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Started by Ufopolitics, Nov 19, 2023, 03:39 PM

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And so, here is the Dual Linear, Series Electromagnetic Pump to finalize this Analogy...:


Ok, so on this 'Pump' I have set Two Secondary windings at each extreme, Right and Left, Blue and Red...and they would be like our Piston's Chambers on our Mechanical Pump, where we will collect all our Pressures, whether 'Negatives' or 'Positives'.

As I have set similar positioning of Top and Lower Pump images, as on the Hydraulic Pump example:


1- The Blue or North Magnetic Pole have travelled all the way to its Max Compression Stage, or 'TDC'. Now, here I have also set a 'Blue Sinewave' signal where the small red circle is showing it is on its Max or 'Peak' stage.
2- While the Magnetic South, or Red Piston is on its 'Retraction Stage' generating 'Negative Pressures', as I have shown a Red Sinewave which is on the Negative side, with a blue circle, showing the Max-Negative level.

Now, if we were to join these two sinewaves, we will have the Center Full Sine, composed of a Half Positive Blue Sine and a Half Negative Red Sine...and we know how to do that, by simply adding in SERIES both ends Secondary Coils.


Same way as I have explained on prior post, on this image takes place the complete opposite process than previous one shown on Top Image:

1- Now Blue Piston has retracted to its Max point, generating 'Negative Pressures' which are reflected by its Blue Sine below Blue Secondary, as the red circle denotes that it has reached the lowest negative point.
2- As the Red (South) Piston is now at its Max Compression Stage (TDC), or Positive High Pressure, which are shown on the lower Red Sine, with its Max Blue Circle on the highest Positive Peak.

And as I have explained before, the resulting Sinewave from adding both Secondaries Output, would be the Center Full, Red-Blue Sine, which is composed by a Half Positive Red and a Half Negative Blue Sines.

As a final description on our Analogy, our 'Low Pressure Feeding System' is simply our Primary Input System, and as we "Pump" at Higher Speeds (Frequency) we will have Higher Pressures in our Output Terminals.

Finally, I hope that this 'Analogy' has helped many of you on the understanding of our setup.

Of course, you will need a minimal understanding of how a hydraulic pump that can be searched and read case you need to.


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci


Hello to All,

Related to the Alternator Tests and more info that I have presented on the post answering to ggx9...

This was a Topic started by member @citfta on August 19 2022 at Overunity dot com Forum...

You can read it all here:

Maybe possible idea for duplicating effect of Holcomb and others (

Only thing missing are all attachments or graphics, images, etc... hopefully that would be solved whenever Stefan gets out of the Hospital, and Semi will send them to me...and I start to process them all 135,000 attachments missing.

Unfortunately, I do not see that date anytime soon.

But I will delete that post I made before I do backup tonight...

If anyone is interested in knowing more about that Topic, we can open a new one I will add images and all the rest as cifta can also help me adding his tests and images as videos.

Regards to all

Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci


Hello All,

Ok, I finally came up with the Real Spec's Measurements of the future Linear-Series Setup:


So, basically it is a very simple setup to build.

1- First, I will cut all lamination plates to the Full Length of 14 1/4 Inches (14.25") or 361.95 mm
2- I will be using the same Clamp Brackets I have shown before, which are 1/2 in thick or 13 mm, however, I would only need Four Pairs for this setup.
All Laminations are stacked Horizontally, so Clamps would be compressing them in the original way they were used for horizontal stack.

However, I will be using a thin Aluminum plate cut to 11.25 inches which is the size of the center part where the Main Secondary is to be wounded.
This aluminum plate is to be wrapped up around center steel laminations, very tight, just to add a gap in order that I can slide -later on- the whole secondary coil off the steel core, once is finished.
Then Aluminum plate will be removed for good...I am just saying aluminum, but it could be any other material which creates a small gap to do this job, can NOT BE a soft material as wound wire will not penetrate it, when we apply tension on wire, so it would be harder to take it off, once it is finished and all layers are set.
Then I will just use the fiberglass insulating paper and tape to add some space between steel and secondary coil so that it will not be that loose.

Then I will wind all Fifteen Sequential Coils on TOP of Center Secondary, plus the two End Secondaries:


Then each Sequential Ring Coil would have a width of 3/4 in or 0.75" or 19.05 mm...of a Total of Fifteen Coils...and you can add up and the total length of all 15 coils would be exactly 11.25 inches (11 1/4") or 285.75 mm.
And in colors to differentiate all coils it would look like this:


1- So, the Light-Yellow Center, two rectangles, conform the Main Center Secondary...seen like this because it is a SECTIONAL CUT VIEW.

By the way, when checking my spools of wire, I had Two New spools of 14 and 16 gauge...both are 10 pounds.

But the 14 gauge only reaches to 1.8 ohms...while the 16 is about 4.847 ohms...then the 16-gauge spool, would be the one I will be using for my main secondary.

