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Started by Ufopolitics, Nov 19, 2023, 03:39 PM

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Hello All,

Ok, on ALL previous posts, I have been showing all connections* based on the Original 1908 Patent by Clemente Figuera.
However, the MAIN POINT here, is the NEW STRUCTURAL INCORPORATION of the "R Box" right in between both Primaries (N & S)...

*All connections, basically referring from the commutator jumpers across, to the way of having connected the R Box in a Single row of coils to N and S Primaries.

Meaning, that Figuera shows the R Box with ONLY Eight [8] contacts going to the 16 elements commutator, where Two(2) of those eight contacts are common, two straight contacts that also go one to each Primary N and S Positive end.

So, this Design, FORCES Us, to have ONLY ONE SET OF COILS SEQUENCES on the R Box...

As I have explained on my previous Posts, if We wire it and wound a SINGLE SET OF COILS SEQUENCES , we will generate Two Magnetic Fields, which are in ATTRACTION MODE (S/N-+-S/N) at the Positive feeding point...

This method of connections looks very neat and clean, as in "Theory", it looks as is completely perfect...All explanations from an "Electrical point of view" are understood fine, as it matches our "BASIC" knowledge about Magnetic Fields...after all, using a N-S Field Bond, is the way we always have been doing it along History...

So, this method is supposed to work beautifully, right, Uh?

WELL, NO, unfortunately, when I took this Method of Connections to the Real Build Testing, it does NOT WORK!!

For some reason, both Fields CANCEL Induction, and it does induce into Secondary, but it is nothing to consider as a "top notch" design...

However, like I mentioned before...this  is not "over yet", I never give up that easy...actually is getting better by the minute... ;D

Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci



Hello to All,

On the following image I uploaded the Diagram for the most successful way, to build just one Figuera Module... ;D

On previous builds I started connecting, using the Architecture that Figuera had in the original 1908 Patent, basically meaning:

1- Having just one set of series sequence coils, which attach to both coils on the N-S Parts on their extreme ends, while the brush moved in between these sequenced coils, all connected in series.

It did NOT WORK this way...

But since I had in mind what we are trying to do here, basically with the Magnetic Fields...

I decided to build TWO (2) SEPARATE/OPPOSITE SEQUENCE OF COILS ALSO IN SERIES, both sharing the same Negative (-) and the same Positive (+) from the Brush, EXCEPT AT DIFFERENT TIMING.

On this image (and I am sorry about the UFOPOLITICS watermark, but I do not want some "smart cookie" to start showing off on the whole web that this was His-Her Idea  ;D  )

Ok, so on the image, I have two EYES looking at each end of the Windings...and that means that you start winding each sequence of coils CCW at each extreme.

These Sequence Coils METHOD are NOT just winding one single layer of wire from one end to the other, then adding taps for each contact!!

These are build in order that each coil on the sequence, will have a specific resistance and a specific number of turns, all the same gauge.

Each Coil of the Sequence, must rise a strong Magnetic Field, with low resistance (around 0.5-0.3 Ohms) so, it needs to be of a higher gauge (not fine) like 16, 18 or 20 gauge.

The purpose here, is that by adding these coils in the sequence, the Magnetic Field will "grow" higher and expand in Spacetime, while keeping the same* strength.

These sequential coils are supposed to be very fast responsive in order to: building-extending the Field originated at each Primary (N & S) Coils, without much decay.

*is never going to keep the exact strength, because we are adding resistance as we move brush in the Field Gain Mode, reason why we must have very low resistance.

Now, We must first wound ALL Sequential Coils belonging to one Primary, whether N or S (wherever we decide to start...and then on a TOP LAYER (On top of ALL sequential Coils we already wound, we start winding the Second Row of Sequential Coils belonging to the other Primary.

Now, if you all noticed, the Part "Y" or the Induced Coil, is the Yellow rectangle on image, and that full coil is on the very LOWER LAYER of ALL other Coils and is wound right at the Steel Core.

Obviously, We need to start winding our Secondary Coil First than all, once we have chosen our steel core length and diameter.

The length of Core is given by the size of each Sequential Coil multiplied by Seven (7). So each Sequence of Coils will have seven contacts PLUS the Positive for each Primary...and Totaling 16 commutator Elements.

Each Single Coil on the Sequence (no matter of which Primary), MUST BE PERFECTLY WELL BALANCED, meaning, they must have the same gauge, same number of turns, same resistance, same number of layers, same length...etc,etc.

Best way, is to measure FIRST each coil length, according to the Wire-Resistance-Length Calculator.

I used for each Sequential Coil, 18 gauge, at 80 Ft, it gives around 0.511 ohms, and according to the Diameter of your Secondary or Y part, it will give you the number of turns/layers you will need.

The building of this setup (in General) must be done very neat and clean, meaning, each layer must be tight, must be evenly spread (not lousy one wire bent and on top of next one, etc), so, in the end, it results in a very smooth outer surface, to allow the further build of next layers.

I use a fine High Temperature Tape (Polyamide) to keep each layer tight, and prevent that top layer wire(s) will penetrate with lower ones.

Next I will post Connections with Commutator...



Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci



Hello again,

Ok, here are all connections from the 16 elements commutator to the Figuera Generator Coils...

First thing I would like for you to notice, is that I no longer have the "Jumpers Across" on the Commutator, like Figuera had on his 1908 Patent.
So, that means I will be using ALL elements of Commutator here for a specific purpose, to move each sequence every 180º or:

1- Sequence of Coils One (1) From Left to Right, starting from Primary N (contact #1), will be displacement of brush from contacts 1 to 8...and AFTER contact eight [8], All sequences of Coils DIES!!
2- Sequence of Coils Two (2) From Right to Left, starting from Primary S (contact #9), will be displacement of brush from contacts 9 to 16...and After contact 16, all sequences on this side DIES, Collapse, etc,etc.

And so on and on...Like the Energizer Rabbit...LOL

In my tests, whenever there is a brush switching between Sequences [(8-9) and (16-1)], there is a spark-arcing on commutator, of course, this is due to the BEMF because of the collapse of all coils...

As I DO NOT want my Primaries Coils Fields to NEVER collapse...I added an Electrolytic Capacitor in between neg and positive contacts to BOTH Primaries C1 and C2 (Contact#1 to Neg, plus Contact#9 to Neg) to BOTH Primaries.
These Capacitors kill completely the arcing effect, as my Fields would be alive, enough time until next run that Coils would be fully powered.

Now, NOT ANY caps capacitance value will work here, it depends on the Resistance/Inductance of your primaries, and the BEST/IDEAL is that a TANK CIRCUIT be generated here between Cap and L1 or Primary Coils, where they be within the resonance point.

Primaries can NOT be of too much Inductance/Resistance either...They are very close to Sequential Coils parameters...maybe a few milliohms more...

For example: On my second setup (after I have a functioning build, that I put aside to keep testing other possibilities) I used Sequential Coils of 0.5 Ohms...and I wound a Primary of 2.0 Ohms and it kill the did not get it to work with any Cap...yes, It lowered the Input Amps, considerably, but the Field was not expanding-retracting like on the working setup.

Like I mentioned on my previous post, You need to build very fast responsive coils here, including Primaries, that do not take too much time to build the Magnetic Field to its full extent...

Finally, let me say this...It is NOT easy to build this setup the first time and be working excellent, it takes time to tune your Primary coils to work in a proper COMPENSATION LEVEL with your Sequential Coils.

The good thing on this design, is that you do NOT need to build the whole thing to test it!!

With ONLY one side of Primary PLUS, it's Sequential Coils, you will see a nice Output Induction...then you can work with this "half setup" to obtain higher and higher results until you get the desired output.

Think You will be actually Doubling your Output, when you add the other set of Primary+Sequential Coils.

Another thing here (and this is not all) This System requires thick Iron Plates on the sides (Outer Wall of Primaries Core) to even enhance your output more and more...and at the same token, it would act as a heat sink for longer period of operation.


Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci



This machine that We are building here, is just like a dual piston pump, where the "liquid" it pumps, are just Two Magnetic Field Virtual Spectrums.
Each Field expands and retracts as Figuera wrote, imitating the magnetic field on a rotary generator system, like He analyzed as they come and they leave, from the perspective view of the induced ( se acercan y se alejan de el inducido)...

Mechanically, each piston have a base or primary Coil, where they retract to, and energy is stored in its LC Tank, not allowing the Field to collapse and keeping it during the full retraction stage (current supply off from switching system on the referred side).

A number of orderly switching coils are connected in series to each Primary, where each set of primary-switching coils, run independent from each other's, with different positive input, set at 180º apart.
Each set of switching coils turns on following a sequence that starts from the coil closer to its primary to the last one at the opposite extreme, binding with the other side Primary face.

This orderly switching coil channels actuate alternatively (when one channel is on, the other one is off) this makes the Fields to expand and retract within the same steel core at intervals. Just like two reciprocating pistons in a linear engine.

The switching coils are just "short extensions" of the primary coil, as they expand the Field through space or full length of steel core where the induced is located, they are all wound in the same direction as the primary. What these switching coils do to the magnetic field is to expand it and contract it in a consecutive way fashion.

This continuous movement of fields expanding and contracting through spacetime generates an output at the Induced, which is located exactly within the switching coils and wound on the steel core.

As we know magnetic fields flow in a tridimensional way through space that expands beyond the steel core physical dimension, therefore, also this constant movement would project to outer space of steel core, then, we can also collect induction from each side of core as also above, surrounding where switching coils are set. A full 360º collection of just two moving fields.

And this machine as described before, is just one "Module", which could be reproduced as many times we wish, where all switching coils are run by the same controller...all we need to do is to correct the resistance-inductance values according to the number of modules used on the setup.

Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci




This Machine generates Two Opposed Alternated and Progressive Electro-Magnetic Pulses, where each time one pulse is active for a period of time/angle of 180º, the other one is off or fully retracted to its Primary.
Each Pulse is GENERATED PROGRESSIVELY during its cycle, accumulating a series of activated coils until ALL are ON, then it dies, to allow the other Pulse to generate.
When the Machine is operating at 3600 Revolutions Per Minute (RPM´s) or 60 hertz where each FULL pulse is generated every 180º displacement (half cycle). In a full cycle, the two opposed pulses will fully develop alternatively.

The Part "N" and "S" are the start of each Electro Magnetic Field, plus also serve as the Storage Coils (when added with an Electrolytic Cap for each), during the period when Field is turn OFF, this way the retracted Magnetic Field will never collapse while the second Pulse is fully generating, hence, there will not be any Back EMF, and as a result, there will not be any arcing/overheating on commutators, due that not reverse voltage is originated at its terminals.

The Sequentially Switching Coils serve mainly to EXPAND the Field (that was originally generated at each part N and S respectively) LINEARLY through SPACE/TIME.

And for today...I am done with this Part of the Disclosure...any questions, doubts, opinions are welcome...



Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind:Study the science of art. Study the art of science.
Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.
―Leonardo da Vinci

Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions