Hello to All, Members and Guests!!
As you all know, for a few months ago the Overunity Forum, Administrated and Owned by Stefan Hartmann, have gone off the online network and its Domain now has redirected to a Telegram link: https://t.me/overunitydotcom
So, we no longer had all the vast files directory, available to browse and consult for our research and development...and honestly, I felt very sad to see such a great Forum go completely off the air and no longer be available to even read it online anymore.
So, on June 16 Stefan contacted me through an email:
So, I agreed to his request to store all this massive data on my servers, but in order "to use it" I could not just add it to Overunity Machines Data, first, because all this data was running on an old version of SMF (2.0.19) which is a completely different Encryption Configuration.
And the way this Operation must be done, is by hosting all this old data on a New FTP Server, a New MySQL Server as a New Domain name with the old version it was running originally...then run an Upgrade to the newest version of SMF.
...and exactly that, is what I have done...
This whole process has taken a few months to finally be able to Publish All the Overunity.comArchives (https://overunityarchives.com/index.php):
OverUnityArchives_Right_Text.png (https://overunityarchives.com/index.php)
However, it is still NOT Finished, so for now it is on a "Read Only" Mode, as New Registrations are closed.All the links to Categories, Boards (122) and Topics (16,394), the Posts (548,794) are working perfectly well, as also all 85,347 Members are there with all their personal information saved as it was originally.
if you were a Registered Member of the Old Overunitydotcom Forum, you should be able to login without any issues, see all your inbox messages, all your posts and topics you have created.
Browsing all Forum Boards, Topics. Posts as the Internal Search Engine within whole site works flawlessly!!
It is open also for Guests (Not Registered, Not Logged in) to browse entire site.
The Only thing that is all messed up, are the 'attachments' folder, Stefan could not transfer all files within (135,000), that contains images, diagrams, short movies, tests, etc...plus all the Member's Avatars are also missing.These issues with attachments and avatars missing files, are going to eventually get resolved -hopefully- next month (September) when an old friend of mine (Semi) would visit Stefan in Berlin, Germany to get these Folders and He will transfer them to my server.
Then I will have to Process/Encrypt all those files, to make them available on the Archives Website to be published.
Then We will have a Complete Archive of the Overunity Forum
The Overunity Archives site is built on the latest SMF Software configuration as OverunityMachines is based on (Version 2.1.4)
I also designed the Archives site to be very similar to the way this site works, as same color variant theme, same structure to display Topics, Boards and Posts...as also same way to Login and Logoff plus Members Mail configuration and History. This makes it much easier for me to Maintain it, as to exchange Files, Mods and all data without any risk of crashing.
I also added Seven (7) Languages plus English, to be able to browse all Site Map Indicators in those Languages.
However, compared to this Forum, the Overunity Archives contains Massive Data, which makes it a long road to scroll all its Categories and so many Boards within, as so many Topics...
You must realize this has been the work and creation from Stefan Hartmann for close to Thirty (30) Years!! where thousands of Members has contributed for all those years!!
So, now I am very glad that we can browse again, all these almost lost files...
Enjoy them!!
Now the sad part...
Stefan's illness has intensified, and his health is on a decline, for the last weeks He has been trying to get a bed on a Hospital and have not been able to...He is on the Public Health Care System of Germany...Not on Private Care, which is highly prioritized over a Public one.
Lately He was able to reserve a bed on a hospital for next Wednesday the 28th of August.
But as I have stated on a specific Topic on OU Archives:
Stefan Hartmann needs all the help He can get from you!! (overunityarchives.com) (https://overunityarchives.com/index.php/topic,19620.0/topicseen.html)
I have also added a Donate Button there (on the Header of Site) to Help him with whatever amount you can chip in:
Stefan L. Hartmann direct link to PayPal Donations is:
So, let's keep our prayers on, for a prompt recuperation of Stefan's Health!!
On a final note...
I do not think that any time soon, I will be FULLY Opening the OU Archives for Members to start posting comments or Creating New Topics...much less to open for new members registrations.
First, I want to COMPLETELY RESTORE ALL the OLD DATA, as Attachments and Avatars is related, as check all images and other attachments are directed to the proper directories, and that's quite a job!!
Second, I have TONS of work to be done on my Personal Development related to Figuera Generator(s), and that have the Main Priority right now!
This job of transferring plus restoring all this massive data back online, has taken me completely away from my physical work on developing Figuera's setup...but, I kept developing on my mind as on CAD Diagrams a lot of new approaches that I would be disclosing soon, so get ready!!..
Thank you very much Ufo for the tremendous amount of work I am sure it has taken to accomplish all this! The OU community owes you a huge thanks for such a great effort.
Respectfully and sincerely,
I'd just like to echo what @citfta said, it is a tremendous contribution to the community to have rescued overunity.com. I still refer back to posts I made on that forum.
My own view is that it makes sense to leave overunity.com as a read-only reference site and to establish topics on here to discuss and add to threads that began there, especially as overunity.com is so massive and navigating it may be slow. It would be like having a fresh start while continuing to have a comprehensive reference section. Maybe a notice could be posted on the overunity.com section to that effect.
Futhermore, I also wish Stefan a quick and easy recovery. I very much appreciated overunity.com while it was running and I know that in addition to the forum Stefan has contributed and helped with testing and replication of quite a number of different overunity candidate devices.
@Ufopolitics your commitment and effort is astonishing ... it just took me a while to find my words and still not sure how to express my feelings. When overunity.com went offline I thought it will be lost forever as many others that vanished over the time.
When I saw Stefan Hartman message on telegram I was over the moon as to say and I have been tempted so many times to ask for an update fighting my impatience. But as the course of life never a joyful moment comes without a price, I feel very sad for Stefan health condition ... he really deserve better than this and now I can fully understand why he wanted to sell it. My guess is some donations being done by those with limited resources and probably will continue for a while.
I never thought this would require such huge volume of work and also not had any idea how huge is this database.
Thank you very much from all my heart.