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EEG_EM_New_Technique_TRANSVERSE_FLUX (TF) (Provisional Patent Applied for)

Started by solarlab, Dec 20, 2023, 09:51 PM

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The following was posted in another thread (edited for this thread); however it really belongs here.

Lorentz - Transverse Flux

With respect to the EE_TFG it appears the Lorentz Force Law is the only one that might
reasonably apply when explaining the operation of the Transverse Flux generator;
both in the permanent magnet generators (TFPM) and the proposed Electromagnet
(EE_TFG) devies [magnetic field applied at right angle to the coil which creates
current in the coil].

There seems to be very little technical information available regarding a "fixed in place"
wire (a.k.a. Loop Coil). Several simplified references can be found here:  [general]    [stationary wire]  [calculation]

Now, set the sin theta to 90 degrees (at least thats the angle that the TFG Poles seem
to be at when presented to the Loop Coil); BUT the numbers from the on-line
calculator have me quite confused (especially the "Force" without the "v" component).

Hoping the Transverse Flux concept will fit within the Lorentz Force Laws...

After viewing this fellows video, I gathered a lot of insight that appears to have answered most of my inquiries.

Induced Current In A Wire_Physics - Sal at Kahn Academy (these Kahn guys seem to 'run' with Lorentz more than with Faraday):

Now, lets see if this approach to developing the Theory for a "EE_TFG" holds any water!     To be continued...


Attached: Magnetic Forces On Moving Charges
                 Magnetic Forces On Moving Charges Fixed Wire


A Postulation (assumed theory) for:

(EE_TFG or Electronic Electromagnet Transverse Flux Generator)

The next few posts will go into some detail linking the Electronic driven Electromagnetc Transverse
Flux Generator (EE_TFG) to Lorentz Law thus forming a Postulation (Theory) of the Operational Physics.

Very little, if any, math will be involved as images and pictorials are sometimes better when gaining
an appreciation of the underlying processes. However, much of the math required is relatively simple
and is abundantly available.

Two basic elements make up this "linkage"

Ax. Consists of the "Physical Device" composed of the following:

A 1.) A physical device, which has already been provided; although, it will be presented again in a simplified
component form consisting of  two "U" shaped cores with uneven legs which are 'butted together' to
form a rectangular shape. Both cores are constructed of laminated electrical steel for best performance.
However Soft Magnetic Composites can also be used for the Cores but tend to give less performance.

A 2.) On the longer leg of each "U" core; a Coil of wire is wound. These coils are phased such that a North
Pole and a South Pole are simultaneously formed. These coils are driven at the same time and can be
configured in either series or parallel. The objective is to create a rotating magnetic B Field within the
rectangular shape formed by the two 'butted' cores. Together these form a so-called "Pole."

A 3.) In the center region of each "U Pole" (there are two regions available - one for each 1/2 Pole) a simple
"Loop" of wire is placed. This forms the "Output(s)" of the device. Optimal placement of the Loop Coil,
number of turns, and fill-factor (FF) will be looked at in detail later.

A 4.) A variety of electronic driving options for the two (one N & one S) "U Cores" can be employed ranging
from a simple "Oscillator" driving a full "H_Bridge" to a microprocessor scheme allowing further control
of the device. This will be looked at further as we progress.

Bx. is the Physics of Lorentz's Force Law which involves basically three Vectors:

B 1.) "B" which is the Magnetic Field vector,

B 2). "F" referes to the Force vector, and

B 3.) "I" also refered to as the Electric current Vector within the the wire (or Loop Coil in this case), and

B 4.) Which is the actual Lorentz Force equation(s) F = qE + qv X B. These are all Vector quantities except
"q" which is just a scalar quantity. Note the X is a Cross Product. More on this later. 

NOTE: The above Vectors can be referenced to previous attachments, etc.

Linking the Physical Device to the Lorentz Force Law thus forming a Theory of Operation

Major to linking the physical device to Lorentz is related to the Vectors matching the actual Magnetic
Field Vectors and Current Direction. This will be done (attempted) using graphics and pictorials as much
as possible without a deep dive into the mathematics. CAE is used to determine the physical device vectors.

The entire Postulation, including graphics and animations, will form one, or more, "pdf" documents,
including all posts and related information, will also be available when completed and checked.

to be continued...


As a preliminary introduction to "Lorentz" (not necessary but interesting non-the-less) for those who
may not be familiar with Lorentz's work see the Caltech video link below:



Linking the Physical Device to the Lorentz Force Law thus forming a Theory of Operation

Having trouble finding a way of plotting the "F" Force but here's what's available is so far:

Using the "Magnetic Force on a Current-Carrying Wire" (found above) there are three Vectors;
"B", "I" and "F".

A top view from the "X" coordinate of the EE_TFG is attached as "Y_Z_Planes_EE_TFG_Z03.png."
and an iso view is given in "X_Y_Z_Planes_EE_TFG_Z03.png."

Using "I" or, in this case, the "J" direction from the simulation it can be seen from the plot that
this is along the "Z Axis"  so this becomes the "I Vector." This is shown in the attachment:
"J-Vector_YZplane_1.32mS_full_01.png". Note the current direction reverses as the Pole polarity
reverses - not shown in these attachemts, however animated 'gif's are available if requested

Now, we want to see the "B Vector" perpendicular to the "I Vector" in the simulation plot. This
is shown in the four attachments "Vector_XYplane_0.95uS_L_to_R_01.png", 
"Vector_XYplane_1.05uS_R_to_L_01.png", "Vector_YZplane_0.95uS_L-to-R_01.png" and

Once the method of plotting the "F Vector" is found it will be added. However, we can
guess the F Vector pretty reliably based on the Lorentz teachings.

Anyway, it appears the "EE_TFG" device, as well as other Permanent Magnet TF (TFPM)
generators use the "Lorentz Force Laws."

More than interesting, this discovery will be of great assistance when explaining, as well as defending,
the "Theory of Operation" and inner workings of "TFG's" in general. Also, once understood, this approach
can be applied to any number of unique generator/motor topologies! 

NOTE: These vector plots can be done using the free Ansys Student version of AEDT in Magnetostatic.





NOTE: This has not been fabricated and tested yet - just a WAG to show the basic scheme.

Home Depot and other "Big Box Stores" sell Flat Metal Bar in various sizes. Some of these
bars (most?) in the 1/2" to 1-1/2" width, 3/8" to 3/4" thickness are typically ANSI C1008/1010
commercial grade; or simply ANSI 1008 or ANSI 1010. Note that it appears ANSI 1008 has a
better B-H Curve than ANSI 1010.

Let's try a 1" x 1/4" x 48" [25.4mm x 6.35mm x cut-to-length] Everbilt plain steel flat bar.

HOWEVER, before you buy anything and start bending the bar into a U shape, try a WAG
design using AEDT Student.

Using AEDT Student, make two "U" shaped half Poles (Upper & Lower). Fold the bars into
a "U shape" that can be easily bent to dimensions. Enter these into the AEDT and select
"steel_1008" as the material. You can now very quickly test whether or not this simulated
configuration is worth pursuing in a few minutes; before spending any money and
further effort. View the B-H Curves in AEDT (log plots, etc.)

In AEDT construct a "CoilTerminal" on one leg of "U 1/2 Pole" and enter the "number of wires"
or, in other words, the 'Number of Coil Turns'. The goal is to create an electromagnet of (?)
Tesla that propagates intenally around the "U Poles" when butted together.

Since the EE_TFG follows Lorentz's Force Law, you can get an idea of the "I Vector" or the
estimated "Current in the Loop Core". An AEDT Transient analysis would be helpful but
unfortunately the student version doesn't provide this.

However, from the AEDT CAE Magnetostatic analysis you can determine the "Number of
Turns" needed versus the "H" in Amp/turns (in meters) required to achieve, say,
a 1T (1 Tesla) "B" in the "U Pole" structure.

You will need to "Drive the N & S Coils" with your favourite (H-Bridge if needed) and Power
Supply using your Controller (a simple square wave should work OK).

ASTI1008 steel is not a great electrical steel but hopefully it will give enough of an output
to demonstrate the workings of an EE_TFG and how easily they can be built. Add more
"U Poles" and see if the Output increases.


Note the symetry is screwed up - moved the device so the global coordinate was in
the middle - wrong move since the U's were built using lines (GCS - based) ooops!

Using ANSI 1108 flat steel (from HD or where ever) you really have to "pore-the-coal"
to 'er - each Winding = 500mA and Coil Turns = 100

U Poles were formed by taking two flats as a former and bending the U flat Pole piece around it.

More turns or more current, more "B" - experiment a bit...    Usable as a generator?
Will look at some Outputs later when there's a bit more time.   

But; see some typical B & H results attached below [500mA and 100 turns for each Winding
using ANSI 1008 flat bar steel from the local hardware store (Everbuilt?) ]:



Fabrication of a "QUICK TEST" of the EE-TFG Concept

NOTE: This is NOT A RECOMMENDATION - JUST AN IDEA that might work for you. I will try something
like this as time permits, but first I'll simulate the idea and see if it has any merit on paper!
This is a "Design Intent Document (DID") and subject to change as needed.

There are many ways of fabricating this device. One approach is outlined below to gain an appreciation
of how such a simple "Proof-of-Concept" build might be achieved using easily available,"off-the-shelf," hardware 
and tools. 

I'm not suggesting or recommending you try it; but the information has been provided if you want to attempt a simple 
"self-built" investigation without too much effort or cost! This is geared towards those who continually call for a Proof;
now they can easily do a "self proof" by just following these inexpensive steps. I have no idea if it will work and make
no claims at all!

An initial CAE analysis showed resonable results (far from a final product as the efficiency and, thus, performance could
be increased without too much additional cost) but a build such as this might be instructive.

See the attached .pdf for details.


Added: Some typical CAE B & H "U Pole" results attached below [500mA and 100 turns for each Winding using ANSI 1008 
flat bar steel from the local hardware store (Everbuilt?)    "ANSI-1008 HD flats - 500mA 100 turns" 

Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions