One of the main problems of using Permanent magnets is They can not be turned OFF
If a device could produce an effect of blocking the magnetic fields of the magnetic poles to each
other ( and the blocking device was not effected by the magnetic pull or pushing effects )
The blocking device could be placed between to poles of the same magnetic fields
like North pushing against North ( And the blocking device would allow the 2 magnets not to
be able to push against each other and could moving together close -- once the blocking device is
removed from between the 2 magnets ( they push apart ) making usable output energy
Note: many different type of devices can be built using this magnetic Shield technology
( Because the blocking device is NOT effected by the magnetic force of the 2 magnets )
NO energy is taken away from the total of the usable output energy - other than linkage friction -
This method has been tested and it does work - no motor device have ever been built using this
method of magnetic shielding - But it does work as a shielding system producing no back pulls - as the device
is remove from between the 2 magnetic of the same poles ( as shown )
Something to think about or Test for yourself
tested in 2011 -- a few years old technology
Hello Dr Wlazlak,
Unfortunately, at this point I do not have all the time to seat down -to go in detail- to respond as to make the required CAD Graphics related to your post setup.
I am going through critical health issues in my family (not me)
My wife is in the Hospital being treated on an aggressive type of cancer (adenocarcinoma on the lymph nodes).
However, on this brief post, I will try to express my main point of view(s):
Quote from: Dr.Wlazlak on Jan 31, 2025, 09:41 PMOne of the main problems of using Permanent magnets is They can not be turned OFF
That is correct, however, as you have shown, there are other ways to do so, 'indirectly'
You have shown the image below:
And yes, on first image there are two North Poles on on the lower image when you insert that Iron/Steel Plate in between, then another Magnetic Bond is formed:
And of course, the previous repulsion forces pushing apart in 180-degree vectors are gone, or at least diminished in great degree*...
*In order for these two forces to completely disappear, the new bond of two norths with iron plate have to be able to completely absorb these forces, meaning, be equal or greater than...based on the type of force the two magnets have versus the iron mass VOLUME, as also the 'GAP' between magnets-plate on the setup.
However, to REMOVE that Iron Plate from that newly formed Bond [N>>IRON PLATE<<N] will take also considerable force to pull it apart.
The question here is simple, if you sum up the two previous Repulse forces at 180 deg and compare it to required force to pull away the plate from the new bond...what would the result be?
Have you done this analysis?
Now the last Image:
That is a very interesting way to put this technology in use...again, unfortunately at this moment I do not have the time to go over in detail.
This video might be interesting to you. I did it a few years ago.
Hello Carroll - Nice Video - The concept I have shown above a similar to what you demo in your video
One drawing I did not show in this was - The drawing below - DSCF6502.JPG
What is shown here is in Fig. 3 having North and South next to each other in the way shown
The magnet to the left of them is in balance to the push and pull force equal
in fig. 4 the same thing applies using a steel plate to attach the North and South magnetic to
in Fig. 5 below there are magnets placed on both sides of the steel plate
The North / South on each side produce no attraction to the 2 south facing magnets on either side
( This Shield produces no Pulls or pushing effect ( to the 2 outside south magnets on either side )
if set correct
Notice: The force of magnetic energy still is present but is directed DOWN at 90 degrees to the
2 south magnets to produce the energy output
( having the shield being able to pull horz. out having NO back or forward force of magnetic attraction allows a motor type device to be built of usable energy output )
The Shield using very little of the output energy to Block the magnetic pushing effects allowing the return to a close point Where the (south to south can push apart again and again )
Fig. 6 shows the horz. pulling out of the shield ( Like said There is no pull or pushing using this balance shielding device
The force is being redirected (Down) using bearing to roll on make it very easy to move
Of course there could be another method using Electromagnetic forces in a shield device
allowing the shield to push away freely using very little of the output energy to do so
like a no load motor the uses very little energy to move
a steel plate could be turn opposite of attraction and push out from being the shield between
As shown in a simple idea below
There are many way of making this type of system into a motor type design
Where the steel shield that would normally produce the same attraction backward
can by using this method be part of the output and running on Permanent Magnetic force as the main output of energy produced
Fun Stuff - some many options - There must be thousands of ways of making workable devices -
I have it least 20 or 30 ways myself
The Electrical shielding system is a interesting idea because using this method the electrical input also becomes a motor type output system and the Permanent Magnetic force is the main power source added
to the electrical motor working as a shield at the same time
A simple design shows one possible method of doing this in a rotary motion using gearing to tie system together and also used as the timing for the system
The first drawing shows the gears sizes and how they would be arranged
The next drawing shows the line up of the shield to block the magnetic field from each other
The next drawing shows the magnetic wheel having a 10 deg more turn and opening the shield
to allow the magnets to push to rotary action
The shield is built like an electrical DC. motor where the switching always keep the poles on one only
Note: this on the drawing below
This is one method of producing a workable output system using Permanent Magnetic Potential Energy as the main power source and using electrical power input as a second power source in Unity
Note the main wheel turn 1/3 the speed of the shielding system where the shield is also a motor output system running at 3 times the speed of the main magnetic wheels
The electrical input power only needs to be 1 /10 th the total output power of the device to produce this effect
Again - Fun Stuff - Dr. Wlazlak
The electrical input power only needs to be 1 /10 th the total output power of the device to produce this effect.
Sorry, but I don't see any mechanism to support this claim. What I see is an elcctromagnet driving a PM. Just like any other pulso motor. So please explain why you think it would only take 1/10 the power of the output.
Quote from: citfta on Feb 02, 2025, 06:44 AMThe electrical input power only needs to be 1 /10 th the total output power of the device to produce this effect.
Sorry, but I don't see any mechanism to support this claim. What I see is an elcctromagnet driving a PM. Just like any other pulso motor. So please explain why you think it would only take 1/10 the power of the output.
It isn't for me to explain but, what I see there permanent magnets placed in the middle are in fixed position and only the shield rotate. According to the test in your video the required force to move the shield is much smaller and permanent magnets on the 2 driving wheels are fixed to the wheels and they will be pushed away when shield rotate as shield is not continuous and act as reluctance impulse when permanent magnets in fixed position in the middle are exposed to permanent magnets on the wheels.
In your video you have lookup for a different interaction and just a single test for sliding shield between the 2 magnets. Sliding a shield between 2 magnets in reluctance requires less force than the force of repulsion between the magnets placed at 90 degrees of the shield. In the proposed kinetic diagram sliding movement is replaced with rotational movement of the PARTIAL shield ... and I can see it is possible to even add 2 more shafts increasing the torque output if the interaction between permanent magnets can be focused.
Also, instead of a motor it can be a generator if permanent magnets are all in fixed position and will have coils on top as the blochwall will be moved simulating a movement of a magnet inside the coils. And coils will be on every single magnet. Probable just adding another disc on the same shaft may provide the electric power to drive the motor spinning the shield.
At least this is how I see it working and Dr Walzak can explain better to confirm or not this operation.
Thank you Classic You noticed the 2 magnets in the shielding device are fixed
The shield only need to be electric powdered for a short time ( this however is unknown - but if noticed the rotation of the motor is 10 deg to open the shield totally ( where the power can be turned off )
What that means is out of a 360 deg rotation power ON is 60 deg total time on - any one interested do the math
But part 2 to the energy needed to make the electrical shield work ------ it is part DC. electrical motor using permanent magnets as the field - A normal Dc current motor will push itself to full speed unloaded at !/10 it designed output power - Because the Shield only needed to be able to push itself away exposing the permanent magnets the produce the real output power of the device -----((( being power ON at 360 / 60 and 1/10 total power output needed - that is much less than 1 /10 th after all --- ( If one understands how thing work in the first place ))
thanks Classic for your comment: Hope that answer most of the questions asked - Dr Wlazlak
Well, when you present 2 devices without mentioning may confuse others.
Are you aware one of Don L Smith devices is a generator hat works exactly as you draw your permanent magnet motor and has coils on magnets as I said above ?
Well: Don Smith : Interesting He had build very high output device using a very interesting formula
W = 0.5 * L * A2 * Hz ( The normal formula by normal electrical Engineers is )
W = Volts time Amps ( adding things to the formula that do not apply like Hz. ) Well:
That sounds like someone was self learned themselves new not possible concepts in BS. to tell people they can build very big high output system --- really?
lets see normally Watts = 1 volt times 1 amp = 1 watts ( that is in every electrical hand book every written
now the Don Smith formula to get the energy you want from nothing = Watts = 1 volt times 1 amp times 10000000 hz. = ( 10000000 watts ) that does not exist = very high output systems of BS. ( but maybe this is why no real Scientist or electrical engineers or anyone that was really educated by real educated people that know the real - real way things work --
took anything he said serous - only the people that do no know how the real world of electrical things work would think he was real smart -
I just wanted to point this out - because all - everything he shown talked about - presented was ( garbage )
My motors and Ideas from above ( do not resemble any of Don Smith's ( garbage stuff ) no way !!!!!
believe it or not - only the people that are educated enough to know the difference matter anyway;
nothing personal of course - I don't really care what you don't know - And why you don't know it -
That is why people should read book made by educated people not self learned science fiction comic books writers ( Then say " wow they really know their stuff "
I just wanted to clear the Air on that subject: All my items conform to the laws of physics and Science and to the laws of thermodynamics The data comes mostly from an Electrical Engineers hand book 1933 ( noting has changed from then to now ) I showed this hand book to a professor of Electrical Engineering and he said " never lose that book" The value is endless
End of this post - Please - unless you have a real comment that is based in facts - Please ----
Keep it to yourself - And I won't have to correct the comment - ( Moving ON )
The next post is of a third type shield motor where the Permanent magnet rotate and the Shield is fixed
Again the main power source Is Permanent Magnetic Potential Energy made into motion by the use of Atoms
Note: The reason I am posting this information is ( The value is endless ) nothing more nothing less
retired engineer - making the some of the (Void) - filled -
I'LL Be Back - term.
Okay, I understand now about the 3rd motor. I thought the magnets inside just represented the magnetic fields of the electromagnet. Sorry about the confusion.
I agree with you 100% about Don Smith and all his nonsense. I have argued for years that he DIDN'T know what he was talking about. When I retired about 18 years ago I started looking at "free energy" devices and ideas. Of course it wasn't long before I ran across Don Smith. My first clue that he didn't know what he was talking about was where he claimed a regular neon power supply was overunity because if you multiplied the max current out times the max voltage out it was more power than the input power. Of course that way of calculating the output power is ridiculous. Then I found where he totally misused the Smith Chart used in radio work and claimed that you could change the resonant frequency of a coil by adding a resistor across the coil. Total nonsense again.
Not sure what you guys think but for me is just not right what you are saying.
QuoteI have 12V 1A battery source. By using mosfet and step up transformer I create 1000V and 0.012A. So, per 1 second I use: 12V * 1A * 1s = 12W. Does have frequency influence on power used by this step up transformer at interval 1 second?
In a step-up transformer, the frequency does influence the transformer's efficiency and performance, but [/color]not necessarily the power used at an interval of 1 second directly. The power input you calculated (12W) is determined by your voltage and current, and theoretically, the same power will be transferred to the secondary side, minus any losses.
So with frequency 60Hz the power consumption will be same as with the frequency 50kHz (if theoretically no losses are counted, no skin effect and no leakage or other losses).
Exactly! If we theoretically ignore all losses such as core losses, skin effect, and leakage inductance, then the power consumption would be the same regardless of whether the frequency is 60Hz or 50kHz. In that idealized scenario, power consumption is purely a function of the input voltage, current, and time, so both frequencies would yield the same power usage of 12W for 1 second.
Another question: energy stored in capacitor is E= 1/2CV^2, which is given by one pulse to the capacitor. So with pulses of 30Hz I get less energy to capacitor than with pulses 60Hz. Is it right? How much energy will the capacitor get (how much energy will be stored in capacitor with charging by 30Hz pulses and 60Hz pulses)?
You're correct in thinking that the frequency of the pulses will affect the energy stored in the capacitor over time. For a single pulse, the energy stored in the capacitor is given by E=1/2CV^2 At 30Hz, the capacitor will store 15CV^2 joules of energy per second. At 60Hz, the capacitor will store 30CV^2 joules of energy per second.
If I discharge capacitor by pulses at 60Hz, how much power I get, when capacitor is charged to 15CV^2 and 30CV^2 ?
When you discharge a capacitor at a frequency of 60Hz, the power you get depends on the energy stored in the capacitor and the rate at which you discharge it.
If the capacitor is charged to 15CV^2, the power delivered is 900CV^2 per second.
If the capacitor is charged to 30CV^2, the power delivered is 1800CV^2 per second.
How much energy is stored in capacitor 100uF, which is charged by 1000V 0.012A at frequency 50kHz? How much energy will capacitor store in 1 second?
So, the energy stored in the capacitor for each pulse is 50 Joules. Total energy in 1 second is 2,500,000 J[/color]
How much power can deliver this capacitor (which has total energy 2,500,000 J) per second if I discharge it by pulses at frequency 60Hz?
The capacitor can deliver [/font][/size]2,500,000 Watts of power per second when discharging by pulses at 60Hz.
And this is possible only with 12W input per second. Interesting.
You're right, it does seem counterintuitive at first glance. The 12W input power you mentioned primarily relates to the charging process.
It really looks wrong to add time (frequency) ?
Now, regarding work similar with this concept presented here I only want to post 3 pictures of one devices built by Donald Lee Smith
All of this described nicely by N Tesla in his patent 462418
hello Classic: So it seems you do not understand what is being said about how things work in the real universe
#1 First When Talking about power ( W = Watts ) Watts are only used in a time frame of 1 hour
Watts are not used to describe power in seconds - only in hours -
So saying you have a battery that is 1 amp hr. at 12 volts is correct ( what is not correct )
is saying you have a battery the is 12 volts 1 amp for one second producing 12 watts - is not real, termed watts --
( the correct amount is ) = to 12 / 60 / 60 = Watt hrs. of 0.0033333 Watts in hours ( or one second of power )
That using any method of conversion would produce the same outcome
But according to the 1933 handbook of Electrical Engineers - done by Testing and documented as such
( high Frequency does influence the transformer efficiency) (((( It reduces the efficiency )))))
It way found that 60 Hz. produced the most effect energy transfer - nothing more needs to be said ---
But he goes no anyway ==
The best way of knowing the truth is look up the facts in real books published before the internet was produced
There is where the real truth is provided - no so much on the internet facts based on hear / say: as said: as a method of confusing the unknowing population that is unknowing because they follow the ones the present the hear / saying without knowing the real facts. They have learned for the ones that have passed on the hear / say - ( they believe to be true (( because they read it on the internet - somewhere ? ))
This is why I say: before offering something to others: make sure it is true: and then keep it to yourself: otherwise you are just trying to convert others to your belief as what you believe is true in your own universe
( As only Masters of their own Universe - Would want to do -- ) Play God in their own Universe - As it were - ?
Sincerely Yours, Aka Mr. Tom - retired engineer and God of my own Universe ( Well: as least playing as such )
really don't care one way or the other - But remember ( Watts are in hours only )
1 - lightning bolt is really 3000 watt hrs only - times 60 times 60 / billion volts gives the amps in seconds
( do the math ) ( Fun stuff )
On a magneto the spark is produce by the means of using a capacitor making the coil lose its inductance faster making the spark hotter - However if the spark was produced slower the spark would be at a longer time frame
making the spark less hot but producing the same ratio of energy as the spark ( hotter / shorter ) = ( less hot / longer ) NO differ- ants - E = C M or EttCM ( it is not the complex ) What goes in goes out at the same as went in
The Universe make a balance on its own - Trying to make the universe do what you want - Well: again hear / say ?
Everyone has their own ( Free Will ) to guess how things should do what they believe what they should have it to do - even though the Universe has the Real - last ( hear / say ) nothing changing that effect - not even when you tell other people something works different - The theory of ( hear / say ) and the people that believe the world is working for them and them alone. ( Everyone else must be wrong in some way ) otherwise why do I exist? ( meaning you of course ) -- that in itself is confusing -- why do people say that in the first place ? ---
End of this part of this story - next part - Where did all the matter come from that is in balance in the Universe ?
I don't know where is the mistake in what I said or what you said but, for sure my eyes are not deceived when I see the light coming out from an LED connected to a so called Joule Thief which is in fact based on another patent of Tesla where frequency of switching makes a great difference.
Please note, the text quote above do not belong to me as demonstration is made by someone else.
Anyway, lets keep the topic on track about magnetic switch. I hope I will be able to build such magnetic motor based on your design at some point and eventually powered by a generator (D Smith designed) as seen in pictures attached in previous message. Which in my mind looks like a motor-generator device
A light coming out of an LED from a joule Thief - Well: interesting because
just yesterday: I was holding a 4 watt Led light that runs on 120 volts in my hand standing on a rug on the floor
doing nothing but holding the light in my hand by the glass bulb - and the bulb ( glowed )
The big question - What experiment done does not make a LED light glow -
Nothing moreover to say about that - Just only the topic has nothing to do with magnetic switches -
( the topic has to do with ) Magnetic Shielding - just a little different than a switch -
But again - people should not Quote other people's words - or items that may conflict in the future with their own
confusions that may be sorted out as being owned by the confused ones presenting someone else's ideas that may
not be as wished to be confused as theirs of ideas, in the first place ( just a thought )
Always in the most confused state of mind, Din ma ( moss ) retired engineer and aka Dr What his name?
There are so many to remember - somewhat confusing ) Well: at least at this time of the day:
( Finally -- I forgot where I parked my Car ) The Finally Theory
@Dr.Wlazlak if you don't mind, I would like to correct your calculus regarding capacitor charging.
First of all when we charge a capacitor we measure energy transfer and not energy dissipated. This guy have assumed there an ideal transfer and not accounted for any loss, just for the sake of demonstration.
Now, power consumed or dissipated if you prefer is calculated as 1Joule = 1Watt in 1 second; and we can assume is power dissipated as it is energy taken out from source.
We can now translate 1000 Volts at 0.12 Amperes the output of transformer without any loss and observe that your calculus is correct regarding energy PER PULSE and indeed, power drawn is very small per pulse ! This is why we need to add time.
Power= watt
Energy=watt x time
It really doesn't matter how many times in 1 second we have pulsed the power out, the result will be the same in 1 second (without accounting for loss). What really matters is the fact the capacitor will get this power and when we account for energy stored (without accounting for loss) we calculate power delivered in unit of time. This is when you store a quantity of electric charges by each pulse.
In the demonstration the author have assumed the capacitor will reach the 1000 V by adding a quantity of electric charges per each pulse to match much slower rate of discharge of the same quantity of electric charges at 1000 V.
Now, it is just a matter of calculus to find out how much time we need to fill a capacitor at its rated voltage (time constant) and capacity of capacitor can be determined based on this calculus.
It is now obvious that if we try to drain the capacitor at the same rate as charging rate we can only obtain a loss in real world where loss is accounted for.
Of course in real life we need to account for loss if we aim to have an efficient system and make required adjustments in a timely manner and most of the effort will be placed on switching mechanism.
As in your magnetic shielding motor the effort to switch at right angle is much less than trying to power up the whole system and futile attempt to obtain more energy output then energy output.
Energy conserved in permanent magnets versus energy conserved in capacitors. So, if I keep the capacitor open to be drained continuous I only harvest the loss and the same in permanent magnet if I keep the shield static and your aim is to use stored magnetic energy with a required raport of transmission.
A very simple demonstration can be performed very easy: we take 4 aa 1.5 V batteries and measure the current and voltage to make sure the batteries are almost equal in terms of power.
First set of 2 battery in series is connected direct to an LED and when set a time counter the moment they are connected.
Second set of 2 batteries in series is connected to an electrolitic supercapacitor at least 10 Farads, then this capacitor connected to an identical LED whit a time counter set separately. We measure voltage of capacitor to match the voltage of first set of batteries without capacitor.
Measurements: first we run capacitor set until capacitor is discharged and LED can't be lit. Note the time it takes.
Second we run the LED powered direct by batteries for the same time as capacitor set was run.
Or, much easier: take 2 aa 1.5 V batteries in series and direct charge 1 F supercapacitor. Measure voltage of batteries and current before charging capacitor and after. When voltage has reach maximum voltage in capacitor, measure current. Normally you should get at least double amps in capacitor then what was initial in your batteries at almost same voltage.
Use short and very thick wires, eventually multistrand.
We can run the test until both sets of batteries are depleted, or a single run and measure battery sets after usage. Draw your own conclusions.
I am going to wait for Dr. Wlazlak to respond since this is his thread. After his response, unless he says otherwise your very off topic posts will be deleted. Keep your discussion on topic or in your own thread.
Quote from: citfta on Mar 03, 2025, 07:07 AMClassic.
I am going to wait for Dr. Wlazlak to respond since this is his thread. After his response, unless he says otherwise your very off topic posts will be deleted. Keep your discussion on topic or in your own thread.
I guess I will be put on mute again or maybe banned from forum.
I have no plans to do either one. But you are being very rude and disrespectful when you keep hi-jacking others threads to promote your ideas.
I am very sorry and I apologise for the inconvenience. It was somethings that I saw as a natural way ... if I would had time and resources I could even build straightaway all I said to show proof and probably I would apply for a patent without attempting to obtain one but, just to establish prior art and prevent blockages.
hello you 2, I am responding, of course I am also laughing
I had to stop reading at the point of when I read (
Power = watts
Energy = Watts * time
Watt = E times I ( E= volts and I = amps ) there is nothing else involved
This is the same type to math thinking Mr. D Smith was using - E * I * HZ being said ( E=MC2 * Time )
making up new ideas that do not apply to the real world and thinking they apply = non-sense ))
History lesson # 314159: in 1792 James Watt - Engineer of Steam Engines - Wanted on relate and compare the output of Horses
that were the main pulling system of the time So: James ( Watt ) using his own name as the main name used
Took a Draft Horse and made a test to compare the relation to how much a Draft Horse could lift against Gravity
being Watt = Time * Length * Weight ( note Time is not used twice in this formula ) unlike Classic's formula E = W * Time
So the formula started with 750 watts that is Gravity is 32 ft per second dropping around the world 24000 miles
24000/32 = 750 ( engineers use strange ideas when producing new concepts ) - real stuff of course
The max speed of a horse is about 30 miles an hr - once that speed is reached the resistance on the horse running can not
go faster - that is the ( maximum power a horse can produce ) 1 horsepower
So the test would have to be at a lesser speed so the horsepower be calculated
The test was done at the horse moving 1/2 mile an hr. this is 44 ft. in 1 minute
The weight used was 550 lbs.
So the horse was moved at a rate of 1/2 mile an hr over 44 ft in one minute lifting 550 = 33000 total lift in gravity in 1 minute or 550 lbs. in 1 second
moving 44 ft in one minute = ( LENGTH -44 ft. ) * ( TIME - 1 minute ) using 550 lbs is the ( WEIGHT ) = 750 (watts)
This is a Steam Engine's rate of 1 horsepower
If a horse is running at full speed (the horse's weight) is the speed it is moving and the time it took to get from point A to B --- being 1 horsepower ( if you multiply (( time again )) to that formula - that is horsepower overunity
( we all know in the real universe - horses do not produce Overunity )
Well: only the we that know the difference between real and not real do of horse ( I mean Course )
A horse is a horse of course -- Talk to Mr. Ed.
But magnetic shielding really does not have to do with charging a system to run an LED light ( does it? )
maybe you should start a new string on that subject - ( Where is the power source for the people stealing power to run their LED's by using Joule thief type devices - ) In the past people have been put in jail for taking things that do not belong to them - power wise -
Like was said before - people coming to these forums are not interested in doing anything other than doing something other than playing video games for a bit. - like fishing or flying a kite - sorry that take effort - myself today I am going out to pick up sticks in the yard - right after I finish my coffee that is - and this (post )
hope this answers your effort to convince all the people visiting this post you are righter saying something in contrast to how thing really work in the first place in the real universe - I hope I guess?
Convince a fool against their will you nothing but a fool still - A quote from Bill's - Mom ( I like to use quotes that work )
Dr. is not in the house - out picking up sticks - so the lawn can be mowed - and the rain can fall and the grass grows again
so the wind will blow and the sticks will need picking up again - Is this better than flying a kite?
march winds - march forth - or stop - your chose? it is a ( Free Will thing ) of course --- just finished the Coffee --