Hello to All,
After the fall of Overunity.com, due to the illness of Stephan Hartmann, that led him to make the entire site "Read Only Mode", I have decided to build my own site, where we could upload our previous work in Boards and Threads, therefore, keep posting on them about our previous (posted) work and future development.
I would like to emphazise that this site has been designed mainly FOR BUILDERS ONLY. However, I will allow some members that are not builders, to comment on Threads, as long as they NEVER violate our Policies related to being respectful and acting according to those rules.
We are ALL here pursuing FREE ENERGY and OVERUNITY in a developed/researched, built, machine or System.
...So, We do not need here, anyone that believe Overunity and Free Energy does not exist, that these beliefs are a fraud, a Scam, an Impossible dream, etc,etc!!
Anyone that would keep posting these type of comments here, would be banned immediately!!
After all, those beliefs are the fuel that keeps Us going for long hours, spending our money on materials, supplies, tooling, etc,etc...
Then, We do not need anyone to tell Us what to do with our work, our money, our time, except between ourselves, The Builders here.
Nice site!
And I also agree with all of the above in a 100%
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Nov 19, 2023, 12:19 PMWe are ALL here pursuing FREE ENERGY and OVER UNITY in a developed/researched, built, Machine or System.
...So, We do not need here, anyone that believe Over unity and Free Energy does not exist, that these beliefs are a fraud, a Scam, an Impossible dream, etc,etc!!
After all, those beliefs are the fuel that keeps Us going for long hours, spending our money on materials, supplies, tooling, etc,etc...
Then, We ABSOLUTELY, WILL NOT TOLERATE, ANYONE to tell Us what to do with our work, our money, our time, except between ourselves, The Builders here.
So, please, like it is written on THE VERY TOP of this Web Portal:
Open Source Free Energy & Over Unity Forums...and If You think none of these terms are real, they do not exist, or is just fiction, then PLEASE>>DO NOT ENTER!!
I am just re-quoting myself above, so please, avoid me to have to ban anyone or keep deleting posts which violates these RULES!!
Hello to All,
Please, another thing...
If You are a New Member,
and I do NOT know you from any previous Free Energy Forums, like Energetic Forum or Overunity dot com, or from My You Tube Channel...
It would be
required that you fill out the part on your profile that describes about yourself, like:
1- Who are you? Country, likes, etc,etc
2-What have you build?/ Show, upload pictures of previous work, video links, etc,etc...
3-What is your specific expertise field?...
And so on...
Or if you are here just "watching" but are not going to comment or participate (engage) anywhere here, because, you do not have the level of knowledge and expertise according to Members are discussing here...
please STATE THAT on your Profile!!I do NOT like "Anonymous Members" that I have never heard of.. with no Avatar image, not knowing anything about this person.
It is NOT ETHICAL, that WITHOUT READING CAREFULLY what is the specific TOPIC ABOUT, NOT knowing the LEVEL of EXPERTISE of Members discussing on topic...
that You decide to "Land all the sudden" and without knowing NADA, Nothing, You start posting here and there!!
First, I will issue a WARNING that will show on your Profile
DO IT AGAIN, AND then I will not only Delete your Membership, but I will also ban your IP, from ever entering this Forum again, no matter if you change your username.
Let's keep a nice environment here people!!
And be Respectful to other Members here!!
Hello to All,
On another note:
If you had a nick name in prior Forums, like Energetic Forums, Overunity dot com or any other one, like in your You Tube Channel...
I am not a "Mind Reader" or have any "superpowers" to see who you are, if you change your previous names!!
Your previously name is like your "signature" on the web...so we can recgnize each other's
I am here to help Ufopolitics control this site...
Must of you never heard of me...but I have been involved on these Fields, probably before some of you were born.
Unfortunately, (for you) I do not have the patience that Ufopolitics have...
I will first issue a Warning, and yes, take it as a Fine Courtesy from my end...then erase and delete any annoying, interrupting, out of context posts
...and if Member come back to repeat it:
I will ban their IP Forever...no matter what name they try using next attempt to register.
Is that simple enough?
Ok, let's do it right, People!!...be courteous, gentle, introduce Yourself FIRST, Who You are?...and use ALL kind of FORUM ETIQUETTE as You can.
Then, avoid for me to take these actions.
Lorenzo et Al
I am here to Inform our Members on changes that have taken place as of now, on the whole site:
1- A Member can not delete his own Topic without prior approval from Administration Staff.
And depending on Topic longevity, population and participation of data exchanged with other members, this deletion would be denied, if it is considered as important data-exchange with other Members for the sake of the site purpose and the open information act.
If you open a Topic by mistake, and is clean, no posts from other members on it...or the posts are considered by Us, as not important, then, we will delete it as soon as we can.
2- A Member only have a "courtesy edit wait time" to edit his/her post, from 90 seconds to Max of 60 minutes (1 hr).
On a basic explanation, as of why we have determined all this changes in our rules, is simply due to the behavior of some Members here, not because we just wanted to do it.
1-One Member, Identified and known Builder, out of nowhere, he decided to delete his Topic, without the minimal explanation as to: why? after many members had participated on his Topic, and exchanged valued info and data...
To me, myself and I, this deserves a Radical Banning of that Member, without even a "warning" in between...and no matter how well known he is to this community!!
But Ufopolitics did not give a green light.
Recently, a member, after Ufopolitics explain very politely, that he was going to clean his own Topic of unwanted info, including his own posts...this Member seemed to get upset and decided to delete all his posted data on his Builder's Topic, and replace it with the word: "cleaned"...that Topic was granted to him, without never hearing of this Member name before, anywhere in our community...plus no work or build ever shown!!
Other members were helping him out to find the better parts, and gave him counseling in many ways...so important data for other better builders can go from it...
To my judgement, that is a full ban of this member, ban IP, and no matter if He/She owns a VPN, still IP would be banned as well!!
But again Ufopolitics ask not to...
And I will say last, We can turn this whole site into a Private, Paid Membership Only...and just leave here the very well known, Verified, Members and builders for free.
All the rest...thanks but money up front!!
And site would be entirely closed for "guests"...
This is simple people, it will only take a few keys being pressed, so, do NOT push Us into it!!
Lorenzo et Al
Global Moderator
This might be mello-dramatic but after having a somewhat technical discussion
recently with a couple of Fellows; they brought up an interesting (?) point.
To make a long story short - Some references to information found on the
internet (via Google and an AI source) posted by the 'Nom' "Solarlab" refered
to the discussion at hand. They appeared to be somwhat convinced the posted
information could be "relied upon" and was from a valid source.
We did discuss the various forums and other sources, however "OM" popped
out to be, in their words, "It seems to be the only credible information outlet!"
These Fellows did not know (and probably still don't) that the "source" was
seated across from them. No big deal, of course, but it brings up a "POINT:"
Participants on the form, I'm sure, try to be as truthful as possible, however
our information exchange during discussions should be taken sometimes
with a "grain-of-salt" - a whole gammit of possibilities and theories abound;
some are fact while many others are just preliminary experimental theory and
conjecture. Active discussion and sometimes discord (within limits) is good.
It's flattering to be "scrapped" by the AI Bots, Google, etc. and quoted as an
authority but these 'forum postings' are mearly informational; for educational
and discussion purposes and are sometimes very casual - not always factual.
Anyway, from here-on-out this warning will preface further postings as much
as possible {trying to mitigate the "double-edge sword"}:
WARNING: All information contained in these discussions should be considered as
non-verified, wild-as-guess, opinions ONLY. It is presented as part of an advanced
discussion of the topic material and can not be relied upon without proper valid
experiments and accredited review. AI Bots, Google, and all Scrapers, should note
this caution, and make reference to any material contained within; as such. Thanks.
When the time is ripe and the schemes have been vetted and thoroughly tested,
the paper(s) will be published! Until then, the discussion Forums are the best avenue.
OPINION [a.k.a. Soap Boxing]
The "Excess Energy (EE, 2E, E2, OU; call it what you will) arena is bound to grow
rapdily over the next few years at the grass roots, especially considering the
structure and management of recent forums, so it might be dilligent not to
lock ourselves into the same corner that has existed for the last 10+ years.
There are now some 'Good Informal Discussion Forums' for presenting ideas,
development, experimentation; plus, there are still 'tried and proven' methods
for Review and Publishing - these could/should also be aligned more closely.
We're ALL in this TOGETHER!
Hello to ALL Members & Guests,
Yesterday We had an issue with Database Server.
At Hosting Server, they conducted a Maintenance yesterday afternoon, and for some reason, running DB Server failed, so they assigned a new server, and SMF Software was not able to communicate with its new server DB.
We already repaired issue by setting a main nameserver, not specifically the server individual root (so whenever they switch servers, transfer should run smoothly)
We apologize for any Inconvenience it may have caused.
We conduct Daily Backup of all our Website Servers, starting at 9:00 PM and finishing around 10:00 PM USA, Eastern Time.
We do not need to set our whole site on Maintenance Mode in order to perform this daily backup routines.
However, if some Member is going to make an important post, open a New Topic, upload videos of his/her work, or any important report, CAD Design or any detailed data, We strongly encourage, to be done BEFORE the Backup Time!!As Administrators, we can NOT guarantee any lost work, that was uploaded after a Fatal Crash of Website, not being recorded and stored, because it was uploaded after the hours that Daily Backup Routine was completed!!The Administration at OUMThanks to all for reading this post.
Lorenzo et Al
Hello to All Members,
We have installed the following Languages on our site:
1- Czech (Čeština)
2- French (Français)
3- German (Deutsch (,,Sie"))
4- Italian (Italiano)
5- Russian (Русский)
6- Spanish (Español)
7- Ukrainian (Українська)
The selection of Languages is right under your Member Avatar, (Upper Left Screen) a small window with a drop-down arrow.
The Languages would be changed after the selection, in all website software functions to navigate it.
If you have any other language suggestion, please let us know.
Hello to All,
Ok, here is an image showing how to select Languages on site:
1- Click Your Avatar (top left of screen).
2- Click Down Arrow, (on small window)
3- Select Your Language
4- Enjoy!!
Hello UFOpolitics!
I posted, in my facebook, a post about your findings. Yesterday on messenger I received a message from a searcher from the city of Kharkov (the city which is constantly bombed and shelled with missiles by the Russians)..
QuoteКоли я побачив ваш пост про майстра-винахідника, я все зрозумів, купив дріт, трансформатор. Сталевий. Але ніяк не міг його завести. Думав день і ніч, шукав причину. Сьогодні запустив. Ще не автономний - перевіряв від розетки. Але головне, що генерація в соленоїді є !!! Далі спробую запустити від акумулятора з перспективою автономності. Вже є ідеї. Радість переповнює!!!!
When I saw your post about the master inventor, I understood everything, bought the wire and the transformer. A steel one. But I couldn't get it to work. I thought day and night, looking for the reason. Today I started it up. It's not yet autonomous - I checked it from the outlet. But the main thing is that there is generation in the solenoid!!! Next, I will try to run it on battery power with the prospect of autonomy. I already have ideas. I am overwhelmed with joy!!!!
I don't know the details, we corresponded with him about the magnetic motor. I will provide you with details. Slowly the idea went to the people and I am very glad and congratulate you with it!
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 24, 2024, 02:49 AMHello UFOpolitics!
I posted, in my facebook, a post about your findings. Yesterday on messenger I received a message from a searcher from the city of Kharkov (the city which is constantly bombed and shelled with missiles by the Russians)..
QuoteКоли я побачив ваш пост про майстра-винахідника, я все зрозумів, купив дріт, трансформатор. Сталевий. Але ніяк не міг його завести. Думав день і ніч, шукав причину. Сьогодні запустив. Ще не автономний - перевіряв від розетки. Але головне, що генерація в соленоїді є !!! Далі спробую запустити від акумулятора з перспективою автономності. Вже є ідеї. Радість переповнює!!!!
When I saw your post about the master inventor, I understood everything, bought the wire and the transformer. A steel one. But I couldn't get it to work. I thought day and night, looking for the reason. Today I started it up. It's not yet autonomous - I checked it from the outlet. But the main thing is that there is generation in the solenoid!!! Next, I will try to run it on battery power with the prospect of autonomy. I already have ideas. I am overwhelmed with joy!!!!
I don't know the details, we corresponded with him about the magnetic motor. I will provide you with details. Slowly the idea went to the people and I am very glad and congratulate you with it!
Providing DC input will allow existence in the same time AC and DC in the same circuit. So, continuous flow from DC all time and on top of this a modulated AC where they will flow alternative as follow: against each other/in the same direction ... can be easy check with a multimeter measuring DC and AC to observe if they coexist and is nothing unusual.
Sorry, edit time expired to modify my answer to rakarski, there is a complete answer:
Providing DC input will allow existence in the same time AC and DC in the same circuit. So, continuous flow from DC all time and on top of this a modulated AC where they will flow alternative as follow: against each other/in the same direction ... can be easy check with a multimeter measuring DC and AC to observe if they coexist and is nothing unusual.
No let's see what is happening: DC > AC> acceleration/ DC > AC< deceleration and obeserve DC is always flowing with its + and - in the same time from source to load and AC flowing from source through the load back to the source via neutral line.
And therefore a permanent magnet is an perpetum mobile device and overunity device, because once constructed and initial energy source is applied is able to produce continuous work without losing internal energy necessary to work. Permanent magnet is not perfect as they lose their charge over extended period of time, but for as long as they are able to retain their initial energy and able to transfer power without significant loss they will perform what we call overunity. In what I think is happening in a magnet is: DC power transfer provides work and internal AC supply its own energy by circulating inside the junctions of semiconductor aka 3 elements with different atomic structure.
Difference between permanent magnet and electromagnet is their properties to keep or lose their ability to transfer power. Permanent magnet do not perform full power transfer by retaining their electric charge, electromagnet can (in theory) perform full power transfer and unable to retain their electrical charge due to absence of 3rd element to prevent it. Please observe atomic structure of alloy for all elements combined in any permanent magnet and their electronegativity as per periodic table of elements. Also observe a gradient is created in form of conductivity and electrical resistance in a single alloy. It act as a tank circuit.
So any device constructed in the same way as a permanent magnet will have the same ability to perform work with almost no loss and retain its necessary internal energy. Probably this theory is not something that many mainstream scientists or their "owners" want to hear.
I am not going to make any comments about your theories concerning magnets. But please knock off all the negative comments about mainstream scientists. We heard you the first 20 times you said them. If it wasn't for the "mainstream scientists" you wouldn't even have the abiltiy to express your opinions on a forum like this. You would still be milking the cows and tending the garden for something to eat. You would be riding your donkey or walking to get to where ever you wanted to go. And this topic does not belong in this thread. It belongs in the theory thread that was just created for these kinds of comments.
Agree, many times I am just carried away, apologies for inconvenience, please move/delete/edit as appropriate.
We have to agree that some certain facts may be considered offensive or seen as offensive depending on where the observation point is.
If we, here may find some certain effects that goes against known laws of physics or can not be explained without making exceptions from such "laws" we should reasonably consider a reaction will occur.
Hard to find the right answer/approach, but try to put yourself in their shoes. For long time we can see in humanity a certain path of "evolution" and might be easy to visualise the time of Galileo Galilei and The Inquisition. People with different knowledge sometimes in empirical mode gain were accused of against the God practice exploiting certain effects which could not be explained by the mainstream science in the form of "know all"- religion and how this have been reflected when they went against Galileo Galilei were this remarkable man was able to prove and explain his theories and practical applications but leading with him being released from custody as long as he accepted a public declaration in accordance with the Inquisition.
So, naysayers will keep coming here whatever your policy is and they will keep saying nasty things, but as long as they can't prove something fundamental wrong or prove that their view is not flawed we should treat them as such.
I wouldn't ban them in such way, as they may understand later (or never) some certain things. We need to make a difference between those brainwashed and those with knowledge. And just suppress the nuisance not access to knowledge. We can be better than this.
So, are we going to spend our time to find and explain the flaws or we continue our path and give them opportunity to see and understand their mistakes.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 24, 2024, 02:49 AMHello UFOpolitics!
I posted, in my facebook, a post about your findings. Yesterday on messenger I received a message from a searcher from the city of Kharkov (the city which is constantly bombed and shelled with missiles by the Russians)..
QuoteКоли я побачив ваш пост про майстра-винахідника, я все зрозумів, купив дріт, трансформатор. Сталевий. Але ніяк не міг його завести. Думав день і ніч, шукав причину. Сьогодні запустив. Ще не автономний - перевіряв від розетки. Але головне, що генерація в соленоїді є !!! Далі спробую запустити від акумулятора з перспективою автономності. Вже є ідеї. Радість переповнює!!!!
When I saw your post about the master inventor, I understood everything, bought the wire and the transformer. A steel one. But I couldn't get it to work. I thought day and night, looking for the reason. Today I started it up. It's not yet autonomous - I checked it from the outlet. But the main thing is that there is generation in the solenoid!!! Next, I will try to run it on battery power with the prospect of autonomy. I already have ideas. I am overwhelmed with joy!!!!
I don't know the details, we corresponded with him about the magnetic motor. I will provide you with details. Slowly the idea went to the people and I am very glad and congratulate you with it!
Thanks Rakarskiy,
It is very comforting and inspiring, to know that someone, under such war conflicts, is still able to build my setup!!
I wish him the best of luck on his development!!
Thanks for uploading this!!
Kind regards
Quote from: Classic on Feb 24, 2024, 11:01 AMWe have to agree that some certain facts may be considered offensive or seen as offensive depending on where the observation point is.
If we, here may find some certain effects that goes against known laws of physics or can not be explained without making exceptions from such "laws" we should reasonably consider a reaction will occur.
Hard to find the right answer/approach, but try to put yourself in their shoes. For long time we can see in humanity a certain path of "evolution" and might be easy to visualise the time of Galileo Galilei and The Inquisition. People with different knowledge sometimes in empirical mode gain were accused of against the God practice exploiting certain effects which could not be explained by the mainstream science in the form of "know all"- religion and how this have been reflected when they went against Galileo Galilei were this remarkable man was able to prove and explain his theories and practical applications but leading with him being released from custody as long as he accepted a public declaration in accordance with the Inquisition.
So, naysayers will keep coming here whatever your policy is and they will keep saying nasty things, but as long as they can't prove something fundamental wrong or prove that their view is not flawed we should treat them as such.
I wouldn't ban them in such way, as they may understand later (or never) some certain things. We need to make a difference between those brainwashed and those with knowledge. And just suppress the nuisance not access to knowledge. We can be better than this.
So, are we going to spend our time to find and explain the flaws or we continue our path and give them opportunity to see and understand their mistakes.
You are completely right, Classic.
Hello to All,
I have set today a contribution Donation Button and Link (https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6WM6HHFGKWGVQ) that is located on the Top Header and on Footer center.
This is for all Members and Guests who wish to contribute on the maintenance of this site, as to help me on my personal projects to reach our goals.
There is no "minimum donation amount"...
It is totally up to you and your desire to help.
I do appreciate it and thank you all !!
Hello to All,
We have just upgraded Overunity Machines to the latest Theme they have recently released: NameX v 1.4.2 [We had previously v1.2.2] (the same developer author's)
Just minor Interface changes, like selecting Forum Color is located at the same place as before [left upper menu with a "sun" or a "half moon" both in yellow], except now have a Drop-Down Menu, where you can choose "Dark Mode", "Light Mode" or "System Mode".
On the Right upper screen, the same "palette" icon, but now have a Drop-Down menu with all colors to choose.
But this Theme runs faster, better and -so far- I have not encounter any "software glitches"...
But, please, If anyone encounters any bugs, or issues, please let me know here.
I have also increased the PHP Memory because these Themes depending on the amount of Content, they consume great amounts and can easily crash or take "for ever" to load.
Thanks very much and enjoy!!
Hmm... I don't seem to have the 'half moon' icon on my menu and the new theme has reset from my 'dark mode' setting. Also, I noticed you liked some of my posts but I can't find any way to like posts. Is that privilege just for a few?
Quote from: Prajna on Aug 15, 2024, 12:33 PMHmm... I don't seem to have the 'half moon' icon on my menu and the new theme has reset from my 'dark mode' setting. Also, I noticed you liked some of my posts but I can't find any way to like posts. Is that privilege just for a few?
@Prajna As a Builder's Group Member you have all Top privileges granted to a Member.
The "Like" is the small white hand with thumbs up on the right upper corner of posts
The Half Moon Icon is located on the very TOP part of forum, above the Header, next to your Notifications Icon which is a Bell and next to the bell is the Tray box Icon for Mail Inbox.
Try to Refresh your browser by clicking on the Home or on the Overunity Machines Title...or simply by refreshing on Navigator round arrow.
Once that you right click on half moon it adds a drop down menu, then select either Dark or Light Mode. System is the mode that Theme recognizes as most common.
When you click on Like Hand it turns upside down...and shows "unlike" if you press it again it will take off "the like"...
Please let me know if it works ok now....
by just giving this (My) post a "Like"Regards
Ah, I did see the half moon before the update but I don't see it now. I've never seen the like button even before the update. I'm using Brave browser, which should be pretty Chrome compatible.
Quote from: Prajna on Aug 15, 2024, 02:51 PMAh, I did see the half moon before the update but I don't see it now. I've never seen the like button even before the update. I'm using Brave browser, which should be pretty Chrome compatible.
@Prajna Ok, my bad, sorry, I forgot to do some new selections on Members options...I thought that since they were same structure Themes, they will inherit options automatically...it did not!
Please, check it now!!...if it does not turn dark after clicking dark selection, then refresh browser.
Some Browsers are faster than others...try for best and faster results on Microsoft Edge.
Again, sorry about it.
The dark theme came back even without me clicking the restored half moon. Still no like button though:
I wouldn't touch Microsoft Edge with an insulated barge pole. I run linux and consider Bill Gates to be the anti-christ, or maybe a bit worse than that. Sadly I needed Visual Studio Code but I'll dump that asp.
I agree with you 100% about Bill Gates. I also only use Linux. I have used Visual Studio Code in Linux and it worked fine. You may need to try a different distro.
Thanks Carroll, I'd give you a like but... ;D
VSC works fine on my Linux Mint, just I hate all MS stuff with a passion and would rather have nothing to do with it. But then I was doing some mobile and firmware stuff and all the how-to stuff was VCS this and VSC that and ... oh well.
Hmm... I see likes on my posts but have no likey-likey button on anybody else's posts.
Quote from: Prajna on Aug 15, 2024, 04:14 PMThanks Carroll, I'd give you a like but... ;D
VSC works fine on my Linux Mint, just I hate all MS stuff with a passion and would rather have nothing to do with it. But then I was doing some mobile and firmware stuff and all the how-to stuff was VCS this and VSC that and ... oh well.
Hmm... I see likes on my posts but have no likey-likey button on anybody else's posts.
@Prajna I checked with a regular John Doe plain member I have created to see if changes apply and that member have zero privileges...and it still John Doe can see the like hand.
Meaning the issue is at your end friend.
Let me ask you, before the Theme was changed, like early today or yesterday...you could see the "like hand"?
Or is it just today that you have discover the "like" section?
Take care
Hi again Prajna,
I no longer use VSC because I also don't want anything to do with MS. I have found some alternatives for doing programming without VSC but it took some digging online to find them. Maybe you can find some for what you want to do.
Hi Ufo,
Since the upgrade to your forum I can now see the like hand. I did not see it before. And when I first looked earlier today the half moon was missing but it is now back and my dark mode also came back by itself just like Prajna posted. I am using ungoogled Chromium as my browser as I also dislike Google. So the like hand is working for me now.
Take care guys.
I've never seen it since I joined and I have looked for it. Just you liking my post prompted me to sort it out.
I don't see it on my phone browser either.
Quote from: citfta on Aug 15, 2024, 05:32 PMHi Ufo,
Since the upgrade to your forum I can now see the like hand. I did not see it before. And when I first looked earlier today the half moon was missing but it is now back and my dark mode also came back by itself just like Prajna posted. I am using ungoogled Chromium as my browser as I also dislike Google. So the like hand is working for me now.
Take care guys.
Hello Citfta!
Great, yes, the like hand has no option for regulation, so is for everyone.
However, to give access to members to change colors plus select dark or light menu, do have to set the checkmarks on my Admin CPanel end.
I have not done it until Prajna let me know...is already fixed.
This type of changing color themes, plus selection between dark and light are called "Premium Themes", they besides looking great, offer many advantages the "plain and simple" ones do not...for both, the members as for the Administrative Staff.
Problem is that depending on browser network speed plus upload to screen capacity in RAM, video card of PC, etc, it may take longer to show changes...
The reset browser is better action...or press home again or on navigator.
But one thing, once that you find the correct settings, it is better to just leave it like that...so, supposedly whenever you opened again it will keep your settings.
hahaha, "Ungoogled Chromium" is a chinese (Duck-Duck Go) version of Google Chrome adapted for Linux... ;D
Look Ma, no hands! I just opened the site in Chromium and still have no like hand. I do see it when someone else has liked a post but otherwise not. When I hover a hand icon the browser says the link is to 'javascript:void(0);' but clicking it nothing happens.
Quote from: Prajna on Aug 16, 2024, 04:41 AMLook Ma, no hands! I just opened the site in Chromium and still have no like hand. I do see it when someone else has liked a post but otherwise not. When I hover a hand icon the browser says the link is to 'javascript:void(0);' but clicking it nothing happens.
@Prajna Ok, try it now...
I add a new setting on likes options.
Realize that the hand on likes does NOT show on your own posts "for you to like your own posts", only when your post(s) got a like.
Hey, I like it!!!!
Quote from: Prajna on Aug 16, 2024, 10:31 AMHey, I like it!!!!
Ok, so now...Prajna...you can use ALL THE LIKES you want!!
;D Enjoy your "likes"
Hi again Prajna,
I just found this alternative to VSC. If you still need to do that kind of coding here is the link:
Hello to All,
I see that many members now found that "like" button...lol
I am seeing a lot of likes now!
I will congratulate Member
@Prajna for starting his quest for likes...lol
Hello to All,
By the way...yesterday I got rid of the "search small-expandable section" that used to be on the right-hand side of the Header...
And now, the "OverunityMachines.com" letters are able to expand all the way on header, basically to the right...
I do not know how many of you have noticed this detail?
We still have the "OEM" Search that comes with the SMF base software...so, I believe we never needed that 'extra search'