Overunity Machines

What is a Magnetic Field? => General Discussion => Topic started by: Classic on Feb 21, 2024, 10:39 AM

Title: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 21, 2024, 10:39 AM
What is a Bagdad battery and why someone had such a need to hide them from public ?

Why and how they work as we know they only had 1 electrode out to be used ? And this observation has lead to some idiots describing this wonderful apparatus as being used for documents storage.

Why this type of batteries never been intended to use acid or alkaline electrolyte and what was used when they were working ?
Title: Re: Bagdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 21, 2024, 12:51 PM
So, what we know about them ? i mean Bagdad batteries.

They have a ceramic encasement with 2 electrodes of dissimilar materials which are usually used in transformers, or magnets or electromagnets: iron and copper ... we should pay attention to this in my opinion.

Now I am asking myself do this materials really need to be exhausted by a chemical reaction in order to release their inherent energy ? my answer is NO. Do these materials be exhausted in magnets or transformers ? NO.
Well according to some general knowledge there is some kind of interaction when they transmutate and in this way electric energy is released ... which is true, but ... why nobody ask or say from where energy appears ?

 What exactly are the properties of copper and iron ? I mean in terms of energy, potential or whatever you want to call it.

Now, let's see why not acid or alkaline electrolyte is the solution for Bagdad batteries. If such electrolyte is used the whole assembly will be destroyed as chemical reaction occur and being sealed with bitum will simply transform them in explosive devices by hydrogen generation.

What should be used instead ? WATER ! But not simple potable water, heavy water. Those famous mages supposedly using such batteries had such knowledge to be able to distill multiple times some of very good quality water very well filtered natural.

This sounds a bit crazy, but anyone can take two bits of copper and iron and stick them in water then check with a multimeter, then use simple distilled water instead of potable water and observe the results.
I know many will say that there is same kind of galvanic reaction especially with iron, but this reaction do not occur in heavy water where deuterium is combined with oxigen in a sealed medium (see bitum seal).

Now, a very simple demonstration can be done diy by taking 2 bits of bare copper wire and place them in a glass of tap water, then repeat experiment with any other metals like aluminium iron etc using only similar metals as electrodes. What this phenomena indicate ? Any material or element have their own energy and a specific medium will help to release it or better say will make the very essence of energy to be available for use in form of electricity.

Now, repeat this experiment and used different length/size of the similar metals and compare with previous experiment results.

So, don't simply trust that I am right or wrong and check yourself. After you conclude you can try to get a glass of potable water and simply dip a capacitor in it after has been discharged multiple times for a good amount of time, check with multimeter and see yourself. Electrolitic capacitors works better with 100 nF or less and low voltage. If this is not enough, repeat experiment with a diode connected to a multimeter.

Any explanation as why this charge apear and from where ? I would like to hear if you have one.

Now, back to Bagdad batteries ... some "scientists" from mainstream media (not necessarily science, and I said media) were saying the main usage of such devices was mostly as safe storage of documents without explaining why 1 wire was attached to iron electrode, an explaining black marks inside ceramic encasement as ink deposited, despite such arrangement being sealed with bitum and ignoring a possible source of black marks as being copper oxide ( no scientific investigation is publicly available if there was one).

No you may ask how a battery can provide electricity if only 1 wire is available ? It might be easier to guess that the opposite sign (qoute from Tesla radiant energy patent) may be provided from the ground.
So, such small electricity can be useful ? Can we connect them in series or parallel or series/parallel ? Can we use one wire system as per Tesla shared knowledge ? Can we amplify a source of electricity ? Can we isolate this one wire system transfer through a spark gap to achieve no loading (destroying) the dipole ?
Title: Re: Bagdad Battery
Post by: hidrogeno on Feb 21, 2024, 01:40 PM
Could it be that geometric shape of the vessel could affect the result, as is the case with a magnetron?
Title: Re: Bagdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 21, 2024, 03:07 PM
I am not sure that I understand your suggestion, can you give some details ?
Title: Re: Bagdad Battery
Post by: hidrogeno on Feb 21, 2024, 03:24 PM

Everyone thinks tha the baghdad battery is a battery ... What if isn"t?
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 22, 2024, 03:18 AM
This is a legitimate question and I am in favour to believe that might not be a battery in the sense of what majority of people think about batteries and might be more than a electric charge storage.

Can you explain or give some details, please ?

I think if someone has the ability to explain where the energy comes from may change our perception of many things.

I have explained in previous messages the charge may show up without chemical reaction and is usable.

In my opinion anyone how is able to use the right frequency and vibration may tap in the sea of energy we are living in.

Just analyse and think. Permanent magnet, the very basic one is made with iron, copper and nickel, electromagnet iron and copper, Bagdad battery iron and copper ... any transformer is in fact an electromagnet.

In previous messages i forgot to mention that capacitor immersed in glass of water can show up dc charge and ac charge as well when a diode is used in parallel ... without any energy source around.

Also i voltage reading from a gold weeding ring and silver ring in glass of water a bit more than copper-copper or iron-copper, also with 2 gold rings and 2 silver rings ... so there is no galvanic reaction whatsoever and no chemical reaction.

Also, dry setup with copper-paper-charcoal; aluminium-paper-charcoal; copper-polyethylene-aluminium etc.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: hidrogeno on Feb 22, 2024, 05:18 AM

Realmente no sé qué es. Pero creo que podría ser una cavidad resonante como ocurre en un magnetrón y que su forma geométrica es decisiva para una determinada frecuencia, en cuyo caso el hierro sería un imán.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 22, 2024, 06:43 AM
Hmmm, i have arrived to the same conclusion dear hydrogeno, there is resonance indeed and the shape can make the difference as being the resonant box where two or more frequency are combined.

Here: https://youtu.be/wvJAgrUBF4w?si=IPhM_f-P70YTnK98
 We can see corresponding shape for frequency, unfortunately this is just 2 dimensions shown and if a device able to show 3 dimensions can be made would help a lot.

Please note: this experiment shown in the video may help to design a fractal array antenna for exact frequency desired ! ... I am working on this with some of my experiments.

Now going back to Bagdad Battery we can observe the way they are made to allow for parallel connection only as they have only iron electrode wired. What parallel connection means ? Less resistance if we consider them as resistors. What else ? Increase the mass of both elements contained in the ceramic encasement ... we can visualise many little rivers united in a big one but with the same speed of propagation.

This is one side. Now thinking about resonance what is the relation between iron and copper in terms of resonance ? ... i am still looking into this, as may allow more powerful combinations using crystals if frequency resonance relation is understood. Also the shape they need to have to act as amplifier or resonant box ... this may lead to some extent that water is a perfect resonant box medium for probably all the elements we know ... this is just a speculation for the moment.

Now, on a different way, knowing that Arie deGeus was working on a revolutionary type of battery and conjugate with the facts that he covered in his patents chemistry and transmutation along with electromagnetic wave, got me thinking about this combination iron-copper which is common for any type of effect where electromagnetic effect take place, being permanent magnet, electromagnet or transformer.
So, I wonder what a wafer thin battery may look like starting from Bagdad battery ? Some copper sheets, some iron sheets and physical separation in between them and all this immersed in heavy water to avoid chemical reaction to take place and allow for just resonance ?
Create instead of destruct, not what mainstream science teaching us how to destroy and mostly nothing about how to create without destruction. This is why I take a stand against them.

So, if we may be able to physically build multiple nano size copper, iron and spacers to sustain the structure and whole assembly immersed in water (heavy water) may lead to a new type of electric generator device ... just a supposition. This will replace the need to build many Bagdad batteries to be connected together. Along with one wire system and spark gap or any other efficient isolation may be the key.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 22, 2024, 03:14 PM
Some considerations for heavy water https://chat.openai.com/share/90bf0912-45b7-47c2-9b21-1c5fd6037f47
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 22, 2024, 06:24 PM
And despite water being dielectric, i can measure voltage/amperage with a multimeter or lit an LED  or any numbers of LEDs i want by just touching the water in my setups, in any of my setups, even if deionised or distilled water is used.

Water can be almost anything we want if we have a right approach aiming for a certain effect.

Do not ask for any kind of proof regarding heavy water as i will not provide because i don't want or I can't, choose whatever variant you wish.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: citfta on Feb 22, 2024, 07:25 PM
Please provide a video showing the measurements of voltage and current using deionized or distilled water.  Also show the LED being lit using the same.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 23, 2024, 05:40 PM


Next to current setup is another one, old and is based on tap water vapours where output is much lower, not show.

With deionised water results are far better and it seems I can add as many LEDs as I want in parallel. In series I can only lit up 2 red leds due to no pwm+av plug available at current location.

I hope this video may satisfy your curiosity dear citfta.

This setup can be easily improved by adding pulse modulation with capacitor across the input as can be observed now, and voltage multiplier (Avramenco fork/plug) i don't have handy here these to be shown.

And In this light I want to point out what mainstream science know or is able to say:

https://www.webelements.com/aluminium/chemistry.html aluminium
https://www.webelements.com/copper/chemistry.html Copper

Please note: this configuration may be subject of patent application/restrictions, everything shown is for educational purpose and no responsibility assumed for anything may arise from usage/building.

P.S. Youtube video will be available for maximum 48 hours only. I have tried to upload here but it seems it take forever so I give up.



Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 23, 2024, 05:50 PM
Similar configuration is running with 50 white leds in parallel for more than 10 months now and i only top-up some 5 ml of deionised water and no reduction in electrodes size have been noticed/measured with calibrated calliper.

Things are a bit different on improved configuration and some (0.1 mm) reduction in size of aluminium have been measured on much more power drawn. Not sure if accurate as I forgot to measure before starting setup long time ago an 0.1 mm difference may be from supplier quality as wires are tarnish protected and they shouldn't react with water even in long time exposure. Copper wire is bare, no coating added.

So, no galvanic reaction, but still electric power is produced. All other experiments as state before was done and all I said is true findings ... although anyone can use any scraps to prove for themselves if they wish.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: citfta on Feb 23, 2024, 08:00 PM
Hi Classic,
Thanks for the video.  It is interesting.  But I am quite sure there is some low level galvanic reaction going on there.  I am sure it is low level because if the voltage were higher than just a couple of volts the LEDs would be burning out since you were not using a current limiting resistor. At this time there are only a few known ways to produce an electric current.  We can use chemistry like a battery.  We can use the photovoltaic process like a solar panel.  We  can use electromotive force like a generator.  And we can even use heat like the Seebeck generator.

Any time 2 dissimilar metals are placed close together in the presence of moisture they will have a galvanic reaction between them.  It may be such a low level it is hard to detect but chemistry says you can't get a flow of electrons without a chemical reaction unless you are using one of the other methods I mentioned.  And I didn't see any of them in your video.

Thanks for sharing,
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 23, 2024, 08:33 PM
I will try this week to make the same configuration with copper only, aluminium only and iron only, so no 2 dissimilar materials in the same deionised water.

I can obtain same results with similar materials as I said in previous messages and there is not known reaction of copper with water and obviously no galvanic reaction. I can mention that heavy water do not allow galvanic reaction if you understand what I mean.

And, I still have a question without answer, where this electricity comes from, is it already there in the materials or this conductive materials capture and direct the flow ? How much energy is actually "stored" in materials if they are not consumed and still provide electric energy ?

From what I remember and according to my notes a single cell aluminium-copper have an output of 0.5 V and 0.2 A but lately I can not detect any amps at all and still enough power, anyway a new multimeter will prove better what is happening.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Mar 03, 2024, 10:38 AM
I am more interested in a solution without poisoning the environment, no chemical reaction, no need to burn/destroy anything.

One wire power transfer works fine with one electrode Baghdad Battery, they last much longer and is done with all natural elements. Human factor is accounted just for assembly mostly.

This combination Iron-Copper is so fascinating ... it could be a battery, a transformer, a capacitor or a magnet or electromagnet. Just need a different envelope or no envelope, water + air, no water, no air etc. And mostly 2 elements are the base: Iron and Copper !
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Mar 03, 2024, 11:09 AM
Quote from: Dr.Wlazlak on Mar 02, 2024, 06:04 PMHello people, In the first post of this thread reads " why ( someone ) had the need to ( hide ) such information from the public 
So, do you have any explanation as why, they were stolen from the only 1 museum in the world where they were displayed to be seen by anyone ? What else has been stolen from that museum at that time ?

I really am curious to hear any possible explanation  8)

For any other batteries, please open another thread
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Mar 03, 2024, 05:41 PM
Quite interesting comparison you made Mr W between American Constitution and Baghdad Battery, considering they were stolen from a museum exactly when us army invading that country.

I am still pointing out that this battery does not work on electrolyte or galvanic reaction ! As i already said and shown in my previous posts.
The beauty is anyone can test themselves just use any SIMILAR metals in water, preferable some metals that do not react/interact with water.

So, I really doubt that we really need to dig the whole earth for rare elements at the scale seen and some electricity can be obtain much easier than we are told and without the pollution.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Mar 04, 2024, 01:13 PM
Let's keep this topic clean please.

I have no idea what are you talking about Mr. Wlazlak ... i used Mr. W as being a short. No comment for the rest.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Jul 01, 2024, 07:44 AM
After building various cells I am more puzzled than before. On my latest cells I am using 1.1 mm enamelled copper wire to wind a coil 130 mm long on a 16 mm former, on top of this coil I wound anther coil of 2 mm aluminium tarnish proof wire with less turns but spread out to match the length of copper coil.

This compound coil when immersed in deionised water generate 0.64-0.72 v ... with no amps 🤭 but it can charge an electrolytic cap (or more in parallel). Resistance is over limit of what can measure my DMM, also no continuity between electrodes.

Deionised water stays clear and steady dc provided all time, if potable water is used, galvanic reaction occur and water become unclear in few hours, voltage drops 0.48-0.55 v no amps (at least I can't measure with my digital multimeter).

A further test done to find out when voltage drop takes places and I have measured the voltage with resistors ... up to 100K ohms there is no voltage drop, at 100k ohs 0.05 voltage drop shows up, at 10 Megaohms voltage drops to half.

With such high resistance in a cell it is pretty clear there is no electrolytic/galvanic reaction, and "electrodes" will be preserved instead of consumed.

The ends of both wires are not sealed/insulated but they will have an sharp edge from wire cutter, so the bare material is exposed to water in very small area.

Also, I found out that voltage generated in this way using 120 mm long wires instead of coils and twisted together generates about 0.48 v but voltage drop/recovery when drained with capacitors isn't good enough for certain application. Than increasing the mass of electrodes do not bring up more benefits after 0.7 v is reached so, it will be pointless to use too much mass. This is also valid for Iron-Copper combination.

As I stated before voltage is generated even using same metal electrodes in deionised water, like 2 enamelled copper wires, but voltage is very small ... yet it shows up.

My aim is not to generate high amount of power using galvanic/electrolytic reaction but, to generate without polluting the environment and preserve the integrity of elements for long term use.

In order to preserve character of deionised water, recipient must be kept away from UV to avoid self-ionisation of water or at least to reduce area exposed to UV or contamination with conductive elements. A good practice is to empty and replace deionised water from time to time (I mean months or yearly).

My questions is In deionised water there is no galvanic reaction or if there it is, it might be extremely small and the cell start to looks like a capacitor ... why voltage is higher compared with more conductive water ? From where this voltage comes from ?

Electric charge generated in this way is real and series of cells can lit up LEDs or power up something else 🧐
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Jul 01, 2024, 09:35 AM
May worth to mention that the compound coils weight about 20.4 grams and twisted pair of wires weight 2.33 grams.

If anyone wants to build such a system may find useful to know or approximate total weight and consider this for easy "relocation" (weight in transit without water), like build and sell it ... the only problem to be solved is how to fabricate as many cells recipient with a good solution to empty and fill multi stackable, busbar for tide connections between cells (connectivity and interconnectivity).

If someone is smart enough to make use of electrostatic charge may find this info useful, considering low/no amps and high voltage (or just high enough) without having complicated and expensive solution to collect this charge from a high altitude, using low leak capacitors may help.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: kloakez on Jul 02, 2024, 06:41 AM
Hi Classic,

this is interesting I will try to make one...or several if it works :) From my experience, store-bought deionized water is not completely without impurities, it is clean enough for the purpose it should be used for, I have several TDS (total dissolved solids) meters so I can report that value too. I am interested if the output is an AC signal or if it really is just a potential that is "put to life" by the capacitor.

Does the number of turns matter?
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Jul 02, 2024, 08:16 AM
Quote from: kloakez on Jul 02, 2024, 06:41 AMHi Classic,

this is interesting I will try to make one...or several if it works :) From my experience, store-bought deionized water is not completely without impurities, it is clean enough for the purpose it should be used for, I have several TDS (total dissolved solids) meters so I can report that value too. I am interested if the output is an AC signal or if it really is just a potential that is "put to life" by the capacitor.

Does the number of turns matter?
Hi kloakez,

Deionised water is all I can suggest off the shelf, if you have something better, use it 👍🏼 
Output is dc. But ... if you want to measure AC you need a water flow ... I can read some AC if suddently immerse in water and suddenly take it out ... there is AC spikes in this way indeed, but as long as it is static will yield DC only.

As number of turns: make enamelled copper as close as you can for the coil length specified, and aluminium will have about half turns as copper due to wire size and spacing.

But as I said, once you reach 0.6-0.7 volts you won't get anything higher by increasing the mass ... not sure about amps

Also, I got good results using aluminium sheets for beverage cans and 0.2 mm thick copper foil both 240x85 mm with fiberglass mesh (fibre glass rolls for drywall plastering) ... this type of cells works with little water or full ... as long as there some water vapors, there will be steady voltage. You need to roll the 2 sheets together and one of the sheet must have all round fibre glass insulation the roll obtained in this way must fit in a plastic tube and a hole for wires connected to be placed in the lid to prevent much of evaporation or leakage. ... kind of difficult to make on the spot.

If you want I will try to make a youtube clip but, best is hands on experience and check out yourself.

Also, if you can afford you can use magnesium ribbon instead of aluminium and leave the oxide surface layer on which naturally occur. You can wind the ribbon on top of copper or just use a length to fit inside the copper coil, provided that magnesium ribbon do not touch the uninsulated end of copper in the water. This will give you 1.4-1.6 v pe cell. Make sure air bubble do not form on magnesium otherwise there galvanic reaction occur and magnesium will turn black on each spot where air bubble is trapped.

My aim is to make it as cheap and easier as possible to build.

I need to stress that tide connections must be done and as short as possible length between cells if you want to series or parallel them with some good quality wires for batteries or brass busbar. Any gross imperfection will yield voltage/current drop massive. Also each cell must be tested to yield same voltage, max 0.02 voltage difference and use one cell as standard to compare all others.

Aluminium wires: https://www.wires.co.uk/acatalog/al_wire.html
Enamelled copper wires: https://www.wires.co.uk/acatalog/SX_0750_2000.html 

Avoid amazon as it is flooded with crap quality items and there are 2-5 times more expensive than it should be if you choose a trusted provider, or recover wires from scrapyards.
Also, if you wish, you can buy pharmaceutical grade pure water or distilled water or deionised water, or make your own from rain water.

Unfortunately tap water or potable water quality is very poor and most of the time is heavily contaminated, not to mention inadmissible high level of chlorine on top of these.

I would love to see your replica if you decide to do it.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Jul 06, 2024, 05:51 AM
Hi all,

Following Joel Lagace PEG cell development I have tried my own and the result has left me puzzled.

Now I have a diode-battery with swapped polarity.

Normally magnesium is negative in combination with copper but it can be positive in combination with aluminium. So, using magnesium-copper in deionised water I can get 1.4-1.6 v per cell as I said earlier above.

So, because I can't get pure PEG (polyethylene glycol) 300 without paying a fortune as all constipation medicines based on PEG contain unwanted added chemicals, I have decided to use just pain flour and water ( my addiction to keep it ecologic natural and cheap) and heat up to jellify the compound (old wallpaper adhesive with extremely strong bonding on almost anything mineral and metal based).

Now, trying to evaluate the result I have found:
- it has no continuity between electrodes
- it has no resistance or extremely high
- usually negative magnesium electrode have become positive and copper negative from positive
- when attempt to measure voltage if negative probe connected to magnesium and positive probe to copper, there is no voltage. When positive probe is connected to magnesium and negative probe to copper 1.4-1.6v start to show up with positive flow ... swapping do not yield negative as normal when measuring voltage of batteries.

Any ideas how it can best used this diode-battery ?
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Aug 25, 2024, 04:03 PM
As far as I can see there is not too much interest in this field  ::)

Let's see if I can make things more attractive:

While working on final design of a "battery"  ... a solid state battery ! One which does not pollute the environment and most of elements are preserved for extremely long time while performing work (generate electricity).

So, the explanation for electricity generation in absence of an electrolyte between 2 dissimilar metals consist in their work function (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Work_function).

Also, using chatgpt for some explanations: https://chatgpt.com/share/368bf712-2d0c-4911-9134-a1252423b10c from which i will quote:

Q: How this reaction occur if none of the metals react with deionised water, lets consider just deionised water and not electrolyte as there is non conductivity ... also, I don't need water to obtain the same voltage, it is enough to just touch with my finger both metals

A: The scenario you're describing points to a phenomenon where the voltage is generated not because of a conventional electrochemical reaction involving the electrolyte (like water), but rather due to contact potential and natural electrochemical differences between the metals themselves, as well as the conductivity of the human body.
1. Contact Potential Difference (Galvanic Potential):
2. Role of Deionized Water:
3. Human Body as a Conductor:
4. No Need for an Electrolyte:
5. Why You See Voltage:
The voltage you observe is not due to a reaction with deionized water but rather due to the intrinsic electrochemical potential difference (contact potential) between copper and magnesium. When you touch both metals with your finger, your body provides a conductive path that allows you to measure this potential difference, leading to the observed voltage. Deionized water is not necessary for this effect, and the potential difference exists purely because of the properties of the metals themselves.
The scenario you're describing points to a phenomenon where the voltage is generated not because of a conventional electrochemical reaction involving the electrolyte (like water), but rather due to contact potential and natural electrochemical differences between the metals themselves, as well as the conductivity of the human body.
1. Contact Potential Difference (Galvanic Potential):
2. Role of Deionized Water:
3. Human Body as a Conductor:
4. No Need for an Electrolyte:
5. Why You See Voltage:
The voltage you observe is not due to a reaction with deionized water but rather due to the intrinsic electrochemical potential difference (contact potential) between copper and magnesium. When you touch both metals with your finger, your body provides a conductive path that allows you to measure this potential difference, leading to the observed voltage. Deionized water is not necessary for this effect, and the potential difference exists purely because of the properties of the metals themselves.

Q: So, in the light of this finding can we assume that metals or any other elements do posses their own energy ?

A: Yes, in a way, you can think of metals and other elements as possessing their own intrinsic energy in the form of electrochemical potential or work function. However, it's important to understand this concept in the context of physics and chemistry:
1. Electrochemical Potential:
2. Intrinsic Energy:
3. Chemical Potential:
4. Understanding in Context:
Metals and elements do possess their own form of intrinsic energy, manifested as electrochemical potential or work function, which arises from their atomic structure and electron configurations. This energy can be observed when metals interact with other materials, generating a potential difference (voltage) due to their natural tendency to gain or lose electrons. However, this energy isn't a "stored" energy like in a battery, but rather a reflection of the material's inherent properties.

As well more info about studies regarding "workfunction" can be read here: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0079681620300125 or any google or whatever online search engine regarding work function.

Also, a key element in 2 patents of Arie Melis deGeus.

More experiments done regarding pn junction considering Seebeck and Peltier effect considering what Arie deGeus says in one of his patent designed for thermoelectric generation with solar energy or other sources of heat, where I found out that glass sintered diodes like BYV27 (any voltage) exposed to solar radiation generate electricity

Now considering all the above I can say that a proper manufacturing method can be employed to build a very small scale device able to generate electricity in range of KWH.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Aug 25, 2024, 04:33 PM
Sorry, by mistake I posted this message on a different topic but, it was meant to be posted here.

Even if there is not much interest in this topic I feel that I owe an explanation for working principle of what I have shown up to date ... and maybe the idea will be fruitful as you'll see and understand where is heading to.

As many of you already know I am amazed by Arie Melis deGeus work studies and patents as for Nikola Tesla as well, of course there are many other worth to mention but very few (if any) have unveiled in such great detail their work and explanations, making it simple and easy to understand.

So, it all started with a claim for water based batteries by a romanian inventor, then trying to understand why they work so well almost in comparable terms with their chemical reaction counterparts.
Of course I have done cross research with Tesla work and Arie DeGeus and all started to make sense.

This is all opening the door to solid state power generation with a different approach and knowledge and inclusion of many other concepts that are not publicly accepted by mainstream science (for obvious and not disclosed reasons).
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Aug 26, 2024, 04:17 AM
I just want to add, despite good amount of research being done and some of it shared public online regarding workfunction of elements (which IMHO should be added to periodic table of elements by Mendeleev) we can see how agenda of "society" being pushed in opposite direction for toxic highly pollutant batteries which promote dependence on the grid.

I am feeling sick of how half scientists and non scientists shills promote the idea that batteries must be all based on destructive chemical reactions and it is obvious why (self charging)mercury batteries have been stopped for production long time ago despite unrivalled performance of even nowdays modern batteries. Their invoked reason as mercury batteries are high toxic simply can not stand when compared with toxicity and dangerous lithium (unsafe) batteries.

Some of you will say in the method I have shown earlier there is very little power available for usage, where current is almost inexistent, yet with almost inexistent current I can keep up 30 white LEDs for indefinite time in parallel (not very bright) and the only requirement is to keep some moisture in each cell ... not even full with water.
Also using a simple dc-dc booster with 0.9v input (cost £1-2 each module off the shelf or even cheaper) we obtain plenty usable power ... I know, some of you will say we can't replace disposable batteries with such devices but nobody stop you to use wireless power transmission for portable devices, or to just dip in water you smartphone for few seconds to allow recharge.

So, the challenge is to make available at low cost with diy methods using off the shelf components solid state batteries. It is obviuous they can't be built in nano scale as they should with diy methods at home, but they will be small enough to be portable.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 03, 2024, 04:55 PM
If by any chance anyone can share this document:

Contact Potentials for Metals Immersed in a Dielectric and Conduction of Electricity by Liquid Dielectrics
Harold J. Plumley
Phys. Rev. 52, 140 – Published 15 July 1937

https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.52.140 I would be very grateful.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: partzman on Sep 03, 2024, 06:01 PM
Here it is-

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 04, 2024, 01:46 AM
Thank you very much, really appreciate.

IMHO, explanation given by N Tesla, about an particle of extremely small radius of high energy which penetrate any matter in universe seems to be correct 100%.

This proves "the energy" is present and available everywhere in universe and can be harvested as long as a gradient exists.

Also, observations as slight diminishing potential of this energy in the morning when captor of this energy (radiant energy) with apparatuses similar built like Jes Ascanius explain and conform with the theory. Also, Jes indicated later addition of limestone improves energy collected with his system but also, we can see the best far more efficient method would be to use electrodes of great difference contact potential in nano scale with series-parallel connections.

My utterly imperfect instrument aka digital multimeter fail to measure the current but the little setup proves the point 100%. And this is why such a build allow of great reduction in size while maintaining the same potential.

This clearly shows we need to change the way of energy harvesting, and the monstruos contraptions should cease the build preserving our ecosystem. Clearly it is a big threat to status quo and we need to see and understand the energy. I think it is quite obvious why nuclear power plants along with other methods are far from any efficiency and most of the energy is released without being used where magnetic effect can be exploited in a better way where Arie Melis deGeus have shown in his patents and books/studies.

Similar studies, see attachement.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 05, 2024, 12:35 PM
I don't know why attachment is not loaded, I will try again
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 07, 2024, 08:18 AM
I have started new experiments with a partial 3d printed enclosure and much less amount of electrodes. So far I have found some kind of strange behaviour.

So, the setup: 10 series cells consist in 6x6x35 mm (like a square tube), with a common top holding all together. Each cell contain 2 electrodes of copper and magnesium 3-4x50 mm thickness max 0.2 mm. Small stainless steel screws 8x2 mm fixed in the top to connect electrodes in series. Teflon tape (for plumbing) approx 200 mm long is rolled up and fit tide between electrodes to prevent direct contact.
Carcass is printed in cheap PLA, and measure about 200 mm long 8 mm wide and 35 mm hight with 12 mm gap between cells.

Open voltage variable: first measurement was 13.8 V about 15 hours ago, now is 12.2 V ... no measurable current at any time.
With voltage measured ONLY across the output electrodes I can read: 1 led 2.5v 2 leds in series 5.1v 3 leds in series 7.5v brightness of leds decrease when more are added for all of them. no resistors are used.

13.8 v do not burn a single led connected straight to output.

DC voltage stays the same 12.2 V if 80 m long 0.5 mm diameter enamelled copper wire is used between output positive and positive probe of multimeter. Even when series leds are connected through the 80 m long wire I get same voltage reading like the wire no been added.

A 16 V 220 uF electrolytic cap placed across the output reach 12.2 V in less then 30 seconds. Up to 20 UF charge up almost instantly.

Voltage is present constant all time as long as there is at least a drop of water in the same amount providing power.

It can work even wth 3x3x0.2 mm electrodes in the same way with the same output ! But becomes extremely difficult to build such cells in diy manner.

Now I have to stop the printing and reconsider actual design to make it even smaller and improve connections, considering batches of series connected in parallel. Also, tantalum capacitors across each cell and a supercapacitor bank at output.

The aim of this "battery" is to power pancake coils arrangement which I already shared in high voltage and resonance topic, as well a different circuit based on a transistor as single electronic component circuit with bifilar coils.

Also, Nickel 200 bare wire 0.56 mm diameter (or smaller) can be used instead of copper with same results (possibly requires less labour for assembly).
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 07, 2024, 12:04 PM
So, expected voltage of 15 V per 10 cell series not been reach due to imperfect size and geometry of electrodes. One method to eliminate this can be use of capacitors across each cell ... tantalum or ceramic caps looks to be the winners ... wet tantalum capacitors might not be the best solution for a cheap build but definitely best for performance. X7 ceramic is the second option at £0.11 or cheaper for 1000 pieces.

Yes, I am speaking about 1000 cells per battery for a great power pack in a decent small size and relative cheap.

I have devised few methods of fabrication for diy manner and also, for automatised factory production and I may retain the right to patent mass production by my method, while everyone is free to patent their own methods should they wish. But, the working principle is non patentable ! Working principle belongs to general human knowledge and anyone can use it for their own benefit in any way.

Also, there is a chance to obtain a resonance in each cell when coupled with capacitor, but this will be left for further achievement following some disclosures in Arie Melis deGeus patents ... of course for an enhanced power output.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 07, 2024, 03:38 PM
So, just to be clear as I have been told that Magnesium react with water even if very slowly at room temperature. Indeed there will be formed MgO and Hydrogen BUT !, once a thin layer of oxide is formed on surface of Magnesium it will prevent further oxidation ! Especially at room temperature and deionised water.

For copper the same apply.

After I have said this, I can name one of the automatised method of fabrication as using thin layers of CuO and MgO on film and layers can be as thin as few nano meters provided the film will enclose and seal few water molecules.

Of course magnetic effect can enhance electric flow generation where diamagnetic metals like copper become paramagnetic when oxidation have take place and affinity with north or south magnetic can be atribute for the oxide of different diamagnetic metals. Also hydrides of metals in presence of water based solutions may shade a great light as seen in one of the patents of Arie Melis deGeus.

Also, different elements can be combined upon method of fabrication, provided that chemical reaction will not take place.

For the moment I will only insist on diy method easy and cheap to build.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 08, 2024, 05:49 PM
Quick update: having 3 sets of 10 cells in series in parallel, despite no measurable current yet it burn the LED if just a single one is connected. And the beauty is, I have emptied the cells and hey have retained just a little humidity at the bottom where is the teflon tape pressed to hold the electrodes apart.

Also cells can be sealed to prevent evaporation of water, but water must be of high purity if we want to preserve electrodes and avoid hydrogen generation.

We can use with similar results iron+magnesium or nickel+magnesium, for less power we can use aluminium+copper. For much powerful output we can use cerium oxide+copper/nickel/gold in same high purity water (preferable pharmaceutical grade).

For less amount spent we can settle for magnesium+copper open air cells with deionised/rain water.

Upon my availability I will make more disclosures about diy methods and/or mass production or more powerful at reduced size setups accompanied by partial videos of such arrangements.

Currently exploring deionised water replacement with propylene glycol (PPG).
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 14, 2024, 01:04 PM
If someone want to replicate, I have attached some info. For the moment I am out in the field testing some different things while camping, but tomorrow when I am back I will make a youtube clip as it was a while since this "battery" is fully working. Currently developing few more models with minimised cell size to increase output power/volume built and few optimisations.

For those more experienced there will be a method using bespoke electrodes based on resin+metal powder ... building moulds now.

If anyone  is interested to build it I have some practical advices for diy methods which will make it easier.

I found out that PPG can not replace deionised water.

Everything is based on electric charge and dipolar properties and what we call chemical reaction in fact is just electrical interactions.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 16, 2024, 02:13 PM
My PLA 3d printed carcass has start to leak ... quite badly, and not only leak the water but now few cells share the same water and the output is really bad. Some of the cells even display reverse polarity

So, if 3d printed, it must be done using a filament material which is water tight when printing is done or use a sealant (quite difficult due to size of cells).

It seems that ABS, PET, PETG might be a better option or use some thick polyethylene sheet and weld each cell ... I hate when need to go back to beginning, especially now when I managed to get a wonderful modular design including connections and smd tantalum caps for each cell.

Anyway, using metal coated film sheets similar with capacitor fabrication tech is another option but this is well above diy methods for John Doe  :(
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: thaelin on Sep 17, 2024, 07:16 AM
Hey Classic:
   I can agree on the other choice, PETG is basically  a plastic and wears better. PLA sadly takes on water and will separate. I printed me a cup with handle thinking it would work great . Wrong! Don"t use for beer. Bottom fell out in 3 weeks.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 17, 2024, 01:35 PM
Quote from: thaelin on Sep 17, 2024, 07:16 AMHey Classic:
  I can agree on the other choice, PETG is basically  a plastic and wears better. PLA sadly takes on water and will separate. I printed me a cup with handle thinking it would work great . Wrong! Don"t use for beer. Bottom fell out in 3 weeks.
Even using PETG might not be enough, is the printing process which create gaps. Best solution is to 3d print using ceramic or resin. Or find a way to seal it. But, there are few more methods which can be employed ... all of them will increase labour and require more skills.

I am not giving up yet, as the potential is huge and a real game changer. It might be best solution for 80% of people on the earth, rather then learn about resonance and magnetic field or why everything is electric and wrong theories are promoted by mainstream science building theoretical models with no equivalent in universe or nature.

This can be easy done with real beneficial effect and leave all explanations for dedicated scientists to sort out while everyone can have access to unlimited energy for whatever they want.

So, I need a method which works for diy manner as I can't see the power that be to let anyone to mass produce such "batteries" as it should be a lot easier to mass produce than artisanal.

Arie Melis deGeus was found dead in his car in airport carpark despite no health issues when he started discussions for mass production of his "batteries". All "components" have been discontinued after 1 month of his patent as I tried to buy them. And while some "components can be obtained at home, you can't get any metal hydride from anywhere for any price.

Anyone whom may have a multimeter handy can check if what I have disclosed is true or false, only need a drop of water and 0.5x0.5x0.02 copper and magnesium or iron+magnesium, or copper+zinc, or copper+aluminium, or nickel+ Mg/Zn/Al etc. make series until obtain desired voltage, than all series fit in parallel. Put your 2 electrodes on the table or dish, lay a drop of water between electrodes and check which multimeter, use any water you like

This is all !

Make any water tight envelope for each cell in any form you can imagine, stick your cap at output and enjoy !
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 17, 2024, 02:43 PM
Anyway, something really interesting should be noted: polarity inversion in the middle of series connections between cells ... I have to make more tests and experiments as there might be worth to know about.
At first I can think of middle tap of a coil applied for battery  ;D
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Sep 18, 2024, 01:49 AM

Wonderful idea !
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Oct 06, 2024, 08:43 AM
I have some updates !

After rebuilding using different method and materials for enclosure I am witnessing some interesting effects and not sure which one is due to what or how to exploit.

Using ABS square tubes (3x3x15 mm) and pvc plastic cement to prevent water leakage (ordinary pvc plastic cement used for pipe plumbing) which offer some gap filling, I have started to test the output ... still focused on diy methods easy and cheap to build for anyone.

After taking all precautions to make sure each cell is made almost identical with same output I have encountered some effects which require more research/experiments. When a large series is build always in the middle cells will display inverse polarity and reduce the output when they are stressed under load.

In order to mitigate this effect a capacitive correction is required as mentioned before and each cell should have its own capacitor and a battery management system ... not really the solution I want !

So, 4-6 cells/batteries in series maximum than draining capacitors, OR parallel connections than series, yet I have to try another interesting combination of series-parallel as I have seen a suggestion on a different approach.

The most difficult part os to make connections in order to keep it small ... eventually I may have to increase the size.

If I could obtain some tantalum capacitors with copper and aluminium/zinc/magnesium leads and some T clips/connectors would be perfect solution ... still considering to wind the leads around metal strips or using old tech wire wound on capacitors leads then heat shrink sleeves ... certainly this will lead to increased size of batteries and from 100x100x200 mm size may end up 300x300x500 mm or even bigger.

Any suggestion or ideas are welcome !
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Oct 06, 2024, 11:24 AM

His idea is works better than mine ! ... the only problem is will create a dependency on semiconductor industry ... and from what I have seen already the dark force is always ready to disrupt any attempt that might set us free from bigoilco.

It worth to grab whatever you can/afford and build it while you can and keep in mind we can always walk all the way back to old tech. Tesla never had semiconductors and he solved most with coils and capacitors, even very high frequency and without the need for an oscilloscope  ;D
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 25, 2024, 06:30 PM
Quote from: Classic on Feb 21, 2024, 10:39 AMWhat is a Bagdad battery
A better question is what did they do with them? With 3 of them in series, around 4.5V of Direct Current DC can be made available.
4.5V is the harmonic to Silvers Natural Frequency. This is all one needs to activate silver for an 'elixir'.
4.5VDC is all one needs to 'cure' almost every disease on the planet. (why these 'batteries' actually exist)
With 3 'batteries' one can find the 4 Phases of Magnetism ( or the 4 phases of 'electricity')
These batteries were found with 'electrodes' at the end of wires much like a multimeter electrodes.

Quote from: Classic on Feb 21, 2024, 12:51 PMSo, what we know about them ? i mean Bagdad batteries.
We know very little, nothing really. its all speculation and not very good specs at that.
We know nothing of the 'source' of the iron nor the copper. We must consider that the blacksmith shop that made these was the R & D Lab of the Day where Alchemists did their 'Great Work'.
All iron on earth is made by Biological Transmutation. Further research will reveal that the other 2 'magnetic elements' Boron and Cobalt are also found in Lake Deposits which leads us to the conclusion that iron, boron and cobalt are ALL biologically 'transmuted' from water and sunlight. This is the elephant clue in the room all overlook.

Quote from: Classic on Feb 22, 2024, 03:18 AMif someone has the ability to explain where the energy comes from may change our perception of many things.
In the next installment, I explain the 'source' of both AC and DC and why they are exactly the same, albeit 'produced' with different 'methodology'.
And yes, it changes the entire theory surrounding the electric universe postulation. It changes everything.

Quote from: Classic on Feb 22, 2024, 06:43 AMthey have only iron electrode wired.
The Baghdad battery has 2 terminals. They were found with 'wires' terminated in 'electrode needles'.

Quote from: Classic on Feb 22, 2024, 06:24 PMwater being (liquid) dielectric
Water is totally misunderstood. The Highschool experiment of electrolysis is a rigged and contrived experiment.
Its not 'water'.  It is usually caustic
It does NOT definitively KNOW what 'electricity' is, pawning of some theory that its a 'flow' of charged particles, that were 'invented' in 1896 to explain Tesla's Lightning. There was no theory in existence to explain the fantastic Lightning displays of Tesla. The 'electron was 'adopted' to explain it. The 'proton' was adopted' to keep the Mathematicians happy to Balance the Mass Equations that this lopsided theory presented.
Without full knowledge of 'electricity' one cannot reasonably expect a theory of what is happening to the water to be 'correct'.
The electrodes are 'specific' metals to give specific 'gases'.
What is available at the terminals of any battery, in a 'nutshell' is Energy is Frequency of Vibrations for a upgraded Tesla quote who never believed in 'electrons'.
This Vibrational energy is 'electricity'. A full explanation in next post.

Quote from: citfta on Feb 23, 2024, 08:00 PMAny time 2 dissimilar metals are placed close together in the presence of moisture they will have a galvanic reaction between them.  It may be such a low level it is hard to detect but chemistry says you can't get a flow of electrons
The complete definition of what constitutes a 'battery effect' is...
Any 2 dis-similar FREQUENCIES is a shared Medium will produce vibrational energy within the medium.
This allows for Atmospheric Batteries and Earth Batteries to be 'explained' as well as vacuum batteries not just dissimilar metals in Liquid Dialectics.

Quote from: Classic on Mar 03, 2024, 05:41 PMI am still pointing out that this (Baghdad) battery does not work on electrolyte or galvanic reaction
Yes it does but understanding what 'water' or an 'electrolyte' is might help. ALL Batteries are a Magnetic interaction.

Quote from: Classic on Sep 03, 2024, 04:55 PMContact Potentials for Metals Immersed in a Dielectric and Conduction of Electricity by Liquid Dielectrics
Harold J. Plumley
Phys. Rev. 52, 140 – Published 15 July 1937

https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.52.140 (https://journals.aps.org/pr/abstract/10.1103/PhysRev.52.140)
This publication is outdated and obsolete.

Quote from: Classic on Sep 14, 2024, 01:04 PMEverything is based on electric charge and dipolar properties and what we call chemical reaction in fact is just electrical interactions.
In FACT all Frequency interactions are Magnetic Interactions. There is no chemistry. All elements are but 'frequencies of water'. This is part of the more advanced theories on what constitutes Energy.
Further research can be had at philosophy.org and https://www.svpwiki.com/Keely

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 25, 2024, 11:05 PM
The Persian Magi and their Electro-Magnetic Alchemy of the Baghdad Battery.

There is no definitive theory for water, electricity and magnetism. Yet we live in an Electric Universe, that without water there is nothing.
To understand the Electro part of electro-magnetism, we think of 'electricity' as something that travels by conducting wire. That is correct for now.
We think of 'magnetism' as that which is 'around' the wires doing the conducting. This 'around the wires' magnetism can be 'imparted' to a lump of iron when using a Coil, permanently changing its 'memory'. That pretty much sums up state of the hypotheses for the electro-magnetic properties that a battery exhibits. Spinning a magnet or a coil is where Tesla begins.

The theory doesn't go back any further than that for this phenomena of 'electro-magnetism'. How it is done 'atomically' or the "mechanism" as its called, is not explained other than more theories. Electricity can only travel along conductors but magnetic Fields go through insulators, everything actually as there are no Magnetic Shields known (yet until I post it). This is a unique difference between the Electro and the Magnetism, but you need one, the Battery DC, to make the other. The battery came first, then the magnetic egg. The Sea Microbe came first then the Hematite rock came second to give us the Ore we smelt iron from. Bio Electricity came before iron. Microbe Cells are tiny batteries as we humans are but a conglomerate of single cell batteries all joined in parallel.

There are trees that bleed 'copper sap'. Petrified Forest AZ, has 'trees' that have perfect quartz crystals at the centre of the 'logs'. 
Tin is found as a crystal. Iron ore is the 'petrified' remains of a Cellular structure that used Bio Electricity to transmute sea water into iron using the electricity or Fire from the Sun. All light is Fire. (a magnifying glass proves this) The 4th Elemental State. Electricity is Fire. We need to know these things when making gadgets that make this Fire in more abundance. The Light of our Bio Magnetic Field is called Aura. It looks like 'flames' of a fire. The North Pole is stronger than the South pole and this is SEEN as a greater fire or greater flames in the Wave patterns this North magnetic Field that surrounds a bar magnet, looks like.

We simply dont SEE it the way Tesla SAW it to understand his descriptive words. Or the way the Magi saw it. Over Unity is but a chapter in the Alchemy of Magnetic Fire. This Fire is the Wave forms that surround everything but is most active in Biological iron 'condensate' that has been 'Charged Up' by a battery using a coil for this Antenna effect. (there's always more) This Bio Fire Wave Form Field Tesla referred to as a Rotating magnetic Field and considered it his greatest Life's discovery made as a very young man. Vital for the existence of everything for all time. Yet we place little importance upon these words up til now.

In Alchemical terms, Magnetism in Iron is the re-activation of the memory of Bio Magnetism as a purified Frequency from Organics obeying the Terms of Energy, Frequency and Vibration. We charge up a battery that is flat well a lump of iron is 'flat' and can be 'charged up'. Enriched Uranium is transmuted into plutonium and made with DC by Charging it Up.

This is the intro to understand the following presentation by understanding the Baghdad Battery at an 'elemental level' of every component from the way the Magi Alchemists described it while sitting around the Furnace discussing Material procurement.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:13 PM
This manuscript came about from a conscious effort of he who seeks will find. It is essentially a composite of many articles I posted on forums to explain the Mysteries of adding Fire to Water in Alchemical terms or Electricity to a Liquid as one of the 1000's of experiments done. It may at times appear the discourse is out of place. It is essentially a re-writing of the science and physics theories and presents a Cell experiment  to assert the change of theory. The Universe is built from organic Cells. Understanding any 'one' Cell, gives a whole new meaning to all the others. A single Crystal or Tetrahedron of Light is a 'Cell' with a Neutral Centre, where this new concept of an "atom" by Democritus, is the core of this Field Science.
The Baghdad Batteries' 'metallurgy' from an Alchemists point of view, gives a new meaning to the Magic the Biblical Magi preformed with a flow of Direct Current of Magnetics upon metals and as a form of Human Battery charging and 'terminal point activation' for natural healing.
In the rediscovering of what the ancients and magi-healers already knew in the past, I owe a lot to Joe. His Gifts of knowing all things and a knack of creating an experimental Cell to leave you in no doubt you have witnessed something really not of this earth. More Heavenly some would say. The only other man in the past who Joe can stand with as an equal, is Tesla. There are others too that have been as influential to this resurfacing of tech from the past. But it was Joe's driving inspiration that lead me to assemble this knowledge and present it as ........
The Energy of our Universe is in the Frequencies of Vibrating Light Crystals.
We shall start with Tesla and the Infinity Loop of Life.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:17 PM
Rotating Magnetic Fields
This is Tesla's greatest 'understanding' and undoubtedly his greatest contribution to 'Energy' Science. Tesla considered it his greatest discovery. Yet what he said is near incomprehensible for those educated in modern 'theories'. What Tesla considered his greatest discovery is hidden in plain sight.
"Rotating magnetic fields were dear to my heart. When I made the discovery of the rotating Magnetic field, I was a very young man. The revelation came after years of concentrated thought and it was my first great thrill. It was not only a valuable discovery capable of extensive practical applications."
It was a REVELATION OF NEW FORCES AND NEW PHENOMENA unknown to science before.
"No", Dr. Tesla said with some feelings, "I would not give my rotating field discovery for a thousand inventions, however valuable, designed merely as mechanical contraption to deceive the eye and ear!" Then saying: "A thousand years hence, the telephone and the motion picture camera may be obsolete, but the principle of the rotating magnetic field will remain a vital, living thing for all time to come." – said Nikola Tesla, the genius who finished a new patent every 20 days his entire adult life.
Tesla also said.
"The man's heartbeats are part of the symphony on the Earth".
"Man's body is a perfect machine. I know my circuit and what's good for him. Food what nearly all people eat, to me it is harmful and dangerous."
What Tesla said in plain English.
No 'invention' compares to the Principle of Rotating Magnetic Fields. It is as enduring as the rotation of the Earth. It is VITAL for all living things for all of existence for all time.
I have withheld this Secret of Rotating magnetic Fields from those without eyes and ears and masked it as a mechanical contraption.
The rotating magnetic contraption is also known as a 2 Phase Motor/Generator from the Wardenclyffe Tower site. Image used under the fair use for education.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:19 PM
Yet here we are, playing with 'electrons' and trying to comprehend what it is Tesla said when he withheld his Greatest Discovery and Invention from Mankind. The Rotating Magnetic Field.
We will start this Secret teachings for an Apprenticeship with 'builds' you can understand that are already operational so that when you do understand them you can begin to understand the basic Principles of Rotating Magnetic Fields by first deciphering what Tesla intended by his words. Rotating Magnetic Fields are found everywhere in nature from the Winds of the atmosphere to living organisms and in the rivers and oceans even the earth itself. To stir coffee creates a rotating magnetic Field. When we can really see ourselves and look in the mirror, one will see that we too, are two Rotating Magnetic Fields in One.
What we believe to be true is actually a fabrication based upon incomplete studies of Natural Sciences. We fabricate and manufacture using theorized particles or marbles to describe and duplicate nature's Lightning and explosive phenomena. Tesla, who said that energy is frequency with vibrations (not spin) did reproduce the God like, vital Life sustaining energy from Rotating Magnetic Fields he called 'Radiant' or "Scalar Non Hertzian" energy. It has been replicated by others since and before Tesla who also rediscovered the unlimited energy source that is VITAL for all living things, for all of existence, for all time. The Aether as Tesla called it and it can come from a mechanical contraption if it has rotating magnets and Fields. To understand Teslas words we lay bare some of the false logic theories that academia holds as immutable facts.
In this 5 min Video  https://gregreese.substack.com/p/the-mysterious-human-heart (https://gregreese.substack.com/p/the-mysterious-human-heart)
We see Rudolf Steiner thought of the Heart differently to those who would cut it out and install a new pump as advancements in modern Medicine. The Heart is like a Vortex machine that can be unravelled as a very clever design in its figure 8 circulatory patterns, where these vortices that begin at the heart, create the Infinity Loop with circulating blood. (JC) If only they knew what it is, that's in the blood, that's VITAL to this 'infinity loop'. Magnetic Iron.
The NASA artists and their image 'impressionists', are critiqued by the EU at thunderbolts.(dis)info whom also have elevated Gerry Pollock to their Team. His 'theory', if you can call it that, says water can have a State within a State, where this 'plasma' state is found within the 3rd state or Liquid water as 'structured' water being the presumed 4th state for anomalies of an experiment with water and a battery. Gerry makes it with Battery Direct Current (DC) and knows it is electrons in the wires from the Battery. Gerry then goes on to make the claim that this 4th state pushes Blood around the body, where the blood/water is "fuelled by the infrared energy from the environment", as water in our body 'becomes an electrical propulsion system.' Gerry, being the EU's Water Expert has claimed the discovery of the 4th Phase or "structured" water. Gerry's water Cell, to make structured water has no magnetics about its "theory" even though DC has been known as 'magnetic current' since about forever.
Adding DC to water was done by Yull Brown whom demonstrated his welding and tungsten vaporizing flame in 1989. It lives on to this day as Browns Gas and they still don't understand the electricity used to make it. It was Joe in 1992 who invented "Neutral Plates" as a geometric Antenna between the Active plates in a Cell based upon a numbering system of all Cellular Life.
This is a different Methodology of Design than a Browns gas like device where every plate is 'electrified'. The Variable connections available with Neutral Plates between the Active ones, creates many more Field Effects than Browns Gas exhibits. Joe call this process of Field Generation "Charge Up". Gerry hasn't got to this IP yet where rather than 'electrolysis' we have a Field Generation Device. This 'magnetises' the water (Structuring it according to the Polarity Bias) that variable electrode placement creates. This can be likened to, or is nearly identical to, a Field Coil with an iron nail to create the magnetic field but using the water rather than a nail. This upgrades the high school 'electrolysis' program. Magnetic Water is what a JoeCell creates and with a Variable Polarity Cell, unheard of before in practical applications of energy to do 'work'. We go from spinning iron magnets to flowing magnetic water.
In claiming "charged water carries the Blood with it" Pollack shows his total lack of the important nature of iron or Haemoglobin in the Blood. 'It's an indefinite propulsion system' is the only thing Gerry has 'right' in reference to how the Cardio Vascular system actually functions. Gerry then goes off on a tangent about what Charges Up our body, that being the Earths Magnetic Field without the Mechanism for such to happen. Trusting this Electric Universe 'science' saw one Electric Universe spokesperson, Wal Thornhill, die suddenly in Canberra, where near 98% of the population joined a medical experiment.
Using critical thinking skills to question Science before trusting it, we see that Emoto, essentially showed Mind over matter. All the rest is just words to HIDE this forbidden re-discovery that the Universe is Mental as Hermes Trismegistus First Law.
Victor Schauberger says water creates Magnetic Vortices. It's not the Spiral action to structure water, it's the Magnetic Field created 'globally' within and around the spiralling water. Joe calls them Mini Universes and the Water changes Magnetic Bias when Vortexed. Joe's Magnetic In-Line Cell requires 4 blades to counter clockwise twist or VORTEX the water as it enters the Mono Pole Fields. Shown here  
https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html (https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html)
https://rumble.com/vhrm63-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh.-2nd-came.html (https://rumble.com/vhrm63-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh.-2nd-came.html)
Spinning water raises its Magnetic Field Energies and energy can be 'produced' from Spinning Magnetic Water. The Mechanism for this is where the Magnetic water crystal matrix, interacts with the Earths Magnetic Field. Spinning or Vortexing water IS a Rotating Magnetic Field. Moving or flowing water creates the highest magnetic Field in Nature. The principle of dowsing. Knowing the Magnetic Bias of generating higher North Pole energies as a counter-clockwise rotation sees the water "clean itself up". South Pole Bias water is 'dirty' water. Spring water at the top of a mountain or dirty oily water underground. It's a whole new field of research for hydrology and geology to incorporate that all water has a magnetic charge or Bias we call saline, acidic or alkaline and the formation of the very dirt we call Earth.
Implosion Energies are created with Left Hand Spin water creating a Negative or North Pole Bias water Field. This is a universal constant even if may vary here and or on other worlds. One can 'tell' the North Pole of any spinning conglomerate or galaxy by the Left hand spin when looking down on one of the Poles. Earth operates on the Principle of for every action there's an opposite and equal reaction at or on the other Hemi sphere. Weather Cells are "eddy currents" and are a Law unto themselves with the other planets influences acting upon the earths Atmospheric Wind Fields. Rain condenses from the atmosphere as a result of the Implosion Forces generated in the Winds.
Explosion or expansive energies are when water is spun clockwise or right hand spin. We will explore these ONLY 2 Forces in the Universe known as implosion explosion, Compression Expansion, North and South Poles and also known as the Positive and Negative terminals on a battery. These 2 forces are experimentally shown here by reversing the electrodes on a Field Generating Antenna in water. Seen here https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4 (https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4)
The Alchemy of Gold or Barry Carter's Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements as applied to Gold as a science theory to explain energy transformation or matter transformation by vibrational Field Science lacks any real understandings of using Magnetic Water and any meaningful atomic structure of Precious Metals or anything of Matter.
Real Alchemy, as understood by Aristotle, Thales, Democritus, Keely, Tesla, Joe and the Magi who rediscovered the Baghdad Batteries, is the Alchemy of Magnetic Vibrations. Everything is Energy and these unique elemental vibrations are its "frequency signature". Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern of Vibrations. The addition of Battery frequencies as Direct Current can change or increase the Frequency rate of the Elemental vibrations. We see this change in frequency from a liquid to a 'gas' in 'electrolysis'.
Gerry's opinion of Gold being transmuted within the blood can be considered as 'advertising' for a product like EZ Water. The Double Vortices in the Heart does not create just the "spark" of Life Gerry hopes it does. The Heart is part of a MACHINE with two rotating Magnetic Fields that CREATE a "Neutral Centre" within the double Infinity Loops, giving a never ending or 'continuous 'flow' of Non Hertzian energy from the Aether, as Tesla referred to it. This is what ALIVE'S the Human Machine with vital Life Force Energy. Death is determined when the Heart stops and just one 'pump' can be all that it takes for a little bit of blood movement to restart or re-create this twin rotating magnetic Fields.
It could be asked if they 'know' which side of the chest each electrode is pressed onto, before Jump Starting the Bio Field Two Phase generator. I think not, as the above video can be considered controlled opposition with no explanation of the Bodies Polarity and no mention of its Bio Field. For Gerry, it's about electron donors from the environment as to how we maintain health and vitality and the 4th Phase of Water to propel the blood around the body using Steiner's theory that the Heart is not actually a "pump". Gerry is imaginative to say the least.
We begin with a very concise explanation of OUR BODIES Rotating Magnetic Fields and how they work in real life not fake chemistry/biology theories. Redefining Physics and understanding Tesla's Rotating Magnetic Fields starts with understanding the Mechanism of the Baghdad Battery and why Tesla knew this and stated Man's body is a perfect machine.
PART 1.        In the simplest of terms, the Human Body is an Over Unity Bio Electrical Machine.

The 'Lungs' as a Machine. The Alchemy of the Magnetic 'Wind' we breathe.

Electrolysis tells us in the SIMPLEST of terms, that the Positive electrode produces a vapour that must be present for Fire, corrosion or heat energy 'release' and is attracted to or 'sinks' to the earth. We can but conclude that using the Positive Magnetic force from a battery makes a 'Wind' that vibrates with an Elemental Frequency we call 'oxygen'. This 'oxygen energy' is available 'within' approx.  15% of the Wind we breathe.

Each breath of Wind comes into very close proximity with the blood circulating within the Lungs, after circulating around the body. The 'oxygen air energy' has higher or at least 'distinct' elemental vibrations, than the other 85%. These 'elemental oxygen frequencies' or Wind have been Magnetically Charged Up with 'higher vibrations' as the result of the 'Vortex Mechanism' of Wind swirling within the Earths Magnetic Fields. This magnetically excited air or 'oxygen' then Charges Up the Haemoglobin or iron frequencies in red blood Cells in a process that we are familiar with in INDUCTION Motors and Coiled circuitry.
The Wind, as atmospheric layers, such as ozone, result from the Earths Magnetic Fields not the 'weight' of elemental frequencies or elements. Weight should be thought of as an 'elements' attractiveness or repulsive Magnetic Charge Bias relative to the Earths Magnetic Field Charge. Therein lays the clue to anti-gravity. Our 'science' is based upon South Pole Heat or Expansive Forces. North Pole Implosion or Cold Compression forces are actually a subject one gets cancelled for researching. Hydrogen fuels is the beginning of cold fusion technology. We take the North Pole implosion energies as the Field Bias in a Magnetic Field Generator in Water.
The action of Sun Light Vibrations, contribute to this Mechanism of Wind Vortexing as does the other 8 Planets Magnetic Fields interacting with the Earths Fields to create our 'weather' patterns on earth. Sunlight on oxygen creates a new vibrational signature as 'heat' as it Charges Up or raises O2's vibrations to O3 or ozone as a product of sunlight and the atmosphere of earth. A natural 'hypercharging' or 'nuclear enrichment' we call it when using DC current on heavy metals.

The higher Magnetic South Pole Positive Charge of the oxygen, the more easily it Magnetizes or Charges Up the 'iron' in Haemoglobin. Just like a nail on a magnet, so too does the red blood Cells become more Magnetic by induction with South Pole oxygen vibrational frequencies. It is an error of omission to leave out the role of Magnetism in the creation of 'oxygen' energy or that there would be no 'residual' South Pole Magnetism in the oxygen made by electrolysis.

Once the 'oxygen charge' is imparted by induction, to the red blood Cells, the Frequency of the Wind in the lungs, loses Charge and now exhibits the 'carbon dioxide' frequencies as the Wind changes 'frequency' or the 'elemental frequencies' change due to the 'discharge' of energy as vibrations.
Nothing from 'particle science' penetrates the insulating lining of the lungs and magically swims through the plasma and pumps up only the red cells or vice versa exiting as 'CO2'.
The Energy Inducted to the IRON from the WIND is known by many names in Ancient teachings as chi or prana or similar, but its only Vibrational energy being 'transferred' not 'elemental oxygen'.  Induction is one Tuning Fork acting upon another Tuning Fork in a sea of tuning forks. Induction is the Transference of Magnetic Energy via Vibrational Field Energies or "Eddy Currents" and they are 'harvested' by coils in a mechanical generator contraption. The Toroidal Blood cell is a 'coil' of iron, more like a little diner platelet to some.
Every cell in our body is a micro JoeCell with its spherical concentric regions just like the Earth to its core. The centre of every cell is a negative or North Pole force with the positive force coming to the outside of the Cell being in close proximity to the Positive Blood charge. The Centre of every cell is a Neutral Centre and combined, they create our bodies Neutral Centre being the accumulation of all Neutral Centres comprising the Defined Field of the Body. When our bare feet touch the earth, we become one with it and Charge Up. Unless one prefers the donor electron theory.
Part 2.     The Alchemy of the Gastro-Intestinal Tract In Biology

The human body contains a separate 'nervous system' that is so complex it has been dubbed the second brain and is around 9 meters long from the oesophagus to the anus. This network of neurons spread throughout two layers of gut tissue within the Gastro Intestinal Tract, (GI) connects only to the brain and is called the Enteric Nervous system or ENS.
Raw energy or 'food', is introduced into the Body via this "Neutral Centre Zone" GI so to speak. In Magnetic Water Cells, designed to CHARGE UP and change the Water Frequencies, we introduce the water (like food in the GI) into this Neutral Centre Zone, where the food energy then disperses into the Field without disrupting the Bio Magnetic Field. The GI Tract's  true 'function' requires a closer examination with a new understanding of our Energy Universe, where we see vibrating 'Light Crystals'(tuning forks) as the New Atomic Construct of matter, where these elemental vibrations constitute the SOURCE of ALL 'energy' in our physical Universe.

 Our GI Microbiome
is symbiotic to our Bio Electric Field. The 3 litre average of Micro-Biotic Cell Life Forms, found in the GI Tract, literally 'eats' or decays every single bit of food we eat. Digestive fluids and stomach 'acids' only facilitates microbes turning it all into faeces. The product of this 'digestion' is to produce Biological Vibrations that we measure as Heat or 'calories' or even BTU's. The microbes breeding and consuming lunch by the billions is a lot of biological heat energy from our internal compost heap. This 'heat energy' as vibrations, is inducted or absorbed directly by the 'antenna' or ENS within the GI lining and transmitted directly to the brain. This indicates that the Brains Grey matter is a Di-Pole Battery with billions of Cells for 'storage' within the 'brain', where this "energy' is then 'electrically' distributed as needed, or Directed by Spirit, to the rest of the body via the Central Nervous System or CNS.
This flow in the CNS from the Brain/Battery, operates, builds and repairs the bodies 'motors' and muscles with Bio Electricity. It powers the muscles when directed by stimuli or the desire to walk. This and watery fluids in the blood are the building blocks of Life.

What we get out of the food and water we eat is 'water' absorbed into the blood stream with 'elemental' frequencies 'dissolved' by the 'action' of microbes eating or decomposing our lunch and the production of Vibrational Bio Heat Energy that is 'collected' by the Enteric Nervous system that is "connected" directly to the brain. The warmth we feel after a meal or bottle of wine on a Park bench on a cold night is the Vibrational increase from highly vibrational water. The lungs work overtime trying to expel the higher vibs in a similar like action to CO2 if one drinks too much wine. One 'pants' to detox as how a Breathalyzer works.

The energetic action of microbes digesting food and generating Bio energy, utilizing a God given Bio Antenna to collect this Microbe energy, as vibrational (electrical) heat energy and transmitting it exclusively to charge up our Di-pole Battery, is quite misrepresented by Biologists. The ground breaking IP of Charging Up drinking water with 3 Baghdad battery Cells will enhance this Mechanism of Charging Up a Biological battery with what can only be described as an Elixir for Life. The ultimate immune system booster is to use a car battery and apply this Bio Electric Technology to Organic Life.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:22 PM
Part 3    
Our Bio-Field is created by a Rotating Magnetic Blood Field.

Once the haemoglobin is Charged Up by the oxygen frequencies, these millions of tiny Magnetic red battery Cells are sent directly to Charge Up the brain with a disproportionate amount of blood via 2 arteries upwards and the rest around the body, in what can be only be described as, TWO "Infinity Loops" or Rotating Magnetic Fields.
Every Cell in the body touches the vascular system and again by Induction, they 'release' their vibrational Charge to a 'tissue' Cell.
It is a Rotating Magnetic Field created by magnets spinning or tumbling in a figure '8' pattern or Infinity Loop around the body that creates the Human Bio Field. Our Field strength or Health may be determined by the ease of flow and the 'Charge' of the Haemoglobin.  We determine these two indicators as Blood Pressure, Color and Blood Cell 'shape' and their 'stickiness' to each other. It is forbidden in some places to do Microscopic Diagnostics on Live Blood. This is a controlled 'science' you can trust.
The 'splitting' of charged Blood into 2 arteries going to the Brain, creates 2 differing Charges or 'Phases' for a Dipole Battery. This is similar to Lord Kelvins "Thunderstorm" creating 2 distinct 'Charges' from one body of water. This creates body polarity and Terminal Points or nodes in and around the body. A rotating Magnetic Field has a Field Pattern with Poles and Output Terminals. The Right hand palm is our Positive Battery Terminal with the left palm Negative. The Human Body is a Self-Recharging Battery with a set of jumper leads terminating with alligator clamps we call hands and operated by Will Power. We are an Over Unity, Aetheric Energy Powered, 2 Phase Generator/motor Machine.  Tesla was quite young when this gave him his first thrill of how to design an electrical or mechanical contraption to utilize this principle as a motive force.

With this knowledge, we can use a car battery to connect to the hands and Charge Up the Human Bio Field like a Battery charger does to a car Battery. Other 'points' or input terminals, have differing Bio Field actions like Ozone production from every Cell in the body as a new therapeutic Modality for Healing. Many Penny Arcade machines were invented to Charge Up the Human Body based upon Teslas Vibrational Energy from Frequency. Controlled opposition cults would call these "donor electron machines". We believe Tesla would have known the correct Polarity of each Handle.

Two separately wired rotating magnetic Fields interacting with an electrical wiring system or ferrite magnets, is called a 2 phase motor. They can be combined into one frame creating a motor/generator with the addition of Ferrite Magnets. This scenario 'may' create a Neutral Centre attachment Point for Aetheric Energy. This is the "Mechanism" of Teslas Wardenclyffe Tower that 'broadcast' Scalar Non Hertzian 'energy' to every Light Crystal within earth's magnetic Field with 'pure flat-line' Non Hertzian Prima Matter 'energy'. The reason it may not preform, could be due to the 'builder' is creating Life and if he does not know this, then the Life created will know not what to do. (1.04 mark vid)
This is the 'attachment' to the Universal Consciousness. Our own zero point if you prefer.  This is the Mechanism by which the human Will operates. Tesla called this Non-Hertzian Scalar or Radiant Energy. The Human Body and Life itself, is all about Bio Electric Rotating Magnetic Fields.

The figure 8 or Infinity Loop is 'magnetic' red blood Cells creating a Rotating or Circulating Magnetic Field within the Body. A more complex version of 'joining together flows' is seen within the Arteries going to the brain. The act of splitting the Flow, splits it into 2 Charges (or phases as there is a frequency difference between the 2) and then recombining in close proximity is like the opposite and equal action to Lord Kelvin's "Thunderstorm" by pumping up rather than falling down. This gives us a total of 4 Charge 'phases' of 'electricity', ++, +-, -+, --   to Charge Up one's battery. Similar to the 4 'elements' of earth, water, wind and fire where each element has 4 'charge factors' it will cycle through in what we call a Format. This charge scale was called 'stages' in JoeCell videos. (Link Master Bates and the Show and Tell story)
Manly P. Hall said, "There are two great systems in the body of man:
1. Tree of Life, which is the arterial with its roots in the heart.
2. Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, i.e. the nervous system, which has its roots in the brain."
Paracelsus considered "BLOOD to be the Condensation of Light". To elaborate this consideration, we see that Sunlight and water, by either photo synthesis or Biological actions, create Iron as Haemoglobin in our bone marrow, or within a Sea Microbe. We purify this 'iron' by 'smelting' which is a form of 'condensing' Light 'frequencies' in Paracelsus' Alchemical terms.

I would venture to say... that 'silly equations', and "Electron Spin" have stifled man's ability to See what it is he is looking at when he looks in a Mirror.

This 3rd Eye blindness to the Wave Forms that surround 'everything', has given rise to all kinds of silly theories and a total failure to Understand NATURE and Its Laws. 
And here we are, endless debating over what this Over Unity is, that we seek, when we ARE ONE.
Politics, Religion and 'science' and how we got here.
Politics is about people debating the Laws we live under, from good or bad views.
Religion is people living under agreed upon Customs.
Science is to question everything. Nothing is a given until proved to oneself.
The problem arises when the Law tries to change Customs or Common Law with Settled Science.
One does not need a 'deity' or a figure head for a Belief in Common Customs or to impose changes to the Law. Believing in such things is a matter of personal choice and no one likes intrusive forces in decision making (mandates). Religion can also be the result of Common Law and inalienable rights stemming from the belief we are a part of Creation either divinely or from the swamp as our 'science'.  Our new Priests of Religion are called 'scientists' and the new custom to Trust them or be labelled a 'Science Denier' is coercion to conform to the new 'religion'. Here we think for ourselves and Question Everything as our 'science'. Nothing is held to be true in a world of mass deception.
I See a Perfect machine like Tesla did in our human body. No 'trusting the science' can improve the Human Machine as an experiment. We try to make machines to duplicate the Filtering process of the Kidneys using Particle size rather than Charge, polarity or Frequency factors. We do this because the magnetics of Life is NOT understood and so we make coils of copper and charged lumps of iron to duplicate the Rotating Magnetic Fields of Blood Flows. This is Teslas Greatest Discovery that of Rotating Magnetic Fields can be made to Create Life and Life Force Energy, in near unlimited abundance from his beloved Aether, with a contraption we can describe as a Tesla designed Smart Drive, radial, multi Phased Generator/Motor in one, as his gift for those with eyes to See. Such a contraption only requires the addition of a car battery and a load to replace the brain and muscles.
Our Lungs operating mechanism is by Magnetic Inductive Fields that Charge Up or Re-Magnetize our Rechargeable iron Batteries or Red Blood Cells travelling in an Infinity Loop or rotating magnetic Field. The Grey Matter/brain is a di-pole battery for storage of vibrational energy. The Nervous system is the electrical conduits to our Motors and Muscles. Water is literally Liquid Electricity or the Lubricant of Life. Waters 'atomic' structure is a 4 sided Light Crystal with 4 'elemental states'. The Earth is a giant spherical JoeCell 'Tube Cell'. Light Frequency from the Sun, Charges Up the Atmospheric Layers like a 'fluoro' tube. Its Blue because Ice is blue, water is blue, and flame is blue so it follows the Element Wind is blue. The grass is green because it's the Vibration reflected from the grass. We cannot see light, only its reflection.
An Alchemist understands the Hermes Trismegistus teachings of; The First Law is the Universe Is Mental as Emoto's experiments prove this be true and that water is a liquid crystal. We are distracted by the Controlled opposition from the EU people who label everything we DON'T KNOW about water as Structured Water. This will end with the burial of the 'electron'.  To understand how to structure water with Direct Current or Pressure by Vibrations in Tesla speak, Joe does it here with Battery current applied to a Magnetic Field Generating Antenna here. https://rumble.com/vhodfb-full-unedited-version-of-oil-from-water..html
And here https://rumble.com/vh9sd3-water-into-oil-second-camera-view.html (https://rumble.com/vh9sd3-water-into-oil-second-camera-view.html)
The Ancient Alchemical Art or The Great Work of the Magi, is the belief in the Will to change matter. In the first Video, if you listen carefully at the 1.04 mark, on Joe's command, Matt 'tells' the Cell "to make Oil". Matt thought of 'oil' and the first of 8 'kinds' of oil made that day with 8 participants looks like car engine oil.
In this Video, Joe demonstrates this added Will Power to Charge Up water with the Memory of Fire. Read the 2 comments to understand a practical use of Bio Field Science so one doesn't need 'refineries' or coal fired power stations. https://rumble.com/vgdio9-burning-water-the-alchemist-way..html (https://rumble.com/vgdio9-burning-water-the-alchemist-way..html) The opposite and equal is to make water not 'fire' and only a mist will distinguish the most intense blaze. Perfect for existing fire systems with only a fraction of the water.
The JoeCell, and he has built many and no 2 are the same, is the classical construct "Tube Cell" and is a Living Experiment between the Alchemist Operator and all 5 Elemental States of Matter. It is truly the Magic of Magnetics. This JoeCell Tube Cell creates an Infinity Loop Field in the vessel of Water, where this creation allows for Scalar NON Hertzian Energies from the 'Aether' or Aetheric 'Grid' to be 'usable' by the Will of the Alchemist. Our own Vibrating Bio Field can influence surrounding Fields. Tesla did it with Magnets and Coils within Rotating Magnetic Fields and withheld the Intellectual Property to utilize what he called Scalar Field Energy. Joe does it with a Geometric Antenna in water and Battery Current. Only a Magi can decipher or reverse engineer such magic.
Tesla took his "Greatest Discovery" to his grave. If you like what you have read so far please enter the Game or the Great Work as the Alchemists called it. It only gets more intense in its approach to the many lies passed off as theories to purposely confuse the Mind of the Beholder.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:25 PM
This is the final instalment of understanding 'electricity' like Tesla knew it and applied it to his Greatest Discovery.
It is highly 'condensed' and many paragraphs could do with a longer more detailed explanation.
I don't believe any Civilian Researcher understands electricity as God Created it or as Tesla knew it.
This unique designed Universe is the product of Infinite Intelligence utilizing a singular Magnetic Light Structure for ALL of creation.
With some 32 years of Water Cell experiments and Battery reconstructions and associated Field Effects comprising many 1000's of experiments, the following is the conclusion of a lifetime of research as to what the Ancients knew and what has been rediscovered or re-invented. There is nothing new under the sun and only 20th Century Nobel Prize winners believe this to not be true. Its a reward system for imaginative theories only to keep humans in a perpetual slave system.
Understanding the Alchemy of the Baghdad battery by electrifying silver rods as a highly probable use 2000 years ago.
Or Tesla's Technology OF ENERGY, FREQUENCY & VIBRATION as APPLIED TO charge water with Silver Bio Field energies
Silver has long been associated with the healing Arts, as good health can lead to longevity. Modern use of 'electricity' upon silver is 'limited' to just 2 wires and however many 'Cells' or voltage one feels is 'good enough' to make a circuit with Direct Current; all the while using water that is not found in nature but only in a 'lab' and called 'distilled' water. It is out of phase with nature and has a 'micro' dosage being 'toxic' with larger consumption. Modern production methodology of silver water lacks a basic understanding of the Physics of "Energy, Frequency & Vibration" at the Atomic level.  A more correct View allows for advancement of this Healing Modality.
This View re-emerged with the Persian Magi and their 3 Baghdad batteries, once housed in the Baghdad Museum. These 3 "Cells" from 2000 years ago, when combined, would give about 4.5 Volts of Magnetic Direct Current or DC. These 3 Cells are all that is required to "Charge" Silver in North Pole, 'earth charged' Spring water, to make anti-aging, life extending, healing 'elixirs' for consumption, sauna steam or bathing.
It is a "chemical" reaction between the Iron and the Copper, with vinegar as the 'electrolyte' that provides the 'elemental vibrations' between the two terminals as 'electricity' or DC.
[Insert Image of Baghdad battery]
Silver has a mass spectrometer vibrational 'signature', specific to its place of origin on earth. The addition of battery DC from 3 Cells will increase or Charge Up these Silver Signature/vibrations with the 'elemental vibrations' we call DC 'electricity'. Natural physics says that there will be scales, octaves and harmonics when combining these 'frequency signatures' and Field Patterns to metals and Biological Life Forms. When 4 Silver wires or 'silver electrodes' are used as the DC Magnetic Field generating 'antenna' to magnetically "Charge Up" the water with DC, the water (may) takes on the Memory of the antennas component frequency. In this case silver. With just 2 wires there is no Magnetic Field Generated only 'electrolysis'.
Battery vibrations or DC, vibrate the Silver 'rods' and is retained as silver Memory and held within/by, the already vibrating water crystals by being Charged Up or 'magnetized' with Silvers Vibrational Frequency. A Silver Field rather than an Iron Field effect. Water can be made to be MAGNETIC. Water takes on the 'memory' of everything it touches. This device we call the SilverJoe Generator, using 4 rods to generate a Field effect, amplifies that effect. Its design can be used with other precious metals or even stainless steel.
Two more Silver Field designs are variations of the 7 Ringed array sold as the Aquachifootbath.com
                                7 Rings Silver            Silver Neutral with 6 Stainless       SilverJoe Generator
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:26 PM
The nature of ac and dc 'electricity'
The very 'nature' of Magnetic Alternating and Direct Current or AC and DC, would be the most contested concept within academia. Here we look at the production and usage of AC and DC, for the design of the theoretical structure of the atom where Democritus described it being indivisible with the symbol of an Inverted triangle giving a special meaning for that symbol's orientation.
A battery 'effect' is two dissimilar 'elements' in close proximity in a shared conductive medium where the two differing elemental vibrations 'interact' as a 'flow' of vibrational magnetic current. Says Joe.
The 'electrolysis' in a water cooled motor, is where at the junction of the cylinder sleeve and the engine block "corrosion" may take place and is described as 'electrolysis'. Two differing Metals produce 'electricity' and are connected by water. One of these metals degrades or oxidizes, just like the anode in electrolysis. Battery "electricity" is the product of 2 differing sources of Elemental Vibrations interacting as a slow 'electrolysis' or chemical reaction.
North Pole Energy or Force as waves of FIRE is stronger than South Pole energies as Seen on a magnet. This is also true for the 'Current' from the Negative terminal on a Battery. These different Polar effects can be applied to a coil being 'electrified' using  the Proprietary Methodology (Joe's) of making a Mono Pole 'battery' from 2 or more batteries as a New Principle of Magnetics. To give the Field Effect of float or levitation when applying to a circuit. Similar to the Vapor created in electrolysis by the North Pole Negative Vibrations that creates the floating upwards gas we call hydrogen. Mono Poles or Same Pole IP with Neutral Plates is the OTHER half or Hidden/Esoteric Magnetic Field Science that constitutes most of the JoeCell IP. Implosion or Compression also known as Cold Fusion as called in the past. There is more to the simple car battery than meets the eye.
What is this "flow" of Current?
Vibrational spectroscopy may be defined as a tool that measures the vibrational energy in 'matter'. Each bit of 'matter' has a specific vibrational energy that can be considered as a distinctive frequency or Signature.
The Atomic structure of the copper wires coming from the Battery, at the indivisible atom level, is Democritus's "indivisible Atoms" or indivisible Crystals. Each 'crystal' with its signature copper elemental Frequencies, have INCREASED in Frequency within the copper wires coming from the Battery (or DC source). These vibrations ORIGINATE from the Battery's two metals (Nickel Cadmium for example)  'elemental vibrations' being 'produced' or 'released' by controlled 'electrolysis'. We call this 'electricity' in the Circuit.
This increased vibrational energy, coming from the electrolysis within the battery, vibrates all 'conductors of vibrations' in the 'electrical' circuit including the wires, the diodes, the transistors, the circuit board and finally to the output wires that go to a Speaker or an Antenna. It is seen as a 'flow' as it has an origin source but in essence the wires Crystal Atomic Structures, are only being activated by Vibrations from an electrolysis 'source'. In Particle science theories, there must be a 'particle' for a 'flow' and so the 'electron' was first postulated to exist around 1896 to explain Tesla's Lightning. Einstein reinforced this con-cept by claiming Energy was a function of speed rather than Vibration.
The application of Direct Battery Current to 2 wires will make 2 gases in a container filled with an 'electrolyte'. This 'electrolyte', is not 'pure' water but 'acidic' or 'Positively Charged' (ORP Meter verses a pH Meter) and reacts or corrodes the iron's surface releasing elemental vibrations into the electrolyte. Two dissimilar 'Signature Frequencies' reacting in charged 'water', or in close proximity, produces Vibrational Energy as a Battery 'effect', also known as 'electrolysis', corrosion or oxidation.
This Charged Water we measure on a Magnetic Scale known as a pH meter. Electrolysis is near non-existent in pure water as there is no magnetic Bias being Neutral. The Electrolyte Magnetic Bias or an acidic pH, controls this 'release' of vibrational energy we call 'electricity' as a strong Acid reacts to the iron more than Vinegar. The acid's atomic structure incorporates the Metals signatory Vibrations by 'dissolution' and stores these vibrations within the entire containers construct including the 'Neutral or Capacitor like' plates in a Lead Acid (car) Battery. The metal plates, the electrolyte and container are all Charged Up with Vibrational energy.
Going back to the first battery to understand electricity, the iron in the Baghdad battery is a Cathode metal which is a North Pole Bias metal and the Copper being Anode or South Pole Bias, may also be known as magnetic and paramagnetic. The 'acidic' or South Pole Bias 'electrolyte' water reacts by 'attraction' to the North Pole Iron. This 'attraction' pits one elemental Vibration against another we call Magnetic Vibrational Interaction. Similar to two tuning forks where one has very destructive Vibrations acting in close proximity to another. This reaction takes place between the Negative metal and the Positively charged (acidic) Liquid where the 2 meet. We see it as 'acid dissolves iron' and think of it as a Chemical Equation rather than a Magnetic Vibrational Interaction because chemistry has no Magnetics within its theory but in reality everything has Magnetic Polarity. Vinegar is a more controlled magnetic interaction than acids. One needs a good acid with Lead though.
The action of the electrolytes acidic  'elemental vibrations', excites or reacts to, the surface of the batteries metals raising the Magnetic Vibrating Crystalline 'structure' and disintegrates its surface Field Integrity, 'releasing' iron atoms or crystals into the water that Charge Up (raises) the electrolytes ambient frequency with added Iron Vibrational Frequencies, as these vibrating crystals of iron disperse thought-out the electrolyte. A battery can be engineered to be a self-charging capacitor where one such 'Spitfire' Battery military design used copper, hessian and salt water in a process that can be described as Hyper-Charging by Mineralization. We benefit by this effect when we eat sea salt.
'Alkaline' is a North Pole Bias measurement. North Pole generates hydrogen so we have a Potential Hydrogen generated Meter. Acids are a South Pole Bias Liquid (Water) and they 'interact' because of their respective Opposite Polarities.
This same Vibrational Principle applies to any 2 differing Elements or 2 same Elements when we know the Magnetic Bias or differences between the 4 Elemental States of Matter as in Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. In our quest to make electricity and understand what constitutes a Battery where this energy is vibrational, we need to understand what it is we are trying to make 'more' of.
Similar to GI microbes eating food to generate vibrational energy as heat in the GI, the iron 'rusts' or is eaten by oxygen (South Pole Charged Air), in a slow magnetic/chemical reaction making LOTS of Vibrational energy at the Mass Spectrometer 'frequency' level. We detect this as "current" or potential Current when we apply a meter to measure Vibrational Strength and the batteries Charged Up potential. Tesla called it "Pressure" because it wants to react outwardly or expansively always and with Heat as an Effect of raised vibrations to effect surrounding conductors or coils. Everything about 'ordinary electricity' is Expansion or Heat Forces from South Pole Positive Forces.
This Pressure we have been told to think of as a "flow", was purposely named to hide its true nature, which is just Vibrations eager to energize all that the battery DC Leads touch. The DC Leads become a Circuit ringing like a bell, continuously, not a flow. It is perceived as a "flow' to another Bell or Tuning fork by Induction. This battery current 'pressure' in the wires is like a tuning fork Bell vibrating all that is connected to the leads. This DC Pressure is a pure signature frequency or a nice clean Tone that the Circuit then dulls down with 'electronics' to become a 'signal' or a new signature frequency.
The Vibrations from a battery produced by the slow degradation or electrolytic action accumulate within its entire container and can be thought of as 'stored', once the battery (or Capacitor) is Charged Up. A capacitor has insulation between the plates rather than a conductor/acid. In some battery constructs, like the Lead Acid battery, this design is essentially a self-charging capacitor with its multi plates. It is a poor design made to sell lots of batteries in situations where it constantly needs to be Charged Up all the while self-destructing with highly acidic electrolyte.
If a fully charged car battery is left to sit on a concrete floor, after about 3 months maybe longer, the battery will no longer take a charge and is now scrap. The Container is Part of the Field and a store for Vibrations as everything is magnetic making everything a conductor, however "Dull' we observe it to be.
We need a new Atomic Structure that has no questions about the 'theory'. A Mass Spectrometer tells us there are unique Vibrational Signatures which have no real Mechanism apart from theorized 'spin' or bonds between infinite numbers of variable sized and variable charged marbles. To this end, particles theories can only deny the Magnetic Aura of our Human Bio Field Wave Form and prohibit electricity in medicine to maintain their electron theories.
The construct of a Diode has essentially two different Earths or solids joined together. The choice of 'elements' determines their 'rating'. Any Vibration, be it Alternating, pulsed or Direct like sunlight vibrations 'fed' into a Diode DULLS down the vibrations going through to the other side and with 2 different Earths, makes the Diode a 'mini battery' and only DC comes out of a 'battery'. Both sunlight vibrations and "alternating current" vibrations 'exit' as Direct Current - which is only Vibrations.
There are NO Vibrations on the other side of the diode to 'rectify' or block going back to the source of the AC. All Vibrations originating from the source or the battery, vibrate the circuit at the speed of the 'elements' Tone carrying or conductive ability. The Diode softens the 50/60 pulses of vibrations per second, derived from the magnet passing the coil in a generator as it 'activates' or electrifies the crystals in the iron cores of the copper coils. This Charges Up of the diode's 2 metals, like a battery Charging Up. The vibrations passing through the 2 earth components of the diode 'exits' as a more constant Direct Current or Pressure or Tone. This can be thought of as a gate or one way flow but its only dampening, Dulling and like a shock absorber, smooths out the variable rate of input vibrations into 'uninterrupted' or rectified 'even' vibrations, like a Never Ending Bell Tone, not a per second tone. So we sort of have, a pure 'signal' or Even Pressure to make a (near) perfect Field Wave on the other side of the Diode, all the way to the Antenna. Diodes do not stop any 'flow' back to the source. This effects the understanding of an Oscilloscope and just what it is that it is measuring.
Rather than calling it Alternating Current and instead 'we' called it a Pulsed Current, electrons wouldn't work for an explanation. The magnet pulses induce by Induction, 'something' in the coil 50 times a second and all evidence points to it NOT being a 'particle'.
If we take the jumper leads from a battery or AC from the wall, to run a small electrical circuit requiring weaker or Duller 'current', than our source potential, we put it through a coil and diodes and all kinds of bits of 'Earth' comprising the 'electronics'. This DULLS the vibrations down or even amplifies them up and allows us to generate exact frequencies for Radio or micro wave production.  It all starts with a carrier wave or Vibrations from a Direct Current Source to create a signal with a unique radio frequency Vibration.
In the common Battery, these Vibrational Tones of DC are as 'harmonious' as the components of the battery and vary in reactionary discharges. Each 'type' of battery will have its own unique 'flavor' or 'frequency' or 'amperage' of 'discharge'. Modern electric vehicle batteries are very reactionary and highly inflammable when their Field Integrity is compromised.
The air or Wind crystals touching the electrical wires or antenna, take on the Vibrations induced by the Electrical Circuit Vibrations within the metals of the antenna and exhibit a Magnetic Field that creates a Wave Resonant Pattern or 'frequency' and is broadcaste by Induction to all adjoining Wind Crystals as a radio wave or as a Magnetic Field around an electrified Coil. The Wind is conducting 'electricity' with the frequency of your favourite FM Radio station rather than 60 hertz along wires.
It's a fairly 'weak' signal that the receiving antenna vibrates in sympathy with the Wind Crystals., but it can be 'amplified' by adding to this 'frequency' of your favourite radio station with more Vibrations from a Battery or DC source as a CARRIER wave.
What part of Wireless Electrical Transmission did we miss here? And why do we choose anti life micro waves for data transmission? Tesla preferred 60 cycles as it was more harmonious to the earths frequency. The British had to be different and spinning the generator slower to last longer, they had to up the volts. We are an antenna for ALL frequencies. We could live in an electrified atmosphere energized by Non Hertzian Scalar energy and be forever healthy at the same time. They put Tesla under House attest for the rest of his life for bringing these technologies forth again.
The Magnetic Fields from Vibrating Antennas penetrate walls by the same 'action' of Vibrations travelling through Wind or Air. Solid or Earth Matter regardless of its 'density', as in buildings or walls, are like 'Air' in their atomic structure. Thickness or material elemental composition is what matters to eventually Dull the vibrations down to zero. Lead dulls these nuclear radiations (crystal vibrations) fairly quickly as does asbestos block see through technology, necessitating is prohibition.
All 'Matter' is a Defined Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern of Light Crystals. This defined Field pattern or object touches or transmits Vibrations to whatever is touching it, in an 'action' like an infinite number of Tuning Forks all being activated at near the speed of light. ALL Matter is composed of Light Crystals that behave like Tunning Forks and they all touch one another transferring 'energy' (electricity) as they do by inductance or by what we call a chemical reaction.
A basic transformer is 2 Antennas. An Induction Motor is two Antennas with a sender "stator' and a receiver 'rotor' taking advantage of the 90 degree interaction of Polarity or left hand rule.  A thought is one antenna broadcasting in a Universe that is Mentally influenced. You know it, I know it, and that person who turns around to look at you staring at them, knows it.
I wouldn't give them the secret to Rotating Magnetic Fields either after the beat down Tesla suffered for inventing the 20th Century. He knew 'they' would never figure 8 it out because they can't See the Magnetic Fields around the Magnets and how to orientate them for Harmony in a Low Drag Tesla Designed Smart Aetheric Generator/motor in one. This Nobel Prize winning discovery was 'stolen' from Tesla and it has all but been wiped from the memory of the planet.
Creation is full of Tunning Fork crystals, all the same shape and defined as Patterns about a Neutral Centre within a Unified Field. Keely agrees. Tesla reinvented it. Joe was gifted it and I scribe it.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:27 PM
The Nature of Alternating Current.
When we coil wire around a Ferrite iron ingot rod and add DC Vibrations to this simple coil, the vibrations in the wire wrapping the ferrite ingot are all interacting with each other to create a massive disturbance of interacting Wave Forms within the coiled wire. This Field Effect is imparted to the Ferrite Iron as Magnetic memory it retains as a Frequency that we see as a Charged UP Vibration.
We see this massive disturbance as energy imparted to boil water in an electric jug, whereas a straight wire does nothing to the water. Coils intensify the Wind/Water Field that surrounds the wire being vibrated. Instead of an antenna vibrating the Air in radio, the Coil, as an antenna in water, boils it. The Tubes in a JoeCell, are an Antenna being vibrated by Battery DC that amplify the Memory Willed to the metals of the Cell. A JoeCell is another way to make a Magnetic Field without using wires.
In iron, this Coiled Field effect Charges Up (permanently Hyper-charges) the crystals of 'iron' and imparts a new IRON BASED Vibrational FREQUENCY or Memory that is Retained permanently within is Magnetic Resonant Field Pattern as a more intense or HIGHER  Frequency to effect 'matter'  as magnetism. It is a NEW Polarized Wave Form surrounding the Magnet. A Higher Magnetic Field will affect a lessor Field. Everything has a Magnetic Field. Iron is inherently 'magnetic' from its 'origins' as it is created by Bio Magnetic Fields from water and sunlight. Thales and Aristotle said 'everything is water'.
The crystals are NOT RE-aligned. The crystals all take on a new Frequency from the Coils intensive interactive Vibrations we see as an iron filings pattern or its Wave form Field. The New vibrating Field surrounding the Magnet, INDUCES Vibrations THROUGH 'matter' as the 'Matter' is also composed of Crystals. This induction, as the act of Inducing Vibrations by Field Effect we Call Magnetism.
We understand this as to permanently 'magnetize' the iron by the Coils 'Magnetic Field' and it's 'retained' as a new Magnetic memory or Hyper-Charged Field Pattern within the Resonating 'snowflake like' Crystalline 'Field patterns' within Irons atomic or crystalline structure.
Memory is held within Magnetic Vibrations on a Magnetic Strip of 'iron' on a credit card.
Further understanding can be learned with a fresh look at how Boron and Cobalt came into existence on Earth as an 'organic' product from 'Life' in shallow bodies of water. We mistake these as a "metal", like we do iron as the only 3 "magnetic elements".
Coils can have a Neutral Centre when 'activated' by Vibrations to make a Defined Field Pattern Effect. As everything is Magnetic and has a 'polarity', the Lump of Iron's natural "Infinity Loop" is 'strengthened' and now 'visible' both with iron filings and a 'Green' card after Magnetization by Charging Up.
All defined Field Patterns as in a rock, stick, iron pipe, plant or an animal, has a Neutral Centre. Keely Science 101. This Neutral Centre combined with its Magnetic Field gives an object an Infinity Loop of Field energy, where 'energy' is elemental Vibrations that create this Field. The ability to orientate the Field imparted to a lump of iron should not be considered as the mechanism to create this Infinity Loop which is naturally inherent in all defined Magnetic Resonant Field Patterns.
Everything has a 'heat signature' or "Aura" as everything vibrates. Charging Up all the crystals within the iron ingot with the SAME Tone or frequency of 'elemental' iron, amplifies the Field Strength effect. This created Gauss, by Charging Up, is the reactivation or strengthening the BIO Magnetic frequency or Memory of irons atomic CRYSTAL ORIGINS.
Microbe Bio Electricity, like 'magnetic current' electricity creating a magnetic Field, Charges Up the water within the Microbe, according to the DNA 'frequencies' within the Microbes living in the water. An Antenna made with silver as the metal, will similarly, Charge Up the water with the 'elements' frequency being the Antenna metal and in the case of the  SilverJoe Generator, it will produce silver from water like the Ancient Microbe produced iron from water.
Our new Atomic Structure is the old atom of Democritus and was represented as an inverted triangle. The 'atom' is a Tetrahedron Crystal and is indivisible and constitutes 'everything'. This Prima Matter of our Universe is a 4 sided Crystal comprising six Magnetic Light structures where each Magnetic Light Crystal is like a variable tuning fork. Their collective Field vibrations, constitutes every 'elements' unique 'frequency signature pattern' specific to its origin on earth, where "Everything is the Light" within our Unified Field. There is a 'natural instability' within this shape and it is this 'instability' that allows for the Patterns of the 'elements' to 'change' when an overriding Vibrating Field activates, magnetises or 'electrifies' the 'element'. This is the Mechanism of what some call 'transmutation' of the elements or the electro-magnetic restructuring of Water.
The Alchemy of Magnetic Iron is the Charging Up of Bio Magnetic Memory held within the atomic crystalline structure of iron. It already exists within the iron as 'elemental' frequencies measured with a Spectrometer. Electricity mysteriously re-emerged from antiquity in a Blacksmiths R&D shop in ancient Persia. The Magi from Persia played with 'magnetics' to do magic. This Alchemy of battery Fire added to Water via an Antenna to make water a Liquid Magnet with a new memory, has little for one to study other than the JoeCell designs.
Electricity in Medicine is where we add Vibrational Fire to the Human Body for Healing. Fire is the 4th Phase or State of matter or the 4th Elemental State when raising the Vibrations within the Atomic Structure by Charging Up. There are 4 stages or Phases of matter as in, Solid, Liquid, Gas and Fire.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:28 PM
Tesla's AC is made with copper and iron.
Tesla's AC is made with iron magnets that exhibit a NON Physical 'iron filing' Wave Form Field in 3D, created by Hyper-Charging. Each time the magnets Compression and Expansion Wave Fields pass the Iron core within a Copper coil in a generator, these 'waves' that Tesla called  "Lines of Force" pass through the iron core and copper coil and Vibrate all the Light Crystals comprising the iron core within the coil 'collector' with 'waves of Force' that increase the vibrations of the copper crystals that comprise the coiled copper with these non-physical wave forms, 60 times per second. It is a massive disturbance or massive increase of vibrational energy within the Coppers' Crystalline structure. The passing magnet Charges Up the Copper crystals in the wires and we call this 'electrifying' the circuit.
These Identical Magnetic Tetrahedrons all touching one another, all vibrate each other like tuning forks from the generator coil to electric jug coil, at near the speed of light or its speed of 'conductivity'.
All conductive wires or components connected to this Coil from the Generator, will also vibrate the 'air' around the wires as a Field Effect of Magnetic Vibrations. A Clamp Meter measures these vibrations as 'current flow'. It is this vibrating atmospheric Wind Field of Air Crystals that that our radio antenna "picks up". This is the 'mechanism' of electro-magnetic Field Propagation or radio 'wave' transmission. It is also Wireless transmission of electricity but this aspect or property of Magnetic Vibrations has been 'buried'.
It is deduced that the Direct Current Vibrations in the Leads of a car Battery are near identical to the Pulsed vibrations or intermittent vibrations at 60 Hertz per second that we call Alternating Current that boils water in your jug.
Flatline battery DC, is a continuous 'source' of vibrations originating from a controlled electrolysis effect between iron and copper or any 2 different elemental frequencies. Alternating Current is Charged Up iron vibrating copper 60 times a second with 'Lines of Force'. Both will have 'similar' effects when applied to any Antenna or electrical Circuit. Battery DC powered or AC filtered and 'rectified' to DC are technically one and the same as 'elemental' atomic vibrations.
Electricity is vibrations and vibrations create wave forms. The AC sine wave 'form' exhibits 4 'phases' of 'electricity' or Magnetism. Electricity is a Vibrational effect between two 'elemental frequencies'. More like tuning forks transmitting 'energy' to each other. It is not a 'particle' nor is it a 'flow'. The vibrational effect can 'jump' short distances between conductors in a Conductive medium or gas much like radio waves 'jump' to the radio. We may see it as heat, a spark, lightning or FIRE.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:32 PM
"The Electric Universe is energy with frequency from vibrating Light Crystals".
Vibrational Pressure from a battery or a generator, is the Mechanism for Field Propagation that we call radio transmissions. Tesla knew this when he had a radio controlled boat in Madison Square Garden in 1898. They invented 'electrons' to explain it and Oscilloscopes to understand these electrons.
We can now apply this Vibratory Physics of Field Science as understood by Tesla and Keely to create multiple rotating magnetic Fields within one device be it a Water Cell, an electrified Field Coil or a 'motor/generator' similar in design to some LG Smart Drive washing machine motor.
Begin Part 2
A quick recap. We see that some very famous men claimed rotating magnetic Fields are essential and central to Life. They can be made with magnets and coils. They can be made with water and a battery. They are made by the Wind. And they are made in a Fire storm. They are also made from human flesh and blood. It is a 'cosmic' generator rather than an 'earthly' generator which is a 'mechanical' device. Keely stated the "Neutral Centre" cannot be created 'mechanically'. It is a Magnetic Field Effect and a Property of Magnetism.
Mechanically, the best we can do is a DC Motor driving a generator or alternator and feeding it back into a battery with over unity available. Some pick an Adams style design. Ours was a flywheel 20 inches in diameter and one inch thick 316 non magnetic stainless. It had something like 18 one inch in diameter by one inch thick Neo's placed in line with the Axis of rotation so there were 2 pickup coils for each magnet, one on each side of the 2 plates next to the Rotor. We did burn out a lot of components to get it self sustaining. The thing purred along at a couple hundred rpm and it weighed about 200 kgs. I presented a 10 minute video of it running to the Nexus conference in Sydney 1995 when Robert Adams himself was in attendance. Haven't digitalized the movie. I call these types of motors 'spark harvesters' where one can try to hold and use the 'sound of a bell' by firing up a light bulb. It's the lead acid self-destructing battery that stops this from being more useful. Be more creative in copper batteries. Tesla preferred iron electrical wire. I see little improvement from these forums in thinking outside the box in to 3 decades of internet use by cracking the How to Make Fire the Druids Way rather than gathering more firewood. Given an electrical spark is Fire, the inventive usage when applied to Wind or a Water Cell shows we really haven't invented Fire like the Ancients did. We haven't progressed much past adding Fire to Earth or solid objects for 'heat' or expansive energy.
There is some interest in Virtual Rotating Magnetic Fields. I have introduced the Infinity Loop electrical wiring of 5 electrodes with the Joe designed Gold Generator. Remember what it is that's in the wires, vibrations travelling in both directions. There must be a shared crossover point. Virtually, this is hard to do, particularly with the wrong Physics. Making the transition from Mechanical over unity to Aetheric Energy with a 'mechanical contraption' is the holy grail of space travel. Just like our own Aura Bio Field is sparked by the Aether, a craft with this energy source will have its own Bio Field in 'harmony' with the Aether Grid. Which is the 'Force' that causes Inertia and so like the F100 pickup truck that levitated, it also had very little Inertia when driving around half an inch above the ground. That video evidence was lost in the flood. Electricity has Polarity. Fire has Polarity. Man has so far, only invented hot South Pole Positive Fusion Fire. The Aether is North Pole Cold Fusion. Public and private research studies really haven't a clue how to generate Cold Fusion devices like Water Cells or Aetheric Generators that have this MAGNETIC POLARITY feature disguised as a 'mechanical contraption'. I think Tesla built a time machine just to see if humans ever get it (again). If one wants to travel within the Matrix, one has to resonate with it. I have also given a proven design that can be replicated with several ways to make it operational. The LG washing machine motor as a known Aetheric Generator is not just a motor or just a generator but both in one that can create the 2 virtual Fields in one Field. The IP is not mine to give away and so it is presented in such a fashion for those with eyes to see. We all survive that way.
Electricity is 'made' or evident by 2 dissimilar Fields Interacting.  In a Generator it's a bar Magnetic Field upon a 'coiled' Field. In a Battery it can be two Earths Fields as in Nickel-Cadmium or Earth-Water for a Lead acid battery. So it follows that Batteries can be made by interacting any of the 4 Elemental states of Matter for elemental vibrations to be available to make Fire. It takes Fire to raise the Vibrations of matter to take them to the next level of Elemental State. What is called an Atmospheric battery requires the other 'pole' to be the Earth so it's also an Earth battery. The Tube Cell by Joe is a Fire Water battery. When we have two rotating magnetic Fields, we have a Fire Fire battery that becomes 'One with God' (a newly created life Form with its very own Neutral Centre) and this resonates with the Aether forming an Aetheric Fire Battery. A Battery using the 5th Element as the other 'Field' can also be made from a flat motor Bike Battery. If we consider that each plate in the battery has a polarity for each side of each plate, we only attach the terminal posts to 2 of the 4 available 'polarities' on their respective plates. (that's the best description I can provide for now)
Electricity 'does stuff to 'matter'. It causes Fire or combustion. It will raise the temperature of water. It will precipitate Metal from dirt at a particular frequency measured as Temperature for Aluminium smelting. It will take dissolved solids from water and solidify them as 'electroplating'. Electricity as Vibrations alter Matter.
Electrical Fire has Polarity so it follows that like electrolysis where the 'action' is on just one terminal, the question is how to use the other polarity to perform an action. To do this we need to be able to make Mono Pole Field or probably more correctly Controlled Polarity Bias Fields. Like the NN NS poles in the above Bike Battery. One could also make a SS SN battery too. The 4 are, North Pole Negative, North Pole Positive, South Pole Negative and South Pole Positive, written as N-, N+, S-, S+, or NN, NS, SN, SS. These 4 distinct Polarity Vibrations of the DC from a Battery can be also made in the Water JoeCell. They are evident on the human Body as the Palm of the Left Hand is S+, the back of the right hand as S-, and the palm of the left hand is N- and the back of the left hand is N+. The hands are our Terminals for our Organic battery comprising the grey matter of our brain.
Does a battery have 'Hertz'? Technically no says an Oscilliscope calling it flatline DC. AC has 60 ringing of the Bell vibrations per second. AC powers an O'scope so there are 60 pulses of vibration from the electrodes affecting the 'circuit' we are trying to measure. Our Measuring electrodes effect the elemental vibrational Hertz of what they touch. Elemental Vibrations are 3D in a 3D universe and thus more a Spiral than a Sine wave. The universe is all spirals as everything is spinning and moving along the Atheric Grid. Aether Energy is Non Hertzian. So is a car battery non Hertzian? If one touches a small 9 volt battery to the tongue so both terminals touch. A Tingling can be detected and with practice one can tell the strength of the battery used in hand held meters etc. So DC has Hertz to react with the Human Bio Field. Frequency is Hertz. If one can change crystal patterns like Emoto, then this takes Vibration to do so. We simply have no concept of what Tesla meant by Non Hertzian Scalar Energy (from the Aether). We find it everywhere in Nature as a Neutral Centre. Some are inanimate and others can summon the energy at Will. Lithium batteries have a very high frequency/hertz compared to other constructs. The Vacuum Aetheric Battery like the Dendera 'light bulbs, or Joes Stainless Steel Vacuum Tube has no frequency yet it powers both DC and AC requirements with what appears to be unlimited potential.
Joe's collection of Vacuum Cells before the Floods washed them away.
Tesla showed that Battery electricity can Heal. The Human Body can be Charged Up electrically like a Battery utilizing the polarity and position of our battery input terminals. This is priceless IP for manufacturers of electrical input healing devices or frequency generators. As Energetic Medicine progresses, these techniques of Joe to Fire Up the brain, third eye, thyroid and every other cell in the body generally will only enhance their awkward understanding of energetic medicine. The revolutionary 7 ringed array has treated many millions of people since its inception in 1997. The testimonials are saintly in results. In particle science, medicine is pills and potions. In energetic science its all about magnetic Fields and their manipulation. Diet is still only about the 'flavour' or frequency of the Bio Electricity the stomach Microbes produce.
Once this methodology of being able to control the Magnetic or electrical Bias of Fields with a DC or a car battery or sandwiched magnets, it opens the door to studying the North Pole cold fusion attributes of electricity and magnetism. This is priceless technology.
In the JoeCell Tube Cell, he has what he calls a 4-Way Cell and a 2 Way Cell design. In a simple 2 way Cell, where the outside cylinder and inner cylinder can be reversed in polarity connections. The two differing "does stuff to matter" electrode placements creates 2 distinct results seen here as implosion and explosion.
https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4 (https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4)
This is controlled Field Polarity Bias or a Water Cell Mono Pole Field.
To do this with Ferrite magnets, we use the same principle of Magnetic Field Creation by Neutral Plates or Tubes in the JoeCell, Joe uses a mild Steel Washer between 2 Same Pole Magnets.
Mathematically this is explained as
1+1=1   no matter how many raindrops are combined you have one raindrop just bigger, No change in Field Effect. Or no matter how many magnets one combines the gauss stays the same the magnet just gets bigger. NSNS configuration.
With 1+1=2  there is a distinct change of Field Effect when we combine the same poles together to get a New Field effect.  SNNS as the Cold Fusion configuration as the Centre of the Fields Infinity Loop is negative polarity giving us Implosion or compression Forces. The technique of using same pole technology in print was published in 1996. Joe was using it in many practical devices since 1992. Because of the difficulty of placing a North Pole so that it 'sticks' to another 'North Pole Field', this IP and why one would do such a thing has remained the mystery of the JoeCell. The spiel by shysters was its just 'Orgone'. Same Pole together IP is responsible for the Miraculous healing achieved in many cases, with the aquachifootbath.com, where I built the first prototype in 1997 after I built 3 JoeCells in 1996.
[insert image pages]
In the 7 ringed array water module, the 2 same pole Field Effect is made in a 'complex' fashion by creating a field using a pair of 3 electrified plates between a Neutral copper Plate that magnetically dissolves without being electrified. This gives us magnetic water with the flavour of copper that strengthens the iron in the bloods magnetic Carrying capacity or recharge strength so the immune system has double the energy it had before the bath. Given enough baths, we found nothing is inqurable.
The Energy Fields around a Ferrite ring magnet sees a double invisible vortex Field. One side spiralling in and the other spiralling out. To combine the 2 North pole faces that are spiralling in sees the forces causing crushing or imploding to the Neutral Centre in an Infinity Loop Field around the 'sandwich'. This Magnetic Field effect, that is created on the iron washer (dimension critical), can be used to 'take' the Field elsewhere to do 'stuff with matter' just like electricity. Works well to Liquefy rocks, sewerage and even salt water into pure water. We learn the North Pole or implosion energies that vortex CCW 'clean up' whereas South pole CW energies dirty or rust waters. North Pole configuration seen here
https://rumble.com/vhrm63-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh.-2nd-came.html (https://rumble.com/vhrm63-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh.-2nd-came.html) this longer view has no breaks in the recording.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:34 PM
Joe's collection of Vacuum Cells before the Floods washed them away.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Dec 27, 2024, 06:36 PM
Picture didnt attach


It did now... ;D
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Dec 31, 2024, 01:16 PM
Many thanks @MerLynn for your contribution.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Jan 05, 2025, 02:22 AM
The Baghdad battery is the science of the universe in a single Cell.
In other writings, i speak of using this Field for gravitic aircraft or a flying carpet Persian style.

The US Navy R & D Labs use the following terminology to describe the Tetrahedron Crystal Vibrating Universe of Light.
In a Patent for Gravitic Propulsion
Everything that surrounds us, ourselves included, can be described as macroscopic collections of fluctuations, vibrations, and oscillations in quantum mechanical fields. Matter is confined energy, bound within fields, frozen in a quantum of time. Therefore, under certain conditions (such as the coupling of hyper-frequency axial spin h hyper-frequency vibrations of electrically charged systems) the rules and special effects of quantum field behavior also apply to macroscopic physical entities (macroscopic quantum phenomena).

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20170313446A1/en  Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device 

I have written of the experiments with JoeCells where vehicles (F100) levitated and had near zero INERTIA. We know how to make it simply, Not the US NAVY way.


At the end of this long video about the back story behind the vegas tesla trump tower fireworks display to get our attention just the other day;
The Guy 'orchestrating the fireworks as "allegedly" the driver, wanted to get the information as to the origin and propulsion system behind the orb/drones seen.


This is the beginnings of project blue beam and lots fall under the spell just like last time.

This isnt about thread derailing. It is about real time disclosure of the type of technology they have and how they describe it. My way using 'magnetics' rather than 'electronics' is easier to understand if we as a group, want to make this elusive 'energy' from the Vibrating universe.

Copper, salt water and heshian bags comprised the battery in the Spitfire its entire length of its fuselage. Joe jumped in a wrecked one more than 30 years of being in the jungle on Thursday Island and it turned the motor over. The 'electricity' is held within the 'Medium' (acid or salt water) between the two dissimilar frequency sources. Its the Vibrations of what everything is composed of, Everything that surrounds us, ourselves included.  Even inside the battery.

The theory of electricity both from a battery and AC has finally been answered. It gives one a head start when this technology comes out and people try to understand it or reverse engineer it for themselves to again try to be free from power meters.

We use Water as the Field Medium rather than Nobel gases or 'Wind'.
We use a Singular Field Generator/Antenna rather than an 'array' of antennas. Wind is 100% water vapor.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Jan 05, 2025, 11:14 PM
I might be missing something, but how do I start a 'thread?
this post is better on a new thread titled What is a battery and how does it create a Magnetic Field?

Quote from: Classic on Feb 21, 2024, 10:39 AMWhat is a Bagdad battery

My previous posts centered around the Baghdad battery.

But what is a "battery" really?

I have and others with slightly different variations stated, that its 2 'things' in close proximity having a 'reaction'.

So what is a Diode? Two dis-similar 'earths' in close proximity. As 'conductors' these 2 dis-similar earths allow the 'flow' or what ever it is to pass through.

A diode isnt designed to store 'electricity'. But as a 'tiny' battery effect, the 'current' or 'Pressure" Tesla called it, passes right through but the 'Earths' now smooth out the 'pulses' somewhat or mostly depending upon its composition. You can charge a car battery with a very low level of AC. All you get out though is DC.
They call it a Diode rather than a battery that evens out the output, so you wont question what they tell you it is they they make and put in it, namely fictional 'electrons'.

A 'diode' is a Battery but not like you SEE it. (important in later understanding is, the material composition 'flavors' the vibrations of the 'electricity'. All components effect the 'electricity's vibrational rate. This concerns Medical applications, Bio Electric Field Enhancers and choice of DC for 'colloidal' silver etc.

A Capacitor isnt designed to make electricity as there is an insulating layer between the 2 Earths. No 'electrolysis'.  This battery design is designed to rapidly charge up and rapidly dis-charge. Whereas a car battery is designed to slowly charge up and slowly discharge. But its still a 'battery' because everything in the universe is magnetic so the 'insulator' allows for magnetic Currents to interact at an extreme level of 'shared medium' or close proximity. The magnetic Fields interact but not the vibrating crystals of the 2 Earth (metal) conductors that make the capacitor. Its a 'battery' with specific properties. Placed in the starter box of a AC motor, it momentarily 'stops' the flow of one wire, while the capacitor is charging up and allows for the Neutral wire's vibrations to start the motor spinning, and then the Active joins in. Otherwise it 'stalls' and the 2 Way Flow cant get past each other. I'm not sure they explain it like that in modern science.

Biology will tell you that Cells from Singles to a full human body makes/stores 'electricity'.

So we have an electronics circuit thats essentially Cells and batteries to regulate vibrations.

Vibrations that are caused by the Lines of Force surrounding a magnet, interacting with the Laminate to reduce vibrations that is wrapped in vibration inhibiting copper wires to collect vibrations and sent them to the toaster. We call it 'electricity' and we think its all 'particles' when we reverse engineer even the simplest of the Batteries. Big Bagdaddy. Electrons exist to confuse the mind of the beholder.

As the Vibrations pass down the wire from the 'generator', this copper wire vibrates the plastic and the air or Wind touching the the insulated (or not) mains power lines. These Vibrations cause the Wind to form Waves around the wires. We call these 'waves' a magnetic Field and if one could SEE them, they look iron filing lines around a magnet in 3D where the lines represent the North Pole of the Wave form and the gaps the South Pole Field . Can you visualize or SEE that?

This Wave form Field is basically, a vibrating Wind Field that toasts your toast with heat energy they vibrate at such a rate. This is your 'radio sine wave' your oscilloscope' has SEEN for you.

This is what you are trying to make when reverse engineering any historically lost inventions.

We just arent up to the stage of designing something 'new' never seen before because we just don't understand what it is we are SEEING when we look at a Magnets, wires, elements and the NON Physical Phenomena surrounding 'electricity'. Tesla could SEE it.

In this link  (https://rumble.com/vhrdlh-magnetic-in-line-joecell-restructuring-ocean-sea-water-into-fresh..html)water is made Magnetic. What this means, after treating the water with this Magnetic Field, the water is like 'magnetic blood' that imparts vibrations to every Cell in the body. Or Iron cores coiled with iron wires can be placed around the water pipe mains from Electrical Water Supplies Inc. and free energy can be tapped off anywhere in an unlimited amount by just running it through 4 ring magnets and 2 washers assembled this way  (https://rumble.com/v4odo38-joe-may-2010-magnetic.html)

Who invented what first is the Narrative they want us to debate. Not the subject matter.

For example. Tesla had a 'remote' controlled boat long before Marconi 'patented' radio.
"They" gave Marconi the patent in clear violation of previous "like" inventions. 
They promoted Marconi (the British) and literally stole the research and investment funds from Tesla.
Quite some time latter they acknowledged Tesla also invented radio around the same time.

So rather than 'study' what RADIO Tesla Invented, We all study the Radio Marconi invented.
Radio is Wireless transmission of 'electricity'. SEE how that works? Tesla didnt invent anything really says modern studies.

They literally stole from You the end user, any chance of ever understanding what Tesla tried to give to the world.

The Question is... do you want to SEE it like Tesla, da Vinci or Joe? Or as I have presented it?

Man will learn more in a decade than all of previous over unity forums, by studying the non physical phenomena of magnetic Fields.
In the Wave Lies the Secret to Creation... Walter Russell.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Jan 06, 2025, 03:20 PM
@MerLynn , there is a bit of confusion, maybe the right term to be used would be an electric pile or dc electric generator, to make a clear distinction between storing electric charges at a certain density and a thing that is able to generate a continuous flux of charges at a certain rate.

We have so many things named "batteries". "Bagdad Batteries"  as the solid state dc generator has been named indeed add a lot of confusion.
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Jan 06, 2025, 08:17 PM
the production of what we call 'electricity' comes from basically 2 sources that can be divided into 2 categories.
That which comes from some 'action' or 'reaction' like electrolysis.
That which comes from something spinning.

The illusive static generator that 'fits' neither of these 2 categories needs new physics to explain virtual rotating Fields.

The Vacuum Cells have a very unique property. A closed electrical circuit board for example, built on a 2 foot square piece of plywood would have several (8 in our device) Light bulbs, These can be either incandescent (coils) or LED. If they are all LEDs then a brake light bulb (coil) needs to be inserted in the circuit.

The rare Vacuum Cell, which I contend the Dendera Light bulbs are such a device, requires Implosion technologies (https://rumble.com/vh7v87-im-plosions-and-ex-plosions-demo.html).  Dan Winter based all his 'theories' on this Demo of Implosion forces from a JoeCell. No where else on planet earth will you see or can visit and SEE, it done. The 'implosive' bubbles are collected inside the stainless steel tube and then sealed. The tube is then sparked with a car battery and the gas inside implodes creating the only true vacuum obtainable on planet earth. This vacuum then resonates with the Aether as it to is without Frequency or Scalar Non Hertzian. There is no instrument or meter to measure Aetheric energy as all meters require frequency. One can only measure it by the Load one can draw. A candle stick sized one ran 2 x 2000 watt induction stove tops and nearly a hundred 100 watt bulbs at once. And then one traps the non hertzian energy in the circuit and removes the 'candle stick' vacuum Cell and the lights stay on.

This is 'priceless' as one can rewire a house as a closed circuit and charge it up with this candle stick as as long as one light stays on, all the rest will turn off and back on again including the hotwater heater and oven.

I label the static generator as a battery because it fits the premise that two dis-similar frequencies in a shared medium. The shared medium is the Wind or air.
The vacuum battery uses the Aether as one dis-similar frequency and the stainless steel comprising the vacuum chamber, the other. It is a FIELD EFFECT battery rather than Physical effect battery. (Non Physical phenomena Tesla told everyone to study)

In this arrangement there are 2 wires at each end of the circuit where an electrical source is attached to to light up the board.
One can use a car battery to light the bulbs and when disconnected, the lights go out.

With the Vacuum Cell as the source of 'electricity', once the Cell is disconnected the Lights stay on. They will stay on as long as one light remains on. You can take a bulb out and screw it back in and on it comes. This Aetheric Energy can be "trapped" in a circuit. Videos exist of this but given the skepticism from previous videos, they are classified and so far only interested investors have access. We stay alive that way.

In another Static energy Cell or battery, we have 2 aluminum pipes where one fits inside of another and the inner tube has lathed groves along its length. When a 'shaped' magnet (cube) is inserted into the inner tube, the further its inserted the more 'deadly' the vibrations become. I have purposely 'electrocuted' myself with this to feel the energy.

In a common car battery, the placement of where the 'posts' tap the frequency on the end plates of the battery, can be manually altered to the 'side' of the lead plate rather than the top. As each plate has a polarity as everything is magnetic, one can show 4 distinct 'phases' of electricity. This battery can be altered to have, in effect, 2 north poles. Technically, there is no positive post.

This 4 Phases of 'electricity' can be likened to 4 phases of Magnetism. We know of 2 phases being the North and South 'poles'. But in effect this isnt the complete story. Each pole is attached to the other pole and is a 'mixture' of Polarities or Frequencies.

To get PURE North Pole energy we need to join the two Norths together with a Neutral Plate to 'trap' or combine these 2 poles. We then have a true mono pole.
We can use 2 mono-poles and we can use the 2 ends of a magnet.  This is 4 Phases of Magnetism.

The battery altering design, also gives 4 phases. the standard battery with 2 posts and having a battery as a twin North poles or twin South poles.
These Phases of electricity and magnetism are Not known nor understood by "proven science". Its not even a 'theory' yet its so far advanced.

Making these Phases and how to use them is entirely unknown.

To make a 'rudimentary' twin North Pole battery to play with double Negative energy, one merely gets 2 car batteries and joins them together in series with a battery cable. Take a set of jumper leads and connect the Black alligator clip to the Negative on one battery. Now on the Positive terminal, where it is connected to the Negative on the other battery, Connect the Red alligator clip on this Negative Post on the other battery.

There are vibrations coming from each post or terminal on the battery, (if there wasnt the electrolysis experiment wouldnt produce 'oxygen')
So connecting the red lead to the Negative Post that is joined to the first battery, GIVES a Negative vibrational energy to the Positive Post.

This 'configuration', is not 'pure' North Pole energy on either terminal, but for all intents and purposes it 'acts' like it for experimental purposes to get a handle on the 4 Phases.
To get Pure North or South Frequencies, one must internally modify the battery.

In the Baghdad Battery with ONLY 2 Dis-Simnilar metals to provide the Vibrations, This PURE Polar energy is already there. Thats what makes this 'battery' unique and no one SEES it.

Now to make 2 sets of ring magnets with a washer inbetween (https://rumble.com/v4odo38-joe-may-2010-magnetic.html), you can have 2 'gangs'. Each gang is a Pure Polar Energy. These two configurations can be made into a Static Battery. No moving parts. It takes a COIL to USE 'electricity'. (or it did when light bulbs were incandescent) and a Coil as in any motor to USE the differing Phases of Electricity.

Levitation is obtained when two 'COILS' (Field Generators) are powered by 2 Sources of Pure North Pole 'electricity' interacting. We learned this when levitating 2 vehicles with JoeCells.

It is North Pole Magnetism or Negative electricity from a battery that is what we call 'cold fusion'. It is as close to Aetheric Energy as one can make with physical 'elements'.

There are many ways to use this double Negative battery energy as verses standard battery energy. This isnt the thread to explain these further experiments we have done.

Understanding this baghdad battery does 'change everything'

Quote from: Classic on Jan 06, 2025, 03:20 PMthere is a bit of confusion
The confusion is entirely because 'modern science' does not have a definitive explanation for just what is coming out of the Baghdad battery's terminals. And now I have stated that its a bit 'different' than what comes out of a car battery.

Without the 'invention' of this baghdad battery, even its rediscovered 'technique' in modern times, one cannot make a ferrite Magnet. To make a magnet one needs a source of Battery Direct Current and a COIL. Again there is no definitive explanation in "modern science" (its all theories) of what the "MECHANISM" is within the lump of iron that the DC does to it to create magnetism. And then we have Bio Magnetism which I state is from Spinning or the circulating of tiny jelly lumps of magnetic iron in the classic magnetic torroidal shape.

Did anyone ever ask what was attached to the end of the wire that Ben Franklin attached a kite to the other end?
Was he using some obscure manual for this inspiration as did all the other inventors we believe to have discovered galvanics, batteries and interrupted battery currents? Why does getting struck by Lightning where generally (if one survives) one is left with exceptional ESP Powers? Can this ESP Powers effect be obtained from a simple (modified) car battery.

Mankind knows nothing about batteries or electricity and even less about Magnetism. Yet here we are thinking we can make s***loads more of it than we put in without ever understanding any of it and claiming its done by understanding "proven science".

I still cant see the 'button' to start a new thread to explain any of the above more thoroughly. This sort of 'forces' me to jump around trying to explain what it is the over unity people cant SEE. Has anyone ever learned to SEE? Like Don Juan tried to teach Carlos Castaneda? Or the way da Vinci and Tesla could SEE? Or the countless books on learning to see 'auras' as Joe SEES them and invents accordingly? One doesnt really understand Tesla's greatest discovery without this Gift that can be imparted by being struck by Lightning. Can we make an elixir with a double negative car battery to give us this frequency receptiveness to our eyes? Changes everything remember.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: MerLynn on Jan 06, 2025, 09:09 PM
One wire electricity.
Anyone heard of it?
Some where I have a pic of the apparatus. But its not very clear.

Electricity is vibrations in a conductor. Inductance is one vibrating conductor or tuning fork near another conductor (tuning fork) and the WIND or air crystals in between, transferring the vibrations as a Field Effect.  All the rest is how we 'view' these vibrations and how modern science theoretically describes them. I have reinvented the theory of inductance by providing the Mechanism for its cause. Nothing in history is correct anymore.

For this visualization of a power source, we need a standard old school wall wart power supply (non switching transformer with cap and diode) and a permanent magnet. Well 2 magnets, one a Neo and one a plain ferrite so we can 'feel' the difference.

This is a be careful moment. doing this experiment can kill you, its that capable.

Plug the wall wart or old phone charger into the wall socket.
Now pick up a magnet and VERY slowly move it close to the wall wart DO NOT TOUCH and you will feel the different vibrations in your fingers between the 2 kinds of magnets. Neodymium added to Ferrite increases the magnetism by increasing the Field Frequency. This you will 'feel' if you dont electrocute yourself first and die. (I do need to drive this point home)

If you wave it past the wall wart, its like spinning a magnet past a coil. It generates electricity and you are the 'ground'. You will Die if you do it too fast.

This is for those with eyes to SEE, or at least try to visualize.

All one needs now is to attach a wire to the magnet and hold it close to a Coil that is vibrating and draw off vibrations. There is a bit more too it but thats the Principle. Its free energy for those that can SEE this invention. Its not connected to the meter box. Its also why they dont allow 'things' to be too close to the 48,000 kva power lines as one can harvest free electricity with a coil or even a fence if the straight wires are insulated.

We did it on a water pipe that had magnetic water flowing in it and used a ring magnet around the pipe (earlier I said to wrap a coil around the pipe but thats a waste of copper or preferably iron wire as iron is naturally magnetic.) Flowing water generates the highest magnetic Field. Even 'higher' if the water is made magnetic. The Water Crystals and there are squillions of them in a drop of water, are tiny charged up magnets. Now think of ocean currents and the current they could provide. This forum only reverse engineers and it does so with little to zero understanding of what electricity is. Is it any wonder we as a specific interest group have virtually nothing to offer the world?

When it is built it becomes an overunitymachine producing free energy. If I post schematics I die. If it remains as it should, a device to prove to oneself, we all live.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 05, 2025, 10:32 AM
If anyone here is skilled enough, I have 2 expired patents for those ready to get their hands dirty.

First patent is a generator and second patent is related to manufacture of electrets in desired thickness from best available material (and dirty cheap) teflon tape used for water plumbing. I mean electrets with estimated life of 20-200 years depending on ambient temperature. They can be made in minutes and can be used for health recoveries as well !

It seems that option to attach files has disappeared.
1. NL1032043 Arie Melis DeGeus
2. Patent US4,527,218 Heinz von Seggern for AT&T 
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Ufopolitics on Feb 05, 2025, 02:32 PM
Quote from: Classic on Feb 05, 2025, 10:32 AM[...]
It seems that option to attach files has disappeared.
1. NL1032043 Arie Melis DeGeus
2. Patent US4,527,218 Heinz von Seggern for AT&T

Hello Classic,

No, the attach Files options have not "disappeared"

1-If you are using the "Quick Reply" the option to attach files is NOT on.
2-In order to have the Attach Files Option you need to use the regular "Reply" on the same line where pages number are displayed.

If you started using the Quick Reply to write your post, and you need to add files then you will need to "Save Draft" option on Quick Reply and the Attach Files will come on.

Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 05, 2025, 03:37 PM
Many thanks @Ufopolitics for help.

Patents attached now
Title: Re: Baghdad Battery
Post by: Classic on Feb 07, 2025, 02:34 AM
Now is someone understand what is exposed in these 2 patents may easy imagine a robotised small production line able to manufacture (similar with a production line for capacitors) which can supply huge amount of generators at a very cheap cost.

The only problem is not that power grid suppliers will be redundant, we already know that govs/multinational co wreck entire industries in days if they desire. The real problem is the leverage they  lose when everyone can use unlimited power for anything they want without restrictions: almost free traveling anywhere, almost free food/water, almost free heating/cooling for homes/work space etc.

We can reasonably expect any time soon one of G7 countries or any other to break free as long as they have secured enough land and able to defend ... this is why we have these stupid wars happening before our eyes and being mislead by politicians which encourage hate speech, discrimination, racism etc. The 4 big actors able to balance/unbalance the situation are: Russia, USA, China, India ... also we can add South America and EU as long as they would be able to defend themselves efficient against the 4 mentioned.