2- Then I have All Fifteen Ring Coils, where I have painted them as:
2.a- Left Seven in Light Blue, which would be the Negative Side Pulsed Coils.
2.b- Right Seven Coils in Pink are the Positive Pulsed Coils.
2.c- Then a Center Magenta Coil which is a 'common coil' between both electrical polarities (On this Center Coil Two Terminals, start on left would go to Negative #8 while its end would go to Positive #1, like I have shown previously.

3- Then I have the two End Secondaries seen in Green here...I may do these two secondaries with 18-gauge wire.
Trying to stay within the 4.0 Ohms Total, so that one Coil on each end would have around 2.0 Ohms.
This is just an approximate resistance value, it does NOT need to be precise. As it could be from 3 to 5 Ohms Total.


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci



Ok, so many would be asking why do I need to make all coils to be able to slide off the single horizontal stack laminations?

Because I want to test a 'different type' of Laminated Steel Core...basically on the CENTER, where ALL Sequential Coils are located.

So, for the Center Steel Core, I want to use a specific design, that I do not think that ever has been done before (I may be wrong though, at least I have never seen it)

And it is going to be made of steel laminations, BUT, VERTICALLY STACKED:


Anyways, it is very simple to understand how it would be build:

I will have to cut A LOT of small 1.5 inch square plates, which would be stacked and compressed to the full length of 11.25 inches (only for center core)
Then drill center holes and use long threaded rods to compressed them with two end plates of thicker steel plates.
Then each end for each end secondaries would be the 'normal type' or 'Horizontally Stacked' Laminations.

All cores attached by the Clamp Brackets, after I add back all coils in place.

Now...why this test?

Because up to now we have a Rotary Generator and Transformers, which uses this type of horizontal stack array (Perpendicular to Coils Windings-Wires) and I believe that it is not only done for the purposes of 'Eddie Currents' diminishing...but also because on this design of horizontal laminations, allow the Magnetic Field to PROPAGATE BETTER...
That, as well as building all Stator's and exciter steel cores with this new type of vertical stack is simply IMPOSSIBLE to be fabricated with the required wire slots and grooves.
After all, this vertical design will NOT SERVE -AT ALL- the requirements that a Rotary Generator needs, related to Exciter Field PROPAGATION to the Stator Core.


So, I believe by using these types of laminations, we will have the Field displace and CONCENTRATE ONLY on the specific area contained within the number of steel plates within the specific coils that are turned ON.

This way the Field would have MORE IMPACT on its Virtual Movement, and we need that, we need 'IMPACT" and not a "Softly Propagation" of field "fading away" through the WHOLE Horizontal Lamination extent.

Anyways...I will do first the 'regular type test' with the Horizontal, one-piece steel then be able to compare the differences with the vertical plate design.

As, it can also be a 'compound' or Combination of both types of laminations 'fused' together. like center flat horizontals and top and bottom vertical ones...

We will see how it goes...


EDIT: I made another Image where Laminations can be seen better:


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci



Hello All.

Ok, in order to understand even better this Linear-Series setup, I have made just a Graphic of a Test that anyone of you could make...and this test is to compare Virtual Magnetic Field versus Steel Mass Displacement through Space-Time.


On FIG 1 on Top, I have installed a NON-MAGNETIZED Steel Cylinder inside a Plastic Tube, with a center hole where a Brass Rod runs through and fixed to outer ends of tube, allows steel cylinder to slide freely back and forth (you can add some grease to make it easily moved). Plus I have set two Rubber Bumpers at each end to assist the bouncing back of steel cylinder.

I recommend using a clear plastic tube or to simply open rectangular holes so you could see cylinder moving.

And the type of winding plus the Electrical Sequencing is exactly the same as I have disclosed before.

Then on FIG 2 We start applying currents to coils at the Two Points #1, so the Steel Cylinder will get 'magnetized' following the same polarizations as the powered coils would have.

Now, let's start running the sequences, from 1 to 8 and back, from 8 to 1...very slowly first!!

And here comes the 'interesting' we move SLOWLY on the Frequency...the Cylinder will start moving to where our Virtual Field is located...back and forth.

In other words, we can say that the Steel Cylinder is being dragged by the Virtual Magnetic Field generated at the specific Spatial portion where Sequential Coils are powered.

However, as we increase Frequency, there would be a "specific point" where the steel cylinder MASS-WEIGHT can no longer follow this faster Virtual Displacement...and I would say, depending on the cylinder weight plus friction involved, that it should stop following virtual field around the 20 to 30 hertz.

And for those that are thinking to instead use a Permanent Magnet Cylinder...I would say that yes, you could try, however, in order for Both Fields (Permanent Field and Virtual Sequenced Field) to properly align, they MUST BE OPPOSED in Polarities, meaning each end must be N/S.

And if we had a secondary installed, we would see that exactly ZERO Induction will take place on output...simply because Both Fields are 'Cancelled' between them related to be able to generate an Induction that only one moving field would do.

The purpose of this test is to understand that unless the Moving Mass is the one carrying the Inducing Magnetic would never keep up with the displacement of any Virtual Magnetic Field at fast speeds, of course, I am talking about the frequencies we need it to run, which are 50 to 60 Hz and up to 100 Hz.

As for further analysis...



Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci

Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions