Rakarskiy Topic on Electromagnetic Theory
Good times!
Today I finished a short article on the transformer. A very important topic, about the principles that get tripped up when building static generators. I'm no exception. I had to research this issue. Academic science blatantly lies about the principle of mutual induction and the processes involved. I hope this will help me not to step on the rake.
Free Energy Ukraine - Transformer (1-ua--hho-do-am.translate.goog) (https://1-ua--hho-do-am.translate.goog/index/transformer/0-44?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
Good day, all those who want to understand and build their own energy generator in the conversion factor Over Unity.
Here is an interesting article about Voltage and Current in an electrical circuit, especially when the source is an electromagnetic generator.
Free Energy Ukraine - EMF in Current (1-ua--hho-do-am.translate.goog) (https://1-ua--hho-do-am.translate.goog/index/emf_current/0-41?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
Good day to all!
South Korea's SEMP Group and Abu Dhabi-based Global Solutions for Project Management launched a revolutionary innovation that will define the future of clean energy - the Artificial Intelligent Smart Electromagnetic Generator (AISEG) at COP-28 organized in Dubai, UAE. The SEMP Research Institute has developed an intelligent electromagnetic generator with artificial intelligence (AISEG) based on the principles of Biot-Savard's law and Faraday's law. The company's website [ www.semp.or.kr (https://www.semp.or.kr/en/%EB%B0%9C%EC%A0%84%EA%B8%B0%EC%9D%98-%EC%97%AD%EC%82%AC) ] has test results conducted by nationally accredited testing institutes. The PDF shows that they have an input power of 0.799 kW and an output power of 18.192 kilowatts. (patent link (http://ua-hho.do.am/_ld/0/66_1020200057044_E.pdf)).
My thoughts on how to possibly arrange something like this in my publication: AISEG - OverUnity Generator COP -28 - Over Unity Systems - Каталог статей - Free Energy Ukraine (do.am) (http://ua-hho.do.am/publ/over_unity_systems/aiseg_overunity_generator_cop_28/4-1-0-264)
My assumption was wrong (practically a new idea). In the Korean static oscillator the topology is very similar to that of UFOpolitics.
The link to the patent is more readable (https://u.to/060wIA)
Quote from: rakarskiy on Dec 19, 2023, 02:27 AMMy assumption was wrong (practically a new idea). In the Korean static oscillator the topology is very similar to that of UFOpolitics.
The link to the patent is more readable (https://u.to/060wIA)
Thanks Rakarskiy!!
It is basically "similar" to the Original 1908 Figuera Patent ;D ...However, this one does NOT use the great advantages that I have Disclosed, consisting of Several Sequentially Pulsed Electromagnets as the Geometries of both designs are also different.
This Generator Outputs only DC Currents...Not Alternated.
However, I wish the Inventors good luck, having an Abu Dhabi Corporation as "partner"...knowing that Arab Emirates makes a living based on selling Oil...
But, the main difference...is that I am NOT Patenting my Generator Design...I believe it is just an "Enhanced Figuera"...as I first, study and built for long years all his patents.
Regards friend
Good time Ufopolitics!
I am very happy that there is this Korean project, which is already presented to the world as fuel-free and autonomous.
About the smooth change of current in the control coils - it is absolutely true. But in any case you need to understand the physics of the process.
In my opinion, the Korean design and the description in the patent may be fake. I won't say anything yet, but as it turns out, it's not just my opinion. The Koreans want to keep the know-how of the technology to themselves, in principle it is a trade secret.
About Figueras's design, you can try to make the core of his oscillator (1902) in a simplified form, for example, from two microwave transformer cores. You just need to remove the windings and configure it according to the drawing.
This is my old problem solving endeavors, when I looked for a solution then applied it to Figuer and got a match.
I hope it works out for you.
Regards, Serge!
My research led to an understanding of what happened in the 1902 and 1908 patents. The principle was the same, but in 1902 the goal was to sell, which was accomplished (so many details were hidden). In 1908, details of the control of the 1902 design were revealed. That the magnetic system in the 1908 drawing is pure convention is quite obvious, and the author makes this clear in the patent description. In both patents there are two groups of control coils and an induction circuit. How the magnetic system works in this case is my version below. I did not bring my research almost to the end, as I was not aiming to realize a Figuera but a pulse system. Perhaps my sketches will be useful to someone. Regards.
14-Electromagnetic generators -
Book-12-ch14-02-Review. Electric generators.pdf
Book-12-ch14-11-History of Clocks pdf
Book-12-ch14-2-Electric generator.pdf
Book-12-ch14-3-Hunipolar generators.pdf
Book-12-ch14-3-Electromagnetic generators.pdf
Book-12-ch14-3-Electrostatic generator.pdf
Book-12-h14-4-Generator Kapanadze.pdf
Book-12-ch14-5-History of spark radio stations.pdf
Book-12-ch14-6-current fluctuations during discharge.pdf
Book-12-ch14-7-Ruhmkorff inductor.pdf
Book-12-ch14-8-History of science and technology.pdf
Book-12-ch14-9-Gas-discharge devices.pdf
Book-12-ch14-9-Air ionizers.pdf
Studied the Korean patent again. I made a block diagram. The coils are wound on an iron core, with iron washers (pole lugs) between them.
In any case in the block of armature and control coils it is not clear yet how such a marvellous conversion takes place. Previous experience with a similar coil block, on a mettalic core, did not lead to the desired result.
Устройство Клементе Фигуера (патент 1908 года) Clemente Figuera's device (patent 1908) - Google Фото (https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipP4nEyQHK1jTTNgpmOkkh5Oche8_8l7dvCAsBxWJQnPEx5QtSjdBVqdaFxbmOLz1w?key=YnZuaGFWekI2TlIyaURpSUpmZ25GTk1EWFQ4VHJ3)
One of the most interesting part in the PATENT APPLICATION EP 4 131 749 A1.
[0059] In another preferred embodiment of the present invention, pure iron, more preferably heat-treated pure iron is employed as the material of the core member 40 and/or the pole piece 80.
Pure iron has high magnetic permeability and excellent electrical conductivity, but has relatively high coercive force.
Since magnetic fields are applied to the core member 40 and the pole pieces 80 alternately or in various ways from the first field magnet 10-1 and the second field magnet 10-2, or the first field magnet 10-1 and the first and second magnetic fields generated by the second field magnet 10-2 are alternate- ly applied, it is required for the material to have a fast demagnetization time, that is, a low coercive force.
According to the research conducted by the present inventors, when pure iron is heated to a certain temperature or higher and then cooled slowly, the demagnetization time is shortened in response to the cooling time.
FIG. 8 is a graph showing the demagnetization time characteristics according to the cooling time of pure iron. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that the demagnetization time could be shortened to 1/450 second or less if the temperature of pure iron heated to a certain temperature was gradually cooled for a sufficient time for more than 10 hours.
In addition, if the cooling time of pure iron is delayed, an additional effect of improving magnetic permeability and electrical conductivity is obtained."
To be able to make the core material geting high permeability and the demagnetization time you want.
Wonder if you simply can make a laminated toroidal transformer and use short input pulses +-.
Without increasing the magnetic flux (in the iron core), you will not get enough magnetic induction to satisfy the law of electromagnetic induction for the corresponding powers.
And yet, I believe that a patent does not reveal the essence, but only fixes patent rights. This is not the first year I have been dealing with such technologies, I had to conduct my own research into what EMFs are, right back to the times of Faraday. For example, how to calculate a regular electrical circuit.
Free Energy Ukraine - EMF in Current (1-ua--hho-do-am.translate.goog) (https://1-ua--hho-do-am.translate.goog/index/emf_current/0-41?_x_tr_sch=http&_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp)
I worked mathematically with their patent and topology and modeled various magnetic systems. Maybe I'll take a break, their solution should be very interesting.
All with the New turn of our planet, around our star "Ra", even already in calendar calculation.
I have completed the material about transformers, in which I reveal the discrepancy from the official physics, in the interpretation of the processes occurring in the transformer.
To make a static electromagnetic generator it is necessary to fulfil the condition, which is inherent in the traditional simplest electromagnetic generator.
Always check the direction of the excitation and collector/generator currents, they must coincide.
Free Energy Ukraine - Transformer (do.am) (http://ua-hho.do.am/index/transformer/0-44)
Good afternoon seekers!
Today I was sent an interesting video with a very clear and successful experiment to build a solid state oscillator, where the rotor in the stator is fixed statically, and the switching of the electromagnets is done via a mechanical collector-brush assembly.
The excitation of the electromagnets, the DC drive motor, and the output from the phases via diode bridges are connected to a common battery;
Before start-up the battery charge is 10.57V after start-up the battery charge increases and the system operates on the excess energy produced by the static electromagnetic generator.
A similar design was also done by UFOpolitikf back in the OU forum.
I put the video clip and my CV at the end of my article on my blog;
Your Electricity * Over Unity: Electric generator with solid state magnetic rotor. (rakatskiy.blogspot.com) (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/06/blog-post.html)
Quote from: rakarskiy on Jan 03, 2024, 05:46 AMGood afternoon seekers!
Today I was sent an interesting video with a very clear and successful experiment to build a solid state oscillator, where the rotor in the stator is fixed statically, and the switching of the electromagnets is done via a mechanical collector-brush assembly.
The excitation of the electromagnets, the DC drive motor, and the output from the phases via diode bridges are connected to a common battery;
Before start-up the battery charge is 10.57V after start-up the battery charge increases and the system operates on the excess energy produced by the static electromagnetic generator.
A similar design was also done by UFOpolitikf back in the OU forum.
I put the video clip and my CV at the end of my article on my blog;
Your Electricity * Over Unity: Electric generator with solid state magnetic rotor. (rakatskiy.blogspot.com) (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/06/blog-post.html)
Hello Rakarskiy!!
Are you forgetting that back on April of 2022, I started a Topic at Overunity.com with exactly the same Method?
Ufopolitics Energy Generation by Virtually Movement of Magnetic Fields (https://overunity.com/19085/energy-generation-by-moving-mag-field-through-static-steel-core-copper-coils/)
Actually, I can see that in your Blogspot, you have a couple of my videos...plus my images ;D
On another note...since this Topic is about "Electromagnetic Generator Theory"...Could you, please, explain in detail the great disadvantages of "Rotating the Magnetic Fields",
no matter if it is Physically or Virtually...
Remember that when a Field Rotates, it only "cuts" with its "imaginary lines", discovered by Faraday back on 1835...the VERTICALLY SET WIRES inside the groove of Stators, which are exactly at 90º to Magnetic Field Vectors...WHILE, all the rest of wires on all overlapped coils, set HORIZONTALLY, related to "Field Lines" PARALLEL, are merely conducting wires, of the Induced currents by only the Vertical wires...
It will be great if you Enlighten our readers with this great disadvantage of Rotary Generators we had working -as the ones and only-for over 200 years... :D
I have not transferred that Topic here...simply because it was not FULLY positive on the results...
and Figuera Linear Movement is 100% more efficient.
Hello UFOpolitics!
What makes you think that there is a "big disadvantage" with "rotating magnetic fields" in a mechanical or static electromagnetic generator, with an iron core present?
For a conductor - a "wire" - that falls into the focus of magnetic flux, no matter how around it, will form the alternating anapole moment of a magnetic toroidal dipole. For the phase conductor of the generator, it is important to provide - this anapole moment, how to do it is decided by the engineer. Orthodox physicists do not want to accept this fact of contactless induction of EMF around the conductor, at the focus of the changing flux, and call the formula by which EMF is calculated by this method engineering or transformer, although the EMF of the secondary winding of a transformer cannot be calculated by this formula.
In the time of Michael Faraday, when the principle of electromagnetic induction was discovered, a number of points were missed by Faraday himself. Faraday, working with his induction coil on a ring core, discovered essentially the phenomenon of mutual induction and self-induction. Self-induction is the same as EMF induction, the only difference being that the magnetic flux in the iron ring is generated by the previous excitation pulse. The paradox is that Faraday's generator with a copper disc (1832) is fundamentally different from the generators that were made by the Frenchman Pixie and an unknown with the letters P.M., in the same 1832. Gramm's electromagnetic generator with an external winding on a round metal armature core differs sharply from electromagnetic dynamos, where the phase wire is stacked in the groove of the armature, which rotates. In the armature/stator slot or transformer window, magnetic lines of force cannot cut the winding wire in principle. I've stepped on this rake (lies from science) so many times that it's already possible to get killed. By the way, I made all these revelations relatively recently, in 2022-23, and shared them on Stephan's forum and in more detail in my blog articles. Back in 2021 and early 2022, I piously believed in the topology of cutting a conductor with magnetic lines to induce an EMF pulse.
The key is to get an output power that is many times the input power over a certain period of time. The redundancy effect should be expressed in a quantitative value of kWh measurement.
Invention of the electromagnetic generator (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2023/02/over-unity-system.html)
Clemente Figueroa generator 1902-1908 (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/12/1902.html)
Transformer with a mystery - "how?" (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/12/blog-post.html)
I was sent a video of the generator to help them figure out the secret of what the guy did. According to the words of the person who sent it, the author in the messenger Telegram, after receiving the effect closed from everyone and deleted many videos, this one was saved by the one who sent it to me. All that I saw is just realised my proposals to create a similar machine in the articles
Holcomb Energy System - FREE ENERGY (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/05/holcomb-system-free-energy.html)
Electric generator with solid state magnetic rotor. (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/06/blog-post.html)
About your great decision!
I don't think Figuera did exactly what you did. Even the Koreans, followed a different principle of forming a magnetic field change (Korean generator five years ago (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ck8QJTmjiAg)).
A clear indication that you have an electromagnetic generator is the change of EMF in the collector/secondary coil, when the frequency of change of magnetic induction/magnetic intensity and their vectors is changed. You have accelerated this process yourself.
To understand what kind of system you have, just refer to the evolution of Nikola Tesla's transformer. Wikipedia material: "Tesla coil (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tesla_coil)", History section (slide and description on the right).
Stages of Tesla transformer development circa 1891: (1) closed-core transformers used at low frequencies, (2-7) winding rearrangement to reduce losses, (8) iron core removed, (9) partial core, (10-11) Tesla's final tapered transformer, (12-13) Tesla and Elihu Thomson coil schematics.
You'll see your design right away from early versions of Tesla's core transformer (2, 3, 4, 5). The variable electromagnet of the transformer primary winding is a load element connected to an alternating voltage source. The applied voltage is an alternating voltage
∆U, and as a result of its change, the current
I1 in the primary winding excitation circuit changes:
I1 =
∆U / R. Further, this alternating current forms the magnetic tension of the winding, which accelerates the magnetic induction/magnetic flux in the iron core [ Magnetization of steel. Magnetic permeability (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/06/magnetization-of-steel-magnetic.html) ]. Mutual induction works in a transformer, where capacitive intercurrent electrical coupling dominates, The transformer does not generate secondary winding EMF through electromagnetic induction. Why I say that, you can read my material "HOW A TRANSFORMER WORKS (MUTUAL INDUCTION) (http://ua-hho.do.am/index/transformer/0-44)"
You change the condition to vary the magnetic force H, of the field winding, by switching additional windings on and off, from a constant voltage source. Thus the applied voltage to the field winding(s) is constant, and the total current varies, which forms the change in magnetic induction in the core.
This design is not observed in Figuer, it is your design and solution. What remains is a design with a clear conversion ratio and the ability to operate in standalone mode.
Figuer traces a different principle of excitation of the primary winding, of static construction.
The electromagnet of the "alternating" excitation, static generator, must always be connected to a source of constant voltage
+U. The voltage applied to the terminals of the electromagnet must be constant, without disconnecting the electromagnet from the source. The variable element of the condition of change of current
I1 must be the resistance
I1 = U /
∆R.This condition is fulfilled in Figueras through a system of resistive controller and a pair of coils in one magnetic circuit, in Koreans the current is changed through resistance control with semiconductor keys.
You may not have expected this response, but I always state the point that can be logically understood.
I am asked how the design from the video where the self-propulsion with battery charging is demonstrated. All I can say is that the author's magnetic rotor is clearly a four-pole rotor. This can be seen in the way of winding the stator elements. How should the switching algorithm work? I have completed in my blog article. The same as it should be realised in the Holcomb Energy System with the difference that Holcomb has developed a power electronics system for this purpose.
Hello Rakarskiy,
Absolutely it was NOT the answer that I expected!!
You COMPLICATED everything in your answer, went all the way back to the Faraday Homopolar Generator, and Tesla Coil, which has absolutely NOTHING to do with what I have posted previously.
No, Tesla Coil "Evolution" has absolutely nothing to do with what I am working on NOW!!
The Tesla "Evolution" you have shown is nothing more than Open Transformers with TAPS...You know that we can add as many TAPS to a winding on a Transformer?
Figuera Patent 1908 ONLY!!...Do NOT keep citing OTHER FIGUERA PATENTS, that has NOTHING to do with the 1908!!
Figuera only diagram on 1908 is a very BASIC design for BASIC UNDERSTANDING ONLY!!
Now you are trying to say, that what I am developing IS NOT Figuera?
Plus You are saying that "Tesla Coil Evolution" (fig: 2,3,4,5) is "exactly" what I am working now??!! (" You'll see your design right away from early versions of Tesla's core transformer (2, 3, 4, 5))
What I see is that simply, you can not give or have a clear answer nor explanation for what I am developing/working at present time...so, the "typical reaction" is to try and find any "similarities" around...and automatically "attach" all in one package...
Plus, related to ROTARY GENERATORS...No matter what you say or wrote before...
The only part of the wire that gets an Induction from a Rotary Field are the VERTICAL WIRES inside groove, in each loop of ANY Rotary Generator out there.
All Rotary Generators have the "excess" Horizontal wires on Loop, BENT backwards, completely AWAY from Field Rotation and Interactions.
Hi Ufo,
I agree with all your comments about Rakarskiy's post. I have built several Tesla coils and am also a licensed Ham Radio operator with an Advanced class license. So I have quite a bit of experience with RF circuits. The Tesla Coil is an RF circuit. It has nothing at all to do with what you are doing.
I am a little confused by this statement though "he only part of the wire that gets an Induction from a Rotary Field are the VERTICAL WIRES inside groove, in each loop of ANY Rotary Generator out there.
All Rotary Generators have the "excess" Horizontal wires on Loop, BENT backwards, completely AWAY from Field Rotation and Interactions."
When you have some extra time could you please explain what you mean by this?
I am confused about this because all motors and generators I have worked on have the wires going one way on one side of the field and the other way on the other side so as to be induced by both poles. What am I missing?
As a side note my son gave me a nice 3D printer for Christmas so that should make building a good Part G much easier.
Take care,
Здравствуй, НЛОполитика!
Вы, наверное, не поняли моего ответа (или мы не поняли друг друга)
Есть структура магнитной системы преобразователя: замкнутый кольцевой сердечник и стержневой сердечник (то, что я видел у вас, это стержневой сердечник не замкнутый), т.е. как в трансформаторах Тесла, согласно позициям на слайде со страницы Википедии. Давайте рассмотрим все способы первичной и вторичной цепей на магнитопроводящем стержневом сердечнике из моего пояснения.
а) Трансформатор Тесла работает на взаимной индукции, у него не может быть генерации, чтобы сделать генерацию необходимо избавиться от явления межвитковой взаимной индукции.
б) Фигера в патенте 1902 года просто описал магнитную систему, но не раскрыл способ возбуждения, хотя и указал пару электромагнитов. После его смерти в опубликованном патенте 1908 года была раскрыта как раз система возбуждения с применением резистивного регулятора, который попеременно и плавно изменяет ток в катушках и направление магнитной индукции, не отключая катушки от источника постоянного тока. На рисунке показана упрощенная схема коммутации модуля катушки. Таким образом, Фигера избавился от явления взаимной индукции и получил электромагнитную индукцию в обмотке коллектора. Его пара электромагнитов не имеет отключения от источника постоянного тока, изменяется только сопротивление в цепи катушки;
в) Ваш вариант (упрощенный на рисунке) тоже имеет решение, но он отличается от фигера, у вас есть система катушек возбуждения, которые через аналоговый коммутатор производят замыкание и размыкание катушек по определенному алгоритму, формируя направление и плотность магнитной индукции в сердечнике. Ваш вариант сильно отличается от фигера, но преследует ту же цель избавиться от явления взаимной индукции и получить изменение плотности и направления магнитной индукции в сердечнике.
Этот способ возбуждения поля, без явления взаимной индукции, чисто ваш, вы его изложили на всеобщее обозрение.
Quote from: citfta on Jan 04, 2024, 02:13 PMHi Ufo,
I agree with all your comments about Rakarskiy's post. I have built several Tesla coils and am also a licensed Ham Radio operator with an Advanced class license. So I have quite a bit of experience with RF circuits. The Tesla Coil is an RF circuit. It has nothing at all to do with what you are doing.
I am a little confused by this statement though "the only part of the wire that gets an Induction from a Rotary Field are the VERTICAL WIRES inside groove, in each loop of ANY Rotary Generator out there.
All Rotary Generators have the "excess" Horizontal wires on Loop, BENT backwards, completely AWAY from Field Rotation and Interactions."
When you have some extra time could you please explain what you mean by this?
I am confused about this because all motors and generators I have worked on have the wires going one way on one side of the field and the other way on the other side so as to be induced by both poles. What am I missing?
As a side note my son gave me a nice 3D printer for Christmas so that should make building a good Part G much easier.
Take care,
Hello Citfta,
What I am referring to is the "Basic Physics 101" about lines of force and cutting the wires...now, "vertical, or Horizontal" is always relative to the point of view we look at.
The point is clear and precise,
all wires that are "Tangential" or Parallel to lines of force will NOT get induced. Simply, because lines of force will flow without "cutting" a straight wire, but flowing along.
The way that Induction takes place in wire, is
whenever Wire is at 90º related to Field Lines or B Field Vector of Force, Induction will occur.
Now, if we move this general concept into a typical single phase generator, where stator have all the "Induced Wires" in several overlapped loops, I am referring that only wires INSIDE the Steel Stator Groove, will get full induction, while all other part of loop, which is above and below the groove lines, will not receive any induction at all, they will just transfer the induced force through the whole loop...because they are simply Parallel to lines of force, not perpendicular like the ones on the groove are.
Hope you understand this part.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Jan 04, 2024, 03:19 PM(http://ua-hho.do.am/_ph/1/69682439.jpg)
That way that You have "Interpreted" Figuera above...is the same way we were doing it for the last 115 years...and guess what?...
IT DOES NOT WORK!!R can not be "plain and simple resistors" I have tried that!!...NO, it DOES NOT WORK!!
I have tried with "Part G Toroid...IT DOES NOT WORK!!
All it was, is a MISSINTERPRETATION of Figuera Patent!!
Okay! Got it. The vertical and horizontal part is what had me confused. But I agree only the wires that are 90 degrees to the moving or changing field will be induced.
Quote from: citfta on Jan 04, 2024, 03:39 PMOkay! Got it. The vertical and horizontal part is what had me confused. But I agree only the wires that are 90 degrees to the moving or changing field will be induced.
Ok, great Citfta!!
Now, move into the Figuera Method I am showing...compare displacement of Magnetic Field(s), Vectors, lines of force, etc.. from the point of view of the Induced wires loop...
Then draw your own conclusions...related to which wires of the induced loop, would not get induced by this change-movement of fields?
...if there are any at all?
An acquaintance of mine found something in a previous Korean patent.
Below is an excerpt from patent KR10-1913746 B1:
[0049] Figures 4A and 4B are schematic illustrations of the operation principle of the output unit 130 of a frequency and voltage controlled alternator according to one embodiment of the present invention.
[0050] As shown in Fig. 4a, a direct current from the direct current source 110 is supplied to the first field winding 134 (forward excitation coil) via the IGBT IC PM (not shown), while no current is supplied to the second field winding 135 (reverse excitation coil), and N, S poles are formed on the magnetic pole 133. When current is applied to the second excitation winding 135 (reverse excitation coil) via the IGBT IC PM (not shown), no current is applied to the first excitation winding 134 (forward excitation coil) of the first winding, and poles S, N are formed on the magnetic pole 133.
[0051] Thus, the magnetic field N, S and the magnetic field S, N are applied to the magnetic pole 133 through the first excitation winding 134 and the second excitation winding 135, forming an alternating magnetic field in the armature winding 136, ultimately generating an alternating voltage EMF therein.
[0052] When current is applied to the first field winding 134 (forward winding) or the second field winding 135 (reverse winding), the windings in the other direction have already generated an electromotive force. The armature winding already has electromotive force, so the power output of unit 130 increases while the current from unit 110 remains the same
[0053] Fig. 4b shows: the IPPT power (of block110) is applied to the first winding 134 for a first quarter (T) of the cycle time and then switched off. The IPPT power 110 is then applied to the second field winding 135 for the second half (T) to three quarters (T) of the cycle time and then disconnected.
It can be seen that single-phase AC power is ultimately delivered through the armature winding 136. The power factor in Fig. 4b is illustrative and can, of course, be changed to a suitable power factor.
P.S. Fig. 4a and Fig. 4b are taken from a PDF document in Korean and checked with the corresponding figures from this patent in two other languages - English and Chinese - as well as the text of the patent as a whole
I have been using this four-stroke system for a long time, but I have never had more than a KOP-1.4.
Definitely the same four-stroke system that Alec used in his transformer US9620280B2 - Energy management system - Google Patents (https://patents.google.com/patent/US9620280B2/en)
Good day friends!
A bit about interesting comparisons;
Excerpt from the book "New Sources of Energy" (https://litlife.club/books/209072/read?page=35) by Alexander Frolov (inventor of Ф-machine, Ф-transformer), about Andrey Melnichenko's generator design:
QuoteIn 2010-2011 we discussed with him the successful tests of his generators organised at the Moscow Technical University. At this stage, efficiencies of 150-200 % have been obtained, allowing the design of "advanced" battery-powered uninterruptible power supplies that do not require recharging from the mains. One of Melnichenko's schemes is shown in Fig. 104.
Fig. 104.
One of the schemes of the Melnichenko generator. Frequency adjustment or coil core adjustment is required. In general, it is the usual resonant mutual induction. However, the flux-coupling in this case is weak, so the effect of the induced current field of the second electromagnet on the primary source is negligible. The primary source creates the changing field, and the secondary source converts the field energy fluctuations. It can be said that the second electromagnet is more similar to a detector circuit or a "resonant receiver of ether oscillations" than to the secondary circuit of a transformer.
The essence of this effect is that if you put next to an "open electromagnet" (whose core is not closed, for example, a rod or a bar of ferrite) another "open electromagnet", an electromotive force is induced in the winding of the second electromagnet, and some power can be extracted.
If you draw my scheme of the inverse converter (link (http://ua-hho.do.am/index/transformer/0-44)) with two windings of the transformer, the principle of operation of the secondary circuit EMF is identical. The question is that the smoothness of reduction of magnetic induction in the core(s) Andrew solved with an additional resistance Lamp X1. In my variant RC chain was used to minimise the reverse current in the primary circuit of the circuit and to increase the self-induction EMF in the window of the transformer with the secondary winding. The self induction EMF which started the process of operating the secondary circuit inductor from the maximum EMF value.
This point, I was led to realise what to look for in the Figueras system, is when a smooth pulse of increasing current in the circuit, without changing the applied voltage to the control coil and a simultaneous procedure of generating generator type EMF in the secondary circuit. ;
In my scheme and Melnichenko's, the Flyback converter (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flyback_converter) system, which has TWO TACTS, is the working one. If we make a four-stroke system and somehow organise the control of the secondary circuit to avoid mutual induction for four cycles, it is quite possible to assume that the Korean generator works on forming the self-induction EMF of the primary circuit to add to the EMF of the generating circuit;
The principle of addition of EMF generation and self-induction I suggested and described in my paper "electric field energy source (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/11/blog-post.html)"
QuoteTaking into account the electric field illumination of the first winding, the formula will be as follows:
I = ((Ew2 +(k*Ew1) - U) / (Rz + r)
In blue is the very addition, Ew1 with a coefficient k, which is still unclear how to calculate this electric field of the inverse EMF of the primary winding w1, which is increased due to the presence of a resistor R(10K) and a diode, or damper C;R in the shunt circuit. It is at the moment when the voltage is present in the primary winding circuit that the secondary circuit has a current pulse and a large EMF with respect to the source (ballast capacitor) into which the charge pulse goes. Provided that there is also a change (decrease) in inductance (reduction of secondary winding reactance), at the moment of rotor/stator tooth opening, the reverse pulse should be even more powerful.
Lorentz - Transverse Flux
Hi Rakarskiy,
Please forgive the intrusion here but I need your, or anyone's, "expert Technical" help
(technical amplifications. opinions, references, etc.).
With respect to the EE_TFG it appears the Lorentz Force Law is the only one that might
reasonably apply when explaining the operation of the Transverse Flux generator;
both in the permanent magnet generators (TFPM) and the proposed Electromagnet
(EE_TFG) devies [magnetic field applied at right angle to the coil which creates
current in the coil].
There seems to be very little technical information available regarding a "fixed in place"
wire (a.k.a. Loop Coil). Several simplified references can be found here:
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/magfor.html#c2 (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/magfor.html#c2) [general]
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/magint.html#c1 (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/magint.html#c1) [stationary wire]
http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/forwir2.html#c1 (http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/forwir2.html#c1) [calculation]
Now, set the sin theta to 90 degrees (at least thats the angle that the TFG Poles seem
to be at when presented to the Loop Coil); BUT the numbers from the on-line
calculator have me quite confused (especially the "Force" without the "v" component).
Was hoping you might be able to provide some insight or another prospective...
Thanks and Regards,
Attached: Magnetic Forces On Moving Charges
Magnetic Forces On Moving Charges Fixed Wire
Might be better to move this over to the EE_TFG thread but wanted to get your attention.
Greetings, solarlab!
All known systems of EMF calculation cannot be applied to the Korean generator, especially with the crossing of magnetic lines of the conductor (armature / collector)
The value of magnetic induction there is negligible in any variants. Unfortunately it cannot be solved so easily and Faraday's Law or Bio-Savar's Law cannot be applied there.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Jan 17, 2024, 01:17 AMGreetings, solarlab!
All known systems of EMF calculation cannot be applied to the Korean generator, especially with the crossing of magnetic lines of the conductor (armature / collector)
The value of magnetic induction there is negligible in any variants. Unfortunately it cannot be solved so easily and Faraday's Law or Bio-Savar's Law cannot be applied there.
OK, thanks - actually I was asking a more general question regarding Transverse Flux and the Lorentz Force Law
as applied to the "Electronic Electromagnet Transverse Flux Generator (EE_TFG)" I'm developing.
Anyway, after viewing this fellows video, I gathered a lot of insight that appears to have answered most of my inquiries.
Induced Current In A Wire_Physics - Sal at Kahn Academy (
these Kahn guys seem to 'run' with Lorentz more than with Faraday):
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuUMUvwvML8 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuUMUvwvML8)
Sorry for the intrusion here. When I get some free time I'll have a look at the Korean device - seems interesting.
Why the voltage drops under load in the electromagnetic generator circuit
Recently I had an argument with an adherent of the inviolability of orthodox physics, its branch of electrodynamics. For this reason, I put together in a logical chain my various publications and the idea to prove the absurdity of statements about the impossibility of creating a power plant where the drive will be a low-power electric motor. This work has distracted me from other tasks that I consider more important. What I stated in the publication is not news to me for a long time. This may be news to you.
I warn you, this is my understanding of electrodynamics (and is far from complete). I have no desire to convince anyone or start fights and discussions.
In the material I presented everything very clearly with examples. I tried to present this as simply as possible. If you claim the method of presentation according to the method: "tell me everything in a simpler way so that I understand, because I have no time to think," then do not bother familiarizing yourself with my works. I wish you all a pleasant and informative reading.
You can download it for free from the link: ELECTRODYNAMICS OVER UNITS * DC MOTOR AND GENERATOR - Мои файлы - Каталог файлов - Free Energy Ukraine (do.am) (https://ua-hho.do.am/load/electrodynamics_over_units_dc_motor_and_generator/1-1-0-73)
ELECTRODYNAMICS OVER UNITY * DC MOTOR AND GENERATOR eBook, 2024, PDF, 46 pages, English language, Free,
I have archives with excel files in my storage, the system recognises as unverified software.
I have uploaded an additional English version to my channel (appended to the post):
Good day, friends! There is such a class of electrical devices as Switched Reluctance Motors / Generators [Parametri (https://1-ua--hho-do-am.translate.goog/blog/parametric_pulsed_generator/2024-05-25-4?_x_tr_enc=1&_x_tr_sl=uk&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp)c Pulse Generator]. The first patent was issued to U.Kh. Taylor in 1838 in the USA. The simplest example of a parametric pulse mechanical machine was proposed by Peter Lindemann (USA). The generation of OverUnity is based on the parametric feature of changing the inductance parameter of the coil.
Wise Eye OverUnity: Parametric Pulsed Generator / Switched Reluctance Generators (rakatskiy.blogspot.com) (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2024/05/parametric-pulsed-generator-switched.html)
Magnetic generator from Bolivia.
Magnetrone – Energía libre y limpia (https://magnetrone.com/)
QuoteClean and Safe Energy [color=var(--input-txt-color)]25 Years of Fuel-Free Autonomy[/color]
Our generators are a clean and sustainable source of energy that does not consume fuel. They are powered by state-of-the-art magnetic technology, providing an innovative solution for your energy needs.
@ All,
After three days of intensive communication finnaly I found out at least the name of a person in charge of this MagneTrone unit.
His name is José Carlos Medina.
Well Mr. Medina can not disclose any details of this unit ofcourse this is Top Secret.
The 5 kW Version is not available now. Instead he is offering me the 10 kW Version for around US $ 4.000,00 As a private person You can not purchase you have to wait until there is a distributor in your country. Well I have been qualified for the dealership since I have a Company with a valid Registration and VAT Number in Holland he confirms that I am legitimate. Next step is to place an written order and make a Bank transfer to a Bankaccount in Colombia. I have asking for a Proforma Invoice with the MagneTrone Company details
Continue message:
Mr. Medina can NOT give me Company details of MagneTrone only that production is in Colombia before he receives the Payment in full.
Asking for product Certification details he told me that this device is UL and CE Certified and the are selling this to USA and Europe on regular basis.
Asking for user reference is not possible also Top Secret.
Asking for a model/type for 230VAC 50Hz this is possible.
Continue message:
To me this device looks like a Chinese petrol/gasoline Inverter Generator of 10 kW and 60 Hz.
Reading the website I noticed production is in Germany. Visiting the factory is also not possible.
My opinion at this date: this is
I try to upload the Banking details:
Greetings, Alex
Continu message:
Please note, there's a Legitimate Magnetron SA Company in Medellin Colombia this is a 45 year's old company but they never heard of the MagneTrone Generator.
Continued message:
On the website of MagneTrone it's written that payment is possible by PayPal and also CC.
Fact is that Mr. Medina insisted on prepayment by Bank transfere.
So NO other payment is accepted.
Well this sounds fishy to me.
I have also asked for confirmation of my legal status as distributor having qualified for dealership he will only do that after receipt of Banktransfere. Snake oil business
Hello Kampen,
I agree 100%, it is a SCAM.
Normally an Enterprise of this magnitude would have no problems to show the Basic Blue Prints, Internal Circuitry, etc.
If it is based in Germany it should have an European Patent...
It is based on Permanent Magnets Rotation...as it specifies on its Spec's.
And we all know, to achieve this, we need a "prime mover"...
Unless they have a PM Motor within, which I highly doubt...
Hello Kampen,
On another note...the Bank Account is on the name of an Individual (a woman)
Her name is "Mayerlis Esmith Garces"...
It should be on the name of Company, Corporation, etc,etc...
Definitely it sounds like a Scam, it looks like as a Scam...
Like there is a saying about a "duck"...it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, sounds like a duck...LOL
So, please, do NOT get your money wasted on this!!
Friends sent me this information so that I could explain the capabilities of such a device. I posted this video as interesting information. Unfortunately, the device that is being demonstrated (three phases) with the ability to connect both three phases and one phase and... requires a very good inverter with sufficient cooling, plus a source for the controller to operate. Judging by the controllers on the market, this is the volume of the product, which will take up almost half of the presented design. The second source is a magnetic generator? Which? All videos are staged. I personally cannot confirm anything even by external signs.
Legal side. There must be a certificate of compliance with the declared capabilities, a certificate of a system of security measures, etc. There is no address, no office, etc. Unfortunately, the offer can be stated as an unfair seller towards the buyer. (the fact of fraud can only be determined by the relevant authorities).
The only thing that should set us apart from others is honesty.
Here is an interesting video that clearly shows the operation of a device that is ignored by orthodox physics.
Unfortunately, the experiment is not completed, since if the excitation is started with the internal core inserted, it is necessary to find out whether the EMF will be excited in the secondary circuit.
Экран для магнитного поля - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNR7b4F_rZI)
Quote from: rakarskiy on Jun 09, 2024, 01:35 PMЭкран для магнитного поля - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNR7b4F_rZI)
"The only thing that should set us apart from others is honesty..."
You know, these type of videos is what open doors for skeptics to start criticizing any possibility of Ou, ever, (and with great reason)
Why IF the video would be REAL, the guy does NOT take the whole setup apart in front of the camera at the end of video?
And show the viewers a COMPLETELY HOLLOW Steel Cylinder?Why He does not show where the cables that wrap around Toroid are connected to?
I can do that "video experiment" on right now, (maybe much better, cause I will add some music and FX...) all I need are Four (4), 3V lithium batteries for a small watch (eg: #1202) and soldered to two cables add some silicon and stack them inside the very CENTER of Cylinder...and vualá...The 12V Bulb is lit!!...
These type of videos are just trying to gain views...to PROFIT from them...based on DESTROYING CREDIBILITY OF REAL ONES!!
You can translate my comment in Russian and post it on his Channel.
Hello, Ufopolitics!
An interesting experiment, isn't it! I haven't been able to check it yet because I haven't found any suitable kernels. Let's start with the author of the video, who has nothing to do with the YouTube clowns who collect views on video illusions. The fact that he cannot explain the essence of the processes occurring (due to misunderstanding) does not make the experiment a fake. Personally, everything is clear to me like clockwork. Why did I pay attention? How can I explain this?
a) starting is carried out from a high-frequency alternating current source, when the second core is located in the secondary winding circuit, outside the transformer core. In the primary circuit and core, all magnetic fluxes are excited according to the right-hand rule. In the secondary circuit, the current and magnetic flux of the secondary winding oppose the magnetic flux of the core and the electrical excitation circuit. But in the second core, the magnetic flux will coincide with the magnetic flux of the secondary circuit wire.
b) when the second core moves into the inner part of the first core, all directions of magnetic fluxes are preserved with the only difference that there should not be technically complete mutual induction between the primary and secondary circuits. There is an assumption that after moving, the magnetic flux of the main core enters the magnetic grid, and the magnetic flux in the secondary core is already excited by the primary one. Thus, the magnetic flux of the secondary core already acts on the wire of the secondary winding according to all the rules of electromagnetic Faraday induction.
Just for information about Stefan's resource:
QuoteI've now created a new Telegram group called overunitydotcom where we can continue discussing Free Energy Research. We're using Telegram now because it's much easier to manage from a hosting perspective. All of the old files are still available and we will make them available again at a later date.
Join us on Telegram to continue the conversation! Many thanks, regards, Stefan (Admin)
Telegram: Contact @overunitydotcom (https://t.me/overunitydotcom)
Good afternoon friends.
Recently I came across this document The Unidirectional Transformer (UDT) (https://ua-hho.do.am/_ld/0/77_UDT_fulcrum.pdf) by Paul Raymond Jensen (1993)
QuoteI built a transformer that delivers more power to the load than is required from its primary source.
I called this device a unidirectional transformer (UDT) because the magnetic response of the load current does not affect the magnetic action of the primary circuit.
A UDT consists of a parallel LC resonant primary winding, a split secondary winding, a gap magnetic core, and a 'feedback winding'. Virtually the only input power required is that used to magnetise the core.
The magnetic core I used was made from a small 60 Hz industrial power transformer made of alternating E and I plates of silicon steel. I disassembled the core, separated the E and I, and made one stacked E-core and one stacked I-core from the plates. Then I filed down the centre knife of the E core by about 15 mils (0.381 mm) so that there was a gap between the core of the combined E-I transformer. As a result, the µ of the core at 60 Hz was about 100.
The primary winding is wound on the central core rod. Two secondary windings are wound on the two outer arms of the core and connected in series. Both secondary windings have the same number of turns. The 'feedback winding' is wound on the primary winding on the central core and connected in series with the secondary winding.
The action of the UDT's free energy is directly derived from the laws of magnetic circuits.
I have chosen and developed the UDT on my own, without any knowledge of other free energy devices, if any, that use the basic principles of the UDT.
Feel free to use this information as you see fit. However, I hope that no one will try to patent and control this type of transformer. The time on planet Earth is 15 minutes to midnight; there is no time to waste. Free energy technology is not meant to be controlled by vainglorious and greedy parasites who want to use a gift from God to exploit their fellow human beings. Free energy technology represents a spiritual transition of the human race. Free energy is not meant to be owned, period!
Having received a more detailed diagram and studied it, it became obvious to me that my theory of transformer operation completely coincides with the mechanism of this device.
The principle is simple: a flyback converter. The feedback winding serves as a locking element for mutual induction during excitation. After switching to self-induction (reactive part of the half-period) of the primary winding, energy is generated in the primary and feedback windings, i.e. the currents no longer lock each other.
At the moment, my time is limited, due to the destruction of 6 GW of manoeuvring capacities in Ukraine by 'Russian cannibals - the new fascists of the 21st century, I know what I'm talking about', electricity is supplied to my house according to the formula: (3 hours on / 6 hours off) because when I have electricity, I have more important things to do related to survival.
I hope the material will be useful to you.
Peace and good wishes to all.
Another interesting patent: https://patents.google.com/patent/CA2594905A1/en
An interesting arrangement, again the device's work is divided into two measures: Excitation and Self-induction. If we take into account the author's drawings, the excitation register works like a conventional transformer (the first coil of the secondary circuit works on mutual induction in the first window of the first core). The second core, according to the author's drawings, should induce a field with a second secondary coil that should be connected to the first in series and have enough turns to excite the field that should be composed in the middle core. This coil will act as a load in the secondary circuit. When you somehow switch to the self-induction register, a miracle must happen so that the field in the first core is destroyed, and in the second core, it is switched in the opposite direction, which will lead to generation in the secondary circuit. This can only happen if it is true that self-induction is the conversion of the current around a conductor into an emf in my topology of electrodynamics (https://docs-google-com.translate.goog/document/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQZ7qFrKeSdOntGf0NLNHnDRDxWkzRbs58ypjWrPluLqeaE8yt_CEcVxPokSyi4NQ/pub?_x_tr_sl=auto&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp):
curl E = - dBi / dt
If you think I am wrong in questioning that back EMF cannot induce a field, you are wrong.
I have gone over all the parameters of the operation of the system from excitation. Compared all directions of electric currents and magnetic currents. Read the drawing that the author included in his patent. There are rules for the flow of magnetic currents in the core, they will never flow counter to each other in the same core. Except that vortex currents can be formed (small Anapoli or as they are called Foucault currents). That is why I allowed the only logical reading of the drawing and the principle of operation. To get more it is necessary to excite a larger field in the core by a smaller one and at the return stroke (self-induction register) to generate a larger EMF from the magnetic fields in the system while moving to the zero hysteresis mark.
Perhaps the field movement will cross the zero mark and turn in the opposite direction. This question just needs to be checked.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Jul 18, 2024, 06:02 AMGood afternoon friends.
Recently I came across this document The Unidirectional Transformer (UDT) (https://ua-hho.do.am/_ld/0/77_UDT_fulcrum.pdf) by Paul Raymond Jensen (1993)
Having received a more detailed diagram and studied it, it became obvious to me that my theory of transformer operation completely coincides with the mechanism of this device.
The principle is simple: a flyback converter. The feedback winding serves as a locking element for mutual induction during excitation. After switching to self-induction (reactive part of the half-period) of the primary winding, energy is generated in the primary and feedback windings, i.e. the currents no longer lock each other.
Such topology coincides completely with Alexandrov's resonant transformer (I even assume that Alexandrov was familiar with this design, just implemented it)
I apologise Transformer by Alexander Andreev.
«Резонансный трансформатор» - Мастер-класс Александра Андреева - 20.03.2014 (youtube.com) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snqgHaTaXVw)
Another device I've known about for 10 years. I know it works and a guy made it. He had a problem with transistors, which he solved.
Richard WILLIS -- Magnacoaster -- magnetic electrical generator -- articles & patent (rexresearch.com) (http://www.rexresearch.com/willis/willis.htm)
The two photos on the right are screenshots from the replication videos of this device.
БТГ твердотел - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06w8hCdvrNY) Amateurs Systems Free Energy (ASFE) - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=phHrRWe1KhE&t=3s)
I completely forgot about this concept, I was reminded of it by this video:
Read the overunity thread on the Magnacoster.
And you'll never get to see one working...
https://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=6267.0 (https://www.overunity.com/index.php?topic=6267.0)
It's a scam, it cannot and does not work, in the con business you would be referred to as a "dupe"
I don't know all the adventures of the Canadian, but the guy I corresponded with 10-11 years ago was definitely not a scammer. He was even willing to tell me the specifics of his device, but I can't tell you what happened. The only thing is that he lost all desire to share, saying that his daughter's life was more important to him. The guy did rely on the Canadian's patent for his design and got enough power to restore the charge in the batteries to power the inverter that powered his workshop. We're not talking sky-high kilowatts. There are a lot of dishonest people in the world. For example, the PERENDEV project, where the organiser stole the idea of a magnetic motor from a South African inventor. As a result, the swindler got a small demo copy and created a pyramid scheme. The question is not about the efficiency of the idea, but how fraudsters use it. I am not interested in how they want to make money on it, I am interested in how it works.
Today I had a dialogue with my fellow countryman. He expressed his desire to try to make a Figuer generator on a resistive controller.
I gave him some recommendations and explained how the generator should work.
I made corrections to his drawing. And explained why his original design would not work.
I suggested adding a permanent magnet winding (magnetic flux excitation) to the middle core, which does not change its strength. The control coils will switch the flux synchronously in turn to the two sides. The generator will have two separate phases. (I'll even say more, the Figuer had two phases too, I've already established that for sure).
Control will do on the STM32 chip, how to calculate the resistors of the controller he also told him.
If the guy shares any information, I'll keep you posted.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Jul 29, 2024, 02:39 PMToday I had a dialogue with my fellow countryman. He expressed his desire to try to make a Figuer generator on a resistive controller.
I gave him some recommendations and explained how the generator should work.
I made corrections to his drawing. And explained why his original design would not work.
I suggested adding a permanent magnet winding (magnetic flux excitation) to the middle core, which does not change its strength. The control coils will switch the flux synchronously in turn to the two sides. The generator will have two separate phases. (I'll even say more, the Figuer had two phases too, I've already established that for sure).
Control will do on the STM32 chip, how to calculate the resistors of the controller he also told him.
If the guy shares any information, I'll keep you posted.
@rakarskiy Are you going to also... start to post here nonsense?
First, it is Figuera, NOT Figuer...
And basically, Figuera was NOT about a SINGLE PULSE, but about a SEQUENCE of Pulses.
Finally, Figuera NEVER have mentioned ANY PERMANENT MAGNETS on ANY of his Patents!!
Hello, UFOpolitics!
Why not, if the guy intends to test it in practice. With 90% of the electronics he already has. The switching frequency is from 1 to 999 hertz.
The guy is not new to electronics and has his mindset.
I just gave him a hint and recommendations based on my study of Figuera patents (https://rakatskiy-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2022/12/1902.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp).
I have not yet published my latest findings on a possible Figuera design, if the guy succeeds, it will be very good - if not, this version will be false.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Jul 29, 2024, 11:37 PMHello, UFOpolitics!
Why not, if the guy intends to test it in practice. With 90% of the electronics he already has. The switching frequency is from 1 to 999 hertz.
The guy is not new to electronics and has his mindset.
I just gave him a hint and recommendations based on my study of Figuera patents (https://rakatskiy-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2022/12/1902.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp).
I have not yet published my latest findings on a possible Figuera design, if the guy succeeds, it will be very good - if not, this version will be false.
Hello Rakarskiy,
In ANY other Forum site related to Figuera Development, your comment would be perfectly accepted.
But, your comment -on this site- is simply going back to the Dark Ages of Figuera that NEVER WORKED, based on resistors as drivers, wasting in heat huge amounts of energy, and not contributing -at all- to the Induction gain process.
You are also now 'assuming' that Figuera is a Two-Phase Generator, and with absolutely no proof you are assuring that?
I have spent thousands of hours on Figuera Development, and the BEST APPROACH I have already shown it on Videos, Diagrams, Tests, back and forth...
I have proven that Figuera WAS NOT BASED ON RESISTORS, but on
COILS INDUCTANCE-RESISTANCE CONTROL that would expand and retract Field to generate an Induction on Secondaries.
And finally you are NOW also "adding a magnet" to Figuera??!!
Permanent Magnets ANCHOR SPATIALLY the Displacement of ANY Moving Magnetic Field generated based on Electromagnetic Sequential Interactions.
But, whatever, it is your friend wasting his time on this "GUESSING" TEST, only based on assumptions and an old proven NOT TO WORK METHOD (OF RESISTORS) that HAVE BEEN TESTED UNSUCCESSFULLY BEFORE I OPENED MY FIGUERA DISCLOSURE.
UFO politics, hello!
I think it's better to have several options. Therefore, it is easier to wait until one of the options is tested for a YES/NO result. I'm working with a search engine and already have a problem, it's the manufacture of the core, it won't work to recycle ordinary transformers. This idea is not cheap. Yesterday, I suggested that he make control resistors instead of resistors, adjusting the transmittance through the transistor (as in an electronic labarator with variable power).
A very interesting patent for an 1883 Dynamo (Budapest, Austro-Hungarian Empire).
I just decided to dig a little deeper into what was known about the technical solutions of electric dynamos at the time of Engineer Figueras.
US284110A - Hungaey - Google Patents (https://patents.google.com/patent/US284110)
The cardinal solution to the problem appeared after the discovery of the self-excitation effect of generators, called by Siemens the dynamo-electric principle, or DYNAMO. The idea of self-excitation is that the initial excitation flux at machine start-up is created by the residual magnetisation of the magnetic core, where the generator voltage is removed from the armature winding, and the machine is excited either by an excitation winding connected in series with the load Rn, or by an excitation winding connected in parallel to the armature through an adjustment resistor (so-called shunt excitation). The excitation flux is further increased by positive feedback from the generated current.
Practically, the idea of self-excitation was not realised until ten years later at the same time by several inventors. In a patent application in December 1866, Samuel Alfred Varley, an engineer of the English Telegraph Company and a pupil of Faraday, proposed a scheme of a generator similar to Jacobi's generator, in which, however, the excitation winding replaced permanent magnets. The scheme of the generator is shown in Fig. 6, where: 1 - excitation electromagnets, 2 - armature, 3 - commutator, 4 - additive adjusting resistor. Before start-up, the excitation cores were magnetised with direct current.
One need only look at the design of the 1866 dynamo to draw a parallel between it and Figueras' modified generator excitation system.
I was prompted to find out what designs of dynamos of that time could have been based, under the engineer Clementе Figueras. As you can see, they are quite interesting.
But if you take and put the armature winding on the load and connect the excitation according to the Clemente Figueras system, you can get a transformer, especially since there were such episodes at the time. https://patents.google.com/patent/US498603A/en
I also do a lot of research, unfortunately the phenomenon of mutual induction very much dominates when changing the magnetic flux of the field winding to the secondary wire side by side. Hopefully for UFOpolitician, his method of cascading the coils will lead to generation rather than self induction. (in my experiments I did not get generator-type EMF in the secondary winding, but only self-induction, which varied with frequency, but it is also natural).
Quote from: rakarskiy on Aug 02, 2024, 02:52 AMBut if you take and put the armature winding on the load and connect the excitation according to the Clemente Figueras system, you can get a transformer, especially since there were such episodes at the time. https://patents.google.com/patent/US498603A/en
I also do a lot of research, unfortunately the phenomenon of mutual induction very much dominates when changing the magnetic flux of the field winding to the secondary wire side by side. Hopefully for UFOpolitician, his method of cascading the coils will lead to generation rather than self induction. (in my experiments I did not get generator-type EMF in the secondary winding, but only self-induction, which varied with frequency, but it is also natural).
This is very interesting point ! Can you explain what do you mean by generation rather than self induction ?
Classic Everything is very simple at full Faraday induction, the induction currents of excitation and generation must have the same direction and the magnetic fields of excitation and generation must be smoothed in the core.
If we take for example a transformer model and my interpretation of the Figuera (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/12/1902.html), the directions of the generation currents must be smooth with the main magnetic flux of the excitation. ( in a transformer they are opposite).
If the induction process repeats and occurs synchronously with the change of flux in the core - Faraday generationIf induction is only after excitation - self-induction
I am currently studying all aspects of coil operation when the current is changed by changing the resistance in the circuit. The modelling registers self induction throws (red arrow) when the current is reduced. If these spikes are reflected in the secondary winding and are able to generate EMF with subsequent current then this point explains something. The question is how much it affects the operation of the system.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Aug 04, 2024, 04:30 AMI am currently studying all aspects of coil operation when the current is changed by changing the resistance in the circuit. The modelling registers self induction throws (red arrow) when the current is reduced. If these spikes are reflected in the secondary winding and are able to generate EMF with subsequent current then this point explains something. The question is how much it affects the operation of the system.
Hello Rakarskiy,
Well you have the WRONG signals above, and that is because you keep insisting on using RESISTIVE ONLY SWITCHING.
That INPUT of "Square Pyramidal" Signals, I got them like EIGHT YEARS AGO, when I was STILL using RESISTORS INSTEAD OF COILS!!
The Light Blue (CH2) and Magenta (CH3) Positive Sines are INPUT SIGNALS, while the Yellow are OUTPUT FULL, CLEAN, AC SINEWAVE.
The Three Probes are ALL SET at the SAME Scale, 5V (look below of image on Channel # Settings).
3- ONLY whenever we LOAD SECONDARIES, THEN we get a Secondary Magnetic Field that OPPOSES to the one generated by INDUCTOR OR EXCITERS (LENZ).
This is SO SIMPLE, that I have NO IDEA WHY, you like to KEEP COMPLICATING THINGS that MUCH!!
Rotating magnetic field:
UFO politician, I respect your belief, but I have completely different evidence for self-induction and induction on excitation. Self-induction (an EMF pulse) is perfectly fine on the secondary coil if the proper conditions are created.
I did an experiment with three separate coils when cascaded into a step-up stage. I was inspired by your results. I only ramped up three identical coils, with all three simultaneously switched off after full excitation. Indeed, the overall excitation current diagram is linear, which can be mistaken for linear excitation of magnetic flux in the core (I have alternating A and B zones). I was hoping to get a generating pulse of EMF in the secondary (generator) winding.
Unfortunately, when the three primary windings were excited, no EMF was induced in the secondary winding at all, and the self-induction pulse from the three coils was projected onto the secondary winding after the excitation was switched off. Everything happens with self-induction exactly as I described earlier.
I may have done something wrong in your version. In my traditional version of the pulse system, there was not even mutual induction between the three primary windings and the generator secondary winding.
That's exactly the results I got. I really hope for the success of your topology, perhaps it is necessary to have an appropriate constant saturation of the core and to have simultaneously two blocks of controlled coils with differently directed current in the winding with respect to the core. It is no coincidence that I wanted to clarify in your variant the directions of the currents in the coils when your system is operating.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Aug 05, 2024, 01:26 AMUFO politician, I respect your belief, but I have completely different evidence for self-induction and induction on excitation. Self-induction (an EMF pulse) is perfectly fine on the secondary coil if the proper conditions are created.
Hello Rakarskiy,
It could be...I am not going to argue with you on that possibility.
And please, do not change my name...it is:
"UFO Politician"... I am not a "Politician"...LOL.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Aug 05, 2024, 01:26 AMI did an experiment with three separate coils when cascaded into a step-up stage. I was inspired by your results. I only ramped up three identical coils, with all three simultaneously switched off after full excitation. Indeed, the overall excitation current diagram is linear, which can be mistaken for linear excitation of magnetic flux in the core (I have alternating A and B zones). I was hoping to get a generating pulse of EMF in the secondary (generator) winding.
This is the wrong approach to what I have shown:
First, three coils are NOT enough, you need more than 3 coils in order to SPATIALLY DISPLACE FIELD over a Spacetime Sequence that would allow a PROGRESSIVE GAIN.
Second, WRONG SEQUENCE OR NO SEQUENCE AT ALL- you can NOT just switch all 3 coils SIMULTANEOUSLY!!...It follows a Pattern, 1 first, then 2, then 3, then go backwards or 3,2,1...
If you pulse them all at once, Field will not move at all from its Start Point of Origen Spatial Volume.
Third- WRONG GEOMETRY-according to your drawing, you have the 3 coils AWAY from Secondary, and Secondary MUST GO UNDERNEATH the RING COILS.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Aug 05, 2024, 01:26 AMUnfortunately, when the three primary windings were excited, no EMF was induced in the secondary winding at all, and the self-induction pulse from the three coils was projected onto the secondary winding after the excitation was switched off. Everything happens with self-induction exactly as I described earlier.
Of course it would be no induction... you had it all wrong!
Quote from: rakarskiy on Aug 05, 2024, 01:26 AMI may have done something wrong in your version. In my traditional version of the pulse system, there was not even mutual induction between the three primary windings and the generator secondary winding.
That's exactly the results I got. I really hope for the success of your topology, perhaps it is necessary to have an appropriate constant saturation of the core and to have simultaneously two blocks of controlled coils with differently directed current in the winding with respect to the core. It is no coincidence that I wanted to clarify in your variant the directions of the currents in the coils when your system is operating.
Of course you had not only one thing wrong, but three...All you had to do, is to build it according to the Geometry, number of coils and Structure setup that I have shown...
You cannot just "accommodate" all components the way you "think" it will "also work", deviating from Original Setup...because it will simply NOT WORK.
Hello Ufopolitics!
I apologize for the mistake in the nickname, I use a translator, and it very often changes names and even sentences.
I heard you! I am waiting for your design, you understand it better.
I continue my own research, including Figueras.
Good day, Friends!
A couple of days ago I received a very unexpected confirmation of the correctness of my technological beliefs on generators: Shoji Haneda, Park Jae-sung and Robert Holcomb. The technology completely repeats the operating principle of a mechanical synchronous generator, which I disclose in a number of my publications.
I will say more, I quarreled with some physicists about the concept of inducing EMF in a conductor that is laid in a closed stator slot. At the same time, I received confirmation that there is a lot of confusion in education on this issue. For some reason, 90% of educational materials incorrectly formulate for students the very principle of inducing EMF in generators that are installed at all power plants on our planet, starting with the Forbes generator, which was installed at the Niagara Hydroelectric Power Station.
In this material on this issue, I indicated that the phases must be laid in the focus of a closed magnetic flux that produces rotation in the stator core and rotor of an electromagnetic generator.
I learned the details of the design of the self-propelled solid-state generator that was demonstrated in this video.
Electromagnetic generator OverUnity (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZqrzNeIcFwg)
The guy used a standard DC motor anchor and a modified stator with 9 separate phases.
Also, anyone trying to replicate this has already wondered why the current that goes to excite the chkor drops when the load is connected. Again, this is all natural and is observed in a regular car generator, it's just that no one has measured it.
The material is freely available.
Electromagnetic generator, without rotation of the magnetic rotor in self-propelled mode. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/98758458)
A very clear confirmation of another educational incident, about Ohm's law for a complete circuit. Where does the current strength in a circuit come from, clearly using the example of solving a problem (using a real example of converting an AC motor into a generator with a permanent magnet rotor. The electronic version of electricity is flushed down the toilet.
EMF, CURRENT, VOLTAGE, RESISTANCE. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/emf-current-112414335)
@rakarskiy, in 2019 international system of measurement has been corrected: the current measured in amperes is valid only for a moving electric charge, and curent should be expressed in Coulombs which is valid for static and moving electric charges.
When we refer to curent we should always refer to quantity of electric charges.
Classic (https://overunitymachines.com/index.php?action=profile;u=76) Are you sure that something moves in the conductor? The conductor does not have even an approximate permittivity. The electric field is a surface effect for it, but the conductor has magnetic permeability. Voltage and movement are completely different concepts. The lines of force of electric tension are closed through the surface of the conductor. In this case, they are destroyed with the appearance of lines of force of magnetic induction, which is actually the current strength. Therefore, these concepts are identical to Coulombs and Amperes.
In any case, I like this combination, it fits into all the contradictions. Magnetic lines of force are also like a route for electric lines of force.
I never said the electron particle of matter moves, only electric charge which is electronvolt moves in a conductor.
Even voltage is something that many people interpret wrong ! Voltage only represent a potential difference between 2 points where is measured, when we introduce a reference point and we measure from there we can have negative voltage or positive or zero. Everything dead or alive in universe have energy and can be measured if we really want but what is really important is how we use it.
In a Faraday Disk there is no cutting lines, the copper disk can rotate parallel together with permanent magnets and still "generate" electric power !
And magnetic field is uniform and symmetric even if we use asymmetric setups to generate it.
In a galvanic pile the drive energy is from lower potential to higher potential, exactly the opposite of what is "seen" in an working electric circuit (load).
This is how I see it.
From my point of view, electric charge is a linear vector (line of force with spin momentum (spiral shape)). It itself can only be located by having a point from which these vectors are directed. Electric dipole
Magnetic lines of force appear closed in the magnetic flux of the external field
The problem with theoretical physics is the attachment to a point as a basis.
In an electric circuit, a magnetic force line is a transformed electric line, so it can be closed between electric potentials (such as lightning discharging between clouds), or in a ring if the source of EMF is an inductor. But in either case, any magnetic line has a source.
We have no idea what is the source of an electric force line or a magnetic force line (in a magnet), but the source of a force line in a conductor is an electric force line, we do not know what is the source of electricity, we only indicate how and under what conditions it arises.
And why it is not taught, and in fact on this principle work all generators on the power plants of the planet.
Magnetic toroidal moment and its relation to the magnetoelectric effect
The presence of a magnetic toroidic dipole moment T in condensed matter is due to the presence of a magnetoelectric effect: Application of a magnetic field H in the plane of a toroidal solenoid leads via the Lorentz force to an accumulation of current loops and thus to an electric polarization perpendicular to both T and H. The resulting polarization has the form Pi = εijkTjHk (with ε being the Levi-Civita symbol). The resulting magnetoelectric tensor describing the cross-correlated response is thus antisymmetric.
Good afternoon, friends!
A little bit of mine about that lost Figueroa generator.
Free Energy Ukraine - EMGenerators Static (https://ua-hho.do.am/index/static_electromagnetic_generators/0-51)
или на этой площадке
(1) Static electromagnetic generators of Clemente Figueras, Robert Holcomb, Park Jae-Sun and Shoji Haneda. | LinkedIn (https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/static-electromagnetic-generators-clemente-figueras-park-%D1%81-%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%80%D1%81%D1%8C%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9-dhkgf/?trackingId=20RCtcqSQmGPJI4aOx3ATg%3D%3D)
Visualization of the switching on/off motion of permanent magnets in a closed magnetic system, a four-phase electromagnetic generator. (Using the example of an external rotor, and an internal stator from Robert Holcomb's patent). https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/WO2021063522A1.pdf (https://patentimages.storage.googleapis.com/eb/0c/07/d463fa60c9f935/WO2021063522A1.pdf)
An example of circular inclusion of excitation electromagnets, their switching by solid-state keys, for a DC motor with a magnetic rotor. In fact, the solution is for a two-pole system. No one forbids doing it for four or more poles.
Oh guys, you have too much unrelated stuff in one direction. First, read my article, in which I substantiate my assumption. By the way, the Niagara Hydroelectric Power Station used alternators by George Forbes, not Tesla. Tesla's generators turned out to be very unsuccessful when scaling and large currents on the slip rings caused the structure to catch fire. Forbes proposed rotating the field (rotor with permanent electromagnets) around the stator with phase windings. Moreover, Forbes' patent did not have the same laying of the phase wire inside the stator iron as in the implemented devices. Theoretically, Forbes repeated the concept of the first generator of 1892, described by an unknown person with the letters P.M. in a letter to Michael Faraday. Logic and once again Logic, what could Figuera do, and with the help of an appropriate electromechanical controller, force the rotor electromagnets to switch without physical rotation. Judging from the fact that such machines were widespread at that time, the conversion of the anchor into a phase winding (following Tesla's example at Edison) and the organization of switching the rotor electromagnets on Figuera's controller made a static alternator with very good efficiency. If the management of the world bank buys technology at a price equivalent to 320 kg of gold, do you think that materials describing this technology will be freely available? I just showed that such an option is possible, which is implemented in Holcomb's patent. How you will excite the switching of the static rotor coils, according to Holcomb, using contactless DC motor technology, or a collector-brush unit, is already a matter of choice. The main thing is that the magnetic field of the poles that moves has a constant magnetic field.
Free Energy Ukraine - EMGenerators Static (https://ua-hho.do.am/index/static_electromagnetic_generators/0-51)
Generators without physical rotation of the magnetic rotor. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3o3j6j1g0GE)
By the way, how many talented engineers took part in the Niagara hydroelectric power station project, their engineering and human contribution is simply priceless.
- Nikola Tesla refused his share of the profits, which allowed George Westinghouse to continue implementing the project (in fact, he gave the green light to the company's capabilities) worked on the project;
- George Forbes sold the rights to Westinghouse for the generator idea for a symbolic amount, and continued to work on the project, improving engineering solutions;
- William Stanley (worked in the company transformation and power lines), after the end of the project left Westinghouse and founded his own.
All these people and an even greater number of engineers revolutionized electricity generation. No one shouted at every corner what a genius he was.
It is necessary to delete only those that contradict the very topic of our case (denial of overunity or direct trolling). If a person has a different point of view, it is good, but this person always needs to express his thoughts precisely and completely. If this is not done, it can be attributed to trolling. An incorrect or false concept is not trolling, it is a mistake, and a mistake is also knowledge. Remember Edison's quote about the steps of the experimental search for truth.
My guess about the EMF of induction based on the ANAPOLE (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anapole) - "anapole moment (http://www.femto.com.ua/articles/part_1/0132.html#:~:text=%D0%90%D0%9D%D0%90%D0%9F%D0%9E%D0%9B%D0%AC%20(%D0%BE%D1%82%20%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87.%20an%20-%20%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82.%20%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%20%D0%B8,-%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87.%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%2C%20%D1%81%20-%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5.)" when applying elementary logic turned out to be true. In modern physics, this phenomenon was discovered in the second half of the twentieth century, and already has its own name "Dynamic Toroidal Dipole (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_toroidal_dipole)" as a phenomenon emerging from the "Toroidal Moment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment#Magnetic_toroidal_moments_in_condensed_matter_physics)". I am inclined to the terminology of the original source Anapol - a closed magnetic flux (practically the phenomenon of a magnetic keeper, provided that the magnetic circuit is completely closed) Anapol moment, when - a closed magnetic flux changes its characteristics with the formation of electric polarization in the focus of this changing magnetic flux. How can the flux change only by changing the saturation (magnetic induction) with a subsequent change in the direction of the magnetic flux to change the vector of the electric dipole. As it turned out, in the highest educational institutions of the USA this feature is taught for physicists who are engaged in fundamental research and engineers who are engaged in design. It is called "electrodynamics of electromechanisms with closed magnetic circuits", which is actually any electromagnetic generator with a core in which the winding is wound on rods or laid in a groove.
That's why this isn't taught in all physics courses starting from secondary school, that's a big question.
I recommend reading again my research "The Invention of the Electromagnetic Generator (https://www.patreon.com/posts/invention-of-98764821)", where I asked myself exactly how and why everything is different.
I made a short video for my article. Free Energy Ukraine - EMGenerators Static (https://ua-hho.do.am/index/static_electromagnetic_generators/0-51)
Yesterday a guy wrote to me who tests different versions of a static generator system (anchor from a DC motor and stator from AC motors). When connecting a load and rotating the brushes around the collector of a statically installed anchor, a stable picture is observed, a drop in excitation current through the brush into the anchor winding. Yesterday he made a module, with an increase in the rotation speed, the brush is pressed harder against the collector lamellas. The effect of the drop in excitation current increased. Moreover, he also recorded a drop in current from the reactance before connecting the load. The drop with the load simply fascinated the guy. The guy, an electrical engineer, tried to convince me that electrical engineering and physics deny the drop in excitation current under load and the arguments of science are correct. I suggested that he measure the excitation current in a regular car generator, but he did not do it then. We argue with him since this publication of mine about the effect demonstrated by Raselli1.
Wise Eye OverUnity: Трансформатор с загадкой - "как"? (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/12/blog-post.html)
Hello, friends!
I will express my thoughts a little about the possible solution of the German engineer in the generator (Lockridge). The main thing is that the researchers never managed to get a working model, and Bedini only expressed a version of a possible principle, but never launched the generator or did not give public information about this launch. This is a fact and start from it. In my practice, I have also seen DC generators and relay voltage regulators on cars. In the 40s of the last century, the simplest DC generators were mainly used, where there were two excitation coils and one pair of brushes.
In the photo (Lockridge) we see that the two coils on the stator have a different wire cross-section. There is also a high probability that they were added to the design as an addition or something was changed (shift relative to the cross-shaped arrangement, as in generators with four coils), probably had a purpose.
Secondly, the anchor that is described had no design changes (we do not know what was in reality).
The main thing is that the device had elements of both a motor and a DC generator, closed in series, and the load was connected in parallel to both the generator and the motor. which worked in self-propelled mode. Increasing the winding on some coils increases both the resistance and the number of turns, which entails an increase in the magnetic induction that the coil forms. Probably the solution should be very simple and ingenious.
The main thing is that if you put the wire in a closed groove of the core, the magnetic flux lines of force will never cut it.
Hello rakarskiy,
Please explain what you mean by this statement "The main thing is that if you put the wire in a closed groove of the core, the magnetic flux lines of force will never cut it."
I don't see any closed grooves anywhere in the pictures of this thread. And every motor or generator I have ever worked on in 50 years of experience has always had the wires in a groove. This allows the wires to be fully imbedded in the magnetic flux that is being induced into the surrounding steel or iron.
Quote from: citftaHello rakarskiy,
Please explain what you mean by this statement "The main thing is that if you put the wire in a closed groove of the core, the magnetic flux lines of force will never cut it."
I don't see any closed grooves anywhere in the pictures of this thread. And every motor or generator I have ever worked on in 50 years of experience has always had the wires in a groove. This allows the wires to be fully imbedded in the magnetic flux that is being induced into the surrounding steel or iron.
Good day!
It's very simple, magnetic lines of force are closed in the ring of Anapol (Toroidal dipole) (http://www.femto.com.ua/articles/part_1/0132.html#:~:text=%D0%90%D0%9D%D0%90%D0%9F%D0%9E%D0%9B%D0%AC%20(%D0%BE%D1%82%20%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87.%20an%20-%20%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82.%20%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%20%D0%B8,-%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87.%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%2C%20%D1%81%20-%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5.)always along the shortest path. If the surface of the anchor core (the tip of the anchor core slot rod, above, then the lines of force will be focused already in the slot rod. Cut (contact) in sufficient density of magnetic induction B with the conductor in the slot to fulfill the EMF formula (conductor in a magnetic field
E = BmLV) cannot. When the conductor is in the slot or on the coil rod, the condition of "dynamic toroidal moment" is satisfied for the conductor, which in electrical engineering is expressed by the transformer EMF formula (anapole moment
E = 2πΦf / √2 =
Φ =
f / √2 ; at the moment (
2π/√2 =
4.44) =
E = 4.44 Φ f ). The phenomenon of ANAPOLE and ANAPOLE MOMENT was first described by the Soviet physicist ZELDOVICH Y. B., Electromagnetic interaction with parity violation, "ZHETF", 1957, v. 33, p. 1531. In modern physics, its interpretations have changed slightly, but essentially nothing has changed. It is not clear why these discoveries and definitions for general education subjects were not corrected (for special courses in physics and design of electric machines, everything is taught correctly). Although the direction of the current vector is also taught for everyone with a false interpretation of current from plus to minus, while voltage is correct from plus to minus, and current from minus to plus. Although this is also an incomplete disclosure of vectors and spins.
I have already explained this point using the example of DINAMO in my publication research
GENERATOR FIGUERA 1902-1908 (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2022/12/1902.html)
If the armature is made according to the Dynamo Gramme (https://www.google.com.ua/search?q=dinamo+gramme&sca_esv=588686839&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKnjCRpkoOxsOX7bp1St_a4l1IbR0Q:1701946378286&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIsLeqlP2CAxXAgv0HHUY2BXkQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1872&bih=966&dpr=1) technology, then the EMF peak will be for wires in the plane [BB'], due to the cutting of the magnetic lines of the wires on the armature located between the pole of the electromagnet and the armature core (open winding type), the EMF formula is: E = Blv. If the armature is made with grooves for laying wires into the groove (closed type), then the EMF peak will be at the position [AA']. EMF in this case is calculated according to the transformer formula: E= 4,44Φf.
Toroidal moment - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment#Magnetic_toroidal_moments_in_condensed_matter_physics)
Dynamic toroidal dipole - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_toroidal_dipole)
I prefer to call the phenomena as the author called them:
QuoteANAPOL (from the Greek an — negative particle and polos — pole) (toroidal dipole) — a system of currents in a closed state, a closed electromagnetic field that is characterized by the anapole moment vector. A change in the anapole moment over time, as a rule, leads to the emission of electromagnetic waves by the system.
Quote from: citftaHello rakarskiy,
Please explain what you mean by this statement "The main thing is that if you put the wire in a closed groove of the core, the magnetic flux lines of force will never cut it."
I don't see any closed grooves anywhere in the pictures of this thread. And every motor or generator I have ever worked on in 50 years of experience has always had the wires in a groove. This allows the wires to be fully imbedded in the magnetic flux that is being induced into the surrounding steel or iron.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Nov 12, 2024, 04:42 AMGood day!
If the armature is made according to the Dynamo Gramme (https://www.google.com.ua/search?q=dinamo+gramme&sca_esv=588686839&tbm=isch&sxsrf=AM9HkKnjCRpkoOxsOX7bp1St_a4l1IbR0Q:1701946378286&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjIsLeqlP2CAxXAgv0HHUY2BXkQ_AUoAXoECAMQAw&biw=1872&bih=966&dpr=1) technology, then the EMF peak will be for wires in the plane [BB'], due to the cutting of the magnetic lines of the wires on the armature located between the pole of the electromagnet and the armature core (open winding type), the EMF formula is: E = Blv. If the armature is made with grooves for laying wires into the groove (closed type), then the EMF peak will be at the position [AA']. EMF in this case is calculated according to the transformer formula: E= 4,44Φf.
Toroidal moment - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment#Magnetic_toroidal_moments_in_condensed_matter_physics)
Dynamic toroidal dipole - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_toroidal_dipole)
I prefer to call the phenomena as the author called them:
QuoteANAPOL (from the Greek an — negative particle and polos — pole) (toroidal dipole) — a system of currents in a closed state, a closed electromagnetic field that is characterized by the anapole moment vector. A change in the anapole moment over time, as a rule, leads to the emission of electromagnetic waves by the system.
OK, Hello Rakarskiy,
FIRST- Your Image above is
the Manchester Dynamo, NOT the Gramme Ring Armature...The Gramme Ring Armature was DISCONTINUED WAY BACK THEN, to be REPLACED FIRST, by the DRUM ARMATURE...Which later on were added the "GROOVES" to avoid wires to get out of place when Dynamo was rotating at Higher Speeds.
WORK PERFECTLY WELL,and are STILL on the Market.
SECOND- The Manchester Diagram You have made -
ON RIGHT with "Planes" (AA') and (BB')
ARE WRONG!!These (AA' & BB') are NOT "PLANES"!!These are
SWEEP ANGLES OF ROTATION which extend from each corner of Stator Core next to Armature, on the AIR GAP.
And depending on Rotation Sense, where the SWEEP ENDS, that where it gives its PEAK
On AA' NOTHING HAPPENS (NO EMF, NO INDUCTION) on the Manchester Dynamo NOR on the Gramme Ring Armature!!MANCHESTER_DYNAMO_LINES_FORCE_1.png
So, we CAN KEEP HERE within TOPIC!!Ufopolitics
Hello All,
The way
Hello Rakarskiy,
I would like to clear ALL this False and Confusing information here.
This "Anapole Moment" is only applicable to Closed Toroids, NOT once We open its structure!!
Once Steel on Toroid is CUT OPEN, the Magnetic Field forms as a Typical N-S Poles, at the two cut ends.
We need to clear this up, as it brings confusion, which I do not want on Forum!!
One reader wrote to me about my publication "Invention of the Electromagnetic Generator (https://www.patreon.com/posts/invention-of-98764821)". A very old physics teacher (who immigrated to Europe during the Soviet Union) said that they had linked the formula for transformer EMF with the simplest AC generator with a core, which I had depicted in my slides. Indeed, magnetic lines cannot cut a conductor. But the very reason for the occurrence of EMF, how it occurs, was explained by the example of cutting the magnetic field lines of a conductor in a simple generator with a frame in a magnetic field. They could not explain this paradox to students. He advised me to find old educational films on physics of his time. I did so and made a still frame (gif) about the system of forming a closed magnetic flux in a core and changing it, there is a winding in which the EMF is induced.
I do not urge anyone to take my word for it, just analyze and conduct experiments. I wish everyone to comprehend the truth. As soon as you understand the origins, you will receive a tool for understanding the physics itself, how electricity is generated at all power plants on our planet, starting with the first generators of George Forbes (who already in the finished model, installed at the hydroelectric power station at Niagara Falls, hid the phase wires inside the core)
Photograph of a synchronous generator operating on a magnetic system and the principle of inducing EMF, which are shown in the gif image above.
With respect, to all seekers of truth.
"If you want to hide it, put it in a visible place"
On a related forum, one of my very old opponents is trying to convince me that generation works precisely by cutting magnetic lines of force through a conductor.
I don't want to reprint the content, let me just give a link to my reply to him.
http://www.energeticforum.com/forum/energetic-forum-discussion/renewable-energy/14521-the-bistander-thread?p=515429#post515429 (http://www.energeticforum.com/forum/energetic-forum-discussion/renewable-energy/14521-the-bistander-thread?p=515429#post515429)
It turns out that if you are not registered on the forum, you cannot see the images. I will duplicate it.
Bistander writes to me about my slide and the operation of the simplest generator with a core.
QuoteHello, Mr. Rakarsky,
On the UFO forum you write this:
What happens to the flux path 1? Your animation shows it disappearing and then reappearing as flux path 2. You know that's wrong. The magnetic flux lines form this flux path and always form complete loops through the source. The path of the flux lines, and the size and shape of the path the flux lines take, change smoothly as the position of the magnet changes relative to the steel magnetic path. As the lines and the path they lie in change from path 1 to path 2, these lines cross or cut the wires inside the stator (grooves).
My answer to him:
QuoteI sincerely feel sorry for you. This is the second time I doubt your professional knowledge. I have checked all this long ago and in different systems. The simplest system is FEMM. Three screens. Maximum EMF, when the magnetic rotor closes the flow in the core, while the magnetic induction in the conductor area (highlighted by a circle) is zero. If the rotor (magnet N42) has a transverse position, then the main induction is around the magnet, and in the conductor area the magnetic induction is 0.09 T (actually zero). There is another position, with a short circuit of the rotor and stator, the magnetic induction in the conductor area is 0.04 T. This is all you need to know about the operating principle of the simplest generator with a core.
Sorry, but I have to agree with Bistander on that...and I read it all on EF.
He is pointing that (Example):
When N passes the C Iron core it has a Flux Flow, based on B-Field, like you have shown on the FEMM.
But on the GIF it clearly "disappears"...?
It does not disappear, as "it is gone"...truth is that it "keeps running" and opposes N when it tries to pass the lower opening on C Core.
Besides, it is completely ignoring the Coil reaction (once it is closed with a load), which is opposed force against B Field entering the straight alignment with C Core.
There are Two Vectors opposing each other's, taking place on the lower side of opening.
Now, in my opinion, which differs with Classic Field Theory of having "only one flow, or B-Field" ...I say that the same thing happens with South...
Otherwise, if it just disappears "just like that" as reflected on GIF, then we should have OU Machines since the beginnings of times.
Just my opinion.
Hello, Ufopolitics (https://overunitymachines.com/index.php?action=profile;u=1)
I have quite reasonable claims to Bistander, as he positions himself as an electrical engineer and physicist with a higher education in general physics and electrical engineering. Unfortunately, this is the second time I have questions about his adequacy in these disciplines. In my screenshots, I clearly indicated the dimension of magnetic induction in the magnet body and in the conductor zone in all three positions. The maximum induction in the conductor zone, when the magnet poles are located transversely to the core poles, (according to the standards of a certified electrical engineer Bistander) should be the maximum EMF in the conductor, and the magnetic induction is 0.09-0.10 T, which is very little for a generator. When calculating electromagnetic generators that are designed by design bureaus, engineers strive for an indicator of 1.9-2.0 Tesla in the gap between the rotor and stator poles with a closed magnetic circuit. That is, the maximum EMF (or MMF) is calculated by design engineers for a complete closure of the generator magnetic circuit. On the screen, where the magnet is closed, the average magnetic induction along the magnetic circuit, including the gap between the rotor and the stator, is 1.3 Tesla. At the same time, magnet N42 in the open position has 1.09 Tesla in its body and 0.7-0.65 Tesla at the poles at a distance of 1 mm. The magnetic flux of the magnet, passing through the air space between the poles, dissipates and loses concentration. The entire visualization of the lines of force plays a cruel joke for a non-professional. At the point where the induction is insufficient to induce the conductor, they drop sharply. It is enough to check the efficiency using the formula E = BmLV, where Bm is the dimension of magnetic induction. Thus, in the educational film of 1973 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51Azj5eR9zk&t=1116s), only the magnetic circuit and the resulting magnetic induction in the section of the circuit, which plays a role in inducing EMF in the conductor, are indicated. But how it happens, even at that time the subjects did not explain. This is exactly what the old physics teacher talked about when he read my article "Invention of the electromagnetic generator (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2023/02/over-unity-system.html)". I found films from that time and made a gif from a similar educational film. I also watched this film in my youth at school. I was very lucky with my physics teacher in my school years. 70s of the last century.
Let me explain the essence of his claims a little. Bystander gave two screenshots from the film and my slide explaining the induction of EMF in such a generator:
All three of my FEMM modelling screens confirm what I have shown on this slide. The screen where the magnet is positioned across the stator poles corresponds to the 180* (pi) position on the slide. All magnetic flux is concentrated around the magnet and it cannot a priori induce EMF in a conductor. In the training film, the authors did not bother with the magnetic flux outside the core at all, as it has no decisive value for the EMF of a generator with a closed magnetic circuit, which are all electromagnetic generators in the power plants of the planet, starting with the generator of George Forbes installed at the Niagara hydroelectric power station.
This is completely contrary to the game that is taught in general education institutions. EMF is maximum in conductors that are in the window (focus) of a closed magnetic flux. Which is completely consistent with the ANAPOL theory, which in North America is called a little differently, but the essence does not change. I'll even say more it makes the groundwork much more serious than the work of the electromagnetic generator.
Let's take my slide with the simplest electromagnetic generators, where the excitation source is permanent magnets:
The left and middle images are of a rotor with a permanent magnet (which I mentioned above), the right one is a generator with magnetic flux switching (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux_switching_alternator), where the magnet is included in the magnetic circuit, the flux is interrupted by a dynamic core. The mechanism of induction of EMF from a changing magnetic role is common for them, namely the anapole moment.
In addition to the simplest generators, the design is completely mind-blowing
Moreover, in this model the magnet does not rotate but is fixed on the rotor disk in such a way that it immediately enters the magnetic circuit with its poles oriented towards the closing.
Hello Rakarskiy,
Do you have a Video link of that machine?
These are screenshots from a video by our fellow free energy device builder
In my archive I found a screen shot of the analysis of a Flynn Motor or Generator with 5 pole tips (on the left) and a traditional generator with magnetic flux switching with six pole tips of the commutator (on the right). I think everything is clear.
A little analysis of the possible power of the Figuera generator built in the Canary Islands.
"Los Angeles Times (June 9, 1902)
Señor Figueros of the Canary Islands reports a discovery for obtaining energy without chemicals.
[BY DIRECT WIRE TO THE TIMES.J NEW YORK, June 8. (1902) -[Exclusive Dispatch.] The London correspondent of The Herald says that the most remarkable statement, the authenticity of which cannot yet be verified, was made by Señor Clemente Figueras, a forest engineer and forests on the Kan Islands and for many years a professor of physics at the College of St. Augustine in Las Palmas. For many years he had been silently working on a method of using atmospheric electricity directly, that is, without chemicals or dynamos, and had put it into practice without involving any motive power.
He claims to have invented a generator by which he can collect an electric current, to be able to store it and apply it to infinite purposes; For example, in connection with shops, railways and factories. He says he expects it to result in a huge economic and industrial revolution. He gives no key to the invention, but declares that the only extraordinary thing about it is that it took so long to discover a simple scientific fact.
He intends to go to Madrid and Berlin soon to patent his inventions. Señor Figueras has constructed a rude apparatus by which, in spite of its small size and defects, he obtains a current of 550 volts, which he uses in his own house for lighting, and for driving an engine of twenty horse-power. His inventions consist of a generator, a motor, and a kind of regulator, and the whole apparatus is so simple that a child can operate it.
For the 20 hp engine mentioned in the article note, this power in electrical terms would be:
P (kW) = 0.745699872 ⋅ 20 (hp) = 14.92 (kW) 13 kW.
Then lighting, let's say 1 kW, driving the controller motor (resistive collector-brush controller) and excitation of the control coils another 1 kW.
In summary, the Clemente Figueras solid state generator, which was built in 1902 in Canary Islands, Spain, had an operating power output of 15 kW.
Hello UFO!
In the neighbouring thread https://overunitymachines.com/index.php?msg=2174 you are designing a magnetic system.
I don't want to insist too much, everyone has his own ideas about the subject.
However, let me tell you that if a wire is placed in a slot, magnetic lines of force cannot cut it.
How the magnetic flux moves in a magnetic circuit is no secret and all electrical engineers calculate such systems. The easiest way is to do the modelling in FEMM. The peculiarity of any generator with a closed magnetic circuit (and you have just such a system, the magnetic flux of the poles is closed through the stator yoke and armature core where there are grooves, i.e. armature windings of closed type). The peculiarity is that the current from the phase winding amplifies the magnetic flux from the field winding. This does not happen in a transformer, neither does it happen in an umformer.
Umformers back in the 1960s and 70s were staples of the transformation.
Запускаем мотор-генераторы (умформеры) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1R_RpDWodY)
At one time I proposed to do the stator windings in a different way in a static electromagnetic generator based on Park Jae-Soon's. On the slide I indicated how to do it and what I meant.
Just keep in mind that there is another option for design.
Free Energy Ukraine - EMGenerator OU (https://ua-hho.do.am/index/emgenerator_ou/0-52)
Hello UFO!
The UMFORMER (MOTOR-GENERATOR) is an electric-machine converter which was used in aviation in radio communications from the late thirties, forties and later in various armies of Germany, USSR, Great Britain, Italy and USA.
The veteran from whom I heard about the self-propelled source to the radio was well versed in the devices (he was young during the war and served in an aviation unit as an aircraft maintenance mechanic-electrician). Later (when Khrushchev dismissed 1 million from the army) he came to work in the electric shop of a car company, as there was no civil aviation in our town. I do not think that he could not determine that the converter works without a battery.
About these converters in the Russian-speaking space of researchers experimented with this 'umformer' along and across. They came to the conclusion that the system is simply pulsed. There windings are laid in such a way that they work on the principle of mutual induction, which can not lead to generation. Believe me, I've studied this page of technical history very well.
A few screens from the documentation on aircraft radio systems of the forties of the last century in the USSR. Such devices were also called single-anchor electromachine converter.
As you can see, in those years, the output of an electrical machine converter was DC current.
Even today it is possible to find these devices:
Quote from: rakarskiy on Nov 26, 2024, 08:10 AMHello UFO!
The UMFORMER (MOTOR-GENERATOR) is an electric-machine converter which was used in aviation in radio communications from the late thirties, forties and later in various armies of Germany, USSR, Great Britain, Italy and USA.
The veteran from whom I heard about the self-propelled source to the radio was well versed in the devices (he was young during the war and served in an aviation unit as an aircraft maintenance mechanic-electrician). Later (when Khrushchev dismissed 1 million from the army) he came to work in the electric shop of a car company, as there was no civil aviation in our town. I do not think that he could not determine that the converter works without a battery.
Hello Rakarskiy,
As you have noticed, I moved your post above from the Lockridge Topic to your Topic here, as Citfta has mentioned, this is OFF TOPIC, related to the Lockridge Device.
Again, I have also knowledge about this Umformer Devices.
These Devices were merely Converters from DC to AC Output, and the ones used on the WWII front, did not have a Battery or even a "Battery Tray".
Now, there were just the Motor Unit that required a battery at all times during their operation.
But there were the closed units inside a sealed metal box and connects to a 12V Battery from an Outer Connector they had externally.
Please see the images below:
WWII WW2 German Panzerkampfwagen SDKFZ Einankerumformer Umformersatz EUa4UMFORMERSATZ_1.pngUMFORMERSATZ_3.pngUMFORMERSATZ_4.pngUMFORMERSATZ_2.png
Quote from: rakarskiy on Nov 26, 2024, 08:10 AMAbout these converters in the Russian-speaking space of researchers experimented with this 'umformer' along and across. They came to the conclusion that the system is simply pulsed. There windings are laid in such a way that they work on the principle of mutual induction, which can not lead to generation. Believe me, I've studied this page of technical history very well.
So, I really appreciate that if you want to keep posting about this -also interesting- device (UMFORMER) DO IT HERE, on YOUR TOPIC!!!
Thanks Rakarskiy!!
Take care
Thanks for moving the post! Indeed to the device, which was converted from a car DC generator BOSH, into a self-propelled generator UMFORMER or (dynamotor, motor-generator) with a single armature has nothing to do with the forum thread from where you moved the post.
A veteran tells and describes a design captured by the Russians as a trophy from a German Abwehr reconnaissance group in Austria, with two brush-collectors, also started by manually unwinding a cable on the shaft. Listening to the veteran's story (apparently he had studied the device thoroughly visually), I noticed one more detail: he mentioned that another element was mysteriously included in the circuit. I decided that the Germans had developed the first high-capacity capacitors, which we know today as ionisors (supercapacitors).
Unfortunately, such a design is not possible in direct execution, because the electromagnetic torque in the generator circuit, will always be higher than the electromagnetic torque in the motor circuit.
Without special calculation of this parameter, it will be impossible to start such a machine.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Nov 26, 2024, 09:33 AM[...]
Unfortunately, such a design is not possible in direct execution, because the electromagnetic torque in the generator circuit, will always be higher than the electromagnetic torque in the motor circuit.
Without special calculation of this parameter, it will be impossible to start such a machine.
I just bold out the most important part you wrote above.
Yes, obviously that has "always" been the problem...that Generator "reverse torque" is always greater than motor...
EXCEPT, when we are able to achieve the "Full Synchronization/Fusion/Blending" of that Generator Torque in order that it works in favor of the Motor torque direction...once generator is loaded?
In other words, it is also called "Acceleration Under Load"...have you ever heard of it?
I absolutely stated that if you take a traditional motor and run it in generator mode, its electromagnetic torque to drive force will be many times greater than the torque if the motor was performing its direct function and vice versa if you take a generator and run it as a motor you will get a motor with poor torque.
Yes theoretically you can do when the torque of the motor exceeds the electromagnetic torque of the alternator. But to reduce the electromagnetic torque of the generator in traditional designs of direct generation, you can not.
Theoretical calculation for the simplest machines motor/generator, with open winding (by the type of DC motor of the 19th century and Dynamo of the same time, when the conductor moves in a magnetic field, with direct work of Ampere force) I have made in my publication which is available for study in PDF (English, Ukrainian) and WEB through online translator. There is there and calculation for traditional illusions of reversibility of motor and generator.
Wise Eye OverUnity: ELECTRODYNAMICS OVER UNITY * DC MOTORS AND GENERATORS (https://rakatskiy.blogspot.com/2018/12/1935.html)
Quote from: rakarskiy on Nov 27, 2024, 02:08 AMHi UFO!
I absolutely stated that if you take a traditional motor and run it in generator mode, its electromagnetic torque to drive force will be many times greater than the torque if the motor was performing its direct function and vice versa if you take a generator and run it as a motor you will get a motor with poor torque.
Hello Rakarskiy,
Yes, absolutely...and that simply happens because you are running them as INDEPENDENT Machines.
However, on an old Dynamo ran as a Motor, I just did that test, and even at very low speed it has very high torque!!
We can regulate the power delivered to stators and increase-decrease to gain speed or torque.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Nov 27, 2024, 02:08 AMYes theoretically you can do when the torque of the motor exceeds the electromagnetic torque of the alternator. But to reduce the electromagnetic torque of the generator in traditional designs of direct generation, you can not.
This is the problem that we all had for the past 200 years, we have tried to have Motor and Generators to "fight" between each other's in order to have a "winner"...and that is the WRONG APPROACH!!
We have not been able to have any "winners" so far, except for the generator torque over the motor...I have tried that long ago.
The Lockridge approach consists of a "smooth fusion" between both machines within the same housing.
Both Machines are DIVIDED in HALF, but ASYMMETRICALLY, where the generating part COUNTER-TORQUE ASSISTS the Motoring part. As using the BEMF to work on both simultaneously, since both are sharing the same Armature but separated stators for each.
This is not a simple job at all...it requires a LOT of testing on different scenarios.
It requires thousands of CAD Diagrams...until we find the "way"...
Last thing we should lose here is "HOPE"...so, please, do not lose yours!!
Hello everyone!!!
I highly recommend, to study another page of design in electrical engineering as the design of electromagnetic and magnetic circuits. We live in the 21st century and there are many more possibilities for modelling.
HomePage:Finite Element Method Magnetics (https://www.femm.info/wiki/HomePage)
Finite Element Method Magnetics:Finite Element Method Magnetics (https://www.femm.info/wiki/Download)
Quote from: rakarskiy on Dec 01, 2024, 02:28 AMHello everyone!!!
I highly recommend, to study another page of design in electrical engineering as the design of electromagnetic and magnetic circuits. We live in the 21st century and there are many more possibilities for modelling.
HomePage:Finite Element Method Magnetics (https://www.femm.info/wiki/HomePage)
Finite Element Method Magnetics:Finite Element Method Magnetics (https://www.femm.info/wiki/Download)
Hello Rakarsky,
Yes, we are living on the 21st Century...and still we do not have even an Overunity Machine...a simple "self-runner".
Electric Engineers have been using this same Software (FEMM) for decades...however, we still are in the same position as last Century...
All the Algorithms written on that Software have been based on the same traditional magnetism findings that have not led to any recent "great discoveries" on the Energy Systems...like -at least- an OU Electrodynamic Machine.
But I will go a "step further"...
Ask ANY Artificial Intelligence Bot, about making an OU Machine...then see what they will answer.
They will answer the "same rhetoric" that have been used for the last 200 years...why?
Because, whoever wrote those algorithms for the Bots to respond...are -again- based on the "same old" BS...the same 'old rhetoric'
So, yes, those Programs are great if you want to keep INSIDE the "BOX" that contains all those Machines built since they started and up to now.
If you want to get out of the box, and build an OU Machine...then all those programs are not good for your project.
Hello, UFO!
Who's 'we'? In the USA, for example, the 1951 law has not been repealed. As well as similar ones in other countries, regardless of democracy, monarchy or dictatorship.
If we take, for example, machines with magnetic flux switching, such machines are simply not produced because of the counter system. J. Flynn (USA) was the first person whom the 'system' took under the hood and then destroyed in 2021 without publicity. In the same 2021 in Russia under the guise of COVID19 another engineer Kornilov, who had just finished the development and production of a 70-kilowatt machine, was destroyed. Overnight, a perfectly healthy elderly man was admitted to hospital with the alleged COVID19 and was dead by morning, and the lab was looted. The fact remains that Flynn and Kornilov's online resources became inaccessible at this time. In 2020, Andriy Slobodyan (Ukraine) tragically died in Korea just as his motor-generator was ready for production. He was spoken to once more on the phone in the evening and by morning he had tragically died in a 5-star hotel. In 2019 in Italy, Turkish magnetic motor inventor Muammer Yulduz organised an online demonstration of a 7.5 kW magnetic generator with his Italian partner. According to my information, at the end of the demonstration they planned to sell a mini-batch of about 30 already completed devices. The system reacted instantly and the audience had a breakdown. The inventor and the Italian jumped in front of the cameras with frightened faces. Then everything was cancelled and the Turkish company's website responded that they were ready but waiting for permission. After the earthquake, the Turkish website simply ceased to exist.
Second accessibility of information.
Take the example of Clemente Figueroa. You think he wanted to give the world his design without paying? Wrong, just the opposite. Like a normal engineer, he lives his engineering craft and the fact of selling is the purpose of his work. All the actions of patenting without disclosing the principle and details just testify to the purpose of selling. A good friend of mine (psychoanalyst) modelled the reason for his application in 1908, and got a 90% probability that having another version of the solid state convector with OverUnity effect, he decided to sell again. The system decided it was cheaper for them to just follow the 'no man, no problem' rule. If the engineer wanted to give back to the people, he wouldn't have patented it, he would have published it in a magazine and done a public demonstration or otherwise publicised it. Unfortunately, logic suggests just such a development in a tragic way.
A bit about engineers - designers. This is a very lucrative craft and their 'pluses' will not be disclosed, as the value of their labour will be levelled. As long as all their solutions are in the realm of individual knowledge, the demand for the engineer's services is high. Designing electromagnetic generators is the ultimate in designing electromechanical devices. I have found out exactly what a quagmire in education is exactly for the direction of electrical generation.
If you generate your own electricity and grow your own food, it is tantamount to printing your own money. So it's a direct threat to the system.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Dec 03, 2024, 12:54 AMHello, UFO!
Who's 'we'?
We = We, the People, Humanity, MankindUfopolitics
We the people of the planet. That includes all right down to the other countries that you may find undesirable. The "you" said, means the person who is looking at the other and not just one person here.
In one old Soviet game film, about contacts between earthlings and aliens, there is an episode when an alien asks an earthling [what is the first law of your planet?], to which the man of earth replied: [we have no such law because we are divided by territories, religions, languages. We are at enmity with each other for resources, territories, for the power of some over others]. The answer of the earthman in the film, to the representative of the higher civilisation, characterises today, the real component of the society of people on the planet earth, under the abbreviation 'WE are mankind, people of the earth'.
The fact that the forum participants strive to make our civilisation more humane, does not meet the desires of all mankind. It is impossible to make anyone happy by force.
I am an esotericist and I divide the whole society of mankind according to the gradation of consciousness of the biological bipedal, speaking, upright walking object, which has existed since the beginning of centuries on our planet (Vedic wisdom of ancestors).
(Darkness) Kashchei - Demon - Cruel - Inanimate - (zero - zhong) - Living - Thinking - Creative - God (Light)
(Тьма) Кащей - Бес - Нелюдь - Нежить - (ноль/середина) - Жить - Людь - Человек - АС (Свет)
All people of our planet make their choice consciously or under the influence of the herd impulse, if a person does not think, does not make decisions (herd impulse) he barrages between the statuses of consciousness (Inanimate / Living). The rest of the people who have made a choice towards Light or Darkness. Any knowledge can be used for both light and dark deeds.
I have a sad experience, when you do something for the good, people do not use it, but the dark ones immediately adopt it.
In addition to 'free energy' devices, I am engaged in the development and practice of bioresonance medicine devices. There are such volunteer projects on the planet, which are without borders. I was looking for a way to transmit more accurately the code of the healing file on the human biofield. https://youtu.be/fxubFfG-Kyc (https://youtu.be/fxubFfG-Kyc)
I found one variant, which is more simple and accessible for a home master (I solved the problem of organising the transmission of both spins of the field (right/left) to the human biofield).
After a while, I received information that my mechanism is being tested by groups that practice the transmission of drug codes on the human biofield.
Unfortunately, not everything we do will be used for good.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Dec 23, 2024, 02:25 AMIn one old Soviet game film, about contacts between earthlings and aliens, there is an episode when an alien asks an earthling [what is the first law of your planet?], to which the man of earth replied: [we have no such law because we are divided by territories, religions, languages. We are at enmity with each other for resources, territories, for the power of some over others]. The answer of the earthman in the film, to the representative of the higher civilisation, characterises today, the real component of the society of people on the planet earth, under the abbreviation 'WE are mankind, people of the earth'.
Hello Rakarskiy,
IMHO, that answer -from the earthling- is perfectly right...however, on a very high percentage of all that "territorial division" develops into a neo-colonialism which resumes and is basically due to ENERGY PRODUCTION & EXTRACTION...
Just because the MAIN SOURCE of ENERGY on our Planet is STILL based on BURNING OIL!!, and even the NUCLEAR ENERGY INDUSTRY depends on DIESEL GENERATORS to cool off the Hot Uranium and other Nuclear Reactors Rods...
So, basically this fact set us on this "Territorial Division" where the Big Oil Countries plus the Higher Developed [basically on WARFARE] Countries, rule over all the rest...and if there is a small country but with large Oil Deposits, the Big Countries always try to "find an excuse" to CONQUER BY FORCE those Oil Lands...
Quote from: rakarskiy on Dec 23, 2024, 02:25 AMThe fact that the forum participants strive to make our civilisation more humane, does not meet the desires of all mankind. It is impossible to make anyone happy by force.
It is NOT about Forum Members to "trying to make our civilization more humane" what will SOLVE the actual Planet Crisis...NOPE!!
Every time more, under our latest circumstances, civilization tends to become more into the ANIMAL NATURE than into the "Humane Nature"...
And we can see it on every corner of Earth...everywhere!!
We see UNNECESSARY WAR$$, Earth Climate is on EVERY DAMNED minute becoming more and more AGGRESSIVE and driving us ALL into a PATH OF NO RETURN to COMPLETE EXTINCTION of our HUMAN RACE, OF MANKIND!!
On top of that, these Powerful Countries, led by a few but VERY WEALTHY individuals, now ruling by the slogan: "DRILL BABY DRILL"...we are PENETRATING DIRECTLY INTO EARTH's CORE, to extract the DAMN OIL!!!...
And what do you think happens whenever we extract Trillions of Oil Barrels from "down under"??...that there is an "EMPTY SPACE"...where all the UNDER ROCKS FOUNDATIONS start to CRUMBLE AND COLLAPSE...giving origin to the well-known EARTH QUAKES...followed by TSUNAMI'S...on places where we have NEVER SEEN them happen before...
All this "OIL DRILLING" without any mercy, destroys our precious NATURAL SANCTUARY'S, basically of MANANTIAL, CLEAR AND CLEAN WATERS....that comes from "Down Under" our Surface...
And so, now "THEY" are trying to sell us the "FRACKING" as the "State of the Art" Technology to OIL EXTRACTION...and most have no idea what is involved on that process...it is a completely destroying operation based on such HIGH FREQUENCIES that it "cracks" even the hardest stones...to reach for this STINKING AND MUDDY, LETHAL, OIL DEPOSITS...
And-no matter- how bad economy turns after that...sure WE WILL make it back...BUT, without the stinking black liquid!!...which will end up costing "pennies"...per barrel...
Hello again,
I am going to open a new Topic, just based on our "ACTUAL STATUS" as a Planet and its "Civilization"...and it is going to have that image above as the first image on it...
Hello UFO, I fully support the opening of the corresponding topic!
There are many questions about the status of open source (information availability) technology, which are not even perceived by ordinary people.
There are several options, if we explain in allegories, then to feed the hungry there are three options:
1) give the hungry fish;
2) give the hungry a fishing rod so that he can catch fish;
3) give the hungry instructions so that he understands how to make a fishing rod, how to catch fish.
A simple consumer who does not strive to understand learning and action is a parasite, personally I do not want to waste time on such people.
The most valuable resource that remains for me is time.
Secondly, there is another unwritten rule of seekers, free energy technologies, do not interfere with each person going through their own path of mistakes and discoveries (there is such an expression, to step on a rake when the pen hits you in the face). If the seeker can use the information provided meaningfully, great - you can learn from your own or other people's mistakes. The main thing is not to insistently persuade. You can't make anyone happy by force. Everyone accepts or is deceived at their own will, this is the rule that the system of suppression uses, presenting a lie in a beautiful wrapper.
You can help the seeker, but certainly not from scratch, he must obtain basic knowledge himself, aspiration as a test.
The main thing is electrical engineering is a science, where the design of electric generators in it, the highest level of skill. Many naively think that it is simple when they make the simplest coil and pull a magnet near it.
I just wonder under now much surveillance is placed this platform and how far it reach outside.
My 2019 slide (https://ua-hho.do.am/_ph/1/518293322.jpg), in which a textbook drawing (stacking in the stator, distributed winding of a four-pole single-phase alternator), played a cruel trick on me. Later I corrected my perception of reality. By the way, this is how it is taught to everyone how it works all over the planet and only a select category is told the truth.
That's an interesting video!
Reacción del inducido "y" polos ficticios. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-zMmsVstPs)
I will say that my mate started the rotation of the permanent magnetic field excitation in a statically stationary armature (by a mechanical commutator and using software with control on H-bridges) got a stable generation of EMF, which varies with the frequency of the 'field rotation' in the armature. In the stator, while observing the phase winding, the Anapole (toroidal dipole) phenomenon was taken into account, as well as the conventional induction motor in the form of a stator that matched the armature diameter. The effect of current drop in the excitation circuit, when current appears in the phase windings, is shown, which fully confirms the addition of excitation and generation fields in the Anapole (toroidal dipole). My research in the field of the structure of magnetic systems with closed magnetic circuits has fully achieved its goal. Unfortunately, the guy is not yet ready to share his research publicly. That's his right.
To get a generator without mechanical rotation, you need to provide rotation of the permanent magnetic field (poles of the static armature, aka solid state rotor) in the stator core, where the windings are stacked with respect to magnetic Anapoles excitation and addition from the generation current.
Wise Eye OverUnity - EMGenerator OU (https://ua-hho.do.am/index/emgenerator_ou/0-52)
In the beginning: a South Korean Group and a group that is quickly running out out of OIL being Abu Dhabi UAE
It could be very interesting to see the future: What did they 2000 percent Overunity - what is that 20 times more output than input ( I think? ) If a group wanted to make a Fake for some reason - Why? To confuse more of the world's wishes
in producing a form of energy of this type. What if people believed that this group did find a way to produce 20 times more output than input of energy? ( Then like Steorn the guys from Ireland that said they had produce a output device )
But again producing a lack of trust to anyone produce a working system at all ( Who would be the ones that would like this type of technology never to have the world have its use ) The ones that fund the Scamming projects to confuse the world into believing nothing is real.
20 times is the main clue- of a Fake - yes - Yes - This is a wait and see item- of course - another reason if it does not work to prove nothing is possible and well published to boot - if someone puts this much money into a fake -
it has to be real - no one would produce a scam of this value - unless it was worth it to do so for another reason -
But again this is a Free Will item that anyone wishing to believe in can do. But as said: more than likely it is a high price item developed not to help the world's energy needs but help the confusion of what is and what is not real. Again and Again - If you can't suppress it - just spend the money to confuse the world about it. either way works
What was that PT Barnum said " fool made every day " Well: something like that
long time viewer of the world and the people that get brain freeze - Give it 2 years - if nothing more is said: it dead.
Note: getting involved in other people's projects can produce - a lifetime of the same old thing -
But at least it is free. I think?
If you want to make money by making products that generate electricity without external cost forces, then you will encounter the principles of containment from the system. No matter where you are in the world. I'll even say more, 99% don't know how current is generated in an electrical circuit, and why an electromagnetic generator is a 'current generator' and a galvanic battery a 'voltage generator'. The battery or socket syndrome will play a cruel joke on the naive average person who is being sold various systems of generating supposedly 'free energy'.
All you need is a sober mind with logical conclusions. I have made them and shared them with you. Start with the simple difference between a closed loop electromagnetic generator and a transformer. If to you they are the same thing, you will achieve nothing. The error is inherent in the beginning, accepting it as truth, you will always hit an insurmountable wall.
I've long since stopped trying to change anyone's mind or convince anyone. I have fulfilled my mission, it's up to you to figure it out further or to stay in general educational hypnosis.
Far as PT Barnum, his quote was " There is a sucker born every minute.". Be surprised that how true that really is. If it looks at all plausible, people will believe it to be true no matter how many times you show them it is not.
There is also a saying that together they go crazy, but each one makes an insight separately. No one can force anyone to be wise or make them happy. The Creator gave everyone the opportunity to make their own choice.
For all those interested and devout believers that EMF on a conductor is induced only when cutting magnetic lines of force. On the slide is the world's first alternator, made by order of Ampere, by the French master of musical instruments Pixie in 1832. In this system, the magnetic flux physically cannot cross the conductor. Second, how is mechanical power P=Fv converted into electrical power W=IU? You see only two questions and a complete discrepancy with the accepted constants of educational physics. In order to organize a change in the constant magnetic flux in a closed conducting circuit, it is not at all necessary to physically rotate a permanent magnet or a permanent electromagnet.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 11, 2025, 02:38 AMFor all those interested and devout believers that EMF on a conductor is induced only when cutting magnetic lines of force. On the slide is the world's first alternator, made by order of Ampere, by the French master of musical instruments Pixie in 1832. In this system, the magnetic flux physically cannot cross the conductor. Second, how is mechanical power P=Fv converted into electrical power W=IU? You see only two questions and a complete discrepancy with the accepted constants of educational physics. In order to organize a change in the constant magnetic flux in a closed conducting circuit, it is not at all necessary to physically rotate a permanent magnet or a permanent electromagnet.
Hello Rakarskiy,
On this design (Pixii Alternator) in order to understand it perfectly well, you need to see it on a 3D Image (Perspective View), not just as you are showing it, because it seems the magnet does not rotate.
So, a better image is above, and it works as follows: When you rotate the handle, the
U Shaped Magnet ROTATES while the Steel Core holding the two Coils are stationary (fixed).
Then, it is very obvious that every time the U Magnet turns and switches Single Core-Coil the Magnetic Polarization OR Magnetic Flow Direction reverses, generating AC.
Now, you better than anyone here, that have explained so many times about Electromagnetic Induction Generators, knows that
every time the U Magnet rotates, it "CUTS" all those wires that are on its Rotational Trail.The geometries maybe a bit off (different) related to the later RADIAL or even the AXIAL Conventional type of generator design, based on the Rotation Axis versus the Coils Axis, but eventually it is the SAME thing, different Axis Spatial disposition.
If you "EXPAND" this Pixii Design, say add SIX Coils (instead of just two) every 60 degrees apart on the STATOR, and use for ROTOR, instead of a U-Shaped Single Magnet (Two Poles N/S) but SIX INDIVIDUAL MAGNETS in a configuration of N/S/N/S/N/S or SIX POLES ROTOR...You will end up with a typical Wind Turbine AXIAL type Generator (as a similar one shown on image below, except this one has more magnets and more coils than just six).
It shows in detail how this specific type of generator works on this link>>https://www.mdpi.com/1996-1073/14/24/8509
...it is the about the SAME as the Pixii, but INCREASING the number of Stator Coils as Rotor Magnets....except on this particular design I found, the Steel Core also rotates, as there are many designs, including having double sets of magnets "sandwiched" between coils...or the "core-less type"...
Additional comment: The Commutator added on Pixii original design -on shaft- is just to convert to DC (Direct Currents).
Hello UFO!
I respect your conviction, but you don't accept the obvious at all. To induce EMF in a wirer, provided the conductor is moving in a magnetic field or vice versa, a number of conditions must be fulfilled:
For maximum EMF, the lines of force must be perpendicular to the conductor at an angle of 90 degrees (sin(a) = 90*) along the entire length of the conductor (L). In the area of the conductor, the magnetic induction (Bm) of the magnetic field must have a corresponding value in Tesla, the crossing velocity must be appropriate (v).
E = Bm*L*v*sin(a)
This condition cannot be fulfilled in any way in the Pixie machine. The maximum EMF in the coils of a Pixie generator is recorded when the magnetic flux in the core is fully closed. At this point, the entire magnetic field is concentrated in the body of the magnet and the core. This state is the state of the Anapole Moment (Toroidal Dipole (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment)).
Pixie's collector switch was added to his design at the suggestion of Ampere, who was the customer for this device. So in the primary design it was an alternator.
There is another slide where I have given two versions of a generator with a magnetic rotor and a magnet as a core element, both systems work on the same principle of inducing EMF in the coil wires.
Best example how to generate electric curent without without "cutting" wires with a magnetic flux is a Faraday Disc. Where electric charges existing in the conductive metal are placed in a magnetic field (which simply enhance their mass) and spinning the disc simply throw away these particles of electric energy by inertia (so called centrifuge force).
It is quite obvious why in such arrangement a greater current is obtained as voltage depends on the radius which is usually small for practical applications.
Depending on metal used for disc results can be very different. For example if instead of copper disc is used a disc made of silver (aluminium and/or magnesium) alloy, thickness of disc dictate current and radius dictate voltage.
In RakarskiY model above if we replace coils with discs, magnet static and rotate the discs in the same direction, each disc will have opposite sign and no cutting of magnetic flux is required.
I have not finished my research on the "Faraday disk paradox", but it is certain that if you rotate a magnet around its axis, the magnetic lines of force remain in place. That is, the magnetic field, its force effect does not depend on the rotation of the magnet body. An interesting phenomenon indicates that we know nothing about the nature of the magnetic field. As for how the EMF is induced in the Faraday disk, I have my own vision, but until I conduct an experiment, I do not want to talk about it, and this is not a question for me.
FARADAY'S PARADOX | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/faradays-paradox-107444205)
As for the generator of Pixia or the unknown R.M., who sent a letter to Faraday, their machines worked on the effect of changing the anapole moment. True, the effect itself was described only in 1957. All generators with closed magnetic circuits (and the Pixia machine belongs to this type) work on the phenomenon of induction when changing the anapole moment in the zone of the conductor in which the EMF is induced.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMHello UFO!
Hello Rakarskiy!
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMI respect your conviction,
Fine, but besides "respecting it" do you "agree to it"?
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMbut you don't accept the obvious at all.
Of course I do!!
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMTo induce EMF in a wirer, provided the conductor is moving in a magnetic field or vice versa, a number of conditions must be fulfilled:
For maximum EMF, the lines of force must be perpendicular to the conductor at an angle of 90 degrees (sin(a) = 90*)
I agree to above statement 100%!!
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AM...along the entire length of the conductor (L).
As I disagree with above statement, "Imaginary Lines Of Force" (ILOF) does NOT need to "cut" -AT ALL- the ENTIRE LENGTH of Conductor (in a Coil) to obtain Induction gain!!
As a matter of fact, in NONE of ALL the actual Generators in our Planet it takes place like you mentioned above, there is always ONLY a Specific Area of ALL the Induced Coils which is actually "cut".
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMIn the area of the conductor, the magnetic induction (Bm) of the magnetic field must have a corresponding value in Tesla, the crossing velocity must be appropriate (v).
E = Bm*L*v*sin(a)
This condition cannot be fulfilled in any way in the Pixie machine.
Rakarskiy...What do you mean that "this
condition cannot be fulfilled on the Pixii Machine"?
Which "condition"?...that Coil wires and Field are NOT at 90º?
If it is, then, I am sorry, but you are wrong!!
Please watch image below that I have to make from scratch, for you to see (as others following this Topic), just to demonstrate THE SAME INDUCING METHOD which is STILL APPLIED on every single (CONVENTIONAL) generator in our planet
This is the SIMPLEST WAY to observe the Pixii-Ampere Generator Induction Cycle.
Both ENDS of the U-Shaped Magnet have one South Pole as other a North Pole, and every time they sweep the Stator Coils-Steel Core ON THE GREEN SHADED AREA is where B-Field and Conductor Wires meet, crosses, coincide at a 90º Angle. It does not matter how they rotate...it could be CW or CCW.
On this green area is where Induction Starts and Ends on each side of each coil, and of course the definition of where it starts and where it ends DOES NOW depends on Rotation Direction.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMThe maximum EMF in the coils of a Pixie generator is recorded when the magnetic flux in the core is fully closed. At this point, the entire magnetic field is concentrated in the body of the magnet and the core. This state is the state of the Anapole Moment (Toroidal Dipole (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment)).
I agree with your statement above also in a 100%.... look at the image below:
On above image Rotor Magnet is above and Aligned-centered with both Stators Coils...Yes, I also agree that here is where the PEAK Induction takes place. I have "shaded" all wires in green,
and NOT because they are all at 90º with Field, BUT, because here Field VORTEX INFLUENCES (Induces) ALL wires on Both Coils, of course, one Coil will set a Negative Peak, while other will generate the Negative Peak.
the Induction "STARTS & ENDS" when Field start sweeping the green shaded area of coils, as when it starts LEAVING Coil Wires.
Yes, the "PEAK" is whenever there is a FULL ALIGNMENT between B-Field and Steel Core CENTER.
Now, do you realize that actual Science does NOT recognize that this "SMALL TIME FRAME CENTERED=PEAK INDUCTION" is true?...
However, this is "Figuera's Principle of Induction"...except that it is NOT a Rotation but a Linear displacement...
This is the ONLY WAY to understand the AC SINE WAVE!!...So, whenever Field starts entering Coil Wires, Sine starts to GO UP (POSITE), when sine reaches PEAK, is at FULL, CENTERED ALIGNMENT between Core-Field, and you can call it as you please, like the "anapole moment"...however, all this "moment" is, is a FULL CENTERED ALIGNMENT between Rotor-Stator.
Then, as B-Field LEAVES CENTER ALIGNMENT (Anapole Moment) related to Stator Coil, then Sinewave starts GOING DOWN...
And above description, was just the Analysis on one Coil, as an example of the Positive Sinewave...As the other Coil is generating a NEGATIVE SINE at the same time but apart by 180º.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMPixie's collector switch was added to his design at the suggestion of Ampere, who was the customer for this device. So in the primary design it was an alternator.
The "switch" or "Rotary Switch" or COMMUTATOR, as a basic name, is just to CONVERT AC to DC...as this commutator ONLY COLLECTS through the brushes the POSITIVE SINEWAVES.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 12, 2025, 01:04 AMThere is another slide where I have given two versions of a generator with a magnetic rotor and a magnet as a core element, both systems work on the same principle of inducing EMF in the coil wires.
This Image above is NOT the same type of structure as the Pixii-Ampere Generator.
On Pixii Generator each Field Polarity (N+S) is FACING DIRECTLY each Stator Coils, wires and steel core.
You have made a completely different type of Model, just to make your "anapole moment" "fit in"...however, and AGAIN, is NOT the same, exact model.
Question: Have you built the Model above?...Because if you build it, and test it...it will generate (Induce) very low Power, no matter how strong the magnet is...or how many Turns you add to Coil...or how thick steel core is...
Because the LOSS in Magnetic Field is GALORE (HUGE) DUE to such Long and Angled Steel Core!!...honestly, It is a completely useless design!!...it just works to explain your "Theory of the Anapole Moment"...
Hello UFO!
Thank you for the detailed answer, how do you understand the essence of the Ippolit Pixia generator. Unfortunately, you did not analyze the design, in terms of real processes with magnetic induction values in the zone where the induction should be produced. The EMF formula that simply cannot work there has four factors:
Magnetic induction (Bm) is a fundamental characteristic of a magnetic field, like intensity for an electric field. In the SI system, magnetic induction is measured in teslas (T).
The straightness of the conductor (L) of the coil in relation to the magnetic induction vector, in this design will be no more than 45-75* [sin (75° 10′) = 0.9666746. sin (75° 9′) = 0.9666001].
Only a small part of the turns (and only a small part of the turn) can fall into the zone of cutting by the lines of force. Even in this question, it is necessary to understand what kind of induction this phenomenon will cause. Let's consider a real design, and not what is drawn in textbooks.
You see, reality is different, especially the shape of the tips, U-shaped magnets. Secondly, the gap between them. Magnetic flux always tends to concentrate towards the lower resistance. So I modeled the approximate magnet ratio (to get closer to reality, I took Alnico magnets.) and made a simulation with the definition of magnetic induction in the area of the supposed conductor cross-section along the lines of force.
The next step is three simulation episodes, bringing the magnet poles closer to the core volutes with coils. The data is sufficient to make preliminary calculations.
The program calculated the magnetic induction of the coil conductor zone. The best parameter for the first induction option [E = Bm * L * v] is the first position (left screen), since the magnetic lines cover a larger number of turns with an average magnetic induction value of Bm = 0.1 Tesla. Let's say the core diameter is 30 mm, the circumference will be [P = 2πr = 2π15 = 30π ≈ 94.24776 mm]. Let's take the total number of turns in the coil as N = 200, the number of turns in the cutting zone by magnetic lines will be 10% (200 * 0.1 = 20), that is, in two coils it will be 40 turns. Further, not the entire length of the turn is active, but only that which is on the straight line cutting the conductor. Let us define it as 40% of the circumference without taking into account the angle [94.2 * 0.4 = 37.68 mm * 40 dbnrjd = 1507.2 mm (1.5 m).
Next, we need to find out the speed at which the magnetic lines cross the conductor. Let's say a manual drive with a gearbox can spin the magnet up to 500 rpm. The circle around which it rotates will be 70 mm in diameter. We can calculate the angular and linear speeds: w = (1 rpm = π/30 rad/s = 0.104719) * 500 rpm = 52.36 rad/s, v = wR = 52.36 rad/s * 0.035 m = 1.83 m/s.
Е = Bm * L * v = 0,1 T * 1.5 m * 1.83 m/s = 0.27 volts and all two coils in series. And this is the most idealized result. In the second position, the area of the intersected turns will decrease sharply, which will worsen the result even with a slight increase in induction.
We have another result, magnetic induction in the core body. It was Bm = 0.11 Tesla. But this result will act on all turns of the coils, on those sections of the conductor that are in the focus of the closed flow. Anapole moment.
1) Е = 4.44 * N*B*S*f (где f = p*RPM/60 = 2 * 500 / 60 = 16-17 Hz; S = 0.025 * 0.025 = 0.000625 m^2) = 4.44 * 400 * 0.11 T * 0.000625 m^2 * 16 Hz = 1.95 volt
Во второй позиции имеем уже магнитную индукцию в сердечнике 0,2 Теслы:
2) Е = 4.44 * N*B*S*f = 4.44 * 400 * 0.2 T * 0.000625 m^2 * 16 Hz = 3.5 volt
If we take into account the resistance of all windings and the resistance of the galvanometer, then if only the option of cutting the conductor with magnetic lilies worked, then Ampere would not see anything.
And I will say even more that the principle of the generator of Ippolit Pixia was completely repeated by Kromrey (https://youtu.be/O7jrTj1lk1U) in his generator, which pulled Bedini out of oblivion.
I don't know about the Anapole moment, but the generator totally looks like Kromrey converter. In one of the Energy from vacuum series episodes Bedini says that when they were trying to manufacture Kromrey converters, the manufacturing company stopped existing and all the models disappeared. The converter heats up, but at the same time radiates coldness. So I'd say we don't have the physics to describe this device available yet.
No need to listen to fairy tales about miracles!
The Kromrey generator is practically the same design, only the coils are placed on the rotating anchor, and the magnets are in the static part. Bedini replaced the anchor axis with stainless steel, enhancing the effects of Anapol. When the magnetic flux closes and opens, electromagnetic radiation occurs at the focus inside the closed magnetic circuit, which manifests itself as an EMF on the conductor. All electromagnetic generators operating on the basis of closed magnetic circuits operate on this phenomenon.
And what is taught in school and to 95% of electrical engineers is the biggest lie of the 20th century. I had a dispute with a physicist from the USA, who assured me that my publications are not a discovery. Physicists who work in this field and narrow-profile electrical engineers study all this and know it. If we did not know, we would not have productive electromagnetic generators at power plants. Why don't they change the school curriculum? for me the question. In principle, for specialists, this does not have a professional suitability factor and does not affect their work productivity, it is not important.
Does it matter how the current flows in the circuit from + to - or from - to +. This is important only for a specialized specialist.
My publication where I first presented information about two types of electromagnetic induction
The invention of the electromagnetic generator | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/invention-of-98764821)
ANAPOLE (http://www.femto.com.ua/articles/part_1/0132.html#:~:text=%D0%90%D0%9D%D0%90%D0%9F%D0%9E%D0%9B%D0%AC%20(%D0%BE%D1%82%20%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87.%20an%20-%20%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82.%20%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%20%D0%B8,-%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87.%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%2C%20%D1%81%20-%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5.)(from the Greek an - negative particle and polos - pole), toroidal dipole - a system of currents whose electromagnetic field is characterized by the anapole moment vector. A change in the anapole moment over time generally leads to the radiation of electromagnetic waves by the system.
When the magnetic intensity H (magnetic flux B) changes, the electric field vector E appears in the focus. When superimposed on the model of a magnetic closed circuit, in the focus of which a conductor is laid, we have the induction of an electric field limited by the volume of this focus. Thus, if simply in the hole of a closed ferromagnetic core, in which the anapole moment of magnetic intensity H changes, an electric moment is formed in the focus of this core. If there is a conductor in the focus of the magnetic circuit, a difference in electric potentials appears on it. Which is actually the contactless method of electromagnetic induction.
American version of the phenomenon discovered by Yakov Zeldovich in 1957 (Physicist from the USSR)
Toroidal moment - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment#Magnetic_toroidal_moments_in_condensed_matter_physics)
Dynamic toroidal dipole - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_toroidal_dipole)
So the anapole moment is when I take a toroidal transformer, put some time-varying current into the primary winding and then insert a piece of wire in the center of the toroid, I will be able to measure some voltage on the opposite windings of the wire? If that is so, I have everything I need to see if that works.
The simplest example is a current transformer, just take two long toroidal cores (their electrical steel). Wind the winding there in a circle through the holes inside the cores. Make a pulse and get a reverse pulse, but generation is without alternating excitation. In fact, two magnetic storage devices of the EDA, only in which the magnetic flux changes.
Generation is a change in the magnetic field inside the cores without using alternating excitation, i.e. a permanent magnet or a permanent electromagnet.
Read my materials on my website, blogspot or patreon.
Just watch this video
🌑 САМЫЙ КРУТОЙ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ С МАГНИТНЫМ ПОЛЕМ Магнитный хранитель Игорь Белецкий (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-5FMFzSPYU)
@rakarskiy ,
I am sorry but I do not have the time to keep arguing with you.
You keep insisting on something that has zero proof.
The way Pixii Generator works is EXACTLY the same way as ALL actual AXIAL Generators work, as they are used everywhere around the World.
They have just added more coils, and V SHAPED COILS, NOT ROUND or Cylindrical like Pixii had...ALSO the Magnets are the SAME SHAPE, or V Shaped.
The "V" Coils add more Induced Area according to the Rotational Geometry that I have shown before.
Related to your "invented word" "anapole"...where "an" comes from the Greek Negative...so, if we "translate" the word anapole it means "Negative-Pole".
What that has to do with the Alternated Magnetic Polarities between North and South constantly running over coil wires???!!
Look, whenever YOU build a REAL Setup, where you prove OU, or a Self-runner, then I will come back here...and congratulate you.In the meantime, you can write on paper all you want, you can "paint" all the diagrams you like...and run all kind of computer simulations...
However, the proof is NOT in any "computer generated simulation" BUT on a REAL BUILD!!Take care and good luck.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 13, 2025, 12:56 PMJust watch this video
🌑 САМЫЙ КРУТОЙ ЭКСПЕРИМЕНТ С МАГНИТНЫМ ПОЛЕМ Магнитный хранитель Игорь Белецкий (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-5FMFzSPYU)
This video contains "Elementary Magnetism knowledge" taught on "Elementary Schools"... ;D
The Battery outputs 12V and maybe 500-800 Cranking Amps (because of the short circuit), which creates a HUGE Magnetic Field AROUND CONDUCTOR SPATIAL LENGTH, which includes steel mass.
In return this Field Aligns BOTH steel square bars following a "spiral shape field" which runs along both bars, as aligns all domains following ONE MAGNETIC FIELD made of the two bars together.
This have zero point of interest related to the way Electromagnetic Generators work...it is just "entertainment".
@rakarskiy: prove ALL your Theories by BUILDING Yourself a REAL MODEL...show it works as you have explained in all your sites and forums...
And I am sure everyone would believe you then...(including myself)... ;D
Hello UFO!
I am definitely not going to prove anything to anyone, convince or dissuade anyone. The question is why? I have given enough information!
Any synchronous generator based on closed magnetic systems works on this principle.
Another drawing of mine that I gave to explain the magnetic system of Robert Holcomb's generator back in 2021.
Everyone gets out of being fooled on their own. Moreover, the general education system of teaching electromagnetism to the average student will not help you with this.
A very clear example of an anapole moment, when the core closes a magnetic closed flux in itself, when this core is broken, there will be an EMF impulse at the ends of the conductor. This is exactly the thesis that I gave above explaining the actions of anapole moment when it changes.
Transformer core tests part 1 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHbQXnXK6Xc&t=1s)
The American version of this action is called differently and is veiled a little differently, but it is the same phenomenon
Dynamic toroidal dipole - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_toroidal_dipole)
Anapolle moment in American physics terminology Toroidal moment - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment)
Magnetic toroidal moment and its relation to the magnetoelectric effect
The presence of a magnetic toroidic dipole moment T in condensed matter is due to the presence of a magnetoelectric effect: Application of a magnetic field H in the plane of a toroidal solenoid leads via the Lorentz force to an accumulation of current loops and thus to an electric polarization perpendicular to both T and H. The resulting polarization has the form Pi = εijkTjHk (with ε being the Levi-Civita symbol). The resulting magnetoelectric tensor describing the cross-correlated response is thus antisymmetric.
Edward Leedskalnin Perpetual Motion | Magnetic Currents & Polarity Change - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9T96aaWKc-I)
@rakarskiy , how do you account for the energy stored in a permanent magnet ? I am not aware of any study anywhere in the world for this.
I am aware that no dedicated scientist will be happy to calculate the input, but at least continuous output can be calculated/estimated pretty easy as continuous displacement force per time the magnet can maintain such displacement force in kinetic system.
In order to calculate the input one must admit the energy is already there to be able to determine the quantity ... and it doesn't seem there is any scientist or entity happy to perform such calculus.
But, once the output is calculated we can use conservation energy law to verify the accuracy of input estimate/calculus if the law hold true, or draw conclusions accordingly.
If someone dare to say the energy is not already there will contradict the other law which says energy can not be created or destroyed.
If I want to be more reckless I can say an electret is doing the same work, where a permanent magnet works with mass and electret works with acceleration as per Newton Law where Force equal Mass times Acceleration squared or according to Einstein, Energy equals Mass times Speed of Light square, where speed of light is considered a constant.
Pretty simple. And is not any paradox, is just accepting the truth which always shout out loud in our face !
@rakarskiy Well in this line of reasoning, you might find out that MEG exists where they didn't have to wait until the remanent magnetism dissipated, but could make the magnetic flux go another way using as small impulses as possible. And with switching two legs they could switch the magnetic flux ~10k times per second from one leg to the other. That seemed to work, but even after 20 years of development (if I remember well) was never perfected enough to be scalable.
Electromagnetism is a fascinating subject with many mysteries and paradoxes that is still being debated today.
The cutting of magnetic flux gives rise to induction, as does the linking of flux lines. Sometimes BOTH of these actions can be attributed to our induced Faraday currents.
The Faraday Paradox is still being studied and debated everywhere in science, even today, as it is here on this forum. When you have it nailed down, be sure to pass it along for everyone else to study. ;)
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 14, 2025, 12:36 AMHello UFO!
I am definitely not going to prove anything to anyone, convince or dissuade anyone. The question is why? I have given enough information!
I am not saying "to prove anyone"...
BUT to build yourself a setup, which demonstrate all your claims hold true beyond any doubt.
Every single top exponential Scientist in our History, whenever exposing a "claim" they all have BUILT their own setups in order to PROVE his Claims are true as hold true to all testing.
Sometimes these Inventors, Scientists, Researchers needed to contract other people capable of building their prototypes...as many build them themselves.
Like Faraday..."The Father of Magnetism" build his own setups just to demonstrate and prove his Theories hold true...
However, the choice is all yours, but again, BUILDING A REAL MODEL IS THE ONLY WAY that you will prove beyond any doubts that all your claims are true.
Quote from: Classic on Feb 12, 2025, 03:48 AMBest example how to generate electric curent without without "cutting" wires with a magnetic flux is a Faraday Disc. Where electric charges existing in the conductive metal are placed in a magnetic field (which simply enhance their mass) and spinning the disc simply throw away these particles of electric energy by inertia (so called centrifuge force).
It is quite obvious why in such arrangement a greater current is obtained as voltage depends on the radius which is usually small for practical applications.
Depending on metal used for disc results can be very different. For example if instead of copper disc is used a disc made of silver (aluminium and/or magnesium) alloy, thickness of disc dictate current and radius dictate voltage.
In RakarskiY model above if we replace coils with discs, magnet static and rotate the discs in the same direction, each disc will have opposite sign and no cutting of magnetic flux is required.
Hello Classic,
The Faraday Disc is simply a "huge, one turn closed coil", look at it this way...then you will understand this model.
The Voltage is not high, simply because there is only "one turn" on this "Coil-Disk", however, the thickness of the disk dictates the currents, like on a generator secondary it is dictated based on the wire gauge...[color=var(--body-txt-color)]However, it also depends on the Field Strength for all these parameters to generate more.[/color]
[color=var(--body-txt-color)]As they say that "Radius" of Disk is what increases voltage, yes that is right, however it is a bit more complex than just a radius situation...[/color]
[color=var(--body-txt-color)]When we set the collecting brushes, one at center of disk as the other one on the outer ending surface of disk, we are creating a "changing conducting radial path" that is like a "virtual conductor" within the disk entire mass... as this changing radial conductor CUTS the lines of force from magnetic field...[/color]
I highly recommend that you also read about the work and research done by Bruce De Palma on the "N-Machine"...Please go to the ORIGINAL SITE, because there are many sites that are full of their own opinions...
Also Rex Research shows this machine: http://www.rexresearch.com/depalma/depalma.htm
Quote from: Classic on Feb 15, 2025, 05:44 AM@rakarskiy , how do you account for the energy stored in a permanent magnet ? I am not aware of any study anywhere in the world for this.
QuoteAI Response:
The energy stored in a permanent magnet is called "magnetic energy" and is essentially the potential energy contained within the aligned magnetic domains within the material, which generates a magnetic field; this energy can be calculated by considering the magnetic flux density (B) and magnetic field strength (H) of the magnet, along with its volume, represented by the "energy product" (BH) value.
Key points about magnetic energy in a permanent magnet:
Not readily usable:
While a magnet stores energy, it cannot directly provide usable energy like a battery because the energy is primarily potential and only becomes active when a ferromagnetic material is brought into its magnetic field.
Measured by the B-H curve:
The amount of energy stored in a magnet is typically visualized using the B-H curve, where the area under the curve represents the energy density per unit volume.
Factors affecting energy storage:
Material composition: Different magnet materials have varying energy storage capacities.
Magnet size and shape: Larger magnets with a larger volume can store more magnetic energy.
The Orthodox Science is not going to recognize that a PM stores "direct, usable energy", instead they will use the terms: "conservative, indirect, not readily usable"...energy.
And it is obvious that (as an example) if a Magnet Motor could be shown working, generating usable work force, without any input, but the magnets installed...then that is an OU Machine widely demonstrated.
It is known by all, that by just spinning a magnet around a coil, we can get energy infinitely without the magnet suffering any "wear" or any diminishing of its potential magnetic energy...
Just the "spinning mechanism" (whichever would be, like an ICE for example), is the one that may suffer wear and diminish its performance over time...
As a matter of fact...A simple, single phase,
Generator Head (just the 'generator' not including the ICE) is a Machine which is NOT getting any external electrical Input, like from a Battery...so it is a "looped, recycled, electrical energy system"...and all we need to do is to -Mechanically- spin it at the required speed, say 3000 or 3600 RPMs with a certain Torque as required by its loaded Max output...
So, if one will use an air core coil able to simulate a permanent magnet, can collect all available energy without diminishing the energy from radiating coil ? What would be that ? Avoiding all secondary (pickup coils) to interact with primary when receive energy.
As long as primary is not drained by its secondaries power consumption will be less than what secondaries can output. And all energy spent is just to maintain the radiating field and not to transmit power.
For this effect one needs to lookup for relation amp-turns and resistance of wires while playing with voltage and duty cycle. Duty cycle being the way to control the current ... for a rotary commutator means distance between the contacts and size of contacts/brushes.
In all electric power generators available to purchase we do not see such a thing where secondaries are simply put in direct interaction with primaries.
This is why I have insisted for long time and saying permanents magnets does have their own energy and an electro-magnet have the option to be switched off/on at will.
When we pulse a coil we spend much less energy than keeping energised all time.
Now, if anyone can tell me, I would like to know if I can switch off a big permanent magnet by placing a small and much weak permanent magnet with a gap at one of the ends of the big one with poles seeing each other in opposition ? I only want to temporary block one way of a strong and big permanent magnet. Is it possible ? For a linear longitudinal aligned system lets say ... if I do not intend to use much power. I am referring strict for a switching practical mechanism ... this paragraph is not related to above.
Oh, I forgot to mention that for full assessment of energy stored in a permanent magnet we need to use both sides of the magnet at least because any permanent magnet can and will attract with each pole any ferrous material. So, if a permanent magnet is rated for its strength as 20 kg force lets say, this magnet can and will attract on both sides (both poles) 20 kg force and total energy must be accounted accordingly.
If Force equals Mass (20 kg) times acceleration squared where acceleration is a constant for a gravitational system 9.8 m/s or for an electric charge speed of light one can easily calculate energy available for any period of time if we assume a definite period of time this permanent magnet will be able to maintain its strength for the sake of calculus/demonstration. And this is a constant continuous output without any aparent source of power according to mainstream science.
Than if we consider any losses in such a system where total output power MUST match the input power all scientists from mainstream science will get a continuous head of a great magnitude trying to demonstrate there is not any input energy and such energy do not exist despite anyone can play with a permanent magnet with their hands.
And this example use only one permanent magnet, but this will easy go crazy if we try a system using 2 magnets in attraction or repulsion and further introduce a ferrous material in equation.
For the moment I just stick with kinetic system for easy understanding and testing. Be sure I can go further but, people will have a really hard time if this first stage is not understood and all the lies unveiled.
Bear in mind that this "non existent" power or cvasi power or however mainstream call it, produce real effect which every one of us benefit in every single fraction of time of our life. And for the moment I only speak about energy present in any permanent magnet without naming the origin of this energy.
Anyone talking bs only needs to be shown a permanent magnet and their lies will be exposed. And the beauty is even a child can do it without any high order knowledge.
Oh, in findings of AI there is a lot of lies: this energy is ready to be used at any time, just use and ferrous material or another magnet. Second: the product of BH is not energy stored ! It is the power strength ! It seems that AI is going dumb confusing power measurement with energy measurement.
I have long had many questions about magnetism and electricity. But I still have many questions. Regarding the generation of electricity, I have already reached an understanding that I share with everyone who wants it. But illusions are still fueled by upbringing, it is important to overcome them. As one Jew told me, you can't do this, everyone deserves what they can achieve with their understanding. Therefore, I have no desire to discuss this topic further.
A couple of days ago, a friend contacted me because he wants to make a generator that was made in Germany ( https://youtu.be/ (https://youtu.be/bN60uWjoY64) ), and another guy from Ukraine made it in his garage. My friend contacted the guy who created the device in Ukraine, but the guy has problems with the operation of his creation. The fact that he demonstrates a self-propelled car without a battery on the video does not mean that everything in his scheme is calculated correctly. There are nodes that overheat and fail. There is a short-frequency self-propelled, but there is a lack of engineering knowledge and skills. His first mistake is most likely an incorrectly calculated generation scheme, the conversion from pulsed to direct current. This process must be controlled, based on the fact that electromagnetic induction in a conductor belongs to the type that in electrical engineering is called a "current generator". This design works, but you should not expect cosmic overunit indicators from it.
My publication is about this type of generator. (https://www.patreon.com/posts/electric-without-122466665) Video of a guy from Ukraine is attached to the publication.
I have another friend who is an ardent supporter of the fact that magnetic lines cut the conductor in generators. He made the installation with mechanical switching, a statically installed armature of a direct current motor in the stator of a three-phase motor, where he received generation. He made an electronic switch for the same design, and received a transformation on the same installation. I explained to him how excitation for a generator differs from excitation for a transformer, and why it is so necessary to have a constant magnetic flux with a permanent electromagnet.
In the publication where there are photos of the UFO and My Friend installations, everything is published. It is the accounting of the focus of the closed magnetic flux that is key. Whether you believe or not in electromagnetic induction when changing the Anapole moment, it does not matter, just do it that way and that's it.
Electromagnetic generator, without rotation of the magnetic rotor in self-propelled mode. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/98758458)
I wish everyone to achieve their goals. I always follow what my physics teacher at school said: "if a concept has exceptions and contradictions, it is false." There are too many contradictions in the concept of modern education about inducing EMF in generators, which is why I was looking for answers. Whether I am right or wrong is no longer important, this is my point of view on these issues. One thing is good: physicists cannot refute my conclusions, which means that my concept is as tenacious as the one accepted for education with a bunch of mutually exclusive provisions.
Excitation is the creation of a magnetic excitation field. And the magnetic field induces an EMF. It is clearly stated that excitation for a turbogenerator is 3% of the output power of generation. It is easy to calculate the efficiency, which is 3333%. And the drive of a steam turbine is the condition for the rotation of the excitation electromagnet in the stator of a turbogenerator. We ensure the rotation of the excitation field in the stator without mechanical rotation, we obtain direct efficiency.
Quote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMSo, if one will use an air core coil able to simulate a permanent magnet, can collect all available energy without diminishing the energy from radiating coil ? What would be that ?
That would be a "Tesla Coil"... ;D
A Tesla Coil is an Air Core Device...however, the primary is very flat, and located at the bottom of Secondary "tower"...and made of thick wire and just a few turns.
Quote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMAvoiding all secondary (pickup coils) to interact with primary when receive energy.
Exactly, once you get the Primary to be in Resonance within its circuit, consisting of a Capacitor and a Spark Gap...then this Primary, wound with coarse (thick) wire gauge and only a few turns, will generate a huge magnetic field which will climb all the way on the secondary top Toroid or "Corona"...
Quote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMAs long as primary is not drained by its secondaries power consumption will be less than what secondaries can output. And all energy spent is just to maintain the radiating field and not to transmit power.
A Tesla Coil Secondary will output thousands of Volts...while Primary keeps "re using" the Input (much lower voltage) based on a full resonance in a closed circuit connected to its transformer secondary, while the transformer input is constant AC...
Quote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMFor this effect one needs to lookup for relation amp-turns and resistance of wires while playing with voltage and duty cycle. Duty cycle being the way to control the current ... for a rotary commutator means distance between the contacts and size of contacts/brushes.
Mainly looking for the correct resonant point within the primary circuit.
Quote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMIn all electric power generators available to purchase we do not see such a thing where secondaries are simply put in direct interaction with primaries.
Wrong, ALL Generators available to purchase, the secondaries are in very direct relation with primaries (exciters).
The thing is that ONLY when you close the circuit of secondary (by loading it), is when is created a secondary magnetic field...and this is how starts the "required torque" to be able to keep rotation constant (3000-3600 RPMs) because BOTH Fields (Primary and Secondary) are facing each other's and Lenz Law comes in...
Quote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMThis is why I have insisted for long time and saying permanents magnets does have their own energy and an electro-magnet have the option to be switched off/on at will....
When we pulse a coil we spend much less energy than keeping energised all time.
Only problem by pulsing coils on the exciting circuit of a generator, is that whenever coil is OFF (on the Frequency Cycle), it reverses its Voltage as also its Magnetic Field...and this "natural behavior" disrupts Output Induction on the Secondary(ies)...
The way Generators that we know, works...as that we can purchase everywhere...uses a DC Constant and Steady Exciting (Inducing) Magnetic Field...not pulsed.
Quote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMNow, if anyone can tell me, I would like to know if I can switch off a big permanent magnet by placing a small and much weak permanent magnet with a gap at one of the ends of the big one with poles seeing each other in opposition ? I only want to temporary block one way of a strong and big permanent magnet. Is it possible ? For a linear longitudinal aligned system lets say ... if I do not intend to use much power. I am referring strict for a switching practical mechanism ... this paragraph is not related to above.
Nope, you cannot do that...in order to "Neutralize" (never can "turn off" any big permanent magnet just like that, or even a small magnet, just like a "switch".
So, in order to "Neutralize" any magnet...you need exactly EQUAL FORCES FROM BOTH Magnets, or as close as possible, then adjust the Air Gap, to just make the final and minimal adjustments...however, I am referring to "Mechanical Neutralization of Forces"...and as an example I can refer to Lüling Magnet Motor...
Thank you very much for this valuable input Ufopolitics. I believe I wasn't clear enough or logic but mainly I was trying to say what you said fragmenting my text.
Well, I was trying to describe a different approach in a way I see it more natural without using brute force fighting itself ... this is what is currently in use and fit perfect with underunity output terms defined by mainstream science.
The energy stored in a permanent magnet is electric in nature and I used as example kinetic to simply demonstrate existence of energy there, direct usable and non exhaustible. When I am told there are lines of force in a magnet which I agree 100% I would like to hear what is and how is defined this force.
Because a force is applied to something to obtain something. What exactly is the subject of applied force in these lines of force.
I don't want to hear incomplete explanations like magnetic domain align as this only refers to atomic structure to form a dipolar structure. Why do I need a dipolar structure ? In a permanent magnet ?
Also we may want to observe that there is no voltage in a perfect superconductor as potential difference is equalised instantly.
If this part is not understood, makes no sense to dive further, we can stay in the limits of mainstream science and keep dreaming about overunity in terms of the same science.
On contrary, if we admit lets say just for the sake of demonstration, there is something that we apparently don't know we may observe there is no overunity and certain phenomena is accounted for with superior results.
Now, in a practical application: if I have 2 permanent magnets wrapped with wire one CW and the other CCW, placing them in repulsion with a gap and intermitent placing some iron or ferrous metal in the gap between them, may I induce a curent in the wires ? Observing that fixed position magnets only vary the blochwall position by going in attraction to the interposed iron and in repulsion to each other when iron is removed. Where eddy currents appear and how powerful they be ? What would be the required force to move the iron in-out in the gap between 2 magnets in repulsion ? Do I need to calculate amp-turns to find out what would be maximum output for coils on permanent magnets ? Can I calculate amp-turns equivalent for the permanent magnet alone ? Why calculating amp-turns is important for coil geometry ? What difference would make frequency of switching repulsion-attraction of the magnets ? Should I used the output of the coils in series or parallel ?
Would this type of generator be something new or has been already patented long time ago ? Is it possible to be more efficient than existing ones ... or it might be overunity when compare required input power (to move the iron) with the output power ?
When I try to calculate amp-turns I may find useful to know resistance of wire to help me decide how much current I want at what voltage ... and how to achieve required amp-turns using a longer/shorter wire or thiner/thicker wire.
Of course, Supposing there are 12 coils on each side depending on iron disc diameter and placement of coils not to interfere with each other, if the torque of motor allow and I only need to spin the disc using a tiny motor from a toy car where I have wireless control of speed. (This is a hint of what available parts to use for proof of concept). Eventually if necessary I can provide some pictures of how it looks like.
If I am satisfied with results, I may be able to use a multitude of options, including a solid state.
Trying to copy/paste text ... it change all the writing ... it is very difficult to rectify while I am using a tablet, apologise for inconvenience.
https://www.teslascientific.com/products/ampere-turn-calculator-coil-comparison/ Play a bit with this calculator and observe we can obtain same amp-turns with more or less current or more or less voltage ... if coil geometry do not allow, we can use resistors to adjust amp-turns
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Feb 18, 2025, 08:58 PMOnly problem by pulsing coils on the exciting circuit of a generator, is that whenever coil is OFF (on the Frequency Cycle), it reverses its Voltage as also its Magnetic Field...and this "natural behavior" disrupts Output Induction on the Secondary(ies)...
I wanted to add a bit more clarification about my previous quoted post above...because it seems -by the way I wrote it- that it is a 'disadvantage' that by nature, whenever we power up and then turn off a coil, it reverses voltage...
And it is NOT a disadvantage, on the contrary, a typical Boost Converter design takes advantage of that specific natural 'feature' of coils:
The basic circuit is very simple, however, the main "pump" (or 'heart') of this whole design is an "Inductor" (an air coil) ... L1 on schematic above.
So, there is an N-Chanel MOSFET Transistor switching ON/OFF the Negative leg of Inductor, this creates a Square Wave that only opens and closes inductor circuit.
Then is Diode D1 set in a way that only allows Positive Voltage to go through to the C1 Capacitor...
When Coil is energized by FET closing circuit it looks as above image, Coil is MAGNETIZED, it generates a Magnetic Field...and this is the way it "stores energy".
When FET Opens circuit (OFF), then Coil reverses its Voltage...so energy travels through D1 charging C1...
Finally, so we have a full view of cycle, on above image is a repetition of FET closing circuit...however, here we see at this stage that C1 charged keeps powering up Output while Inductor Input Circuit is closed...
Now, I had long discussions about this simple device...as one of them was a simple question:
Does the Coil's Magnetic Field reverses Polarity when it is switched off?...
Of course it does!!...and this is so simple to demonstrate on a single coil turned on and off while having a Polarity Tool attached to one of its poles....and watching it reverse.
However, the main point here is that if we have a 50% Duty Cycle...this simple device works 50% with the Input Power and 50% with coil's self-reversing voltage while there is ZERO Input.
As depending on the Frequency that we pulse, the Output Voltage will increase much more than Input...
But, this is not an OU device, simply because the power generated by coil reversal is lower on amperage than input amperage (currents)...
However, this is just a simple, basic circuit...that we can 'enhance' to make it work at best performance...like adding a Steel Core on Inductor-Coil...magnifying magnetic fields.
For further and more detailed info plus some diagrams to build it with a 555 Timer, all images were taken from: https://learnabout-electronics.org/PSU/psu32.php
Or, in other words this type of circuit recycle reactive power, which electricity books keep saying is not useful or usable ;D
There are two types of electrical source in electromechanics. "voltage source" and "current source" (https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2022/11/difference-between-voltage-source-current-source.html). By the way, when I was interested in what it is in essence, I was surprised that everything is much simpler, my version of definitions:
Electromagnetic generator and Galvanic cell in electrical engineering are sources of voltage and current. The difference is in the principle of operation. Galvanic cell produces part of the EMF, which is not enough to maintain the electric tension at the battery terminals, for this reason it is called a Voltage Generator. Electromagnetic generator initially produces full EMF, which is subsequently converted into Current by voltage drop. For this reason it is called a Current Generator. In both devices, EMF is converted into CURRENT.
To perform the phenomenon of electromagnetic power, in an electric circuit with a load, everything must be performed according to Ohm's law. Which, in fact, I demonstrated in solving the problem of determining the effective EMF of a single-phase generator. Which is based on the simple equality of current for the full circuit and a section of the circuit: [I = (E-U)/(R+r) = U/R].
It follows that for the "source" that supplies EMF to a section of a conductor or electrodes in a circuit (which becomes a current or voltage generator), it does not matter how the difference in electrical potentials is formed, the main thing is that this difference in electrical potentials [E] in volts, tends to close and produce a magnetic field, expressed in the electrical system of measurements as current by electromagnetic induction [curl Bi = - dE/dt], which I replaced with Maxwell's formula for Ampere's law [curl H = dD/dt + J], which is essentially the same thing.
Another notation of Maxwell's equation: (https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/a50a69782c3e25e545147d0e9832c6d7c77c4362)
This reading of my data in electromagnetism caused a storm of indignation among both physicists and adherents of the concept of elementary particles (electrons). But, none of them are able to refute my concept, it is more logical than elementary particles with a bunch of contradictions and exceptions.
About Tesla transformer. In fact, it is not a transformer - it is a generator of electric potential E (voltage generator), so if you find a mechanism to utilize the generated potential in an eclectic circuit, then you will get a voltage source for an electric circuit (https://rakatskiy-blogspot-com.translate.goog/2023/01/blog-post_11.html?_x_tr_sl=ru&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=ru&_x_tr_pto=wapp.) with a load. There is a version that Kapanadze implemented this principle in his installation (my publication (https://www.patreon.com/posts/mystery-of-99391296)).
There is another option, Paul Bauman TESTATICА, when when the external magnetic field changes, the electric potential E is generated in a capacitor made of copper and aluminum plates. Such a generator was built in Austria with an output power of 3 kW (no villages there were autonomous, it's all a hoax). [color=var(--body-txt-color)]This principle is suppressed by the generator Pavel Imris DE202018004259U1 (https://patents.google.com/patent/DE202018004259U1/en) "Electric Generator" (Germany) [/color]
There are some oddities: the site Pavel Imris ( http://www.pavelimris.com/ (http://www.pavelimris.com/)) no longer exists after the appearance of the Korean generator on COP28, and in its place there is strange advertising.
To achieve a goal, you need logic, knowledge and the ability to always learn. Separate the wheat from the chaff and you will succeed.
Respectfully, Serge Rakarsky
Quote from: Ufopolitics on Feb 18, 2025, 08:58 PMQuote from: Classic on Feb 16, 2025, 04:40 AMNow, if anyone can tell me, I would like to know if I can switch off a big permanent magnet by placing a small and much weak permanent magnet with a gap at one of the ends of the big one with poles seeing each other in opposition ? I only want to temporary block one way of a strong and big permanent magnet. Is it possible ? For a linear longitudinal aligned system lets say ... if I do not intend to use much power. I am referring strict for a switching practical mechanism ... this paragraph is not related to above.
Nope, you cannot do that...in order to "Neutralize" (never can "turn off" any big permanent magnet just like that, or even a small magnet, just like a "switch".
Now, it may be easier to understand my reference to amp-turn where a "cheap" curent can be used (high voltage low current) to create magnetic force desired to push (pulse) the blochwall. The small magnet must not be strong enough to fully cancel the big magnet if we desire to obtain a curent induced on a coil wrapped on the big magnet.
So, in order to "Neutralize" any magnet...you need exactly EQUAL FORCES FROM BOTH Magnets, or as close as possible, then adjust the Air Gap, to just make the final and minimal adjustments...however, I am referring to "Mechanical Neutralization of Forces"...and as an example I can refer to Lüling Magnet Motor...
Well, this is not exactly what I asked. I don't want to fully neutralise the big magnet, my aim is to limit the interaction of the big magnet with a third party and force the blochwall of big magnet or the whole system to vary their position of blochwall without the need to physically move anything where "the small" magnet is in fact an electromagnet that can be switched at will.
https://youtu.be/LyvfDzRLsiU?si=9x0JvEmRz-PHaZOQ Here is the concept and the small permanent magnet should be replaced with with an electromagnet.
This is what I am talking about and as can be seen is feasible, possible and easy to make.
@rakarskiy, in post #153 above you may want to use MMF and EMF instead of partial and full EMF, am I right ? :(
Where MMF induce a curent and; EMF induce a curent and self induce due to electric potential.
One parallel RLC circuit produce high MMF to induce an EMF into an series RLC. But series RLC do not have enough MMF to induce a current in parallel RLC and practically there is no fight between opposing forces ... which means generation with less effort.
Ca you identify which RLC will be a permanent magnet in this case, parallel or series ?
Magnetomotive forc (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetomotive_force)e (MMF) is used to calculate electromagnetic generators (alternators) with closed magnetic circuits. All alternators that operate in power plants are machines with closed magnetic circuits. The magnetomotive force in the SI system is measured in amperes. In practice, to avoid confusion with current force, the term "ampere turns" is often used. The resulting magnetic induction in a closed loop is then calculated.
Next, when calculating the electromagnetic induction in a closed magnetic circuit, a formula called transformer EMF (https://circuitglobe.com/emf-equation-of-the-transformer.html) is applied. E = 2π/√2 * Φf = 4.44 * Φf [Toroidal moment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment) = Anapole moment]
Engineers use it to calculate all alternators in power plants, while physicists deny it (paradox).
It is this paradox that I explained from a physical point of view, which in no way "physics dinosaurs with a bunch of utopian science degrees" want to accept.
Self-excitation in an oscillator and self-induction in an inductor coil are somewhat different in nature. Self-excitation in an oscillator occurs by increasing the magnetic induction in the core, which is added by the ampere turns of the phase winding. Self-induction in an inductance coil can occur without a core, splitting into two components: electromagnetic induction around the conductor in the form of EMF (those peaks we all see on oscilloscopes) and a change in magnetic induction due to the toroidal moment phenomenon.
Yeah, the question is they really don't know ? They don't want to know ? Or they don't want others to know, they know ? Judging by constant absence of any studies I can guess which option NOT to consider. And I mean constant absence of any studies for more than hundred of years.
If anyone use the calculator I posted in previous message and keep everything constant apart from resistance may simply observe that powering constant a coil with DC while "modulating" only resistance I can actually modulate magnetic flux without the need to physically change anything else. And virtual magnet is changing its strength or shape defined as MMF (that's why is a magnet) without the need to physically move a real permanent magnet.
If you make sure the EMF induced in pickup coil (secondary) do not have enough strength to induce a MMF in primary you get what you are looking for. To make sure this is not happening you must drain secondary as in this case you are using a constant supply of DC and you don't want and don't need to recycle energy at this point here. You can recycle the energy by sending a portion of the output to the battery connection (not charging the battery).
I truly believe this is what Figuera describe in his patent and this is I was trying to say all along but unable to express much clear in this way. Probably if we consider this option we can see all coils are fired in the same time and number of coils is not related to number of contacts on commutator. Commutator is used just to modulate sequential through resistance MMF of primary. Our eyes are deceived by what we see ... very clever way to hide a secret in plain sight.
At least for me this way make more sense. But, also open my eyes for many other ways to generate electric power.
The problem is in the system. Knowledge of how a closed-loop generator really works is not needed even by 99% of electrical engineers. Do you know exactly which direction the current in the loop is from + to -, or in the opposite direction? Only a designer who designs electromagnetic machines needs this.
Let's take this good animation:
AC generator working principle (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OOeFhL92vC8)
where I personally see contradictions that are insoluble with the general interpretation of the induction of EMF in a system with a closed magnetic circuit, with how the real EMF is formed.
There is another video with a visual aid of the simplest generator:
Simple explanation of a generator (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UL_ryxub-RA)
The question arises, how can magnetic lines cut the conductor in this design? But students are fed a generally accepted lie.
Chinese drawings of a similar simple generator:
单相永磁交流发电机模型-发电机系列课件-鹏芃科艺 (https://www.pengky.cn/dianjixilie011/13-yongci-FDJ-MX/Permanent%20Magnet%20Alternator%20model.html)
Excitation of the turbogenerator rotor electromagnet (the one that is connected to the same shaft as a steam or gas turbine) is 0.5-3%, from the total output power of the turbogenerator. Electric power is [W=IU] If EMF is electromagnetic induction [E=-dF/dt], then mechanical power [P=Fv] expended for rotation is a condition, not the energy of transformation. If we rotate the magnetic field in the armature and not the armature itself without expenditure of mechanical power, we can calculate the efficiency of generation, it will be 3333%.
* Turbo generator - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_generator) (page about turbogenerators in Ukrainian compare: Турбогенератор — Вікіпедія (https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80))
What could be simpler, take the armature of a DC motor, insert it into the stator with slots where the three-phase winding is wound, rotate the brushes around the collector. You will get electricity generation, but to build a consumer machine you will need the appropriate knowledge to perform the design. I described the simplest way in my publication (https://www.patreon.com/c/user?u=75063604).
The Hundred Year Mystery - Solid State Electromagnetic Generator (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qiywb2yA8eI)
Folsom Power House - Generators 1895 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0PPGISqG7OI)
Building a Generator 1905 - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E295-yVc82A)
Quote from: Classic on Feb 26, 2025, 11:27 AMIf anyone use the calculator I posted in previous message and keep everything constant apart from resistance may simply observe that powering constant a coil with DC while "modulating" only resistance I can actually modulate magnetic flux without the need to physically change anything else. And virtual magnet is changing its strength or shape defined as MMF (that's why is a magnet) without the need to physically move a real permanent magnet.
Yes, you can "modulate" the magnetic field by just varying resistance, as resistance is INVERSELY PROPORTIONAL to Currents (Amps), so, the MORE resistance you add, the LESS Amps you get, meaning, magnetic field becomes WEAKER...As the opposite if you REDUCE resistance then Amps will INCREASE, and magnetic field would be STRONGER.
Now, related to the GEOMETRY of magnetic field on this type of movement is very simple, when we make field WEAKER it REDUCES in size volume, or SHRINKS.
As when we reduce resistance and amps grow, field INCREASES its Spatial Volume or EXPANDS.
Fine, that was the Figuera's "raw" method, He showed us as an "EXAMPLE" about the main principle his Generator works...
Now, based on my previous explanation above, about field expanding-shrinking its spatial volume,
we must realize when field expands-shrinks it does it exactly from its gravitational center to each pole straight alignment...And this Gravitational Center never moves from its location during the expansion-shrinking. Now, go to Figuera Patent Diagram and observe that the Induced (secondary "y") is in between Two Poles (N-S)
but from Two facing coils, which generates TWO Fields that ALTERNATES the operation. This means we are completely wasting all BOTH Fields expand-shrinks on BOTH opposite sides, where there are no secondaries installed.
Just because by using this process of playing with resistance and amperage, the field expands-shrinks BUT ON THE SAME SPACE, from its center (gravitational center from each inducing coil) OUTWARDS through Poles.
The WASTE is about 50% of field movement that only goes to a SINGLE and very small output coil "y".
This is why, after Figuera's death, Buforn proposes another configuration where he created a chain between all inducers-inductors, to use "partially" the other side of fields that were wasted.
So, I have tried about 12 years ago this resistance method, as many people also tried it...it works as it generates output, but it will never be an OU Machine based on this configuration.
IMHO, Figuera just wanted to give us a "hint" on how his main principle was based on, however, this "example" or "circuit config", is NOT the way to succeed generating a self-runner or an OU Generator, building a model that follows this method or even the Buforn one.
In any generator out there, Home or Industrial, the Inducing Field(s) NEVER fluctuates, NEVER reduces its resistance nor its currents, but it keeps its Strength all the time while rotating through secondaries.
If we look just at 'geometries' here, an 'intact' (not fluctuating) field moves through 'spacetime' through inducing coils...and Voltage and Currents are generated perfectly balanced.
And that is exactly what I have shown on my Figuera development topic, except, that I am moving a VIRTUAL Field, however Field is keeping its strength intact through all spacetime movement.
On my development, the Gravitational Center of the Exciting Field also displaces through spacetime, it does NOT stay on the same place!!
We can also refer to this Gravitational Center as the 'Bloch Wall' or as the Counterspace Plane...but that would complicate its understanding.
Most interestingly, the only evidence the journalist passed on is that Figueroa's generator provided power for a 20 hp motor (that's 15 kW) and lights in the house. Nowhere is it mentioned that it was self-propelled; rather, it received its primary impulse from a small DC generator that was driven by a water wheel. There is no mention of the input to output power ratio, only that it had no rotating parts other than a mechanical commutator. I've been collecting everything I can find about Figueras' generator. I even have an acquaintance who does psychological passport modeling. They put in salesmen's actions, interviews, and facial features. The result is a psychological portrait, Figueras is not the person to give something to. The first sale of the patent was at a very high price. Those who bought would not pay for something we can read in the public domain. So the patents we read cannot be the design that Figura sold in 1902. Rather, the first sale only whetted the appetite, so a second patent (more like a proposal) appears in 1908. The system doesn't buy anything twice. But of course Figura wouldn't put up for sale a technology that doesn't work. So the probability of two working designs is almost 100%.
Autonomous operation has not been documented for Figura0 or even Holcomb - that doesn't mean at all that it's not possible offline.
Quote from: rakarskiy on Feb 27, 2025, 02:48 PMMost interestingly, the only evidence the journalist passed on is that Figueroa's generator provided power for a 20 hp motor (that's 15 kW) and lights in the house. Nowhere is it mentioned that it was self-propelled; rather, it received its primary impulse from a small DC generator that was driven by a water wheel. There is no mention of the input to output power ratio, only that it had no rotating parts other than a mechanical commutator. I've been collecting everything I can find about Figueras' generator. I even have an acquaintance who does psychological passport modeling. They put in salesmen's actions, interviews, and facial features. The result is a psychological portrait, Figueras is not the person to give something to. The first sale of the patent was at a very high price. Those who bought would not pay for something we can read in the public domain. So the patents we read cannot be the design that Figura sold in 1902. Rather, the first sale only whetted the appetite, so a second patent (more like a proposal) appears in 1908. The system doesn't buy anything twice. But of course Figura wouldn't put up for sale a technology that doesn't work. So the probability of two working designs is almost 100%.
Autonomous operation has not been documented for Figura0 or even Holcomb - that doesn't mean at all that it's not possible offline.
Yes, I agree 100% with above...
And just to add more to it...that I have been writing about for the past 30 years.
A 'Patent' is NOT a "Construction Manual", a Patent is written in the MOST GENERAL WAY it could be done, in order to PROTECT its Intellectual Properties.
The more 'generally written' a Patent is, the more protected against any 'copying' or infringement by just changing a specific parameter and making another Patent.
This 'Rule of Law' on Patents Protection is still applied up to now.
Patents are written to give us a GENERAL IDEA ONLY of how the invented principle works, using the widest form of legal writing available.
It is called "The ESSENCE of" an idea or the plain and simplest way to write it.
When you write the 'Claims' of your Patent, they go from the wider claims to the more specifical ones in numerical order.
And related to Figuera's work, its 'ESSENCE' simply states that we only need to MOVE THE VIRTUAL MAGNETIC FIELD without any real physical movement taking place to generate electricity.
As from above general idea, we can do whatever ways we find more suitable to our advantage.
Back in 2021, I was ready to end my research on electromagnetic generators without mechanical motion. The appearance of Robert Holcomb's generator simply shook me. But back in early 2021, I was convinced that the EMF in a conductor appears when magnetic lines cross it, or at least it should be in the middle of the magnetic flux (the grooves corresponded to this belief) and what is written in all physics textbooks. But, unfortunately, it was mathematics that did not provide the logic of these processes in generators with closed magnetic circuits. My physics teacher in 1978-1982 (a passionate supporter of the law of conservation of energy) said that if a concept has exceptions or contradictions, then it is wrong. The same goes for the theory (concept) of electrodynamics, which is given in the form of a constant.
My research led to my "own discovery" about the phenomenon of EMF in the focus of a closed magnetic flux, it turned out that with [changing the Anapole moment (http://www.femto.com.ua/articles/part_1/0132.html#:~:text=%D0%90%D0%9D%D0%90%D0%9F%D0%9E%D0%9B%D0%AC%20(%D0%BE%D1%82%20%D0%B3%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%87.%20an%20-%20%D0%BE%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%D1%82.%20%D1%87%D0%B0%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8%D1%86%D0%B0%20%D0%B8,-%D0%BF%D0%BB%D0%BE%D1%82%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%8D%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BA%D1%82%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%87.%20%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%BA%D0%B0%2C%20%D1%81%20-%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C%20%D1%81%D0%B2%D0%B5%D1%82%D0%B0%20%D0%B2%20%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BA%D1%83%D1%83%D0%BC%D0%B5.)] Anapole - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anapole) (which was discovered (described) only in 1957, by the Soviet physicist Yakov Zeldovich (from Minsk, Belarus, most likely a Jew by nationality). American version - "Toroidal moment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment)".
I have published everything I learned in my publication: The Invention of the Electromagnetic Generator. (https://www.patreon.com/posts/invention-of-98764821)
A physicist from the USA directly told me that everything I declare a discovery is well known and is studied by physicists and practiced by engineers to whom it applies. But changing the curriculum makes no sense, since it does not change anything in the knowledge of electricity for 99% of people on the planet. It is easier to train a small part of specialists. In general, logically, no electrical engineer who possesses sacred knowledge will reduce his value as an engineer by telling everyone how he does it for work. Designing electromagnetic generators is the highest level of designing electromagnetic systems. Believe me, I know what I am talking about. If you order a design from any design bureau, you will see the cost of this service. And if the design is innovative, the cost will be even higher.
I updated the article about the first alternator in 1892 by Hippolyte Pixia (although the idea and design belong to Andre Ampère, the customer of the generator).
Hippolytus Pixie's first generator was an alternator. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/hippolytus-first-122452345)
The most striking example of a repetition of the Pixia generator is the "Scooter" generator, which cannot induce an EMF by simply physically cutting the magnetic lines of a conductor.
For the first version of the generator by Clemente Figuera, which he sold in 1902, the most likely version is that the moving rotor with excitation electromagnets was replaced by a fixed rotor with switching of the electromagnets through a mechanical commutator. Figuera, an engineer, had taught physics before moving to the Canary Islands (where he was a forestry engineer) and was well acquainted with all the peculiarities and engineering solutions of the time. Brush-collector switching of the armature, both on the motor side and on the generator side, was the most common engineering solution at the time.
Static Electromagnetic Generators by Clemente Figueras, Robert Holcomb, Jae-Sung Park, and Shoji Haneda. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/static-of-robert-114682909)
As for the 1908 patent, this version was most likely modified by an engineer for the 1902 patent. To control the change in the magnetic flux in the core, a resistive regulator is used, which ensures smoothness (linearity) of the change in the magnetic flux in the core. The opposite direction of the output voltages in the excitation coils does not allow the phenomenon of mutual induction to form. But there are also some peculiarities, opposite currents in the excitation coils will have the property of heating the windings. In any case, this can only be verified in practice.
GENERATORS CLEMENTE FIGUERA 1902-1908 | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/generators-1902-99437426)
If the switching of electromagnets in the armature inserted into the stator with windings is fully confirmed, then the option with a resistive regulator in the current model has not yet been implemented. To build with a fixed armature, in any case, engineering design actions will be required, based on all the rules and technologies used in this area. Nothing consumer-grade for the home will come out on the eye.
My short article about the transformer, the basis of its work is mutual induction! Why mutual induction has nothing to do with Faraday's electromagnetic induction. Another moment of the educational process, when a bucket is pulled onto a globe and the entire 20th century and already a quarter of the 21st everyone takes this crap for granted. But it is easy to check, make a calculation.
HOW A TRANSFORMER WORKS (MUTUAL INDUCTION) | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/how-transformer-123670084)
Electromagnetic generator Theory?
I seen this Pop up to the top again, Wondering what part is the Theory part?
Again I have a handbook from 1933 standard handbook for electrical engineers that tells everything one wishes to know
as Facts on Transformers, Generators, Electromagnetic Coils - all electrical applications ( not as theory but as facts )
where testing on every aspect of all these systems were in depth covers every possible way on how these things work
and the Physics behind them things also.
What is said is a transformer as the best possible device for transfer of electrical energy can only be 99 percent total
all other electrical devices as less than 99 percent input to output
But it is fun to see people try to outwit the balance of the universe
I have failed to produce a workable device many times in the past learning what is possible and what is not possible to use
as a medium as to produce a workable device, That runs on its own power sources meaning it takes 2 at least to make a 1 workable output system that can itself and other things - I don't use theory in doing this - because if it is theory -
it means theory - is just guessing - not a real anything - and a not a real anything means - not a chance of working -
So saying: The Electromagnetic Generator Theory - means - NOT real from the start --- ( just a thought )
Water seeks it own level, electrical energy does the same thing, plus electrical power is only 1 energy - like using gravity only - This type never works - because it is mostly only 1 input for 1 output minus friction = less than 99 percent every time- again ( balance of the universe - can't beat it - ) But!
The fact is there is no electromagnetic theory - just not knowing a guessing what the mystery of how electric makes magnetic things work that why they seem to do what they seem to do.
I find it better if the facts are written down somewhere, Old books on subjects in questions are the best - new books seem to have missing pages where the knowledge was but has been removed mainly to keep people guessing ( I guess? )
As far as I know the only non-balanced part of the universe was that Big Bang thing after that - everything is just seeking its own level
But that is only a Theory - of course
din ma - and good luck
Interesting question, someone thinks that an electromagnetic generator is not an overunity. A transformer cannot be an overunity because it is a device that converts an alternating voltage from one level to another (higher/lower). A transformer is not a voltage source. It is an element of the electrical circuit between the source and the load.
Converters are not necessarily inductive, there are also capacitive and the same multiplier.
If we consider an electric circuit, the level of electric induction (EMF), which manifests itself in the form of electric potential difference, is spent on the load of the circuit, transforming into electromagnetic radiation, and in fact: when the line of electric induction (E) is closed, it is transformed into a power line of magnetic induction (B). All this is beautifully seen in the solution of a simple problem. Thus, in an electric circuit with a load, the condition of the principle of conservation of equality of conversion parameters (what you call the law of conservation of energy) is completely fulfilled. For reference, there are also mechanical single-anchor converters (analogous to a static transformer), but they are not generator devices; they still need to be made as such.
But with an electromagnetic generator this principle is not completely fulfilled. First, mechanical power ( P=Fv ) can in no way be transformed into electrical power (W=IU). Can you clarify how it is converted, because physics states that this is a constant. In simple terms, transformation is work, and the performance of work should be considered as the power expended multiplied by the time it takes to perform it. Power multiplied by time is energy.
Even Lorentz's rule that he derived mathematically from Ampere's law has more inconsistencies than proofs, but orthodox physics takes Lorentz's rule as a constant. It looks like a square bucket stretched over a globe.
Let's take an ordinary synchronous alternator. The simplest, the turbo generator, though huge, is the simplest in principle. We all know that for a mechanical alternator to work, it is necessary to rotate the magnetic rotor in the stator with phase windings. Electricity generation is the action of forming an electromotive force at the ends of the phase winding of the stator. E= - dΦ/dt * N. Physics defines two ways: a) when cutting the magnetic lines of force of the conductor [E = BmLv] and when changing the magnetic induction in the magnetic circuit in which the conductor is located [E=4.44Φf]. The rotor of a turbogenerator is a permanent electromagnet that forms a constant magnetic flux with poles, which closes through the stator core. When the rotor rotates in the stator, the register position of the closed magnetic fluxes changes in relation to the phase conductor in the stator. The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction occurs and at the ends of the phase we measure the EMF in the form of the difference in electrical potentials. We make this measurement even without closing the circuit with the load. The physical power of rotation is minimal and is practically equal to the friction costs of the system.
Thus, physical rotation is not energy (power) that is transformed, but a condition for the movement of the magnetic rotor in the stator. Thus, we took the square bucket (mechanical force) of the constant of physics from the globe (electromagnetic induction) and separated the two elements at the corners. Next, we will consider the electrical costs for the excitation of the magnetic field in the turbogenerator to the output power of the generator.
There is no such information on the English-language Wikipedia page ( Turbo generator - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Turbo_generator) ). Let's look at the information in the Ukrainian version ( Турбогенератор — Вікіпедія (https://uk.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A2%D1%83%D1%80%D0%B1%D0%BE%D0%B3%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D0%BE%D1%80) )
In the excitation section we find information:
Excitation is very important for generator operation because the excitation current setting controls the final voltage ramp. ... For turbogenerators, the excitation power is approximately 0.5% to 3% of the generator power. ....
Interesting data, isn't it? Let's exclude the costs of mechanical rotation of the rotor and calculate the conversion efficiency using the electromagnetic induction phenomenon, at 3% it's not difficult, the conversion efficiency will be 3333%.
Today, no one knows whether magnetic induction is spent on the formation of electromotive force in the conductor, therefore, it is inappropriate to apply the law of conservation of energy to this action. When the load is connected, a current is formed in the secondary circuit, which forms its own source of magnetic field. Breaking two fields between the rotor and stator costs mechanical costs equal to the generated electrical power. If you make the generator incorrectly, then your mechanical costs for rotating the magnetic rotor will be 1.5 or 2 times greater than the electrical power you receive for the consumer.
Let's say you know how to organize the rotation of the rotor's magnetic poles (with a constant magnetic field) without physically rotating the rotor core. You will get a stationary alternating current generator. That's what the brilliant Spanish engineer Clemente Figuera did in 1902. Only a hundred years later, ideas appeared to implement this simple design. Do you believe it? I don't believe it, rather, everything connected with it was suppressed.[/color]
Static electromagnetic generators of Clemente Figueras, Robert Holcomb, Park Jae-Sun and Shoji Haneda. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/static-of-robert-114682909)
My article is about another interesting electromagnetic converter.
Richard WILLIS * Magnacoaster | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/richard-willis-123750761)
Hello interesting formula E = 4.444 (flux in Maxwell) * ( Magnetomotive force in Gilbert )
Because if 4.444 is part of the formula in that is similar to the same thing as (E = mc2 * 4.444)
or W = I * E * Hz.
or E = W * time
Somehow extra thing numbers are being placed in formula's to get the answers people wish would be real
above f = flux in Maxwell ( formula ) f = 4 (pi) N I ( notice the flux formula of f already consist of having ( 4 ) in the formula
that (4) makes the f = f already ---
putting ( 4.444 ) more times in the formula is like ( magic adding numbers that came from the Big bang or some big something added to the formula that is not needed ( or is it just to add confusion )
Well: I would say ( do it, or don't do it but, do it, because you ( want it more than something real ) A theory maybe?
or why not just make a working thing using 4.444 more in the real world ( talking about it, Is easy ) making the real idea work is somewhat more Real,
When I was in math class a long time ago the teacher showed how do a formula that can make 1 = 2 by
multiplying apples and oranges together ( of course in the real world GMO"s do just that )
SO: never mind : The Cat covered it poop
You have a mess in your head. You did it on purpose or for some other reason, I don't care.
Faraday's formula for electromagnetic induction has the form
Firstly, the formula for the energy of a moving mass E=mc^2 is also called the equivalence of mass and energy, the formula for mechanical energy E = 1/2 mv^2 The formula E=mc^2 was first written as E=kmc^2, even before Einstein, where k is the coefficient of the medium in which the mass has movement. What you wrote indicates a complete ignorance of the subject, and work for an uneducated crowd. They probably wanted to make an impression.
Faraday's formula for electromagnetic induction (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_induction#:~:text=Electromagnetic%20or%20magnetic%20induction%20is%20the%20production%20of,an%20electrical%20conductor%20in%20a%20changing%20magnetic%20field.) [EMF] is: (https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/7b5c5f863bd415d1b94413b2f4ac226ad64d085b)
The emf generated by Faraday's law of induction due to relative movement of a circuit and a magnetic field is the phenomenon underlying electrical generators. When a permanent magnet is moved relative to a conductor, or vice versa, an electromotive force is created. If the wire is connected through an electrical load, current will flow, and thus electrical energy is generated, converting the mechanical energy of motion to electrical energy. For example, the drum generator is based upon the figure to the bottom-right. A different implementation of this idea is the Faraday's disc, shown in simplified form on the right.
A rectangular wire loop rotating with angular velocity ω in a radially outward magnetic field B of fixed magnitude. The circuit terminates in brushes sliding on upper and lower discs with conductive rims. This is a simplified version of the drum generator.
To calculate the EMF when a conductor moves in a magnetic field, the following formula is: (https://wikimedia.org/api/rest_v1/media/math/render/svg/6f87583b9d7734ab4aaf710b95bee415646db1f4) [E = Bℓv*sin(a)]
For the frame generator of such machines as the Dynamo Gramme, other dynamos where the conductor is wound over the iron core of the anchor, this formula is completely fulfilled. But in the force of the mechanical force of rotation of the anchor when current occurs in the wires of the frame winding, this is another phenomenon not related to the constant of physics, cho the generator is a converter of mechanical energy into electrical energy.
My publication is absolutely free for study: ELECTRODYNAMICS OVER UNITY * DC MOTORS AND GENERATORS (https://ua-hho.do.am/_ld/0/73_EN_Serge_Rakars.pdf) or OVER UNITY ELECTRODYNAMICS - DC MOTOR and GENERANOR (https://online.fliphtml5.com/knyiz/nnwb/#p=1)
In the book I give an example of another phenomenon related to the induction of EMF on a conductor, when the conductor is in the focus of a closed magnetic flux, which changes its magnetic density. In this case, the physically closed lines of magnetic induction do not intersect the conductor. I first published my guess in my article:
The invention of the electromagnetic generator | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/invention-of-98764821)
Later, a physicist from the USA wrote to me on one of the physics forums that everything I had stated was not a discovery, it had long been known, it was just studied only by those physicists and engineers who were concerned. Changing the curriculum for 99% of students or electrical engineers (mostly designers) does not make sense, since it will not affect their professional activities. However, having learned what I was doing, she broke off contact with me and deleted all posts from the correspondence. One of the screenshots is in this thread. She also gave me links to Wikipedia, where the American version is published: Anapoles moment (Toroidal moment (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toroidal_moment)) and change in anapole moment (Dynamic toroidal dipole (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dynamic_toroidal_dipole)).
I made a slide showing how the phenomenon is applied to electromagnetic induction in a generator with a closed magnetic circuit.
Another slide for the two types of closed-flux electromagnetic generators.
This slide contains a solution to how the coefficient 4.44 arises in the transformer EMF formula.
The figure on the left applies to all generators where there is a closed magnetic flux. Turbo generators, which are installed in power plants, have a direct relationship. This is most likely the principle by which Figuer's generator was created, the technology of which he sold in 1902:
Static electromagnetic generators of Clemente Figueras, Robert Holcomb, Park Jae-Sun and Shoji Haneda. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/static-of-robert-114682909)
The picture on the right is of a switched flux generator: Flux switching alternator - Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flux_switching_alternator)
Motors and Generators using magnetic flux switching | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/99392356)
By the way, the Flux switching alternator is one of the types of machines that is not taught to everyone, but to a special category in the USA or the former USSR. Joe Flynn, after demonstrating his motors and generators, came under the surveillance of the US government and died under unknown circumstances in 2021. In Russia, engineer Kornilov also died under strange circumstances in December 2021. In one night, he was forcibly taken to the hospital allegedly with coronavirus and died before the morning. That same night, his technical laboratory was looted and the finished sample of a 70 kW self-propelled motor-generator disappeared.
interesting these people are dead now - maybe they had the wrong friends --
But normally to say something is a Sample - I really have to see such things in person and test the systems
for myself before I say one way or the other ( Sample of a something 70 kw thing that ran some way some how ) Saying self propelled could mean - runs on and input from a power source using others energy -
or anything - So: vague - ( Well: I think )
The drawing above is a prototype motor that only produces 230 watts output
but only uses 70 watts to do so
interesting enough - I did not need to calculate using formulas to produce this technology -
simple real testing on the electromagnetic coils was enough to see if it would work or not
As for doing something on purpose - I always do things on purpose - It makes people think - if nothing else --
just pisses them off -- People that is - dogs just like to fetch if a stick is tossed on purpose -
I guess people do the same - when such thing happen -
Always - Fun stuff - din ma - Moss - Wait that is the other guy - Oh well: don't really matter at least they got those others guy's technology seeing how they- them - ones dead did not need it any more.
Always so good comes out of bad things happening ) I guess?
Think of the bright side ( your post is staying at the top of the pole chart on this forum for now )
I could go on and on about those who are already dead or gone. But that won't please anyone, it will only scare them.
The very first time the system (the coal lobby with the nascent oil lobby) opposed free energy technology that could change the world back in the late 19th century was - Keele's ethereal steam generator. Generator (Keely) – AnthroWiki (https://anthrowiki.at/Generator_(Keely))
At the expense of evidence? Everyone has to make their own choice. I'm not new to electricity, but I've had to rethink electricity many times to understand how things really work.
First, you need to understand what electricity is in your outlet and how it works. Where does the component called - CURRENT - come from?
EMF, CURRENT, VOLTAGE, RESISTANCE. | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/emf-current-112414335)
Learn to design a typical electromagnetic generator with stator and rotor cores (closed magnetic circuits) with a ratio of 0.89-0.92 between the output power and the mechanical power required to rotate the rotor.
Next, you need to learn how to control the operation of this generator with an electrical circuit with different loads that are constantly turned on or off according to their own operating algorithm.
When you master everything and know exactly what you're talking about, you'll look at all the offers for great gadgets differently.
But I still do not advise anyone, if you build yourself a self-propelled source, to show it to everyone. Firstly, you are putting yourself and your family at risk, and secondly, get ready to receive an endless stream of garbage at your address. This stream will be fed by the "system itself", for which your device is undesirable and increases the risk of losing dominance in the electricity sales market.
In my posts on Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/c/user?u=75063604), I try to explain everything and even give advice on how to do it (https://www.patreon.com/posts/motionless-121773987). But everyone has their own choice, their own level of education and opportunities, their own skills - technical, design, etc.
1880s Edison Dynamo: Electricity in the Steam Era - YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YAylRhucW7c)
Quote from: Dr.Wlazlak on Mar 06, 2025, 01:38 AMElectromagnetic generator Theory?
I seen this Pop up to the top again, Wondering what part is the Theory part?
Hello Dr. Wlazlak,
Yes, the "Generator Theory" is based on the 1831 Discovery of "Electromagnetic Induction" and presented by Michael Faraday.
Quote from: Dr.Wlazlak on Mar 06, 2025, 01:38 AMAgain I have a handbook from 1933 standard handbook for electrical engineers that tells everything one wishes to know
as Facts on Transformers, Generators, Electromagnetic Coils - all electrical applications ( not as theory but as facts )
where testing on every aspect of all these systems were in depth covers every possible way on how these things work
and the Physics behind them things also.
1933?...Not far back enough...talking about the "Theory" as when it was born initially. As this "Theory" contains the basic stuff, the "essential and precise model", NOT ALL the several Machines designed based on the original model, as interpreted by Electric Engineers in the years after, all over the World...and up to NOW.
At least I, like to do that whenever I am designing an Electromagnetic Generator, and trying to achieve OU, I always start by Faraday original models...plus explanations, plus his main Induction Formula...again, year 1831-1835.
Quote from: Dr.Wlazlak on Mar 06, 2025, 01:38 AMSo saying: The Electromagnetic Generator Theory - means - NOT real from the start --- ( just a thought )
Absolutely NOT! ( to what you wrote above: "NOT real from the start")...On the contrary, based on Faraday's work, we have the ESSENTIAL MODEL(S) that gives us the BASIC understanding on Electromagnetic Induction.
Quote from: Dr.Wlazlak on Mar 06, 2025, 01:38 AMWater seeks it own level, electrical energy does the same thing, plus electrical power is only 1 energy - like using gravity only - This type never works - because it is mostly only 1 input for 1 output minus friction = less than 99 percent every time- again ( balance of the universe - can't beat it - ) But! The fact is there is no electromagnetic theory - just not knowing a guessing what the mystery of how electric makes magnetic things work that why they seem to do what they seem to do.
Your analysis is very "general" based on 1 input versus 1 output (and of course I know where you are getting at...Your work, where you use 2 Input to 1 Output)
When we go into the world of electromagnetic induction, it is a totally different scenario than comparing it to a Mechanical System.
We can make a Generator (As an example: Figuera) which have 1 Input to multiple Outputs possibilities...
...And most importantly, on Figuera's Generator example, there is NO Mechanical Friction (understand "Physical movement") at ALL!...so, not "deducting" that parameter from Output.
Unfortunately, I encountered contradictions in the theory of electric generators. I talked to both physicists and design engineers. I am also in constant contact with electrical engineers. Physicists research and imagine, but there are many contradictions in this study, and their task is to make the square fit the round so that the constants of theoretical physics (Lorentz's rule is such a far-fetched constant) fit together. Talking to electrical engineers, I realized that 99% do not have accurate knowledge of how an electromagnetic generator with closed magnetic circuits works. Only design engineers smile and are not very verbose, but they design and build these very generators.
For me, it all started with calculations. A garage foreman who manufactured collectorless axial power generators asked me to make him an Excel calculator. I fulfilled his request. The calculations were based on the EMF formula for cutting wire with magnetic lines. Everything worked like clockwork. This helped the master. Then he asked me about the possibility of applying the calculation algorithm to power generators based on AC motors. The plan was to remove the rotor of an AC motor and insert a permanent magnet rotor. I read training materials where these calculations are also based on cutting magnetic lines. But the master wrote to me that it doesn't work at all. I was in a stupor, as was the master, but he was determined to find a solution. It costs a lot of money to order such a calculation from a design bureau.
I tried to understand why engineering materials and general education differ in the calculation of EMF. Synchronous generator calculation technologies are like a separate section of electromechanics, where mechanics, electrodynamics of electrical circuits, dynamics of magnetic circuits are combined. Designing electric generators is aerobatics of all types of designing electrical mechanisms.
A page where exactly the engineering calculations for a synchronous traditional generator are. Ordinary electrical engineers shy away from this, like the devil from incense. But with puffed-up cheeks they undertake to claim that they know everything.
QuoteCalculation of a synchronous generator (in Russian) (https://studbooks.net/2116780/matematika_himiya_fizika/raschyot_nominalnyh_parametrov#278)
At present, synchronous generators are the main source of electric power. Their capacity ranges from several kilowatts to hundreds of thousands of kilowatts. Synchronous generators are installed in thermal and hydroelectric power plants, aircraft, ships, and are used in various mobile power sources.
The main properties of a synchronous generator are given by the characteristics that determine the relationship between the voltage at the anchor terminals, the excitation current, the load current at the rated rotation speed and the constant power factor in the steady state.
The design of an electric machine is an ambiguous task, since the number of initial calculation equations describing the electromagnetic connections in it is less than the number of unknown quantities. Therefore, the nominal data can be provided with various ratios of the main dimensions and electromagnetic loads of the machine. The optimal result largely depends on the experience of the designer and is usually achieved by comparing several options. The minimum total costs, i.e. the cost of materials, manufacturing and operating costs, are most often taken as a universal criterion of optimality. Operating costs, in turn, depend on efficiency, power factor, quality, maintainability and a number of other factors.
Let's take a look at how EMF is calculated for an alternator on educational channels: EMF Equation of Alternator and AC Synchronous Generator (https://www.electricaltechnology.org/2012/11/emf-equation-of-alternator-or-ac.html)
Have you seen here the method of cutting a conductor with lines of force? Have you seen the geometric paradigm of this phenomenon? The main thing is the number of conductors that are encircled by the magnetic flux Φ, which is measured in Webers and is the derivative of the product of the cross-section of the magnetic flux S and the magnetic induction B
m [ Φ= S*B
m ]
The main thing is the number of conductors [N] in the magnetic flux [Ф]. Have you seen the geometric diagram of the calculated interaction moment?
Let's take the technology of calculating the EMF of the secondary circuit of the transformer: EMF Equation of Transformer | Turns Ratio of Transformer (https://www.electricalvolt.com/emf-equation-of-transformer-turns-ratio-of-transformer/)
Both technologies lead to the same version of the resulting formula for the peak value of the induction EMF: Е = 4.44NΦf
where 4.44 is a constant coefficient calculated from the value: 1/√2 * 2π = 4.44 (где 1/√2 root mean square coefficient equal to
1/√2 = 1/1,414214 =
Again, you can study one more material: Electrical Power (http://www.itmsmed.in/img/e-library/brochure1505814000.pdf)
Another point: it is practically impossible to apply this formula to the secondary circuit of a transformer if we use the value of the excited magnetic flux in the core. Just recently I gave an example:
HOW A TRANSFORMER WORKS (MUTUAL INDUCTION) | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/123670084)
Many people have made claims against me that I am wrong. I answer them, prove it to me with a real example and calculations. Both physicists and engineers retreated with their claims. It took me time to figure this out, and gray hairs, so I do not take any authorities at their word, only evidence.
The invention of the electromagnetic generator | Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/posts/invention-of-98764821)
The official theory of the electromagnetic oscillator, is the most confusing part of electrodynamics and electromechanics. They even wrote to me, why do I need it? All the same you will not prove anything to anyone, everyone will not give up their PhD, doctorate and other regalia. For this reason it is easier to teach the real essence of things only to those who need it to a narrow circle of specialists.