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EEG_EM_New_Technique_TRANSVERSE_FLUX (TF) (Provisional Patent Applied for)

Started by solarlab, Dec 20, 2023, 09:51 PM

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Hi Kampen,

Thanks - For the BTS7960 drive signal the PSG9060 (may of these type of generators work the same)
Channel 1 (CH1) is set to a square wave at the desired frequency and Channel 2 (CH2) is configured
to "track" Channel 1; except the phase of Channel 2 is set to Phase = 180 degrees.

This creates a signal, such that, when one CH is high the other CH is low.  Adjusting CH1 allows a range
of signals to be presented to the BTS7960. Note the BTS7960 needs a high signal for BOTH the forward
and reverse (in our case N and S) operation of the H-Bridge. Looks like the Snubbers are included in-chip.

The L298N H-Bridge (two channels - but no internal Snubber Diodes) only needs a single High/Low
signal to "ping-pong" (N/S) the H-Bridges (only needs to use one signal generator Channel).

Hint: When wiring the Coils think about using the "Lever Wire Connectors" which are commonly
used in house AC wiring - just flip them up, insert wire, then flip down (easy rewiring of leads, etc.).

Good Luck with your build.

BTW, This might be of interest - Matrix Flowcode has a "free version" of their flow chart
programming scheme; which also includes a free developer for the ESP32 chip:

P.S. Do you have an account at Mooker?


Dear Solarlab,

Thank You for making these PDFs, really helpful for a better understanding.
EE_TFG Test Setups for the BTS7960 and L298N Full H-Bridge Modules
These PDFs show a "pictorial view" of the "Test Configurations" which are used in the
preliminary Proof-of-Concept. These allow testing a wide variety of EE_TFG configurations.

Greetings, Alex


MORDEY Patent No 437501 -  the Original TFG Generator 

Caution - this is a long post - it relates to my review "highlights" of the 
original TFG patent I recently obtained.

Partial extracts from Mordey's Patent, Note the reference to "Electromagnet" within:

"The present invention has for its object a method of constructing an alternate-current
machine having only a single armature coil or winding in place of a considerable number
of such coils or windings. Thus I am enabled to construct alternate-current machines
for any speed and required rate of alternations in which there is but one simple annular
armature-coil and one simple annular fieldmagnet coil, although I sometimes employ a
compound field or fields of ordinary constructions. By these means alternate-current 
machines are greatly simplified in construction, while at the same time increased
efficiency is obtained and the diffliculties of insulating in such machines are much

"In order that the nature of this invention, which consists in subjecting the single armature
coil or winding to a succession of magnetic inductive impulses, either successively in the
same direction or alternately in opposite directions, and in providing against prejudicial
inductive reactions in the field, may be readily understood... "

"Referring to Figs. 1 and 2, the armature conductor is formed into a simple coil, ring, or
annulus or hollow cylinder A, usually of large diameter and relatively of small radial
depth or thickness, and is preferably supported with its axis in a horizontal plane.
Masses I I, formed of laminated iron or iron wire, are placed around its periphery at
intervals and with spaces between them. These masses, which are shown LJ-shap'ed,
are preferably laminated or subdivided, as shown."

"Alternately in angular position with regard to these outer iron portions I I other
laminated iron masses K K are placed inside the coil A and close to its inner periphery.
These iron masses K K are LJ-shaped, the outer masses I I being placed so that their
ends point toward the axis of the coil, while the inner ones K K have their ends
pointing radially outward."

"It will thus be understood that the single coil or annulus A, which forms the
armature-winding, is contained between two concentric circular rows of masses of
iron I I and K K, the several portions of which alternate in angular position with one
another in the order I K I K around the outside and inside of the armature-coil."

"The number of these inner and outer masses of iron is determined by the required
rate of alternation and by the required rate of revolution of the moving part of the
machine. Thus the number of alternations or complete periods per minute is equal
to the number of revolutions per minute multiplied by half the number of such iron
masses. The disposition of the armature winding A practically does away with any
necessity for working at a high-current density or for limiting the space occupied by
insulating material. The conductors are, in fact, as easily and securely arranged as if
they did not form part of a dynamo."

" It will be observed that by the use of the masses K K (which I call magnetic
short circuiting pieces) all or nearly all prejudicial inductive effects in the magnet
are avoided, the flow of magnetic lines of force in the magnet being maintained
practically constant. Thus the lines of force'pass through the magnet and either
through the pieces I I or K K, according to the position of the poles, or partly
through one and partly through the other when the polse are passing from one
to the other, the magnetic circuit never being interupted."

The several pieces of I I and K K should also be designed with regard to one another
that whether the lines of force are passing through I I or through K K the resistance
of the magnetic circuit should be sensibly be constant. By this arrangement I avoid
useless expenditure of energy, which would otherwise be manifested by the heating
of the poles and core of the magnet and in other ways. This method of providing
for the continuity of the magnetic circuit may be applied in other ways than those
shown in the figures, which, however, sufficiently describe the principle."

"The armature may be used with any suitable form of field magnet or magnets;
but I prefer a simple form of field, as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, and consisting of an
iron core C, mounted upon the shaft S, passing axially through the center of the
armature-coil A, and having at either end a number of radial arms or projections
n n s s, which come into close proximity to the ends or sides, or both, as in the
arrangement shown of the iron masses I I and K K of the armature, the number
of such projections n n or s s extending radially from each end of the field-core
being equal in number to the masses of iron on the outside or on the inside of
the armature-coil A."

It appears MORDEY did at least contemplate using an "ELECTROMAGNET" in his
1890 US437501A Patent. Of course "Switching of the Electromagnetics" is still
novel - this yields a stationary device with no moving parts and requires no
external fuel or other additional forces for operation.

(Mordey seems to refer to this Electromagnet as a "Field-Magnet" driven by a
field coil or winding F as referenced in the patent - see below)

"The field coil or winding F is within and concentric with the armature-coil A.
This field-Winding F may be wound on and rotate with the field-magnet
C n s and shaft S, but is preferably held stationary on a frame provided for the
support, also, of the armaturecoil and its iron masses, as hereinafter described,
and shown in dotted lines in Figs. 3 and 4. As the figures are diagrammatic this
frame is not shown. Thus the only part of the machine rotated is the shaft S and
the iron of the field-magnet, no collectors or rubhing contact of any kind being

The patent is well written but refer to the "original" as it seems some parts
were omitted during the optical scan translation found in the link. The above
is only a partial paraphrase.


Patent attached:
Original W. M. Morley, ELECTRIC GENERATOR, US437,501 dated Sept. 30, 1890


From the Last Paragraph of the Patent Text Body:

"The field may be excited from an external source. or it may be
wholly or partly excited by a commuted current obtained from
the armature."

Recall, this patent was granted to W. M. Mordey on Sept. 30, 1890 !

Have a good one...



An Interesting Paper regarding TFM Used In Wind Generators

An attached paper found in an IET publication contains some good information. Keep in mind
their generator uses "rotating magnets" whereas the EE_TFG replaces these permanent magnets
with Electronically Controlled Electromagnets, thus, the device is rendered stationary.

Hopefully in the next week or two I can find the time to publish an Overview, Conclusion and
Summary of my EE_TFG Project to properly complete this Project's Concept, here on this thread.

The next phase is to put together a formal Paper and tidy up some of the other loose ends.

As a matter of course; IMHO, I've observed that if a thread goes much beyond 10 pages or so
there isn't much to be gained by reading further. There just isn't much more to be presented, by
me at least, with respect to the EE_TFG idea, except boring detailed technical and engineering
data. A better forum would be to embed these in an organized technical brief/paper.


Attached: "Design and FEM analysis of high-power density C-core permanent magnet
transverse flux generator with reduced PM volume"; Ali Muhammad, et. al., The Institute
of Engineering and Technology, Original Research, 07 Nov. 2022. 


Cartoon of a few of the (Professionally Fabricated) Laminations

Attached a photo of the Laminations. Left side are two halfs held together with black rubber
bands (one horizontal around one pole [one of the winding locations] and one vertical holding
both poles together).

In the foreground are two 1/2 Pole pieces (#5 & #14). Had to take these pics in the Fab Shop.
Note the packaging in the backgroound - individually wrapped in moisture proof paper.

The slot along the side of #5 is for fabrication alignment, but also serves as a reference for
where the winding is located.

BTW - As you know - I'm not much into posting "cartoons" (of little 'value add' IMHO).

But, I make this exception!  ;)   Since it shows "the real life" behind the 1/2 Pole idea.

Note the Sherline Rotary Table in the background of Pic 1 - used as the coil winder...


Attached - 2 X 1/2 Pole Lamination Core Picture.

Open Source Free Energy-Over Unity Systems Research/Development/Disclosure/Discussions