; that takes a lot of time, effort and money. But again, at the end of this phase you're
only left with a viable, all be it, a unique unexplained technology.

Now you have to explain it, in both scientific and engineering, terms. Again, time consuming and
possibly difficult if the science requires development as well.

Of course another hurdle is acceptance of the concept, especially if it's non-main stream. It has to
be rigorously defended; and even so, some will never acceppt it, that's just typical human nature.

Possibly a better route is just to quietly commercialize or industrialize this new technology and
let it simply speak for itself in a few sought-after applications. It will grow as time goes without
any needed fan-fare. This approach also side-steps much of the discourse, supression and apathy.

Although the search for an excess energy device is the primary goal; once achieved, so what!

But; when it's proven the device works as conceived, implementation then becomes the fun...

There are many examples - zipper, telephone, ICE, radio, flight, x-rays, TV, space, etc. - none of these,
and many others, were not done in a day or two, and they cost much more than a few dollars.



Quote from: Ufopolitics on Apr 06, 2024, 12:46 PM
Quote from: Classic on Apr 06, 2024, 07:22 AM@solarlab, I guess we are not going to get any updates anymore on this setup ?

Or maybe not yet decided what path to choose, free public open source or patent ?

Hello Classic,

I do not think Solarlab will try to get a patent on this...

The USPTO have already created a specific "Class #" for "Perpetua Mobilia" Status, on any Application proposal where Output is larger than Input...or any "Magnet Motor" which does not require any energy as input.

This "Perpetua Mobilia Status" will render any patent USELESS for trading, assignation to a Third Party or, other than have a nice "Patent Certificate" framed and hanged in your office or is not good for anything else.

But apart from the above, there is a type of "Syndrome" that tend to attack Inventors, once they achieve a proven Overunity Device...I have seen it is a kind of "limbo" la la land state, where inventor no longer want to keep disclosing his invention in the open, but does not want to apply for a Patent either.

The Invention that Solarlab have shown here, does not comply with stated physics related to the Laws of Induction, as a matter of fact, it defies them completely.

And those Laws applies from Maxwell, Faraday all the way up to Lorentz.

Simply because Induction takes place on a PERPENDICULAR (90º) Basis, related to 1- Magnetic B-Field versus 2- Induced Wire(s) Conductor(s).

Solarlab proposal, have both Components completely IN PARALLEL.

And that fact alone, is going to be literally a "war" trying to "legalize" this concept against Magnetism Laws, apart from the OU Factor.

I believe Solarlab is just rechecking again his system, making sure that all parameters are correct first, before keep adding here more material.

So, give him a "brake", please!!... ;D



Hi Ufopolitics,

Actually the concept of "Transverse Flux (the Loop Coil and the Poles being perpendicular [orthoganol])" is not patentable, see
referenced patents below. All of these use the Transverse Flux scheme.

The same configuration is used in the EE_TFG design (similar to many TFMG wind generators - see the referenced papers).

BUT the patentable part is where the "Permanent Magnets (PMs)" are replaced by "Electronic (controlled) Electromagnets"
hence, the "EE" part of the "EE_TFG."

Such a simple change (modification) to the current "Art" brings with it a huge change in the overall device characteristics.
No longer a need for any rotating permanent magnets or a rotating propeller or other driving mechanism. This new novel
device has NO MOVING PARTS and DOES NOT REQUIRE ANY EXTERNAL INFLUENCES to facilitate operation.

The EE_TFG still does need a power source, briefly, to start the operation - initially power up the electronics and provide
an initial current for the Pole Coils (3.3VDC @ 50mA) for probably less than a second (still to be tested and determined).

Electronic control of the electromagnets replace the rotating permanent magnets while retaining the bennefit of seperation of
the electric field and the magnetic field - Lens Law is virtually eliminated as are the BEMF effects as well as torque drag
(notching), etc. This drag is explained in detail in some of the attached papers and is a major source of development for
current Art wind generator devices. These adverse effects (found in current motors and generators) fill many books and
papers and are explained in many differing ways.

One area where the EE_TFG patent might stand a chance of being overturned is where "Mordey - US437501" last paragraph
before the Claims states:

"The field may be excited from an external source, or it may be wholly or partly excited by a commuted current obtained from the armature."

Modey's patent attached.

Other patents using the "transverse flux" concept include: US447921, US514907, US567423, US570012.

Also, IMHO, Dr. Holcomb has basically "broken the glass ceiling," so to speak, regarding the "Perpetua Mobilia" with
respect to future patents.

And yes, the EE_TFG is still a work in progress - so far, so good!



BTW, a Provisional Application runs for the period of a year so there is plenty of time to
consider many options and explore many avenues!


Dear Solarlab,
Does the Coil Lamination need to be ANNEALING treated?


Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions