Hello to All,
On this Topic I want to deeply discuss about Magnetism and actual development so far, on this branch of science...
What the Science Academy recognizes about the given Magnetic Field Architecture Model, versus other facts proven in Labs...which differ from the official model.
I will be showing video experiments that I have conducted in the past...
About eight years ago, I did the following video below...it clearly demonstrates that there is a
DIVIDING INTERNAL PLANE inside every electromagnet generating a Magnetic Field.
It is a very simple demonstration, based on a Hollow-Air Core, where I wound a coil, and connected to a PSU...
And I built a tool, that anyone of you can build...it is so simple!...
This Dividing Internal Plane, it is EXACTLY located at the very dead center of the INNER coil...and it is very clear to observe, how our tool FLIPS when
passing center plane down...and to FLIP BACK again as we go
above that invisible plane...
I still have the same coil on a plexiglass tube...and I will repeat a more detailed view of this same experiment.
Point here is that Science, still does not recognizes that there is a BLOCH WALL at center of every magnetic field, discovered by Scientist Felix Bloch...
Ken Wheeler goes further on his analysis about this plane, calling it a Dielectric Plane or Counter spatial Field.
Hello ufopolitics,
Many thanks for this topic. You have done an amazing work.
So, if a single layer solenoid would be used, maybe we could observe some more interesting effects apart from convergence point of all force lines into the blochwall .. however this point is called zpe by different people.
And I am referring to polarisation upon electromotive force is applied. Positive sign of electric indicate north and negative south ? Am I correct ?
Now if we analyse magnetic force can we observe the opposite reaction ? Expulsion on north pole of magnetic field and suction at south pole ?
If this is true, then this means a permanent magnet can be used as an accelerator as cost free in terms of energy spent, when correct polarity is used. Any thoughts ?
Quote from: Classic on Feb 24, 2024, 02:25 PMHello ufopolitics,
Many thanks for this topic. You have done an amazing work.
So, if a single layer solenoid would be used, maybe we could observe some more interesting effects apart from convergence point of all force lines into the blochwall .. however this point is called zpe by different people.
And I am referring to polarisation upon electromotive force is applied. Positive sign of electric indicate north and negative south ? Am I correct ?
Now if we analyse magnetic force can we observe the opposite reaction ? Expulsion on north pole of magnetic field and suction at south pole ?
If this is true, then this means a permanent magnet can be used as an accelerator as cost free in terms of energy spent, when correct polarity is used. Any thoughts ?
Thanks Classic,
Yes, Bloch wall is called in different ways...a single layer coil would be great, it must be done with very fine wire though...
Now the Positive electrical sign is relative, as it is also relative how the coil is wound, CW or CCW related to which is the + or -, start or end of coil...on Video the coil North is specified with an "N" in blue.
There is no difference between north and south, it is like a mirror on the center of Field, and from there, polarization emanates circulating around a perpendicular axis, projecting spatially to both opposed ends.
Magnetic Field is a Vortex of Force, looking at it as a whole.
Maybe the video below help you visualize it better:
So, if I understand correct and using +/- for convenience, convergence at midpoint of all forces would be + and divergence where magnetic strength decrease would be - ?
I may miss something here, but the way is described and visualised create expulsion at both ends and suction in midpoint ... is this related to action of electric force or permanent magnet ? How this can explain attraction of iron or attraction/repulsion between ends ?
Otherwise makes perfect sense for blockwall where all convergence and divergence lines meet together.
Although I wouldn't say the science does not recognise .. it is too obvious its existence, but they prefer to ignore it and even avoid touching this subject, at least in public exposure.
What is the difference between permanent magnet and electromagnet ?
@Classic I believe you need to read K. Wheeler's book...is free and here on site:
Uncovering the Missing Secrets of Magnetism (Full Read Onsite PDF) (overunitymachines.com) (https://overunitymachines.com/index.php/topic,9.0/topicseen.html)
You will then understand, as book will respond to majority of your questions...
I was hoping to discuss a little bit more than just return to the book, indeed some of the questions are answered, but I have asked them trying to push the analyse further and have understood that most of the people here are already familiar enough.
And idea of two forces spiralling inside toward blochwall/zpe from opposite directions is not new and many have discussed as such ... maybe some of you are aware about the "lunatic" Nigel Cheese/Hands/Cooper where he described his special magnets and everyone knows what knightmare he was been forced to live with being too vocal even for just half of what could be said.
Or Marinov fate for just saying the truth out load, when all of his own kind have devoured him to just keep a comfy lifestyle.
All the benefits of what we have nowadays is not due to magnificent science, but for what inventors did or they have been allowed to do by the "society" ... the science is now some kind of judge deciding what can go in public and what can not, as they are not stupid.
A permanent magnet is an over unity device where we insert initial charge which is used in return billion times more. This is the energy and what is happening in fact and so obvious that we fail to see. Instead of the trees we have magnets that prevent us to see the forest (sea of energy that we live in).
Hello to All,
Ok, despite the enormous amount of work that I have in front of me, I will also add to it this Magnetism part that I consider is of very high importance to finally understand Magnetic Fields.
Our Modern Science related to Magnetism has only recognized the B-Field, as a "one way" vector that travels from North to South Poles on a Magnetic Field.
By this Convention, the B-Field Vector serves to identify a Magnetic Field North and South Polarities, as in mathematical Formulas and Laws as the Lorentz Force. At this point referring to "B-Field" is like invoking the whole Magnetic Field.
But this B-Field Vector Convention ignores completely the existence of a Bloch, a Néel or any Domain Wall (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_wall_(magnetism)#Bloch_wall)within the very center of ALL Magnetic Fields...
And this very Conservative and Orthodox teaching does NOT represent -at all- the truthful and Real Structure of the Magnetic Fields.
The point here is that not just one, but two Nobel Price Scientists, discovered in different times of our History, the existence of this Domain Wall at the Center of every Magnetic Field.The First (1952) Nobel Price on Physics, Felix Bloch (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Felix_Bloch), based on his work about: "development of new ways and methods for nuclear magnetic precision measurements"...discovered the "Bloch Wall"
The Second (1970) Nobel Price on Physics, Louis Eugène Félix Néel (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_N%C3%A9el), based on his work: "studies of the magnetic properties of solids".
In 1974 to 1980's, these two Authors wrote some books about magnetism studies.
On the 1974 book: Magnetism and its effects on the Living System (https://archive.org/details/magnetism-and-its-effects-on-the-living-system/) on Page 23 they show this image, which cites and defines clearly the Bloch Wall on a Magnetic Field in a much better 3D Graphic:
Screen Shot 07-12-24 at 04.25 PM.PNG
As also the "Magnetic Spins" differences between the North and South Poles...
Hello All,
So, I decided to build myself a very simple tool, first, because I fully trusted what all these Scientists discovered and just because our Science simply does not want to "Officially Recognize it"
does not mean that I have to "blindly" believe "it" and "follow it" like a type of "CULT" about their RADICAL Decision to tell us all, that there were NOT ANY DIVIDING Plane at the CENTER of ANY Magnetic Fields...
This video I made it about Eight [8] Years ago, and I already upload it on my Post#1 on this Topic:
The only difference is that now, I want to fully Dissect & Analyze this video and the tool reaction with Step-by-Step Graphics and all kind of 3D CAD's Models...on its travel through the Spatial Field that the electrified coil has generated.
Even though I believe the video is very clearly explained from beginning to end...but sometimes people need some static graphics to "view" the "big picture"
At the same token, I would love for many of you to REPLICATE this so simple experiment on your own...basically for those that may have some doubts still.
But I will go on further detail on tests that at that time I did not do...
If your tool would have another axe free to rotate you would see exact lines of force seen in the drawings as your magnets would not rotate only but flip its sides as well.
If you want you can wind 30-50 turns of any insulated wire in bifilar and see magnetic field effect when you play with different connections ... i have found that a certain connections would cancel complete magnetic field and a little magnet placed inside the bifilar coil would slide with nothing to stop from one end to another, there is no repulsion or attraction at ends either, but there are many, many ways to explore.
Excellent experiment, great work.
So, according to actual Science related to the "Magnetic Structure" they want us to see "IT" looks like this:
It looks so simple, which is very easy to "swallow" and "digest it "without any issues...actually, it has hold for so many years!!
It consists of ONLY ONE WAY VECTOR, they decided to name it "B-Field", and according to their "convention" also decided to a DIRECTION from South to North...
In Plain and simple Mathematical equation, the interpretation of a "FORCE VECTOR", means that the
MAGNITUDE AND DIRECTION a Magnet have, ONLY go from South to North, right?
And in plain Physics analysis, a ONE-WAY Force Vector means that the DIRECTION is ALWAYS on the sense that the small arrow indicates, like a
.You can do your own search about above analysis of a FORCE VECTOR in both branches, Mathematical and Physics...to find out all written here is correct.
Now, let's go directly to analyze a Magnetic Field behavior, with B-Field Force Vector:
And you would ask yourselves: -of course- this B-Field Theory have been verified and proven-many times- according to the ATTRACTION AND REPULSION FORCES between North-South...
So, it is OK, let's do it again... ;D
First, I will select the easier ones...like North-South (Attraction)
So, here the B-Field Theory holds perfectly well on above image...a N-S-N-S is a well known "Magnetic Chain" ...let's go to the next one:
As also if we just change the FORCE FIELD VECTOR DIRECTION...still holds true...no "flaws" up to now...next please:
On above image two North Poles are facing each other's, in a linear directional fashion, we all know as "REPULSION"...and the B-Field Theory is still holding perfectly well here!!
The two North Poles are acting against each other's with the SAME MAGNITUDE OF FORCE in a DIRECTIONAL AND LINEAR FASHION...
We all know perfectly well the FORCE we "feel" whenever trying to bring TWO NORTH POLES TOGETHER!!
So, the B-Field Theory holds very true on this REPULSION...
Please next slide...
OOPS!!...Please can you disappear that slide off my sight?... >:(
Here, I am sorry to tell all of you...the B-Field Theory simply "CRASHED"...It no longer "holds true"...whenever we approach TWO SOUTH POLES.
if this Force Vector called B-Field, only having one direction (from South to North) and EXERTING that magnitude of Force ONLY on that direction...then we can plainly conclude that the SOUTH POLE HAVE ABSOLUTELY ZERO FORCE, ZERO MAGNITUDE OF FORCE, simply because it is the ORIGEN POINT, where THE TWO MAGNITUDES (from the two vectors) TRAVELS AWAY FROM EACH OTHER'S.In ANY Mathematical Formula with Vectors, TWO VECTORS of the same Magnitude and THIS SPECIFIC OPPOSITE Direction, meeting at their TAIL, would definitively CANCEL each other's TO A BIG ZERO!!This would mean in very simple "Layman Terms" that SOUTH POLE have ABSOLUTELY NO FORCE, ZERO MAGNITUDE WHATSOEVER, OPPOSING THE B-FIELD DIRECTION, if we compare it to NORTH POLE.
And further, if we simply decided to test the SOUTH MAGNITUDE FORCE of a Magnetic Field, which has no FORCE VECTOR with DIRECTION coming out from North towards South...
Then -according to this "B-Field Theory" - it is SO OBVIOUS that whenever we approach
TWO SOUTH POLES MAGNETS of the same Grade, same Geometrical Volume...we will have absolutely ZERO REPULSION FORCE!
Hello All,
So, in my belief, we lack to see how Nature really works...with so many "one way" rigid, straight Linear Vectors, that so far have help us -a lot- in resolving many complex equations...
However, we have forgotten that Nature is able to
draw lines in such a way that completely DIFFERS to the way we do...
Yes, Nature draw LINES and CURVES in a Three Dimensional World, in a way that we do not relate at all, whenever we try to analyze and comprehend NATURAL PHENOMENA.
A MAGNETIC FIELD is a completely NATURAL PHENOMENA.MAGNETIC FIELDS ARE CREATED BY NATURE DIRECTLY...We just gather some "equipment" together, that based on Historical Analysis and test work through History, we have "learned" HOW to INVOKE IT, and vualá!!...it is just there!!
In other words, we ONLY use a
CATALYST PROCESS that we have learned it works to make Nature generate THESE TYPES OF FIELDS for us...
So, briefly, the above image shows the real way NATURE "draws" its Vectors of Force in any Magnetic Field that we create...
And I wrote "briefly" because there is much more than just Two Linear Vectors in Opposite Directions, like represented on that image...
But basically, from a "Mathematical Force Vector" point of view or approach, in order that is much simpler to understand it.
And NOW, with this MODEL above of a Magnetic Field, we can go back to ALL previous Magnetic Interactions that I uploaded, based on the B-Field Theory...AND THEY WILL ALL HOLD TRUE FOR EVERY ONE OF THEM!!However, it comprehends MUCH MORE CLEVER 3D GEOMETRIES... than those simply represented by just two Vectors of Force...
@ufopolitics, excellent presentation and explanation ! The very truth of south pole presentation is amazing.
In my opinion a magnet is the perfect example where we can see electric charge getting a mass, by analogy an electret is the example where electric charge will have much less mass.
Polarisation of electric charge have something to do with mass and density.
South pole explanation you made can help to understand the mainstream science ignore on purpose their own law of thermodynamics and consider there is only action without reaction in a magnet ... and the reality and nature itself laugh in their face when they try to stick together 2 south poles of 2 magnets ... even 5 years old kids can check this theory.
What would be the imediate advantage of knowing all this ? ... I am not interested in what mainstream may have to say, I have choose to ignore their view long time ago.
Would you say in a canceled magnetic field there is no induction possible ? Or infinite energy electric charge can flow in any direction without barrier of mass ? Or both ? Supposing we can analyse this in a bifilar coil for convenience as would be much more difficult to use 2 permanent magnets setup for analyse.
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Jul 13, 2024, 04:39 PMAPPROACHING_NORTH_NORTH_POLES.png
On above image two North Poles are facing each other's, in a linear directional fashion, we all know as "REPULSION"...and the B-Field Theory is still holding perfectly well here!!
The two North Poles are acting against each other's with the SAME MAGNITUDE OF FORCE in a DIRECTIONAL AND LINEAR FASHION...
We all know perfectly well the FORCE we "feel" whenever trying to bring TWO NORTH POLES TOGETHER!!
So, the B-Field Theory holds very true on this REPULSION...
Hello to All,
On my previous post (quoted the part on discussion above) I concluded that the North-North Interaction holds true for the B-Field Vector Theory...and that is simply because we all know the result.
And the result is that both North Vectors never cancel out to zero, IF we are just approaching the two magnets of equal values (same grade, same geometry) ...
BUT, if we get involved a piece of non-magnetized steel, of about the same Volumen as one magnet, and place it in between, then both Norths in Repulsion Forces cancel to zero, once both North Poles make contact with steel and both Repulsion Forces die.
The same effect we also get with the approach of two South Poles and a piece of steel in between.
Concluding that whenever we use a ferrous mass in between repulsion Poles, their forces cancel to zero.
And on image below, I am showing the Two Cases for Vectors of equal Magnitude and Opposite Directions canceling to zero, called "Negative Vectors":
And as you can see, in both cases match the B-Field Theory on South to South (case 1) as on North to North (case 2) ...
Anyways, for both cases we are referring to TWO Separate Vectors, from TWO Different Embodiments, carrying each one a Magnetic Field.
And I am writing this because Case 1 reflects some similarities to the way I have displayed the "Real Magnetic Field Structure" image below:
And I want to clarify that on that image, it comprehends a SINGLE EMBODIMENT, A MAGNET or a COIL, carrying ONE Magnetic Field, NOT like previous Interactions from Two Vectors belonging to separate Fields each.
So, on image below is just the Vector comparison at bottom for the case of One Magnetic Field, one embodiment.
Whenever we create a Magnetic Field by wrapping copper wire (a coil) around a piece of steel, and as soon as we electrify that coil, a Magnetic Field starts its process of generation, RIGHT FROM THE VERY CENTER of the Steel Embodiment TOWARDS THE OUTER SPATIAL ENVIRONMENT, the way NATURE draws Two Lines from a common center.
This is a completely different scenario than approaching Two Vectors from Two different embodiments, each one carrying a Field.
@ufopolitics, do you have the book "Magnetism" written by Arie Melis deGeus ? Or any other book he wrote ?
Quote from: Classic on Jul 15, 2024, 03:32 PM@ufopolitics, do you have the book "Magnetism" written by Arie Melis deGeus ? Or any other book he wrote ?
Hello Classic,
No, I do not, as I cannot find a pdf copy either.
Is it possible that a computer virus to delete only certain files on iOs ? Because only certain files have disappeared.
Lately all my devices behave a bit strange and just now, trying to find some files with patents and some other stuff I can't find them anywhere and not even on icloud ... so, I only have the hard copies printed for now (in many places).
Quote from: Classic on Jul 15, 2024, 04:25 PMIs it possible that a computer virus to delete only certain files on iOs ? Because only certain files have disappeared.
Lately all my devices behave a bit strange and just now, trying to find some files with patents and some other stuff I can't find them anywhere and not even on icloud ... so, I only have the hard copies printed for now (in many places).
That is very odd to happen.
You may have rename files or reset their location.
I will delete all this comments after you read them.
Can we have this conversation in PM?
Thanks, and whenever you find it, please let me have a copy so I could share it on Forum.
Is always good to read other's perspectives about magnetism.
I have checked ALL Books that Arie Melis De Geus wrote, including papers -according to-the link below:
And I can not find the Book "Magnetism"
There is just a little work of DeGeus shown.
Let me quote something:
QuoteThese are: a) On the cathode side of the energy cell: the addition of Co and Fe; these can reinforce the polarization of the Ni atoms, since the Co and Fe 10 atomic nuclei align themselves with the same axis of rotation and fit into each other at the ends of rotation (See book "Magnetism" by the inventor). If atomic nuclei of these elements align, then in the 'ether', long cores are formed as it were with unanimous rotational speed. This constituted a higher "circulation" and with that a stronger permanent magnetic field. Inventor's book "Magnetism" describes these phenomena and shows the nuclear structures and how they "fit together". A similar case occurs with "AlNiCo"; aluminum cannot be made permanently magnetic .; however, the core of the aluminum atom with its axis of rotation allows the nuclei of nickel and cobalt to rotate about the same axis, the atomic nuclei of the latter two elements 'matching' with the aluminum atomic core , each on one side. In combination with nickel and cobalt, aluminum suddenly became quite strong permanent magnetic.
I am not trying to distract anyone from any other work, but what Arie Melis deGeus is sharing in his patents and books are all backed up by theory and and method of calculus and also explain where "mainstream science" have got wrong the things.
We can see from the Moon the same effects and findings that are similar for Nigel Cheese, Don Smith, Oliver Heaviside, Tesla and so on. Also on more recent patents (last 20 years to 2024) we can see the same theory applied and working devices been built for demonstration accompanying patents.
Also, Tariel Kapandze patent original published in Turkey (and USA excluded), can be found under "heat generator" in GB patent but there is no modification of the patent or technology ... they just classified "wrong" the patent, probably by "mistake".
And the most efficient resistor for high rated wattage without the need for cooling is an incandescent bulb, any ordinary incandescent bulb off the shelf ! For dc in auto industry or ac and dc in domestic appliances. Usually used on ground connection high voltage side ... it is the dam that hold the ocean to quote Don Smith, also employed by Tariel Kapanadze.
Also, low pressure mercury vapour lamps for street lightning can be used as low power source of high UV radiation (as little as 80 watts) for radiant energy apparatus of Tesla patent ending 57 (not 58). ... very similar with Don Smith plasma tube through 2 dissimilar metal plates capacitor (ordinary dibond aluminium/plastic/copper ornamental cladding panel off the shelf).
Knowing the true effect of permanent magnet where action-reaction is taken in account as shown by ufopolitics in a very clear manner I wonder if we can see how to take advantage of it ?
Quote from: Classic on Jul 18, 2024, 03:45 AMKnowing the true effect of permanent magnet where action-reaction is taken in account as shown by ufopolitics in a very clear manner I wonder if we can see how to take advantage of it ?
Hello Classic,
First, it is not only about the "permanent magnet"...this is about ALL MAGNETIC FIELDS, including, but not limited to Electromagnetic Fields.
and..."How to take advantage from it"?
Very simple, EVERYTHING that relates to the use of Magnetic Fields will be highly impacted by this True Effect revelation.
So, from Generators (ALL) to Electric Motors (ALL) as well as Transformers (ALL) of every type and kind...
Knowing in a more precise, real way, how the Magnetic Field Model really works, on its "internals", will change the way we have designed up to now, based on the wrong model.
I wonder if that book written by Arie De Geus (Magnetism) has completely disappeared from all access to it, because it also had many revealing contents about magnetism that was "not convenient" to release.
I know for a fact that also another book from Roy Davis and Walter C. Rawls, was completely "suspended" from public access.
Yes, shared knowledge and true findings are inconvenient for status quo. The way Arie Melis deGeus have used permanent magnets is very different and shows some ways where Faraday have left them half way.
Also, his way to use standing waves is just amazing in simplicity where we can use a single bifilar instead of two. Also, seen in Kapanadze, Don Smith, Floyd Sweet, Morray, but he is the only who explain scientific based on theory and method of calculus. Even if his books have vanished we still have his patents which crack open the door.
But more interesting is conduction of electricity in thin layers where skin effect is in full swing even at low voltages and high frequencies and real benefits of using electrets have been exposed and combination of permanent magnets with electrets is fabulous, allowing electricity generation of any scale, from nano to mega and all transport would be non pollutant for any type of vehicles.
Sometimes I wonder if we really need to use metals for conductors all the time as at certain characteristics electricity does not harm living beings even if there is a flow of great power. I guess we don't need spinning devices in 90% of the cases where they are now employed if we can choose wise when and where we need strong or cancelled magnetic field.
Magnets=mass=current= quantity of electric charges - characteristic for heavy mass
Electrets=speed/acceleration=voltage=potential difference - characteristic for low/light mass
Newton F=m*a squared Einstein E=m*c squared, but we need to realise energy exists everywhere in universe in infinite quantity and it flow instantly when a gradient is present.
An easy way to describe the energy contained in a permanent magnet or electret is a bow and arrows. Let's focus on the bow: we use a certain material with certain characteristics in appropriate form where we spend some energy to introduce a permanent force in a form of a string. Now we need just a little force applied to launch an arrow with very little amplitude. If the string is broken we can simply replace it and use the bow again, but the most of effort is done just to fit the string with the right tension ONCE.
If we analyse input energy to fit the string and compare with the energy output of every single arrow launched we can observe an interesting difference with an advantage for usage.
Now, we can see the tension is present in both string and rod and they act together with different response to a stimulus.
In permanent magnets and electrets we use alloys and each element have a different atomic structure with different densities, when they solidify under electric filed will maintain the tension introduced in this way. But it is the same tension we put in it.
We can't make any claim(for obvious reasons), but we can share certain things ... those who have ears and eyes will see what needs to be seen.
At least this is my take on this matter.
I forgot to mention that electric charges, the energy of the universe can flow inside or outside of materials depending on their nature. Dielectric conduct electric charge on the surface while metals conduct electric charges inside through their atomic structure.
So, I just want to share a different view of magnetism which provides some light of how a permanent magnet work and why ... just have a think about before jumping the guns.
Last paragraf is the aim, while there is some introductory concepts ... in order to obtain co-operation with chatgpt. And I will quote:
QuoteIntrinsic Stability: The magnetic field persists because it's a stable expression of the material's internal order. In this sense, the "intrinsic energy" of the material is the reason why the magnetic field exists and remains stable.
https://www.webelements.com/iron/crystal_structure.html now, look for each other element that form the alloy which can become a permanent magnet and how different elements align their structure in an compound ... then consider workfuction of each element.
Worth to mention, the electro potential (or intrinsic energy) of elements do not manifest themselves alone but only when they are in close contact with a different element forming a gradient.
Based on this principle we can understand why and from where electric energy is generated by thermoelectric effect ... this is in 100% agreement with statement of Tesla that energy exist everywhere and we are living in a sea of energy.
We can read a voltage using a multimeter even if we stick a piece of meat to a slice of bread.
Quote from: Classic on Aug 26, 2024, 06:10 AMSo, I just want to share a different view of magnetism which provides some light of how a permanent magnet work and why ... just have a think about before jumping the guns.
Last paragraf is the aim, while there is some introductory concepts ... in order to obtain co-operation with chatgpt. And I will quote:
QuoteIntrinsic Stability: The magnetic field persists because it's a stable expression of the material's internal order. In this sense, the "intrinsic energy" of the material is the reason why the magnetic field exists and remains stable.
Hello Classic,
I am really not "jumping the gun"...but ALL above reasoning is simply wrong.
Basically, the bold out part by me:
...the "intrinsic energy" of the material is the reason why the magnetic field exists and remains stable...The Magnetic Field is simply a "Solely Entity", a "Solely Spectrum", which possess no mass (massless), not visible to plain human sight (invisible)...
And yes, it "thrives", it prospers and amplifies on certain metals, certain alloys...but we cannot just like that, conclude that Magnetic Field "exists" just based on the "intrinsic energy" of any "material"
This wrong view completely narrows, constrains, limits our view and understanding about Magnetic Fields.
Just one fact, one proven simple test, will throw that "material intrinsic property attributed to the field existence theory" to ground and put it directly into the trash can:
1- An electrified AIR CORE COIL will generate a Magnetic Field. Not having ANY "metal" as a Core.
2- Further on, we can build a whole Motor -as there are many out in the market- based on "air cores".
Quote from: Classic on Aug 26, 2024, 06:10 AMhttps://www.webelements.com/iron/crystal_structure.html now, look for each other element that form the alloy which can become a permanent magnet and how different elements align their structure in an compound ... then consider work function of each element.
Worth to mention, the electro potential (or intrinsic energy) of elements do not manifest themselves alone but only when they are in close contact with a different element forming a gradient.
Based on this principle we can understand why and from where electric energy is generated by thermoelectric effect ... this is in 100% agreement with statement of Tesla that energy exist everywhere and we are living in a sea of energy.
We can read a voltage using a multimeter even if we stick a piece of meat to a slice of bread.
You see?...An Initial wrong concept could make you to start "winding up", developing a series of "theories" all based on a first wrong approach...
Magnetic Fields are well beyond a simple piece of metal my friend...
Yes, Magnetic Fields can "take over" a piece of metal and amplify its properties (Spatial Volumen, Strength, Capacity to influence other objects remotely, etc.)...basically if it consists of an alloy which can "enhance" and "multiply" the arrangement of its domains on the "Physical World".
We live on a planet which IS a Huge and very well-defined Magnetic Field, that Propagates beyond our Atmospheric Spatial Limits...
And this fact makes us "special"...As we can just INVOKE the creation of a Magnetic Field by just "spinning air"...whether through electrical charges or simply by spinning any metal shaft...
Science cannot admit that fact...simply because it makes it very hard to understand it, to study it, in order to develop it...much less to visualize it.
So, Science tries "frame it" to a "piece of metal"...anchoring the Magnetic Field allows Science to study it...and that is fine...but it is not the reality.
The Magnetic Field propagates in the Air, in the Aether, without dependance on any metal mass to exist.Regards
It seems that you just miss what I am trying to expose ... and probably I can't find the right way to describe.
Magnetic field is a consequence of electric manifestation, you just compare a maintained magnetic field by electric flow in a coil, when I am speaking about a permanent magnet that do not posses any external source of energy.
Probably you didn't read all the "conversation" provided by the link above.
Hello to All,
These wrong concepts, these wrong approaches, makes it more difficult for All of us, to "see" and understand the behavior of a Machine that without moving ANY Metal Parts, it can generate Energy, just based on displacement of a VIRTUAL (Non-Physical) Magnetic Field.
Whether this "Machine" stirs the Aether in a fully rotational (360º) way, or simply with a Reciprocating Linear movement of this Virtual Spectrum, called the Magnetic Field.
And YES, we DEFINITIVELY need the "Metal", whether Steel or a Specific Alloy, to ENHANCE and AMPLIFY the PROPERTIES of this Virtual Movement Actions of the Magnetic Field Spectrum.
If our thoughts consist of a Theory which Attributes the Existence of the Magnetic Field to a piece of metal...we will never understand an Overunity Machine...simple as that.
Quote from: Classic on Aug 26, 2024, 08:41 AMIt seems that you just miss what I am trying to expose ... and probably I can't find the right way to describe.
Magnetic field is a consequence of electric manifestation, you just compare a maintained magnetic field by electric flow in a coil, when I am speaking about a permanent magnet that do not posses any external source of energy
A Permanent Magnet is just a piece of metal (specific alloy if it is a Neo) that we, humans, have "trapped" the magnetic field inside of its domains...this entrapment could last 100 years (Neo) or one minute (Coil) whenever we stop "stirring the Aether"...through electrical charges spinning.
BOTH examples above are just PROCESSES that INVOKE plus ESTABLISH the Magnetic Field from its Aether SPATIAL EXISTENCE into a "Bottle" of Physical Metal Mass...
Just like "Air in a Bottle"...except the air is spinning.
And listen, I just want you to have that "vision" of the magnetic fields, as it would help you-A LOT- to understand the behavior of any Overunity Machine...Now, do as you please...it is your complete "personal call".
Well, I was just trying to offer a different view, not to start arguing. I know that permanent magnets do contain their own energy to maintain a permanent magnetic field, just aligned domain do not perform work, that alloy or any alloy or element itself without a retained electric charge do not perform work ... as simple as any coil without energy is just a coil, magnetic effect manifest ONLY when a current is present.
My aim was to show there is a source of energy in the form of intrinsic energy as is called by mainstream science and obviously just a tiny amount is necessary to perform great amount of work for extrem long time.
That "intrinsic energy" or "workfunction" is real and perform work as I shown with my water battery setup in the other topic "Baghdad Battery". Where I found out that the mass of metals makes no difference to obtain the same voltage and amperage and they can be build even in nanoscale if I would have access to such technology. So, I can only limit the build to a small scale that can be done diy at home by anyone with some skillset required.
But, without claiming anything and based on my observations, the energy being intrinsic energy or workfunction or whatever name might be given is a separate entity from mass, but it penetrate anything in universe in a specific form or just acumulate on surface pf elements/compounds depending on their structure and nature.
The mass it is necessary only to manifest the energy and dual mass-energy is a wrong concept as both of them can exist by their own. In power transfer only the charge is moved and not the mass ... our cable from sockets do not lose their mass even if they are left to provide continuous power to devices. The famous electron is wrong considered as moving if it is a mass particle.
Quote from: Classic on Aug 26, 2024, 09:20 AM...as simple as any coil without energy is just a coil, magnetic effect manifests ONLY when a current is present...
@Classic : Negative...just get a permanent magnet (preferably a Neo), which mass is greater than a smaller piece of a NON-MAGNETIZED piece of steel (to see effect faster) ...and Vualá!!...
...it gets "magically" magnetized without any energy nor electrical currents spinning inside a copper coil...
This fact, on this simple test, manifest the capability of Magnetic Fields to "Spatially Jump" and REPRODUCE into another piece of metal.
I do this operation all the time, to re-magnetize screw drivers to reach a bolt or nut in a setup... ;D
And of course, it is just a "Temporary Magnetization"...and it can disappear in a short period of time...nevertheless, effect takes place without any electrical currents present.
Well, I am not looking to force my opinion on anyone else. From my perspective I have shown what I see and how I see it. i have the prove the energy is there (everywhere), and perform work when certain condition are met.
And regarding temporary magnetisation all I can say: it proves my point, when resonance condition is damped (improper structural alignment) electric charge (temporary retained) will disipate and magnetic field will vanish. This is my take on phenomena and I trust is correct.
I don't have a lab nor resources to show more that this, nor time for extensive research, nor desire to met soon my creator so, that is all I can say: this is just a different approach to the phenomena in an empirical mode. But there is no magnetic effect without electric current and any magnetisable alloy that can become a permanent magnet only needs a spark to trigger self resonance.
Quote from: Classic on Aug 26, 2024, 10:12 AMWell, I am not looking to force my opinion on anyone else.
@Classic yes you are, you came to this Topic which relates to Magnetism and Science and try to establish Your wrong assumption and wrong concept that an AI Robot confirmed to you.
Magnetic Fields are NOT DEPENDENT on ANY Piece of Metal Mass "Intrinsic Values" nor "Electrical Properties"...much less "its existence" (the Magnetic Field existence) depends on this absurd theory!
And this is the END of this discussion on this Topic!!
Any other comment you make here, trying to keep insisting on "your theory" would be deleted!